Supreme Demon

Chapter 117: The situation is dangerous!

first drop of blood!

The half-emperor character of the death **** roster did not die in the first time of the candle dragon, but died in the hands of the old man, which is completely unintentional to other characters. What does this mean?

It's more powerful than just the candle dragon, and there are five other top-level characters.


The situation that tends to the roster of death is due to the appearance of the first drop of blood. Because the old man of the **** of the gods has lost one and a half of the emperor, the other half of the emperor is even brave, not falling on the old man, especially the week. Tiansi is absolutely empty.

They are strong forward, and it is necessary to let the half-emperor characters of the Death God list smash blood in a short time.


At this time, the candle dragon came out, the power of the day and the night of the night came out, different from the previous gray, at this moment, it is the gas field and strength of the world, directly tearing the space, and crushing the road.


The gray robes of the old man strode forward, pulling the mountains and rivers, and there was a heavenly treasure to the hands, and even a feather fan. When the fans fell, it was obvious that the mountains and rivers collapsed, and the winds and clouds changed.

Eight thousand miles of mountains and rivers collapsed.

30,000 road Tianyu tear!

The staunch wind completely tears this piece of heaven and earth, and the space is also the same. The power is indeed extraordinary. It is actually able to shake the night light and tear it apart. It is also shaking the day and letting it roar.

The whole world is falling apart.


When the daylight alternates with the night, when the tens of millions of heavy lights are shot, the heavy force is superimposed. Before the previous one, the fan is suppressed in one fell swoop, and then the candle dragon eyebrows fly out of a candle, forbidden to fight for that. Gray robe old man.

court death!

The old man in the gray robe shouted guiltyly. He knew the overbearing of this candle. He had smashed the magic in the fierce battle. It was a force that could not be touched. Now the candle dragon is in a state of full prosperity, and if it encounters non-death, it will hurt. .

He flew back and decided to escape this power.


The candle is too extraordinary to be overbearing. It is to fix the void and make the space solid. It is like a copper wall. It is difficult to open it. It directly leads to the tragic old man who is a gray robe. He uses the top jewel to tear, but still Can't compare with the degree of the candle.

Soon, he was suppressed by the candle, and the power was wiped out in the candlelight until it finally collapsed.

Do not!

The middle-aged face of the gray robe was tragically changed, but he tried his best, but he still couldn’t get rid of it. The candle had an incredible power, which could suppress any power, especially for the poisonous force.

next moment.

The candle was pushed across and the smoke of the old man in gray robes was extinguished on the spot.

This is the second drop of blood!

In a short time, the roster of death is actually killing two and a half emperors. This is the fact that the remaining ten and the half emperors are dumbfounded. They used to bully other characters. When will they be so fierce?

Nowadays, they feel the thorns of the problem. These characters are smarter than they think, and some of their means have no effect on these characters. What is more serious is that the poisonous force is restrained.

They are born to be a nemesis!


A fire in the sky, the direction of the front, the top skyfire has the power to restrain the poisonous force, in the powerful skyfire, the poisonous ash flies away, even more terrible is that the day the fire will be poisonous as fuel, is madly coming to the opponent.


The characters of the two and a half emperors changed wildly, but now there is no retreat. They have done their best, and there is a jade bead in their hands. The singularity of the scent is in the water, and the waves are in the waves, mixed with poison, to suppress the power of the day.

Water gram fire!


The water is not enough to see. In the face of the powerful endless fire, this little water is pitiful, not to mention the fact that the water has evolved from the poisonous nature. It is not really natural, it is naturally difficult to play a role.


The strength of the two and a half emperors is extraordinary. In the case of joining forces, they can indeed compete with Bifang. For a time, the two sides are deadlocked, and it is hard to be as strong as the other side.


Bifang's cold opening, binoculars, brilliance, which flew out a Xiaguang, shot to one of the half-Emperor figures, the light rain shocked, set time and space, can not allow the half-Emperor character to escape.


The half-emperor character was miserable and screamed. The whole body was divided into two, and the whole body was divided into two. It fell on the ground and screamed. What is even more terrifying is that Xiaguang penetrated into his flesh and blood and was purifying his poisonous power. More in purifying his blood and bones.

That is equivalent to purifying him!

In just a moment, his body collapsed and died.

The third drop of blood!

When the candle dragon breaks out and faces a half-Emperor character, it is simply a battle without suspense. The whole process is that the two creatures are blasphemy.

Too easy!

Too direct!

Too much!

There is no hesitation in the candlestick. The top 12 semi-imperialist figures appear, the impact is too serious, and God knows that there will be more gods? Now they are very hard, the power is being consumed quickly, and it cannot be delayed.

War decision! Therefore, the candle dragon directly used the candle and the Xiaguang. In the power of alternating white and night, the candle casts the top power, killing the second half of the emperor on the spot, and the party is slowing down. Xiaguang is still not as good as that candle, but the second half of the emperor is also

Did not live, was smashed by Xia Guang.

The fourth drop of blood is the fifth drop of blood!

When this situation was formed, the remaining half-element figures of the Death List were furious and fascinated. The candle dragon had no limit, and there were really few people who could match them at this level.


The candle dragon did not give them time to escape. In the turn of the room, they suppressed the heavens, pressed the eight parties, completely sealed off the retreat of several half-emperor characters, and beat them into jealousy.


Zhou Tianshou has hidden Qiang Kun, suddenly suppressed, the whole void is dark, the hands show the gods, while suppressing a seal, the entire opponent is sealed, and then use the gods to suppress.

Sleeve in the sleeves!

This is another top-level celestial power of God's sorrow. It is not weaker than the empty road. This makes Ling Feng fully aware of the extraordinary and greatness of the gods. This should have been an amazing force.

When the sleeves were opened, a half-empire of the list of deaths collapsed, and the gray blood was thrown out of the sleeves of the clothes, with a poisonous smell, making people sick.

Sikong is more brave, a trembling tears the sky, not too much gorgeous, and some are just thrilling beauty.


A crisp sound, the shackle directly pierced the throat of a half-emperor in the list of death gods, and nailed it in midair.

This is the end.

The whole situation entered their rhythm, and the other half-emperor characters of the list of death gods were completely devoid of climate. They were suppressed to death by the candle dragon and waited until two quarters of the time, and the whole situation calmed down.

Twelve and a half emperors are dead!

This is the **** record!

Who would have thought that these top-level semi-imperialist figures had not been seriously injured before? However, now they are really seriously injured, these 12 and a half imperial figures are not easy to deal with, especially the poisonous power, even if the candle dragon is not enough to eat, the candle and the glow are too expensive, and the old man is more Is to pay a piece of flesh and blood on the chest, Zhou Tiansi power is gray

And weak.

This state is quite wrong.

Death list!

Ling Feng said in a gloomy way. It is a good whetstone!

Obviously. After this shopping, Ling Feng determined that this list of death gods is indeed a force, and it is a very sinister force. The anti-God will pay a terrible price to the admiral. The poison is too pertinent, so the reason is not here. Only because of the candle dragon and other restraints, but against the gods

It is different.

but. When they step on the starry sky, it will come sooner or later, it is not important to take a step forward. It is important that he hopes that the anti-God can take this step when they are immune to various forces, when they can conquer various forces, when they force When the list of gods was crushed, the anti-God was really mature at that time.



Suddenly, the face of the candle dragon changed greatly, sensing the terrible breath in the void, and it was coming crazy.

Bifang Zhoutian Sikong is even more ugly, they only get rid of twelve and a half emperors, it seems that this is just the beginning.

Just when the candle dragon pulled the leaf witch and other goddesses, Bi Fang also pulled the Lingfeng Tianshen, they are flying fast, this is not a safe place.

Where to run!

A loud bang exploded in the void, and the snow fell abruptly, and flew back into the void, and in the place where they were originally standing, they rushed down and ruined the snow on the spot.


In the roar of the roar, eighteen and a half emperors appeared, the same as the previous twelve and half-Emperor figures. Although there was no poisonous creature, they were highly toxic and dark, like the characters coming out of hell.

This made Ling Feng and other faces amazed. The roster of death is more terrible than they thought. It is quite difficult to have so many semi-emperor characters and to be able to mix in under the eyes of several gods.

At this time, the candle dragon and other parties consume too much, and Sikong is injured every week, the situation is quite dangerous. If it is barely confiscated, it can suppress the 18-and-a-half emperor characters, but Ling Feng and Ye Witch are killed. .


They chose to fly in the first place, and when they recovered, they killed the half-Emperor characters one by one.

However, these semi-imperial characters are not weak, and they are not as good as those of the candle dragon, but they are approaching in the case of top-level treasures. What is even more terrifying is that the sky is turbulent, and terrible creatures will be born. , pressed in this direction.

Needless to say.

This is the killing list of the top half of the Emperor, such as the Dragon King, and the twelve and the half emperors are not enough. Then there are eighteen, and they are mobilizing more power, trying to stay in the candle dragon and so on forever. Here.

open! The candle dragon is brave and forward, and the candle is filled with Xiaguang. It is the price of the blood, but their strength is also consumed violently.

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