Supreme Demon

Chapter 1166: Despise nine days and ten places!

Nether streamer! that

It is the power of a god, a half emperor, and a heavenly character. It is used to dispel the darkness of thousands of miles and carry the heroic world. The imposing manner almost conceals this piece of heaven and earth.

In this kind of power, even the top heavenly figures must pay attention to them, they can suppress some of them, but it is too difficult to suppress this whole, and as long as you let go of any one of them, then Lingfeng and other gods will fall. Blood mold. that

It is an unprecedented countercurrent! east

The characters of Fang Shishi and Dongying Yingyu are amazed. In these forces, the beautiful figure is still so indifferent, is it wild to arrogance, or is it really that strength?

Ling Feng is laughing, burning Tian Zun personally sitting in the town, the old man has recovered, and now they are assured that the blood is killing, is not enough to explain the problem? ten

The candle dragon after the year, the party after ten years.

Ten days later, the beast! "

Heaven will stay forever! ”

At that moment, the candle dragon slowly opened, the bright eyes suddenly closed, the skylight disappeared, and the whole world entered the permanent night mode, even though the gods had lost sight at this moment. to

Dark moments! can


Just when the night appeared, the whole world roared, the terrible streamer smashed through the road, and banned from the swarming gods. The power of the top half imperialism was blown at that moment, and some of the top ones on the spot would be the first. The gods and semi-emperor characters are spiked.

Gray smoke is gone!

"Heaven will be white!"

The dragon opened, the heavens and the earth suddenly flashed, the people of the thorns could not open their eyes, and the power in front showed a madness of madness. In an instant, the void collapsed and the sun sank. "

what! ”

Those characters are sorrowful, unable to hold the candle dragon, the power frenzy that destroys the heavens and the earth, and the candle dragon is too abrupt, and in the reversal, the power changes earthly and changes, directly subverting this star river.

In an instant, dozens of top gods and half-emperors died.


At dawn, a big **** looks cold and stands in a virtual space, and the golden feathers shine in the space, and when the sound falls, it is not that the road is falling, but the space is annihilating. top

The momentum of the heavens is released, how many souls are trembled?

What's more important is that after ten years, the Mingtian beast has already taken a big step in the heavens. It has already touched the law. Now he is screaming. Although it only involves a small number of rules, it is not the same as that of the heavenly characters. .

In an instant.

Heavenly characters seem to fall from the emptiness in the rain, and the large-scale semi-emperor characters are dying in the sky. The power of the singer is limited, so they are aimed at the top figures. As for other characters, the ability to complete the party and the candle dragon is completely Can end the battle.


When the second crows appeared, the heavens and the half emperors fell into the air, and their power was completely fly ash. They were suppressed by the beasts, the power was not contained, and they were quickly dried up.

This is the terrible sound of the beast!

however. Ming

The beast of the beast is only the second one. At the moment when Bi’s wings are unfolding, the entire sky has been swallowed up by the ruthless fire. After ten years, the fundamental changes have taken place. The fire is completely substantial and can be crushed. Emperor power, direct to the extent of heaven. to

Less, the core of the fire has reached the level of heaven. not

Undoubtedly. strong

The burning of the fire can be more toxic than the candle dragon and the singer. Once the semi-emperor and the top gods are in contact with this force, there is no possibility to drive away, but they are burned by the fire to the flesh and blood, until they are killed.

The sky is falling!

The general rain of the fist is bright and red. It is a terrible picture created by the heavens and the road. It shocks the whole world, knowing that there were many heavenly figures before, but now one has not survived. when

The fire was slowly extinguished, and the people were cold and vertical. Even the characters such as Oriental Yingyu and Zhou Qitian could not help but sigh. So many of the characters did not live, and they all died in the violent violence of the three characters.

What is even more frightening is that the three characters just opened their eyes and closed their eyes, snoring and squirting a fire. dry

Crisp! straight

Get mad!

This makes them really realize the extraordinaryness of these three characters. It is no wonder that the gods dare to let go. It is no wonder that Ling Feng’s face is smiling. Is this the elite killing in the door?

at the same time. burn

Tianzun stepped forward, pulling the mountains and rivers, proud of the interstellar space, a fist collapsed, the whole world was collapsing, the ancient law carries the top strength to penetrate a Tianzun, let it vomit blood and fly back.

"who are you?"

The two gods were eclipsed and shuddered. The man-level figure has not shown too much power until now. I really don't know what it would be if he did his best. but


It was that one punch and one foot made them all painful and had no ability to parry.

"Death!" Burning

Tianzun strode forward, one foot on the face of Tian Zun, and his face was directly crushed, the soul collapsed and died. First

Five heavenly deities fall! that

The **** rain in the interstellar is more violent, like a splash, and the sounds of the heavens and the earth resound. day

The same land! "

stop! "most

After that, the head of Tianzun said with a pale face. "Are you bloody, do you really want to be against the last force?"

Which force are you from? "burn

Tian Zun did not immediately kill the blood, but looked at the Tianzun indifferently. "


The head of Tianzun’s face is ugly, and the words are stopped. This is really terrible. Even if it is the power of Xianting, the Tianzun of the king’s level will be bloody, and this person Wang Tianzun dares to kill them. Really dare not go to Xianting?

Is it really so taboo to have the power of these characters? "

I said that I am Xianting Tianzun, do you believe it? ""

letter! ”

Burning Tianzun’s face filled with a smile and said: “After this, I will come to visit in person!” He

The word "visiting" is very heavy, and there is no need to doubt. There must be a shadow of Xianting in this matter, but this Tianzun is not a fairy figure. This kind of low-level trick is difficult to deceive.

and. he

Now is just a reason, Xianting dare to start with Ling Feng, it will have to pay more blood and life.

"But you still have to die!"

Burning Tianzun strode forward and said, "If you die, there is no evidence of death. I think I have more reason to go to the door!"


The Tianzun face was furious and quickly flew back. At this time, the image problem was not taken care of. Only when he left at the fastest speed would he be able to survive. If he died with the burning of the sky, he would be looking for death. but


He thinks too much.

When he uncovers the space and uses the power of the law to carry it away, he finds that a horrible scent of the front has already come, and he will suppress him back, and then a big hand will hold his throat.

He was picked up!

A godly deity, at this moment, like a chicken is generally squatted in the air, which makes the head of Tianzun sorrowful and want to die.

"The forces that dare to do it will die in the future!"

Burning Tianzun looked at the head of Tianzun, an elegant smile. "Some things can't hold too long, we just have to check it and we can find it!"


He did not wait for the Tianzun to open his mouth, and the power of the law had already surged. On the spot, his body collapsed and the soul disappeared. only

Hands tear off six heavenly gods!

Burning Tianzun is completely in the proud world at this moment! east

Fang Yingyu, Oriental poetry and other gods look at the burning goddess with admiration. Remember this face, they clearly know that this character is much more than the tyrannical expression, knowing that the battle between Tianzun is very horrible, the **** Heaven and earth are bound to die, this is why the battle between Tianzun is going to take place in space. and

Burning the heavens is different. He tears the six heavenly celestial beings in the void, and suppresses the forces around them, without affecting them. This

How great is it?

not to mention. he

We have noticed before that there is another Tianzunzheng who has been sealed for four weeks. He has not shot it, but is it not enough for the six heavenly monks to go out. Is it not enough to explain its strength?

"The ancestors are afraid of it!"

Oriental Yingyu is somewhat depressed and thinks that if the ancestor of the Oriental family has such strength, why should the Orientals worry so much that the virtual star has changed? "

He can despise nine days and ten places! "week

Qi Tian said with amazement: "Unless there is a person in the world who asks the sky!"

In the tide of their hearts, Burning Tianzun has turned around and came to Lingfeng. There is also a handsome middle-aged man with a smile on his face.

"Tian Zun!" Ling

The wind is in the end, expressing gratitude to Burning Heaven. This is not his master, but he is doing the same thing. "

Ok! ”

Burning Tianzun said with a smile. "I will pick you up!"

it is good! "Ling Feng forehead, the current situation, he is the best choice."

then. he

Turned and said to the handsome middle-aged. "Congratulations!"

Undoubtedly, the handsome middle-aged man is a eternal old man. In the law space of burning Tianzun, he has not only got time, but also endless resources, and he will recover in a short time. "

It should be me thank you! "The old man said sincerely."

Tianzun! ”

Ling Feng nodded to Wannian, and then he turned to Burn Tianzun. "The empty road Tianzun and the Oriental family Tianzun are shopping in the back, and please Tianzun to solve it together."

This is natural! ”

Burning Heaven said of course: "They pay so much, we will not let them fall!"

Let's go! ”

The next moment, he had one hand, and everyone only felt that the body trembled and disappeared quickly. When they reappeared, they were already in the previous battlefield, and now the three heavenly figures in Honglin and Dongfang have already shown their full potential.

They are very wounded, even if they are the ancestors of the East, it’s not just the six heavenly lords, but the nine. It’s a miracle under the horrible pressure. .

"Ling Feng!"

When Ling Feng appeared in this battlefield, Yu Honglin’s direct blood spurt, they paid so much just to let Ling Feng leave, but this guy actually came back. can

When he saw the two gods beside Ling Feng, his heart was sinking.

Ps.. second later. (

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