Supreme Demon

Chapter 1147: The old man bowed his head!


This is not the horror of the old man. The really terrible thing is that after using the top blood and the treasure, he directly penetrates the void and walks in front of the Xianting Mountain. Are

The engraving is Wanli!

With his degree of embarrassment, he would not let the people of Xianting notice, so he flew out of Xianting in a short time and appeared in the void. only

Yes! Let

What is frustrating is that Ling Feng did not tell him the direction. As long as he brought Qin Feng out, as long as he flies out of the void, there will be people who can meet his speed and strength. How many characters can be found in this world? ?

It is his headache. Virtual

The air suddenly burst into flames, and a strange light appeared. It was a sea of ​​fire, and in the sea of ​​fire, a soul came to the air, and in the other direction, a beautiful woman made the sky dark and the ground flashed. In front of him.

What makes the old man tremble is the sky above his head. A golden **** is carrying the power of the mountains and seas, and the top space is consuming the void.

It seems to be a god! "

I am instructed to meet you here! "candle

The dragon appeared quickly, and the voice said awkwardly. "There has been news on that side, we know your purpose, please walk with us!"


Bi Fang appeared in front of Wannian Laojiao, and Qin Feng was picked up. There was a smattering of killing in the eyes of the gods. Although he was not familiar with Qin Feng, this **** is a later generation of ancient Wu, and Bi Fang is guarding ancient Wu The creatures, if the later generations of ancient Wu annihilated here, then it is the sinner of the ages. because


Bifang is very angry, dare to start against the later generations of ancient Wu, then it is necessary to face the madness of the gods! Now

In, they have arrived!


Some of the old cockroaches can't get through these three characters, but from the momentum point of view, this is the three kings of the same level, especially the candle dragon. If you ask Heaven, how much will God know it will be terrible?

Moreover, the three characters appeared to find him directly, that is the biggest problem, let him tremble.

Either Ling Feng is doing his hands and feet, or the three are strong enough to be jealous.

next moment.

They disappeared directly into this world, appeared in the other direction, and walked toward a fertile void, and by this time, the old man was shocked, and the speed of these three characters could be described as terror.


The old man has some frowns. In this fertile virtual space, he senses a faint breath. It should be a space turbulence, very subtle. The problem is that this breath is like where it was sensed. "

Brought it? "This

At the time, a flood of sound blew in front of the four characters, and the latter appeared in front of them. clothes

With a simple, carved dragon, it outlines the phoenix.

His face can't be handsome, but he doesn't have a flavor. The knife-like body is full of charm. This is a very attractive uncle, especially after his breath is fully restored.

Burning Heaven! only

This character has such charm, and only he can appear here, driving the candle dragon, Bi Fang, Ming Tian beast. "

Yes! ”

Bi Fang said with respect and respect, and quickly stepped forward, and presented Qin Feng’s body to the Burning Heaven. can


At the moment of burning Tianzun's frowning, Wannian Laojiao has burst into tears and is full of excitement. He really did not expect to cross the world after the ages, he would actually see this Tianzun. flutter

through! he

The footsteps trembled and fell directly into the void. not


Because of the sly movements of Wannian, the Bifang and the candle dragons were directly puzzled, and they looked at each other with a puzzled look. I don’t know what the old man was in trouble.

"You are?" Burning

Tianzun was slightly stunned. He didn't know the passing. He only knew that Ling Feng had sent a character to Qin Feng. It was reported to be a fallen Tianzun. "

Tianzun! Wan

The old man said excitedly and sadly. "I am, I am a little girl!"

"Little 蛟?" burning

Tianzun closed his eyes slightly, and through the trembled eyelashes, he looked at the old man, and he couldn’t think of it for a while. The age of the ancients was too long, and the image of the old man was too vague.

Hula! Million

The old man turned directly into the body and unfolded the body of the man, so that he appeared in front of the Burning Heaven.


Wannian old sad said: "Before the ancient times, you have pointed me over, I have benefited a lot, but at that time you did not care, hurried away, I have pursued your footprints until the Kingdom of Heaven, but then the whole The kingdom of heaven has already vanished."

"Little dragon?"

Burning Tianzun frowned slightly, recalling the ages before, as if seems to think of it. "You are the dragon in Jiulongtan?"

Yes, it is me! ”

The old man’s body disappeared and became a human figure. He was excited to kneel in front of Burning Heaven. He said, “Tian Zun’s love, Xiao Yan has always been in mind, and because of his relationship with Tianzun, the Heavenly Kingdom’s predecessors have taught me to practice in heaven. I have the opportunity to ask Tianzun, but unfortunately I failed to see Tianzun."

Oh it's you! ”

Burning Tianzun smiled and said: "At that time, I have been fighting in the stars, I have no chance to return to heaven, and I have no chance to fight for it..."

The smile on his face disappeared and became depressed.


When the kingdom of heaven was annihilated, it stung the burning of heaven. only

Yes, he did not even think that he could see the characters before the ages in this world. The old man is really extraordinary.

"Get up!" said Burning Heaven. "

Yes! "Do not

The one-year-old, mad-year-old man becomes very honest at this moment. He is standing beside the burning heaven with respect and respect. He is completely a servant, and his heart is full of excitement. Want

It is early to know that there is still this Tianzun in the anti-God. He has already rushed over and does not use the wind to force it. open

joke. burn

Tianzun is a fierce figure before the ancient times. Guwu’s direction is that he is not the head of the heavens. He is the blade of heaven. The gods who died in his hands can be piled up into hills, not to mention the heavenly characters.

If it is not a dramatic change in the starry sky, I am afraid that the burning of the sky has moved towards the third realm of heaven. These characters are still alive. How many characters in this world can match? and

And. Million

The old man has already sensed the atmosphere of the third day of the day in Burning Tianzun. Although he has not stepped forward, it should not be too far. "

Listen to Ling Feng, you have fallen from the realm of heaven to the realm of the gods? ”

Burning Tianzun asked the old man. "

Yes! "burn

Tian Zun’s forehead said, "Ling Feng said, I will try my best to do it. Your realm is still there, but the power is too exhausted. I will cast a top space to let you recover quickly. Will be stronger than you, you want to leave us will not stop!"

Tianzun, are you going to drive me away? "The old man's face changed.

"What do you mean?" Burning Tian asked with a smile. "

But for the gods to drive! Wan

When the old man squats in the end, he is full of solemnity. If he does not burn the instructions of Heaven, he can't ask Tianzun, and it is impossible to live to this world.

If he is next to Tianzun, he may have to hesitate, but what can hesitate when he meets Burning Heaven?

"Very good!" Burning

Tian Zun said with a smile. "I believe them, I believe that the future generations will not let you down!"


Burning Tianzun will hold Qin Feng disappear, but the sound is coming.. "You are ready, after I restore Qin Feng, you will set foot in the top space and try your best to recover during this time!"

Yes! Wan

The old man said respectfully, he never doubted the words of burning Tianzun. This

It is the charm of burning heaven! ...


Days later.

The giant battlefield space of Xianting is merged into two battlefields. Each battlefield space is very broad and suitable for fierce battles between the gods.

Eight gods battle!

In the early morning, Ling Feng and other eight gods appeared here, and the four sides have already been ignited by the endless gods. They are in the battle space, waiting for the coming of this fierce battle, but the atmosphere is a bit dull.

Almost every day, there is sacrifice, but that is the top celestial celestial sky. can

To say. this

Each of the Eight Gods can be compared to the first in the past, but this time it was born a full eight, which is equivalent to the first fierce battle of the Eighth.

In these two battlefields, people will carry out the final round of decisive battles, and then they will have to make the ultimate decisive battle. Session


The top four gods will be divided into life and death in the same battlefield space. what

Xiao, Song Yuanhuang, Zhou You, Ling Feng and so on, the gods are stunned, and here, almost the four gods have come out, at least people think so.


On the same day, the "Mine" list was released again, listing the order of the eight gods, and He Xiao and Song Yuanhuang did not have any accidents ranked first and second. Zhou is lovely and Yew is ranked first. Third, fourth.

This is recognized by many gods, but the other part of the **** is snoring. Display

Of course, those gods in the "wine" are still not enough, too underestimating this god.

quickly. in

In the spray of the central black hole, the order of the decisive battle of the Eight Gods appeared in the eyes of the people. He Xiao, Ye Witch, Oriental Yingyu, and Zhou You are located in the first battlefield. Song Yuanhuang, Ling Feng, Qing Yi and Ling Qing are located in the second battlefield. Correct

Make a decision!

The whole world lost its voice, even if it was in Honglin, it became nervous, worried that the eastern Yingyu would be on the sorrow, and the Guanghan Palace was more worried about the sorcerer’s sorrow, which was basically a deadly enemy.

To the dead side of the situation! Ling

The wind is calmer. He believes that the Ye Witch, even if it is not as good as He Xiao, is not easy for He Xiao to kill Ye Ye, but Song Yuanhuang is not targeted at Qing and Ling. when

Of course.

He even hopes to encounter He Xiao in this decisive battle and directly solve the battle!

"I am finally coming!"

He Xiao Shen witnessed forward and strode to the battlefield and appeared on it. Are

In the meantime, people pay attention to it. This will be the top decisive battle. Any one of the gods will be killed if they encounter a sudden encounter. Now it depends on which one.

however. Let

People wondered that the character did not appear, Zhou's cute expression was dull, and the leaf witch gestured calmly, but the oriental Yingyu went to Lingfeng, which did not seem to be on the scene.

What does it mean? what

Xiao has no opponents? Or is the opponent already?

Ps.. Sorry, He Xiao wrote wrong yesterday. under

A little later. (

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