Supreme Demon

Chapter 116: God!

Void turbulence!

A half-Emperor character flew down from the void. They looked calm and looked at the semi-emperor characters such as the candle dragon and the other side. The unique atmosphere of the body made people realize that these semi-emperor characters and the sixteen top forces were half. The difference between the emperors.

Gloomy and cold!

Spicy and deep!

They are too similar in temperament, but the same is that they are different from ordinary gods, like the first old god, full of poisonous snakes, which is the direction and martial arts that other gods will not choose, and this falling five The gods are basically the same.

One of them was full of poisonous cockroaches, small and sly, with a few bleeding reds, and a few red gold, which was particularly eye-catching on the gray robes, releasing a daunting breath.

Although some of the semi-emperor figures do not have these poisons, they are reddish, their hands are gray, and a faint gray airflow is released between the faint, carrying a corrosive atmosphere, and the Tianli space contains more poison.


These semi-emperor figures are very different, their strength is polished in the poison, and they are naturally able to restrain the heavenly gods. Once they are hit by their power, the gods must be poisoned and injured, and the power is damaged. Then they are even more terror.

They don't want to be scattered, it's more like a force.

People are heavy and can't figure out which force has created so many vicious half-empire figures. Although they are not devils, they have a more vicious heart than the devil.

Death list!

Ling Feng easily thought of this power. Until now, people still don’t fully understand the true face of this power. Only the gods who have met this power have died. Only a few gods survived, but the truth is still Be buried.

Just because.

No one ever thought that the roster of death belongs to a force!

More because.

In the past, the roster of death was only to deal with one or two gods, and did not need to pay too much. Now, it is necessary to have more than one top half of the emperor, so they have to come to the semi-emperor more, which will allow Ling Feng to guess. the truth.

Seriously injured?

The old man in gray robes smiled and said, "The candle dragon, the world's top creature, but let me wait and see."

I am afraid that you do not have that appetite!

Bi Fang said coldly, there is a killing effect on his body.

The appetite of this seat has always been good!

A few and a half emperors in the district, how come brave?

Zhou Tian despise the six and a half emperors, not in the eyes, although the poison has an impact on them, but in the top half of the emperor power, the impact will be weakened, they are qualified to knock the other side.

Is it?

Suddenly, the void is trembled, and the six and a half emperors fly out of space and fall around the top half of the emperor, such as Zhou Tian. The gray nature is mixed with the power of corrosion, which is gloomy and terrifying, and one of the half-element figures There are still a number of hoes on the body, and some of them are still bleeding.

Twelve and a half emperors!

This is their true strength!

When the semi-emperor demon guarded the door, they did not appear to turn the tide, but let the gods fight the battlefield, wait until Lingfeng and other to solve the battle, this will kill, will be annihilated by Ling Feng.

This is a tragedy!

It’s really mad!

Ling Feng indifferent smile.. Do those forces really want my head like this? The price paid should not be small? Let me guess the fairy court?

Twelve and a half emperors are full of fun, and they are not open. The most important thing is to be trustworthy. The more important thing is to be careful. They are worried that Lingfeng will infer the truth in the process of asking questions.

Oh god!

Sikong’s sinister test said: Dare to target us, it is necessary to let them emptied blood!


An old man opened his mouth and said, "This is killing us. We are digging wells. We don't agree, so we have to spell out the results. I am willing to use this blood to cast their death!"

Only war!

A few top-level semi-imperials are quite decisive, and this section has only a **** end.

Let them go to Huang Quan!

The candle dragon said dullly.. I will kill you one by one!

Just because of you?

The old **** smiled, and did not put the threat of the candle dragon in his eyes. He said: If you are in the heyday, I will still be jealous, but now you do not have this ability.

Then it’s in its heyday!

After that, the blood of the candle dragon disappeared, and a white light appeared from the body, carrying the mountains and seas, and rushing out of the air, the top half of the emperor's power appeared, there was no previous fatigue, and every force seemed heavy. powerful.

It was the candlestick of his eyebrows that became clear and there were no signs of darkness.

Waiting for you for a long time!

Bi is simpler and more rude, the power changes instantly, the fatigue disappears, and the spirit becomes radiant. The body releases the power of the world, suppresses the time, and makes the gods and gods tremble, especially the light of the eyes. .

you guys

Zhou Tian Sikong looked at the candle dragon with some sorrow, and did not seem to think that they would be in the heyday, and was not affected in the fierce battle.

of course.

What is even more shocking is the twelve semi-emperor characters who have been very careful before, let the old **** first come out, but did not expect that they were still smashed, and the armor of the candle dragon is indeed extraordinary.

But is this enough?

not enough!


Twelve and a half imperial figures did not have much words. When they spoke, four of them were flying to the candle dragon, while the other eight and a half emperors were killed by Zhou Tiansi.


They feel that Zhou Tiansi is more likely to deal with it, to resolve the battle as soon as possible, and to encircle the two powerful creatures of the Dragon.


It was when they flew, Zhou Tian’s mouth was awkward, but when they appeared, they became powerful and powerful, releasing a gas-filled field and showing a full-fledged state in a short time.

Who said that the only thing that is outfitted is the candle dragon?


In the next moment, the horror of horror is pressed against the eight-and-a-half emperor. The only thing that Sikong shows is more dazzling power than the ancient Taoist road. A half-Emperor, the wild power is pushing the gray air.

Zhou Tian is simpler, with a jade bracelet in his hand, and Hao Tianwei is pressing against all directions.

Damn it!

The eight and a half emperors turned wildly, and they did not expect to have this scene. With their eyes, these characters could hide under their eyes, which is unbelievable.

But this is the truth!

They have long known that Lingfeng is different, Ye Witch is extraordinary, dare to show the top strength in the fierce battle, but more to know what kind of situation they are going to face, and thus has been hidden, and did not show the top strength.

Indeed, they were previously injured, but they did not have the same heavy weight that they showed. With the power of the gods, they can recover in a short time. This is the current situation.


Sikong is moving forward, other characters are moving forward, and every step of the force is spurting. The single half-element of the death list is not their opponent. This kind of side-by-side is indeed easier to cultivate, but In the face of the real avenue, he is even weaker.


The trenches were shot down on a half-Emperor, and the harsh voice was heard. Then the half-earth fell backwards. The gray power was actually opened and let it scream.


Sikong was a step forward, only one step away, but it was eclipsed for nine days, only because there was a dark cloud over his head, carrying thousands of thunders and smashing down.

This is his tenth heaven space!


Specially restraining the suffocating gas, and restraining the poisonous gas, it seems that there is no more hegemonic space than this.


The Thunder broke the barrier and directly destroyed the gray power of the gray power. Then one and a half of the emperor was injured. He was beaten and spurted, and the blood was sprayed, but it was dark blood, mixed with corrosive power, like rotten. The flesh and blood.


Those poisons have penetrated into their blood. They are not only cultivating poisonous gas, but also refining themselves into poisons, but they can only succumb to the thunder.

That is a natural nemesis.

Suddenly, a small snake appeared behind Zhou Tian and bite into the back of his head. He was shocked and thrilled on Sunday. He waved his fists without a hesitation, and there was a tide in his palm.


Life is endless!

And when that inch is pushed to the top, a **** is appearing in its palm, suppressing all things in the heavens.


The little snake did not have any struggles. On the spot, he was ruined by the gods, and then the gods of Zhou Tian’s palms flew away and pressed against the old god, letting the nine days tremble.

God God tried his best to suppress it, but he was still beaten out by the gods, spurting his mouth and his face became pale.

They are too small to be the top half-element figures next to Ling Feng. They are too far on this road. They are the characters who can ask the heavens. Although they are not as good as the candle dragons, they are not the sideways of them. Can be matched.

Be killed!

The old man in the sky of God is holding a big sword. There is no extra sword. There is only the wind and rain brought by the straight thorn. The big sword ignores any defense and despise the gray space.

The real sword is a sword!

No need to embellish the sword, no need to force to set off!

One person and one sword are proud of the world!

When the big sword fell, a half-emperor figure snorted and an arm was smashed down. When he wanted to retire, his face suddenly changed, only because the sword had not appeared in his chest. He feels endless power is flocking to his heart and Dantian.


His sorrowful sorrow, his body disintegrated in the big sword, but in the moment of life and death, he still took a blow in the backhand, the sword in the middle, and the sword body fell on the old man of the cracked god, let the old man scream The big step backwards, the power is damaged, and the flesh and blood become blushing due to the poison. He did not hesitate, and he smashed a piece of flesh from his chest. Although he was injured, he killed at least one half-Emperor!

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