Supreme Demon

Chapter 1131: Celestial!

One step proud!


Ling Feng has shown the world's gas field. The step of the starry sky can make many gods vomit blood. The characters such as the Song and the Emperor can't help but become jealous. In terms of speed, there is no one **** and Lingfeng in this session. Parallel.


In the step of the starry sky, the Song and Yuan emperors and other characters also saw a proud attitude. Previously, people felt that the wind was in the air, but this temperament did not appear in him, but the contempt was more serious.


At present, these characters are not qualified enough for Ling Feng to use more extraordinary power, and the speed can be crushed. Ling Feng does not want to force it, which does not mean anything to him.

This is not a slap, but a look!

How crazy is the mentality to look down?

Only here, can I feel the temperament of Ling Feng, and Song Yuanhuang looked at the sinister wind of the gods. Suddenly there was a strong sense of danger, because he felt that the character had never placed it. In the eyes.

Even he looked down on the whole day!

Either Ling Feng is a cocky idiot, or he is a **** who is powerful and desperate!

In the view of the Song and Yuan Dynasties, Ling Feng should not be an idiot.

"This is the real opponent!"

Song Yuanhuang gave a tribute to the head of Ling Feng on the battlefield. Such a **** is worthy of any respect, respect and respect for the opponent. It is the posture that these characters should have.


He has to beat such an opponent!

"The knife is being sheathed!"

The oriental poetry looks at the wind on the battlefield, and the eyes are shining. If the previous Lingfeng is very low-key and the low-key wants to go further in speed, then the sharp side of Lingfeng is now being presented.

When the knife is too fierce, even the scabbard can't cover it.

The leaves of the witches and the sorrowful smiles of the leaves are different from other gods. In the past ten years, they did not know how far Lingfeng has progressed, so this came to verify.

They want to know the attitude of Ling Feng to this day!

Ling Feng did not disappoint them. It directly showed the step of the world and released the top temperament. This is telling them that no matter how powerful the opponent is, the crown of this day war will be taken off.


He has such strength!

They didn't open their mouths and walked slowly. They only knew the truth at a glance, and then they just kept their rhythm.

The fourth game of the Tianshi ended.

Yu Honglin is still ecstatic, and the seven gods in the void are unbeaten and promoted. This is the best prosperity for the bleak empty road. He hopes that this momentum will continue.


The next battle is bound to be different. The fifth day of the battle will be the time of the competition. Each battlefield will be born with the top four, and together they will be the sixty-four strong, and the real top characters are very likely to encounter.

And like the king, the spirit of the sky will be on the strong characters, it is difficult to advance.

Xianting and Guanghan Palace are a bit miserable, and the characters are too many, even if their overall strength is better, but the top figures of other forces are still not enough, but even if they are miserable, the whole is still too horrible, advance to 120 There are more than fifty of the top eight gods.

Tianzhumen, Hongtian Tiandao, and Void Road are still ranked in the last three places.

Yaochi, Dianxiandao, and Beast God are in the middle.

"The next fierce battle, you will do your best, don't demand it!"

Yu Honglin slowly moved forward, but he spoke to the gods behind him, Lingkong and other gods. "Qin Feng, if you are a strong figure on Xianxian, you will admit defeat as soon as possible."

"Put away?"

Qin Feng stepped in a footstep, and some frowned at Yu Honglin.


Yu Honglin said faintly. "These centuries are too mad, you seriously hurt their gods, and they will not let you go."

"That will do the battle!" Qin Feng said with a high spirit.

"But, you know that they are very likely to die for you!" Yu Honglin solemnly said: "In the original empty road, there was a god, who suppressed the master of Xianting, but in the last battle. When it was abandoned, it is still stupid."

The oriental Yingyu and the oriental poetry are not seen.

"Let's die?"

Qin Feng frowned, but here is the battle of heaven, not a life-and-death. Isn't this the rule they set?

"I do not care!"

After a moment of contemplation, Qin Feng said faintly: "They have to fight that battle, but it is life and death!"

Yu Honglin's brow wrinkled deeper. He didn't think that Qin Feng was so radical. He was only a second-level god. The fifth game behind him was almost a three-level god. The strength of Qin Feng is completely gunpowder.

Why are you so proud?

Regardless of life and death?

does it worth?

He turned to look at Ling Feng, hoping that he would persuade, but Ling Feng disappointed him, did not speak, Qin Feng has his own choice, he can indeed force Qin Feng to concede, but that guilt will make Qin Maple lives in pain.

Qin Feng is the king of heaven!

The whole world is waiting for him to move forward. Over the years, they have not been able to rebel against the gods. It is acceptable, but they are not as good as butterflies. This is very difficult to accept.

They are slow to progress!


They are more expecting that their king can be alongside the butterfly master and the anti-main, too much expectation, too much waiting, how can Qin Feng disappoint them?

not to mention.

His identity is too different. If he is just a vain god, he can admit defeat, but he is the king of heaven!

The king of heaven is confessing to the opponent?


He can die, but he can't admit defeat!

His death will inspire the blood in the hearts of the wild people, let them go crazy and let them progress, but if he admits defeat, he will dispel the arrogance of the hearts of the people, let them feel that the ancient Wu is just like this.

People are proud, and the fairy is shocked!

This is the temperament that there should be!


Late at night.

The entire Xianting is brightly lit and bright as white, but when people are in recovery, there is a list that spreads out in this fairy court.

In an instant.

The entire Xianting and other power figures boiled, creating a great wave, that is, Ling Feng is paying attention.


This is not an official list, but a list of the gods listed according to the strength of the current Tianzhan characters. It is said that these characters are mysterious and claim to be “wine”.

After the fierce battle, people really need these things to calm the blood of their hearts.


When this day's list really appeared, some strong figures were headed, and they felt that this list was very good. The final battle may be the list of the day.


The list of only 16 figures is the top 16 figures of this year.

The first place in the list is He Xiao!

This is the identity of the Tianzhan people. With the current status of Xianting and the degree of strength, He Xiaoshen is unpredictable. Until now, no character has been able to force him out. Even the people in the world have no ability to suppress. live.

This is strong and worth the first!

The second Song Dynasty Emperor!

Like He Xiao, the Song and Yuan emperors have not shown their strength until now. It is estimated that only when they reach the quarter-finals, even when they are in the semi-finals, he can be serious, and the second is because of the last and The status of Xianting.


He is a person who is very likely to hit the status of Xiao.

The third place is different. It is not the cuteness of Yaochi Zhou, but the fairy court Wang Lilong. Like He Xiao, Wang Lilong is also a rare character in this session. Until now, it has been suppressed by the Shishi gas field. It is guessing who can break this rhythm.

Zhou is the fourth favorite!

Yaochi is the top figure in this position, Yaochi Tianshen are dissatisfied, but looking at the explanation of "wine", Yaochi is also somewhat helpless, just because Zhou is too cute, too cynical.

He is not serious enough!

This is very deadly in the battle of the sky, which is why Zhou is not as cute as the other three characters.

The fifth place is Liu Zuo who dumped the fairy road!

This character does not show up in the mountains, but makes any character unnegligible, and the immortality is second only to Yaochi's fourth force, but "wine" feels that he is not qualified to be alongside the other four characters.

The sixth place is the broken Li Xun!

Although this is not too strong in the battle of the sky, his record in the broken star is enough to rank sixth.

The seventh place is Jiangshan in Xianyuan Cave!

The eighth place is Yu Changqing of Phoenix Road.

The ninth is Xian Tingwei Qiu Shui.

The tenth place is the square of the Guanghan Palace.

The eleventh is Yaochi Qiuqiu.

The twelfth in the list is the Oriental Yingyu.

The thirteenth belongs to Ye Witch!

Surprisingly, Ye Witch is the fourth of the Guanghan Palace, but it is more than the third in the list, but the explanation of the wine is in place. This list is for entertainment only, and is the power that is currently displayed. To measure, it is not a fame.


The record of Ye Witch in the virtual heavenly field and the heavens is completely worthy of this ranking.

The fourteenth is the real dragon of the beast god.

The fifteenth belongs to the Tang column of Chaoshan Mountain.

The 16th is the first person in the Hong dynasty.

This is the entire list of days.

It can be said that this list is more inclined to Xianting and Guanghan Palace. There are too many people on the list, and the first characters of other forces are not qualified to be ranked above, which has attracted many people's dissatisfaction.

What is even more strange is that the Oriental Yingyu was on the list, and before the Yew Witch, this made many people scream.

To know.

The original empty road was terrible. When it was in the top 30, it was already squandered. There was no qualification for listing. However, if you think about it in detail, there is a shocking woman in this session.

of course.

The list is just entertainment. Before the end of the war, anything can happen. They don’t have to worry about these things. It’s totally unworthy. Only with powerful power to conquer the opponents can you win the glory by breaking the list. .

If you are entangled in this matter, it seems that the volume is too small, there is no pattern. For Tianbang, Ling Feng just smiled and didn't care. Any list was used to break. (

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