Supreme Demon

Chapter 1138: Blood debts come with blood!

Sixty-four strong birth!

In the past, some forces should be celebrating. It is top-level in this step, not here, but in the entire starry sky. In the past ten years, they are the kings of hundreds of millions of stars.


This session is very dull, just because people don't know if they will encounter a character like Ling Feng in the next moment. They may still celebrate the night before, and today they are dead.

have to say.

In the absence of rules, the characters of Xianting have become fearful and frightened. Only five people are truly strong, and there are not many other people like this.

Extraordinary Song and Yuan Emperor.

Strong week is cute!

The magical wind.

Cold proud witch!

When these characters are going to target Xianting, it is a tragic beginning. Even if four arrogant figures such as Wei Qiushui are facing these characters, they are afraid of bloodstaining. Only He Xiao can be fearless.

People even think that there will be only one Tianjiao in the end of this day's battle. That is He Xiao.

Whether it is the empty road or the Xianting, it must be seriously injured. It has not recovered for many years, and under such rules, what will the next Tianhu battle be like?

If the Song and Yuan Dynasties and Zhou You are so desperate, then the Guanghan Palace and Yaochi will fight with Xianting in the end. Not to mention the Void Road, when so many forces begin to target Xianting, it will sooner or later be annihilated.


No matter which direction the ending evolves, it can't change such a situation. The anti-God will not let go of Xianting, but now the arrogant Xianting has not realized the tragedy. They feel arrogant that there is no opponent in this world.

Two days later.

Sixty-four strong battles to open the overture.

In the center of Xianting, the 16 battlefield spaces disappeared, and the four larger battlefields stood up and lit up the entire starry sky.

This means that the next day of war will be divided into four battlefields, sixty-four gods will be divided into these four battlefields, each battlefield sixteen, only four strongest to enter the final battle.

And that will be the top of the top 16!

The sixty-four strong matchups were still decided by lottery. When the power of the heavens came, the black holes in the center of the four battlefields were sprayed out of the mansions, and the bamboo sticks carrying the sixty-four characters were scattered on the four battlefields. in.

The dust settles!

When the bamboo sticks fell into the hands of the sixty-four gods, it meant that the war of heaven would begin, and the atmosphere of the murder was immediately spread throughout the audience.

"The second battlefield!"

Ling Feng looked at the bamboo stick in his hand and looked quite calm. When Qin Feng collapsed, it means that no character can suppress him. When he shows extraordinary power, there is no need to worry about any character.

Burning Tianzun is flying, the characters of the East are coming over, and Yu Honglin, the Tianzun, even if he does his best, I believe they can bring him back to the power.

He doesn't have to worry about it!

Only war!

Worried about what should be the opponent's thing, and what he has to do is to let the opponent panic and fear!

The Song and Yuan emperors fell on the first battlefield, Zhou was lovely in the third battlefield, and He Xiao was in the fourth battlefield. There was no confrontation in the sixty-four strong confrontation. However, Ye Witch was in the third battlefield, Ling Qing. In the fourth battlefield, the rest is in the first and second battlefields.

What makes Ling Feng feel a little strange is that the Oriental Yingyu and the Oriental poetry are also in the second battlefield.

Not much time.

The first battle was started by the first battlefield space. Song Yuanhuang directly appeared on the scene, carrying the power of mountains and seas, so that the opponents were under pressure. However, he was a Tianjiao, but the strength was Shangguan. Ask this level of the day.


After the Song Yuanhuang used the top power, the Tianjiao Tianjiao directly blew the blood and almost got rid of it. At the last moment, Tianjiao chose to admit defeat, and this ended the battle.

no doubt.

The strength of the Song and Yuan emperors made people realize the gap between the celestial arrogance and the ordinary arrogance, and let people know how unpredictable the characters such as He Xiao, Song Yuanhuang and Zhou You are.


The first battle of the second battlefield also began. Two talented characters came on the scene and launched a violent fight. In the end, one of Yaochi’s revered powers smashed the sky and won the whole victory.

There is no need for shopping between them, so it is a state of mind that keeps the discussion, which makes the two forces feel gratified.


The next step is to play by Ling Feng, but what makes Ling Feng depressed is that his opponent turned out to be an oriental poetry. This is simply an internal consumption, but this makes the oriental Ying Yu breathe a sigh of relief.

Oriental poetry is only three levels of gods. If you go to Xianting Weiqiuhui, it will be very dangerous, and Lingfeng will not be crazy to kill the oriental poetry.

"Do you want to fight?"

Ling Feng looked at the exquisite jade of the oriental poetry. Some headaches, he really did not want to be an oriental poetry, and hope was the autumn water of Xianting.

"Do not hit!"

The poetry of the oriental poetry smiles. "I will come up and see!"

"What do you want to say?" Ling Feng knows that the poetry of the East will not come up for no reason, and certainly has a purpose, otherwise she can directly admit defeat.

"Ling Feng!"

The oriental poetry is just like this. "I know that you are terrible. I can't beat you, but don't be crazy because of hatred. You have to fight calmly and don't let your opponents catch any chance."

"I am very calm!"

Ling Feng was the forehead and said that the poetry of the East was too much.

"But, what I feel is just your madness!" Oriental poetry said with concern that madness sometimes confuses the rhythm, and as long as the characters of He Xiao and Song Yuanhuang catch any mistake, then Ling Feng can go to see Qin Feng.

"Crazy, but not cool!"

"This is too contradictory!" Oriental poetry shook his head, still not quite convinced.

"No contradiction!"

Ling Feng said faintly. "When you have experienced too many lives and deaths, when your brothers and sisters use their lives and blood to cast steel will, you will not lose calm in madness!"


"You have not experienced it!"

Ling Feng said with grief: "But I have experienced it!"

Because of the poetry of the East poetry, Ling Feng easily advanced to the 32nd, which made many forces envious. It is not easy to go to this step, and it is extremely beneficial for them to be able to advance without blood.


The strength of the oriental poetry is obviously not enough. If you encounter the gods of other forces, it is estimated that it is also sent to the head.


The oriental poetry is still immersed in the words of Ling Feng. He experienced too many lives and deaths. His brothers and sisters used their lives and blood to cast their iron will, without being lost in the madness of calm.

He has experienced it!

Suddenly, the oriental poetry actually had some sympathy for the wind. At the beginning, the oriental magnolia collapsed, and the entire oriental family was immersed in sorrow, but this was the only one, but Lingfeng experienced more.

Is his heart bleeding?

He is already numb?


At the moment when his brother's hands and feet collapsed, he couldn't help but feel the blood in his heart. The wilderness can die in the battlefield, but he must not die in such a heavenly battle.

Reverse God is not allowed!

Ling Feng is not allowed!

Dongfang Yingyu did not catch up with the Xianting figures. It should not be a big killer, but rather a strong opponent to suppress the opponent. When he admits defeat, he will withdraw from the battlefield. At that time, people naturally know that Dongfang Yingyu and others are only interested in Xianting. God.


Ling Feng is an uncertain factor, no one can see through him. After Qin Feng’s collapse, the crazy magic is very likely to let him kill other forces.


Ling Feng did not encounter Xianting Tianshen, but the characters such as Ye Witch and Ling Qing were on the Xianting God.

The third battlefield space.

The Leaf Witch lightning is on the scene, and the peerless face is covered with a layer of frost. The terrible suffocation can be felt even if it is far apart. This makes the Xianting gods depressed. What kind of resentment is this?

It is understandable that Ling Feng is angry with his squatting characters, but what kind of blame is the witch?

Simply incomprehensible!

But the king and the spirits know that the number of characters that Xianting has offended in the end. The most popular characters in the 64th are not Xianting, but against God, and it is quite an exaggerated situation.

Ling Feng, Ye Witch, Ling Qing, Yun Xi and so on, the whole nine, which means that every battle, Xianting will be against the gods, how terrible it is, do not need to imagine.

And this is just the starting point against the gods. When they are full of wings, Xianting is the most tragic moment. With the character of revenge against God, it is estimated that Xianting will not peel off the skin.

"Life is still dead, this is a problem!"

A fifth of Xianting was on the stage, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth. Although the leaf witch was extremely strong, he still had to be weak in the eyes of Xianting, and he was the fifth.

"Then you will die!"

The leaf witch, said with a sullen face, disappeared when his voice landed.

Inch fairy speed!

Super-off the speed of all things!

next moment.

The end of the world is coming, the speed of suffocation is coming, without any omen, it appears in front of the fifth of Xianting. The gods and the magic earth blend together, and they shoot the world, directly penetrate the road and disintegrate everything. .


The void is tearing, the strong light penetrates the void, and the space power appears thin and fragile in front of this blow.


The fifth face of Xianting was shocked. I didn’t think that the leaf witch was coming up with such top blood killings, and it was forbidden to come to his head. This is the meaning of getting rid of it, and not to keep it.

"Xian Ting Bohai!"

However, he did not slow down immediately to play the Xianting Bohai Sea, in order to counter the end of the world.

"It's still a little crazy!"

Shangguan asked the sky to look far away, grinning, if the end of the world is the suppression of Xianting Bohai, then he would not lose so badly, only to really touch the power of the day, only to know what it is horrible degree.

In front of him, he bowed his head!

next moment.

The Xianting Bohai burst open and the sea water separated to the sides. The end of the world was like a broken bamboo. It appeared quickly in front of the fifth Xianxian, and when it had not reacted, it banned from penetrating its head.

The soul of the sea is annihilated, the body collapses!

The fifth sect of the immortal Xianting was killed by the leaf witch. The terrible scene made many people in Xianting suffocate, and the fifth sect could not stop the Ye witch.

Also as the Shangguan asked the day!

Blood debts come with blood! (

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