Supreme Demon

Chapter 141: Star universe!

Nine thousand roads!

This is a number that no one else can imagine. It is that thousands of gods are beyond the reach of many gods and gods. Now, let the nine thousand roads merge into their own bodies and "brand" them in Dantian. If they raise them, any A martial art can kill the Buddha. but

! This

It is unrealistic.

The nine thousand roads are too extraordinary. With Ling Feng’s current realm and talents, I want to reach the top. I don’t know how many years it will take, I’m afraid that it’s impossible to get older, let alone other gods and gods.

not to mention.

Ling Feng can take it to the top, but also stop at the gods, do not dare to step toward the heavens, otherwise it will be necessary to fall into the dead, the world has never been merged, at least not in history Any character goes to the world.

Ling Feng did not think so. He just wanted to use Wan Dao to polish his own way. Only when he really managed to overwhelm the 10,000 roads could he exert his top potential and truly travel. positive

If the gods are to wear the real dragon blood, they can travel far. plate

Sitting in a vast expanse of God, Ling Feng gasps and suppresses the blood in the body, and when it stabilizes, this will move forward and move toward the next piece of land. He will be tempered by nine thousand roads, naturally it will hit the last one. Thousands of ways.

"Nine thousand five hundred!" Ten

In five days, Ling Feng only flew out of a piece of land. His flesh and blood were blurred, and the collision in the body was more serious. He wanted to target the 10,000 roads with their own dazzling light. They possessed spirituality and naturally could sense the danger. where

I am afraid that Xianli is gray, even if the wind is bleeding. Shadow

What is more serious is that the tiny micro-mansions are placed in Ling Feng, like nine thousand five hundred needles, piercing his flesh and blood, corroding his bones and consuming his soul. In this state, He became slower and slower, and his brain became dull. barge

Miscellaneous is not only power, but also his thoughts. that

The power is intertwined in him, forming the idea that the big net binds the wind. The various martial arts flash in his mind, and he is bound by his inspiration. It is naturally slow to understand, especially the five hundred roads behind, each of which is like a threshold. It's hard to push away.

Ten days.

Ling Feng realized nine thousand seven hundred. two

Ten days. Ling

The wind comprehends nine thousand eight hundred. Time


Ling Feng’s will is blurred, and the martial arts in the back are getting different. Some are unheard of, some are esoteric, and it’s easier for him to be like Dan Dao and Refinery. But Qiankun Road, Bagua Road, etc. Headache, too complicated, it takes time to get through.


This is the next three hundred.

and. To

In the late Lingfeng, the injury was too heavy. Too real water was flying. In recovering his flesh and blood, Ling Feng took Tianshen Dan to maintain a strong breath, letting himself enter the ethereal state, and even smelt life and death. whole

The entire three months.

He pushed the martial arts step by step to nine hundred and ninety-nine kinds. From simple to complex, each process was refined. At this time, he almost went to the end from the beginning of the Wandao Star.

What is even more terrifying is that he has encountered several top demons. If he did not rely on the influence of the empty road and the half-empire character of the Guanghan Palace, he was afraid that he would be devastated. After all, his state was wrong.

Finally, he came out and came to the end.

now. he

The body shines with all kinds of light, sometimes vain, sometimes strong, sometimes cold as a knife, sometimes clear and windy, people are unpredictable, even more surprised that Ling Feng sometimes flashes a remedy Sometimes it is a sharp knife.

He has a gossip figure on his head, and he is on a trip to the sky.

He embraced the holy sun, and he flowed behind the stars. various

The **** of the gods is sorrowful, and the Lord of the Way is singing in the Zen.


It is because of this force that his flesh and blood is more blurred. It is the injury that Taiyi Zhenshui and Tianshen Dan have not been able to recover. It gradually deteriorates and makes Ling Feng frown. In this state, he can still hold on for several months. and

What is serious now is that he came to the finish line, but only saw 9,999 kinds of martial arts, only one step away from Wandao, but he could not find the last kind of martial art.

"Where is the road?"

Ling Feng looked at the distant mountains and rivers, carefully pondered, and determined that he did not miss any piece of land, only because the "branding" of a kind of seed in Dantian is flashing, echoing the pieces of land.

He was able to sense the terrain of the mountain and river, and was able to sense the charm of the road. of

There is really no problem.

The only reason is that the last one cannot be found. "

Isn't even a thousand stars, even the ancient roads are taboo? Ling

The wind frowns and sighs, and the Wandao appears at the same time. This is the taboo, even if it is a tiny force. It is said that before the end of the ages, there was an ancient heavenly power, which was made by many Tiangong. Only when the day came out, nine days of tremors, tens of thousands of sorrows, The embarrassing thing directly led to the loss of the day, scattered and opened, and it is still incomplete.

Things that are too far-fetched are naturally subject to heavenly rebellion. Ling

The wind suspects that the Wandao Star is in the taboo of the Tiandao, and it is really necessary to give birth to Wandao. It is estimated that the Wandao Star has already vanished. "

It’s really regrettable that all the last ones are in the sky. Ling

The wind sighs and sighs. He can sense the horror of the 10,000 roads. As long as he is a giant, he will open up a new heaven and earth, and because of the lack of the last one, the power of the road will be small.

In this way, it is difficult to release the top Tianwei with the help of the body, and the potential is embarrassed.

“Is it really hard to find the last one?” Ling

The wind disk sits in the earth and does not immediately merge. He always thinks that there is something wrong. and

Rear. he

Immerse yourself and release my mind into the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine kinds of rituals. I will carefully understand the charm and speculate on the direction and origin of the last one. Do not

Needless to say, these 10,000 roads are too comprehensive. Ling Feng knows and does not know the way, that is, Guwu is part of it. Even if it is burned here, it is estimated that the last one cannot be found.

Is there really no such thing in the world? This

At one moment, Ling Feng could not help but doubt it. He thought that it was one of them, but this idea was quickly ignored by him. He was born because of his own way, and he went against the road. Insoluble in thousands of ways.

"Want road, just because it is hard to find!" Ling

The wind and the gods brightened, after he combed the more than nine thousand roads, suddenly it seemed to grasp what was in general, and there was an inspiration in his mind. Although he was fleeting, he keenly grasped it.

Predict the last one in more than nine thousand.

He sinks his heart, combs and speculates, and finally the whole person becomes crazy and gives a nervous laughter.

"It is the last one!"

More than a thousand roads mean that thousands of stars divide more than 9,000 pieces of land, but Lingfeng has always ignored a fact. Does Wandao Xingchen belong to a piece of land?

It belongs to a piece of land!

It is also the last piece of land!

With the last one carrying more than 9,000 roads, that is the real one.

next moment. Ling

The wind is flying in the air and falling on the top of the Wandao Star. Looking down on this star, at first he saw the smog and the ambiguity, which made the more than nine thousand roads run, and the Wandao Star became clear. The momentum is pushing for him.

Can't see through, can't touch. sense

It should not be any way, but it belongs to one.

The smog is heavy and the atmosphere is blurred, but it quickly submerges the Lingfeng. His flesh and blood are tearing, his blood is drying up, and his whole body is like smelting to death. At this time, too much water is coming to an abrupt end, Tianshen Dan’s The medicine is pouring down.

The whole process is incredible. "

What is this? Ling

The wind was shocked. Before, he was able to see the road and know the direction. Now the direction is blurred, just like being in the darkness, reaching out and not seeing the direction, how can you find the exit? positive

When he panicked, more than nine thousand roads began to run wildly, as if echoing the last one.


Tianyu trembled, and the whole star sprinkled with light rain. People couldn’t help but raise their heads, but they couldn’t see any material. Lingfeng had been covered up by those substances and was in a closed space.

Time is in a hurry.

I do not know when, Ling Feng's panic heart became immersed, the look became peaceful, the whole person entered a special ethereal state, the gods were too imaginary, jumped out of the Wan Dao, and looked at it in a down-to-head manner.

This is not the role of the more than nine thousand roads. Instead, it uses the power of several space to shine, and it shoots out an unprecedented momentum. It will force Ling Feng out of the shackles and stand at the level of the body. Bystander.

this moment.

Everything became clear, and the last one seemed complicated. After it really jumped out, Ling Feng discovered that this was the simplest one.

Shape the same picture!

Shape the same breath! Big

Road to Jane!

Why do the real doctrines require the rule of the king? I hope that you will be at the glance. It is also a way to hit you with a punch. It is a sigh of breath. There are thousands of ways in the world, more than a million roads. A leaf can be a road, and a bunch of flowers can be a way.


The last one is the streamlined road, jumping out of the complex scope of more than 9,000 roads, exerting the power to the extreme, and bringing the rhyme to the extreme, only one stroke is needed, and only one painting is needed. it

It is a star, which integrates more than 9000 channels perfectly and divides them. star

Chen universe!

Ling Feng suddenly opened up, opened the clouds, the universe accommodates all beings, and can accommodate 10,000 roads. This is the same as Ling Feng's inner universe. This is just a big universe, and this way can be derived from more Wandao. Belongs to origin.

It is the end of Wandao, and it is the starting point of Wandao. "

This is Wandao! Ling

The wind is gratified and laughs, but the expression is very distorted. He doesn't know what will happen next, but now he has to get rich.

The stars and the universe, the universe was flooded, and all the guards were around the body of Ling Feng. At that time, the gods and the Buddhas became gray. Then, Dan Tian trembled and a void appeared, forming a circle, shrouded more than nine thousand. Wandaoxing has the same appearance. only

Yes. that

It’s just a prototype.

At this time, the sky was so smoggy that there was no undulation, but when Ling Fengbao was solemnly sitting in the void, when the road was melting, the starry sky seemed to be collapsing, and people felt an unprecedented suffocation.

good night.


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