Supreme Demon

Chapter 1167: Blood is in your hand!

Two top esteems!

They are doing their best to guard the side of Ling Feng, and the three characters behind Ling Feng are more guarded. For fear that he has problems, Bi Fang and Candle Dragon are so eye-catching. This is what Hong Lin seems to be. "

Still not? ”

Yu Honglin sighed, they were shopping to the present, only hope that Ling Feng can live back to the empty road.

can! Now

In the Ling Feng, but in the hands of these two unsuccessful Tian Zun, then they still have to fight down?

Not only did they stop, but the nine Tianzun also stopped. They can’t see it now. Anyone wants Ling Feng. They don’t want other forces to get involved. If Ling Feng falls in the hands of these two gods, it’s necessary. Grab it, or destroy it.


Burning Tianzun has no time to confront them. He is here to kill Tianzun.

"Yes!" Wan

The old man had a forehead, and his face was filled with smirk. When he recovered, he really did not put these gods in his eyes, and only Burning Heaven could make him jealous.

next moment. burn

Tianzun stepped directly and punched out. The horror of the horror appeared. The power of the law was like a wave of water, and a Tianzun was swallowed up in an instant. "

what! ”

The sorrow of the sorrowful sorrow, but did not change the ending of the tragedy, his body collapsed, unable to prevent the law of the gods. "

kill! ”

When the old man came forward, he used the bronze monument directly to form a horrible shackle. On the spot, he would ban a Tianzun, and he could not do it by himself, but directly annihilated.

"Do not!"

The celestial face was furious and wanted to break free, but it was still suppressed by the bronze monument. thorn


A moment later, his chest appeared a **** mouth, the internal organs were broken by the power of the bronze monument, and then the shackles rushed to the soul sea, destroying the dust of his soul. whole

The process is crisp and neat.

Obviously. Million

The old man also realized that they are now on the heavens, even if they are careful, and he is not burning heaven. "

On, kill them together! "its

The remaining seven Tianzuns are brave and forward. They must destroy the Burning Heaven and kill them together, and **** the wind. The three heavenly masters in Honglin and the East are flying to Lingfeng, trying to get Lingfeng from the hands of the three characters. Snatch back.

"Blood, come!" Burning

Tian Zun burst into a single voice, one hand to the back, and the **** side that had been on the back of the beast of the beast was the lightning disappeared, and the next moment appeared in the hands of the burning Tianzun. that

For a moment, the world is eclipsed.

At that moment, everything bowed!

At that moment, the Buddha of the Burning Heaven is the master of this world!


When the blood is unfolding, the law of endlessness rushes to the far side, the stars are the road, the law is the foundation, the **** envelope covers a radius of 100,000 miles, and the three heavenly lords are shrouded in, and then quickly closed.


When the blood is frozen, the three Tianzun disappear on the spot, the body flies and the smoke disappears, and the soul is in the **** form to form a lifelike image, branded on the blood, shocked by Honglin and the Oriental family, the three heavens are gray .

What is this ban?

What kind of heaven is it?

Blood is in my hand, I have it in the world! when

When Burning Tianzun once again sacrificed hemorrhoids, the only four Tianzuns were wandering scorpions, joking, encountering these characters, and wanting to fight, it was purely looking for death, but they thought too much.

The **** sputum expanded again, covering a radius of 200,000 miles.

"Ah, no!" four

Tian Zun made a fierce sorrow, completely dodge, and was shrouded in blood, and the flesh and blood were uncontrollably disintegrated. Even the law power was small in front of blood.


They felt another piece of heaven and earth in the blood, filled with endless gods and devils, as if they were open to the ancient battlefield, and it was the ancient forces that wiped out their flesh and blood.

"This is over?"

The old man was a bit stunned, and he was still preparing for a fight, but he did not expect it to end. "

This is just the beginning! ”

Burning the sky, the cold and proud said: "Why is the lingering wind more than the present day?"

Finish. he

The body disappeared and directly penetrated the space of 900, and then the foot kicked out, and the sky fell apart. A Tianzhou was born and flew out. The last one was spurting blood, and the face was unmanned. .

but! burn

When Tianzun’s second foot came out, the void collapsed, and the Tianzhou and the Tianzun died on the spot. Connect


He rushed to the space again, one hand slammed out of a canopy, and a fist slammed out. The last one was smouldering, and when he flew to space for the third time, Yu Honglin and the Oriental family were already in the sky. Stop.

They are cold and erect, what kind of strength do they use to compete?

Needless to say.

When the third Tianzhou was smouldering, the entire world was only burned, this is his personal show.

Kill 18 heavenly gods! This

What a feat?

The whole starry sky is very broad, but there are not many celestial gods. Just like Hengtianxing, it’s only two or three. The Supreme Star is quite a lot, but the 18th Tianzun is also a terrible number, which is equivalent to playing two. A void road. and

The king and the spirit are fortunate. If the royal family and the virtual door are facing the sky, what will it be? thing

In fact. on

It was Ling Feng who was already shocked. He knew that burning Tianzun was terrible, but he did not think that it was terrible to this extent. Tian Zun was completely killed by the second. How great is the Burning Heaven in the heyday? "

I am very grateful to you! ”

At this time, Burning Heaven has come to the four heavenly lords such as Hong Lin, and said faintly. "Thank you for coming forward when my younger generation was killed by blood, but now I still have to take him back."


Yu Honglin was a little embarrassed and could understand it after a while. sense

They have always misunderstood these two Tianzun characters. They are not targeting Lingfeng, but are venting for Lingfeng, but they did not think that Lingfeng’s behind them stood such two horror Tianzun.

"Tianzun is polite, this is what we should do!" The ancestors of the East also became low-key at the moment, and no one in the face of burning such people could hardly stand up.


They are still not at ease, and the Taoist looks to Ling Feng and wants to ask for a certificate.

"Chen Tianzun is a predecessor of my family. After so many years of care and guidance, I said that his master can't be overemphasized!" Ling Feng stepped out and came to the side of the Burning Heaven, and said to the four heavenly masters.

"This is the case!" Yu Honglin's forehead, the road is deep. Do not

The same is true. burn

Tianzun’s Taoist eyes are moist, he can feel the sincerity in the Lingfeng tone, what is the most eager for the lonely and ancient Tianzun?

Younger generation! Ling

The glory of the wind is the one that the endless ancestors hope to get out of, and who can become the master of this character.

As long as Lingfeng is alive, the future achievements will surpass any ancestors. that

It is the future of ancient Wu! he

There is no opening, it is frankly accepted, but my heart is very excited. This is the impression of being old.

"Ling Feng, are you going back?"

Hong Lin had to speak at the moment, perfect void, Xianli is too important, they hope that Lingfeng can stay in the empty road.

"Yes, go back!" Ling Feng said with a smile.

"This..." Yu Honglin had some headaches, that is, the Tianzun of the Oriental family also changed color. Ling

If the wind is leaving, then the road and the perfect void?

"I will do what you promised." Ling Feng knows what these characters are thinking, and therefore directly speaks. When Xianli appears, the power of the Tao is no longer important.

but. At

The Taobao map to his eyebrows is a bit problematic. He needs further research and will not hand it over for the time being.

"Does Heaven respect us?"

Yu Honglin frowned slightly, but still open, the big man of the empty road is already coming, if this time let Ling Feng leave, I am afraid that the whole empty road will be crazy. "

Yes! ”

Burning Tianzun did not hesitate, and did not give face. "


"The problem that the empty channel should solve is not solved!"

Tianzun said dullly. "Is the Lingfeng previously assassinated, is it only the two gods?"

"You can make yourself an idiot, but please don't treat us as idiots!"

When the forest is cold! but

This is said by Burning Heaven. Even if Hong Lin’s face is ugly, he can’t refute it. They are aware of what happened to Ling Feng’s assassination. They want to solve the problem as soon as possible, instead of thinking about the crimes on the empty road. Had to follow the layout of the character. can

! burn

What kind of person is Tianzun?

Will he put Ling Feng on the empty road?

This kind of thing will not happen for the second time?

He wants to prove the sincerity of the empty channel with the life and death of a top Tianjiao?

"In the original assassination, we must give Tianzun a satisfactory explanation." Yu Honglin said with a slight bow. "

What I want is not to explain! "burn

Tian Zun shook his head in disappointment and said, "I want an attitude!"

"Ling Feng is going back with you, I am not at ease."

Yu Honglin sighed and sighed. It was only at this time that he knew the determination and suspicion of burning Tianzun. Only two gods could not do it. The problem lies in the void road itself, and this is what the burning gods are worried about. Virtual

There is rebellion inside the airway, and placing the wind on the empty road is placed on the edge of the knife. "

Well said! ”

At this moment, a Tianzhou quickly appeared, plowed the space, and it was in front of the crowd in the blink of an eye, and the last Tian Zun flew down and looked at the burning of the gods, saying in a very respectful manner. "Your said is correct. This is indeed our fault, we will find out the spy."

I will wait! "burn

Tian Zun said indifferently.


The first Tianzun is very atmospheric, not entangled in this issue, but said: "When the problem is solved perfectly, I will personally go to Hengtianxing to welcome Lingfeng."

The perfect void is the future of the empty road, and Ling Feng is the future of my empty road! ”

Burning Tianzun did not open his mouth, but looked at Ling Feng. After all, he did not know enough about the empty road.

"When the empty road needs it, I will come back!" Ling

The wind said solemnly: "I owe the empty road to great affection!"


The head of Tianzun was kind and laughed, very satisfied with Ling Feng, and then his face disappeared and became murdered. "However, my empty road is not bullied, they have already hit their faces, then we will tear the face!" "late

Ann. (

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