Supreme Demon

Chapter 1139: The madness of the harps!


At the moment of the fifth commandment, a heavenly figure in Xianting got up and looked at the body that was still bleeding. He finally realized the seriousness of the problem. They wanted the face of Xianting and the arrogance of Xianting. Only despise Qin Feng's life and death.

And now.

Ye Witch is using a powerful horizon, so that the entire Xianting knows how much life will be devastated by Qin Feng’s life and death, how much blood will flow, and at this time they have no right to refute.

More importantly, the fifth is also the grandson of a heavenly figure in Xianting. He witnessed the death of Sun, and I can imagine how angry the heavenly figure is.


Just when he wanted to take the Yews off, he was dragged by the Xianting characters. Is this time going to die?

Xianting is angry and angry?

Xianting can't afford to lose?

In the case of Tianzun sitting in the Guanghan Palace, the characters of Xianting Tiandao want to get rid of their Tianjiao characters?

I am afraid that the Guanghan Palace and other forces will be able to find reasons to annihilate the Tiandao characters.

"Kill her for me!" The old man with a white eyebrow must say with anger, and the object of his speech is He Xiao.

"no problem!"

He Xiao said indifferently. "As long as you meet in the battle of the sky, you must annihilate her!"

Simply neat!

This is the present performance of Ye Witch, even if the fifth of Xianting is only worth a blow in front of him, showing his extraordinary style and pushing his prestige to the other top.


The list was not right for her rankings, and such characters should be more advanced.


After the fifth episode of Xianting, the expression of Ye Witch is still chilling. Without too much expression, she banned from flying out of the battlefield and waited for the coming of a fierce battle.

The first battlefield, the third battle.


The solitary rainy month walked step by step into the void, and it was light and elegant. In this battle, she should be the weakest one in the reverse of the gods. She never showed extraordinary temperament and was ignored by the gods.

But the gods of Chaoshan Mountain immediately shut up, and a **** looked at the lonely rainy moon with fear and fear. The goddess has always been low-key and elegant, but people want to keep this appearance.

Just because!

Once the rainy month is released, it is a tragedy. In the group attack, she is much more terrible than the Lingfeng. When the piano is out, the magic sound of the dragonfly is heavy, and the top Tianjiao will bleed. .

at least.

After showing their strength in the solitary rainy month, the two kings on Chaoshan Mountain were immediately honest. No one person dared to step into the territory of the solitary rainy moon. In this day's battle, Chaoshan Mountain should be more miserable. Only one character broke into the sixty-four.

That person is a solitary rainy month!

And her opponent is the fourth of Xianting!


A burly body fell in the battlefield space, the clothes fluttering, quite like the shape of the celestial bones, he looked at the quiet Yuyan of the solitary rainy moon, said with a smile. "Chaotic Mountain is too weak this time, although I can't bear it. But I want to advance!"

"I am afraid to let you down!"

Different from the previous ones, the solitary rainy month is no longer an elegant appearance, but a crazy expression, with a cold smile on the corner of the mouth. "I think many gods don't want to see you advance, I try not to let them down. Let's go."

"Is it by you?"

The fourth singer of Xianting said lazily. "With your strength is not enough, and I advise you, don't irritate me, otherwise..."

"How else?"

"I don't mind letting you get rid of jade!" said the fourth bloody.


The solitary rainy month smiled awkwardly, and the jade hand reached into his arms, as if he wanted to find something, and he whispered, "You have let him bleed, what do you dare to do?"


The gods of Chaoshan Mountain blew up in the cold hair, and their faces could not help but change. At this moment, they finally knew what to do in the solitary rainy month. She was trying to find out the taboo and treasure, and she would force the opponent in this battle.

"I am sorry, I want to kill you!"

Duo Yuyue looked up and looked at the fourth of Xianting seriously, and his voice had a creepy momentum.

"Oh, it’s really crazy."

At this moment, the fourth sect of Xianting did not realize the danger, and still sneered and said: "I am afraid that you are not qualified!"


His body disappeared, and four heavenly forces appeared on him, forming a terrible true dragon, pressing against the solitary rainy moon, and letting its fragrance disappear.


At that moment, there was a flash in the hands of the solitary rain, and a harpsichord appeared very small. It was like no magic. At the time of its birth, many gods had changed color.

She has a low head and is playing with a piano, like a child who is not in the world.


The gods of Chaoshan Mountain are instinctively retrogressive. They have seen the power of the Taoist piano. They know that this taboo is too damaging to the treasure, and there is no trace to find. When you find it, it is actually not far from death.


The fourth sect of Xianting did not find the shackles of the harps. He still rushed forward, and four spaces appeared. Each space had a real dragon, which was pressed to the solitary rainy moon with top power.


As if the entire battlefield space has been filled, then the real dragon is no solution!

Although this is not the top Tiangong of Xianting, it should be enough to deal with the weakest chaotic mountain in this session, but that is just what he thinks.


The solitary rainy month finger fell on the daoqin, pressed slightly, then slightly released, and popped forward, so the **** of Chaoshan really wanted to run, so only three fingers were used for the solitary rain.

To know.

At the time of Chaoshan Mountain, the solitary rainy month only used one finger, and it was a terrible slap in the top of the second level. The aftermath was to push the gods in the field.

And now that I use three fingers in the rainy month, what kind of picture will it be?

Immortal He Xiao, Guanghan Palace Song Yuanhuang, Yao Chi Zhou cute how unpredictable in the end, they do not know, but the solitary rain moon is definitely the enemy of these three characters, but many people can not see her terrible.

In an instant.

The terrible real dragon space has already arrived in front of the solitary rainy moon, and she did not counterattack, but just turned back and sneaked to the edge of the battlefield, as if to abandon this battle, that is, the fourth of Xianting thinks so.


Blood disaster occurs at this time.

Silent and uninteresting, the real dragon space collapsed, the real dragon dissipated with the unwilling voice behind the solitary rainy moon, and then the fourth Xianxian was aware of the danger, but it was too late.


Without any warning, a powerful force exploded in the fourth body of Xianting, smashing his flesh and blood, destroying his bones and bones, and destroying his soul and Dantian.


The fourth singer of Xianting made a scream of screaming. He struggled and was flustered, but he did not know where the power of the scorpion came from until he was annihilated and the spirit was disintegrated before he felt the power.


This is the top rhyme. Under the igniting of the taboos, the power of the game is not the same as that of Lingfeng. The opponents at the same level are simply chickens.

Even if you have more than a few opponents of the same level, you will get rid of it.

In front of the piano, any attack is empty talk!


When a wind blew, the fourth body of the struggling Xianting suddenly stiffened, and then the flesh and blood instantly collapsed and spread on the ground, forming a pile of blood mud, and at the moment of its collapse, people clearly saw How bad is the fourth of Xianting.

That is riddled with holes!

It is like a tiny arrow that penetrates his body.

"Dao Qin!"

Yu Honglin said with amazement, I did not expect that these taboos have already come out. For this treasure, other treasures can be thrown away, and the gap is too big.

What is even more horrifying is that the solitary rain month is not only as simple as having a harpsichord, but is a fusion of itself and the daoqin, giving birth to a more powerful force.

"Who said Chaoshan Mountain is the weakest this time?"

For a time, many heavenly characters want to vomit blood. This is a enchanting genius. It is the top arrogance against her, and it is impossible to prevent death. The fifth sect of Xianting uses his own life to prove the rainy day. Deterrence.

The faces of Xianting were white, and the previous madness collapsed at this moment.

After the fifth, the fourth is also killed!

If it weren't for the sixth defeat in advance, I am afraid that it will end up with the fourth and fifth.

What worries them even more is that the Ye Witch and the solitary rain have not done their best, which means that the third and second of Xianting may be dangerous. How many opponents do they have to face?

He Xiao is very powerful, but can kill a few?

At the moment of the fourth disintegration, the solitary rainy moon has already flown out of the battlefield space, as if the results have been known for a long time, which makes people's understanding of Chaoshan Mountain more thorough.


Ling Qing played, the ice fairy power appeared, showing a frenzy, suppressing the opponent to death, until its power is clean, this is Ling Qing kicked out the battlefield space, fortunately this **** is not a fairy figure, Otherwise the end will be very miserable.


Xianting characters are not relieved, because their gods are not only six cents of Xianting, and other characters have broken into the sixty-four.

Shortly after.

Liu Shushu played, the opponent is the three-level **** of Xianting, she is simpler, more direct and bloody.


When she penetrated the void, the heart of the gods of Xianting will burst, and when Liu Shushu appears again in front of the people, the adults of Xianting can only sigh, and the sword is like a ground meat. The smashing of the gods in a circle and a circle, the same as the bones.

When Liu Shushu re-established himself on the battlefield, there was only one bone left in Xianting Tianshen. The flesh-and-blood bones and the soul of Dantian had been smashed and killed in an instant.

It can be said.

Everyone in the current anti-God can be respected, and their power is too overbearing. Ordinary Tianjiao is not their opponent.

The third fairy **** is killed!

This is like a nightmare. They never thought about this scene today. They always thought that Xianting Six will reach the top 16, but they not only did not break into the top 16, but also in the sixty-four. In the duel, the body died.

The faces of the famous people of Xianting are all green, and the characters of Tiandao are straightforward, and the six emperors of the Xianting, which they have cultivated hard, are mad at those goddesses.

However, the oriental poetry and Yu Honglin smelled some breath. At the beginning of the empty road, Ling Feng also showed the piano, but it was only illusory, and now the dulcimer in the hands of the solitary rain is the real thing. (

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