Supreme Demon

Chapter 1146: Yagami is born!

The second day of the empty road, the blood of God!


Don't say the empty-air gods, that is, the Yaochi gods can't believe it. The low-key Lingqing, the power that was shown before can not be strong enough, but when her opponent is Zhou Qitian, the power that broke out is enough. Many gods sigh. This

It is the real king of the road! Female

The fairy is in the body, the third eye has been opened, and the terrible power can instantly burst into the mountains and rivers, and violently into the sky. Although it has not yet been materialized, will this day be far behind? Session


Who can suppress these people?

Needless to say.

Ling Qing’s talents will be brought to life. The future potential is even more terrifying than Zhou’s cuteness. This makes Yao Chi Tian Zun immediately alert. If these characters do not do their best, then Yao Chi can be abolished. Ling

Qingqiang advances to the Eight Gods!

Zhou Qitian is a **** 16-day god, the second **** of the empty road, the victory over him is not the terrible characters of He Xiao, Zhou You, Song Yuanhuang, but only the gods on the mountain village stars.


Still condescending contempt, Ling Qing did not exhaust his efforts, he crushed it, and the world's style made him feel powerless, it is unimaginable, at least, Ling Qing is qualified to break into the Eight Gods. more

The important thing is.

He has been thinking about who is the "he" in the mouth? Why do you want her to be so angry? Why do you say that you are wasting the time and energy of that "he"?

After a while.

He looked up at Ling Feng, and he was so clever to him that he could be stupid for a while, but he would not be stupid, Ling Qing, Ling Feng, such a similar name, can he still think of it? "

Is he really strong enough? "week

Qi Tian is somewhat decadent. It is not because Ling Qing defeated it, but because of Ling Qing’s contempt, he did not put him and Ling Feng on a level. wave

Time and effort? suddenly

However, Zhou Qitian seems to be insulted, but he really wants to come but shudders. It is not difficult to see Ling Qing’s admiration for Ling Feng from Ling Qing’s words, but if this kind of terrible Ling Qing is not enough in front of Ling Feng? "

Perhaps, the time problem of Daotian space is not because it is too slow! ”

Zhou Qitian whispered, when they were still too small, and it was only at this moment that he really realized that Ling Feng’s unpredictableness, even Wang Lilong had two hits, not to mention him?

of course.

No matter how big the waves caused by Lingqing will not affect this battle, and after Lingqing, the gods and gods come on the scene, but he has not had time to scream and scream, and his mouth twitches. full

The field shouted, the huge sound seems to be to smash this piece of heaven and earth, and only the leaf witch can make such an imposing manner.

His opponent is Ye Witch!

If he is a stranger, he can smash it to the end, but when he meets the leaf witch, the **** god bird has to bow down. he

Dare to move the witch to see?

I am afraid that the leaf witch is still not angry, and the one in the empty road will start digging, as long as the one is tempted, the gods will tremble.

"I serve!"

Tianshen sighed and said: "The virtual heaven is not as good as you, now I have not fully recovered, this fierce battle will not be used?"

"You decide!" said Ye Witch.

"I am not as good as you!"

The **** bird did not insist, but directly exited the battlefield space. He is indeed not the opponent of the leaf witch. Other people are not clear, will he not know? that

The gods and the magical soil are far from showing the top strength. If it is really wild and wild, he will be arrogant, and it is not a bit more than that. This

It is against the internal friction of the gods! but

This is also a no-brainer. The anti-God elites will have to face up sooner or later. There must be one who wants to withdraw from the battlefield. The solitary rainy month can do its best. It is because Lingfeng is too unpredictable and completely does not care. can

! leaf

The witches fight with the gods and gods who do their best. It is necessary to break through the sky and not use the power of the gods and the magic soil. It is really not easy for the leaf witch to suppress the gods. because


This is completely unnecessary!

and. this

The engraved **** of the gods is indeed not as good as the leaf witch, otherwise the exiting battlefield will be the leaf witch, not the **** god.

This is a victory! and

The next step is not so easy. The strong opponents on the Qing dynasty, with the top strength, will suppress it, and even the void will release the endless petals, the faint white light, and dispel the haze.

A bunch of flowers are in the void! Imitation

A Buddha’s soul wakes up in the early morning! This

It’s clear! she was

The opponent finally failed to take that step, and the sacred bouquet was suppressed and fell on the battlefield. ...


Cute is simple, his opponent is Yunxi, with the strength of the Eight Gods, should be comparable to the gods, but after being lovely last week, they can only bow. flutter

through! when

When Yunxi fell in front of Zhou’s lovely, another force fell and missed the Eight Gods.

In this fierce battle, Zhou cute shows the world's glory, and other gods can match, even the former Song Yuanhuang will be eclipsed in front of him, which makes Yao Chi look forward to him. Of course


This lovely style was quickly suppressed. He Xiao played on the field, and the **** of the beast **** who directly hit the wild and wild powers vomited blood. You must know that the first **** of the beast **** is a real dragon.

But even this top creature is not enough to see in front of He Xiao! Fairy

In the court of the sea, the beast gods have no temper, not the real dragon is not powerful enough, but He Xiao is really strong enough to people to lament, and in this fierce battle, He Xiao’s expressive power is too Deaf people, even if the week is cute, it is not enough to look at it. that

It’s a complete kill!

From the beginning of the war to the end, the real dragon has been in the rhythm of He Xiao, and he is carried forward with it, but this real dragon skin is thick and thick, it is difficult to be killed, and this escapes from the rise, the sky, and is not Xiao Yu fell. and

The last one was started by the Oriental Yingyu.

Her opponent's strength is also quite strong. It can be said that the sixteen-day gods are all extraordinary. When the strength is explosive, the entire battlefield space is collapsing, and the power is strong enough to make people lament. but

! in

Under the cover of the giant Ying Yu, the character finally bowed. to

Hong Lin is gratified. This session is much more powerful than the previous ones. There are two characters in the empty road, which are parallel to the Eight Gods and Yao Chi, and the Guanghan Palace, while the other **** is the immortal. and

At the top of this class, only one character broke into the Eight Gods. It was juxtaposed with the immortality, ranking fourth and fifth. It made many gods stunned. to

this! Eight

God is born! what

Xiao, Song Yuanhuang, Ye Witch, Zhou Lovely, Ling Qing, Ling Feng, Oriental Ying Yu, Qing Yi! This

It is destined to be a figure that resounds throughout the stars! only


What makes the king and the spirits horrified is that in this session, the anti-God has broken into four characters, invading and occupying half of the stars, and the top arrogance cultivated by the major forces is not as good as the anti-God.

This is simply unimaginable! and

And. he

They also sense that Ye Witch is still hidden, and she has not done her best, otherwise she will be the favourite to win this championship.

"No regrets in this life!"

Hong Linmei smiled and smiled. "This session should be the most magnificent battle in the third millennium. I haven't had two gods in the vain for three thousand years."

Tianzun, you can't do this, my sisters are going to the top four! "The oriental poetry smiled.

"Try your best, don't go to life!"

Hong Lin solemnly said that He Xiao is very fierce now, which makes him very worried. Ling

The more excellent the performance of the wind and the oriental Yingyu, the more he worried.

however. Let

When Yu Honglin was very faceless, Ling Feng and Dong Ying Yu did not open their mouths, as if they did not hear the general, which made Yu Hong very wrong, but when he met such two best arrogance, what can he do?

"Take the four gods!"

At that time, Ling Feng looked at the Oriental Ying Yu and said that he had never been serious.

"You don't have to say more!"

Oriental Yingyu looked back, cold and proud said: "Who dares to stop me, I will send him to see the **** of death!"

Ok! Ling

The wind is at the forefront, and this is the time to leave. This is to make the Oriental Yingyu frown. Does the character want to kick some strong people for him?

What is he going to do?


What she has to do is to be a bit of a fight. This should be the right thing for her, but she is a step late.

Late at night.

Ling Feng's eyes finally opened, releasing the power of the monks, and then he got up and looked into the distance. At this moment, he can clearly sense the breath of the anti-God, which comes from the two gods. complete

Party, candle dragon! Display

Of course.

If the identity of the Burning Heaven is in Xianting, it is estimated that it will make a big noise, and even the whole fairy court will be shocked. I worry that this Tianzun is to deal with them, and it will affect other forces. because


Burning Tianzun did not appear, but let Bi and the candle dragon come. "

They are coming! Ling

The wind and the gods shine, directly open the spirit beads, and release the Wannian Laojiao, and say, "This is your chance to take Qin Feng safely out of Xianting and hand them to them, and you will have the opportunity to restore your strength. ""

You are joking? "The old man did not believe it."

I'm serious! ""

What happened in the end? The old man’s face sank and suddenly realized that the atmosphere was wrong.

"Don't ask too much!"

Ling Feng said, "Give Qin Feng into their hands, they will bring you to the face of heaven!"

Guwu Tianzun? "The old man's face changed."

Yes! ""

This world, there is actually Guwu Tianzun? "The old man is very excited. Others don't know how terrible it is once Guwu is honored, but he is very clear, if he can restore his strength, and in a short time, he is afraid that there is only Guwu Tianzun.

"But, what I am asking is to send him to Tianzun in full!" Ling Feng said. "

Don't worry, give it to me! ”

Although Wannian Laos does not know what happened to Qin Feng, why Ling Feng is so bloody, but Guwu Tianzun appeared in this star, which means that this will be an unprecedented **** battle.

next moment. he

Directly pick up Qin Feng, use the blood sacrifice and the treasure, let yourself disappear quickly, this is Tian Zun's escape method, but now it is used here, even the heavenly characters will want to catch up with him. "

From this moment on, I can do my best! ”

Ling Feng looked into the distance, grinning and laughing. He used to worry about it, but now he has such a backing. He only needs to do it. Someone will cover him with wind and rain.

p, s.. just came back, sleepy. hold

Apologize, sorry everyone, only one more tonight. Bright

It will be fine.

At the same time, thank you for remembering this day, the group seems to be fried, and the fragrance is too much blessing. worship

Thank you for your kindness and gratitude to everyone for your blessings.

You are still there, the fragrance is very gratifying, it is not good to keep the fragrance, let everyone down. willing

Have fun with all the kings!

good night. (

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