Supreme Demon

Chapter 142: Melt your way!

On the void. One

The thin body of the plate sits, solemn and calm, like immersed in this piece of heaven and earth, the whole person exudes the top momentum, like the mountain and river ignited and burned clean. various

Tianwandao shines beside him.

The magical phantom is guarded around his body.

The heavenly medicines and sharp weapons flashed one by one, and their momentum gradually climbed to a terrible momentum, making them silky and messy, making their **** and fuzzy, and letting their power spew. This

It is a million forces. this


In Lingfeng's body, a ray of light shines, especially in Dantian. There is a star, like the prototype of Wandaoxing, and more than nine thousand "branding" on it, bursting a heavy light, because the last one The emergence of more than 9,000 other light rains is even more dazzling. when

Of course. more

What is important is that in the midst of the power slamming from time to time, the light and rain that is shot out will almost swallow up this piece of heaven and earth, which is very strong, and this is still because the Lingfeng is not dominant, when he starts to attract attention and leads When the power of Wandao was blended, the light rain was even more dazzling. "

melt! Ling

The wind opened, the voice became hoarse and cold, and he knew that as long as he took this step, the next blood disaster would come. It would be an unprecedented practice, and he would be more loyal to his body. he

There is no resentment. When Ling Qing collapses in front of him, life and death are less important.

In the stars of the universe.

The two martial arts suddenly merged, and each other had a top-level smash. This is an equal martial art. There is no main sub-division. Once it is merged, it is a brand-new martial art, and the direction is uncontrolled. and

And. it

They all belong to the rudimentary form, and the forces are equal. Therefore, in the process of integration, the cockroaches emit a fierce tremor. The power is like a light rain, which falls on the dantian of Lingfeng and makes it hurt. he

There is no snoring, and strong willpower is smelting life and death.

choke! sword

The rain is blowing, the boxing wind is whistling, and the two forces are shocking. The picture is small, but it is very spectacular. If it is enlarged, it will be a fierce battle between the top gods. Do not

However, the whole process is not long, and the smashing by Lingfeng is quite fierce. Therefore, in a short period of time, the two forces will collapse and form two forces of gold and gray flowing in the stars universe.

"融!" Ling

The wind opens, and the stars in the universe are sprayed with great power, and the forces will suppress that force and force them to blend.


Dan Tian trembled, the two forces were spiritual, they didn't want to blend together, they were still colliding, and the sigh of excitement made Ling Feng suffer from frowning, but once this momentum was formed, there was no possibility of distortion.

Half awkward.

Lingfeng Dantian issued a dull bang, the two forces completely blended together, a light gray pearl appeared in it, releasing a strong light rain, far beyond the previous boxing and sword.

Ling Feng’s eyes are not ecstatic, this is what he should have done before, not now.


His dull opening made the third road come to this spiritual bead and forcibly blend.

Needless to say. This

The light rain that erupted out was more eye-catching, and the fire was shining. It was like two kinds of metal colliding. The power was not small. At least Lingfeng’s Dantian felt stinging, and more seriously, his Dantian’s power blended. The messy power between the flesh and blood is also in harmony, a bit of a sword to wear the taste.

Boom! Do not

For a long time, the third channel is integrated into the Lingzhu, which makes the momentum more obvious, but the overall does not change much, but the color is changing, changing from light gray to light white.

"Fourth!" Ling

The wind is so cold that people feel the chill, let the arrow break through the heart, but it is as rock-solid, how powerful will it be able to do?

The fourth is easier. Under the strong pressure of the Lingzhu, it quickly disintegrates and forcibly integrates into it, making its power spatter, and the momentum is stronger, but not obvious enough. Million

The power of the Tao is the embryonic form, too small, far from being able to be compared with the current Tianli space. The Lingfeng injury is so heavy, it is completely because of the imposing momentum, which leads to the collapse of the overall momentum.

and. Million

At the same time, the momentum of the Tao appeared, he was suffering from the tremendous pressure of Tianwei, seriously affecting his flesh and bones and Dantian.


The fourth pass is integrated into the Lingzhu, making it more rounded, the surface is moist, like the leaves just falling rain, you can look carefully to find out, it is just cold.

not enough! to

Less speed is too slow, Lingfeng now needs too much time, so he wants to be faster, rather than step by step, when a kind of martial arts is integrated into the spiritual beads, the power that erupts from it is getting stronger and stronger, from tiny to tyrannical. only

Only half a day. to

In the Star Universe, a pale white spirit bead was born, and a kind of branding appeared on it, and a faint mist was released around it, like a star shining in the mist, very magnificent. in

In the momentum, this Lingzhu is too strong, far from the previous prototype, at least a hundred times stronger, and immediately push the power to the Wuling level. "

Ten! Ling

The wind did not hesitate, and directly spurred ten kinds of martial arts to fly to the Lingzhu. With the strong momentum, it slammed against the Lingzhu, which led to the collapse of the Lingzhu, and the ten martial arts collapsed. under

A moment. two

Ten kinds of martial arts and scorpions quickly merged, and the dull bangs were issued. On the spot, Ling Feng spurted blood and his face was fascinated.

It is not only the harmony of the Tao, but the attack of him in the Wandao gas field. Every way is to confront the heavens and the Tao. Each kind of road will make you strong and strong, and let the stars cobble. that

It is the road! "

Twenty! ”

However, Ling Feng did not stop abruptly, but used 20 strokes to the Lingzhu, to further blend, the whole process is quite fierce and eye-catching, the power is so fast to tear Dantian out of the hole. drama

The pain made Ling Feng mouth straight, but he insisted. "

Forty! ”

At this moment, Ling Feng showed extreme madness. The 40-way disintegration of the spiritual beads has not yet fully stabilized. The other 40 roads will come and collapse directly to further blend. "

Eighty! ”

"One hundred and sixty!"

Three hundred and twenty! "...


The voice is getting clearer and clearer, his eyes are getting more and more shining, but his situation is getting more and more fascinating, his body is blood-stained, Dantian has a blood hole, if it is not too true, now he is estimated to be abolished.

before. Ling

The wind can sense and comprehend thousands of ways, but now he can sense, comprehend the road is decreasing, a little lost feeling, very magical, the Tao is disappearing, at first, he is very vague, not understanding, to the later he Become awake, it seems to be seen through the general. "

Two thousand five hundred and sixty! "when

When Ling Feng shouted out this number, the whole Dantian was exploding, the rhythm roared, and the power was thin, that is, Xianli was trembled fiercely, only because the five heavenly space created by the body is pressing against the star universe. Trying to annihilate the 10,000 of them.

What is even more terrifying is that when more than two thousand roads are merged, the light rain that was born is that the flesh and blood of Lingfeng are dying out, only the bones and bones can hold on. Because of a kind of martial arts, the power of the spirit beads is Was pushed to the point of unpredictability. Now


It is the same top god.


At this time, Ling Feng could not help but sorrow, flesh and blood twisted, body squatting, feeling that the whole person would blow up, and did not want to live, especially Dan Tian seems to be disintegrated by that force.

"not enough!"

He stubbornly persisted, did not give up because of this pain, the whole person's momentum is in full bloom, and Taiyi Zhenshui, Tianshen Dan, etc. is to provide strong support for them to survive tenaciously.


Five thousand and one hundred and twenty are in harmony. What was born should not be the spiritual beads, but the dZi, the smog and the smog, the momentum is empty, and people can’t see through the truth, but the power that was sprayed out at that time is People are flustered. This

It is a terrible boundary. Take

It is a miracle that Lingfeng’s flesh and blood can hold on, and more than this number will directly collapse him. Therefore, he did not call out more than 5,000, but kept this rhythm and let more than 2,000 fly and integrate. Go to it. Seven

One thousand six hundred and eighty!

Dantian is crazy, and Ling Feng is crazy.

Just because.

That power is too strong, and it is almost equal to the current space of heaven, reaching the level of the gods. This is not the accumulation of power, but the integration of the Tao. It is not one plus one equals two, but one plus one equals ten and equals one hundred. to

Tiny is born powerful! boom

Long! under

At the moment, more than two thousand flights came, banned from pushing the dZi to the unpredictable top, reaching a level of horror, and that road has reached more than 9,000, and is heading for Wandao.

The star universe has become empty, only a few dozens of hooligans, and the smog in the center is more intense, almost this piece of Tianyu is sealed, very terrifying.

"Push to the top!"

Ling Feng shuddered and shouted that the last dozens of channels were also incorporated into the Dzi Beads. At that time, the Dzi Beads could not even see himself. The blurring of the senses, the souls of the gods became gray.

Xianli stirs up. Take

Five ways to boil.

This is the blend of nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine, the birth of the Dzi Bead, forbidden to push the power of Ling Feng to the six-level god, vast and great, and the stars and gods around the wind The magic waits to dissipate and dissolve into Dantian.

"The last one!"

Ling Feng raised his head, his face was not rich in flesh and blood, but he was still insisting that he would use life and death to produce a great and unpredictable future.

He knew that after this step was taken, there was no possibility of looking back.

He knows that after this step, he will suffer nine days of deforestation. can

He still has a faint smile on his lips. He wants to go to Wandao. This day, the land must give way. "

come on! ”

The next moment, he slammed his head and slammed into the void, and the last star universe in Dantian was quickly pressed into the smog, pouring into it, to blend with the celestial sphere. (

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