Supreme Demon

Chapter 143: A storm, a life and death!


There was a strange atmosphere in the void, and it spread to the surrounding area. The terrible light rain suddenly appeared on the Wandao Star, spilling over to the piece of land, the dull momentum came to the sea, and the gods and the devils who were present felt unprecedented. Pressure. he

They looked up at the sky and couldn’t help but frown.

At this time.

The starry sky appeared, the dull wind and rain seemed to fly down from the stars, and a piece of emptiness flew from afar, and it was pressed over the stars and released the top power. The thin void was like a cloud.

There seemed to be flashing in the void, and more chilling arrows appeared. In the end, there was a thunder, but there was no thunder, but there was a wave in the sky, and it quickly swayed around, causing the void to appear. Black hole. this

Come. Million

The Taoist star is in the white, and it can release the light itself, but at this moment it is gray, and the light is covered by the piece of emptiness on the starry sky. This makes the Thunder in the void more dazzling, as if there really is a living being. Which goes out of the ordinary.

That is a virtual sky!哗

La la la. Do not

For a long time, the sound of running water in the virtual sky is more like the sound of metal rubbing the ground. This makes many gods and gods lose their color. I always feel that the problem is not right. The virtual sky is awkward. It should belong to the taboo field. Its origin is unknown. But as long as it appears, it is not normal. more

What's more, there is an unusual voice in the virtual sky. Whether it is running water or metal, as long as it appears in the virtual sky, it will be a terrible blood disaster.

"what happened?"

Some gods ask questions, but no one can answer them because people can't find an answer.

but. people

We know that there must be terrible big things happening, but we don’t know why they will appear on these thousands of stars. Is it true that someone is born in a million ways? This

That is to say.

No one in this world dares to do this. What is the difference between looking for death? And people know that this star is very jealous, not a real one, but one less, which means no one can take that step. Do not

Over. Want

It is a talented person who is likely to complete a hundred paths and a thousand ways. They are guessing whether this wind and rain is full of people.

however. he

However, we did not find the gods and demons that are melting in this star. After all, most of them are only one or two, which can be completed in a short time. Who would want to make such a big storm? that

It is a living target. can


There is such a god, to do a big event, but he is in a hidden space, the momentum has not escaped, and thus has not been discovered by others.

but. when

The momentum in Lingfeng's body can still be sensed by this heavenly road, especially when the star universe flies to the smoggy Dzi Beads. When Wandao goes to the last moment, Tiandao can't stop it. It is necessary to stop this crazy character as soon as possible and kill it. miracle.

Wandao blends! that

What kind of picture will it be? Do not

To say that other people can't imagine, it is Ling Feng who can't imagine it. He only thinks that the smog will sometimes spray out the ray of sunshine, sometimes it will penetrate the void, and sometimes it will surprise the ancient heavenly medicine, sometimes there is The world's soldiers passed by... The whole process was covered up, even if he could not see it. Do not

Over. that

The horror of horror and the waves are still too terrible. When the stars and the universe flew down on the sky beads, Geshibo spurred Lingfeng to spurt blood, and the bones of the gods were mottled with cracks, and the flesh and blood flew away. that

The momentum is too much to be able to contain the water, and Tian Shen Dan is **** in front of this force.

This is the same as Nirvana, but it is different. nirvana

The disk comes from its own deforestation, and the integration of Wandao is not only the deforestation from itself, but also the deforestation from the heavens. It can be said to be more dangerous and terrible. Boom


Suddenly, there was a blast in the smog, and there was endless splattering, and the dull bang was the fracture of the spleen of the spleen, which directly affected the soul of the gods.


After a while, the sound was even more horrible. The power that spewed out of it blew the bones of Lingfeng, and the whole body was torn apart. That is, Dantian is tearing. If you can persist, it is because of the will and spirit of Lingfeng. . "

what! ”

His fierce misery, the sorrow almost tore the space, and the more serious is that although Xianli restrained the surrounding, not let the power destroy Dantian, but the five heavenly space to serve It is in a frenzied rush, wanting to press down and smash the power of that million. Of course


Before the power of Wan Dao has not been merged, Ling Feng will not let the power of the body to press on. If you want to force yourself to go out and travel, you must have this powerful attitude, not endless, refining yourself. The body is either dead or martial. tea

Kung Fu.

The smog is even more vast, covered with half a dantian, thick and strong, and most of the smashing is smog, otherwise it is difficult for Yanli to suppress, which gives Li Feng a chance to live.

However, the horrible fluctuations are still blasting, so that Ling Feng’s body is damaged, and the wind is forced to death by step by step, that is, the spirit of Ling Feng is being damaged, and it will not persist. suddenly

Of course. too

A true water carries the momentum of madness. If the rain falls like a waterfall, dump it in the body of Ling Feng, let it tenaciously firm, and smelt one by one...

At an hour, Ling Feng persisted.

One day, Ling Feng refining.

Time is in a hurry. Ling

The wind was dull and sighed, and he closed his eyes. At this time, he had lost his pain. He only felt that life was passing, his eyes were dim, his breath was screaming, and he was dying, and Taiyi Zhenshui was the last light he could see. he

I am very grateful to the real water.

It is this kind of Shenshui that pulls him back from the side of death again and again, but he wants to know that the origin of this water is so extraordinary, the effect on the gods is so extraordinary, not to mention there is a prohibition.

Ten days, not enough! Ling

The wind has been tempered for forty-eight days, and several lives and deaths have long been numb to life and death, and he feels that sometimes death is easier and more comfortable than living. This kind of torture is more terrible than death.

On this day, the smog finally calmed down, and the waves were not shocked. However, it was too true that the water was still mad, and Ling Feng recasted the flesh and blood.

At the moment when Ling Feng was awake, he knew that the integration of Wan Dao had entered a stable stage, and the power was getting along. As long as he passed the last moment, he would add to him and he would be able to shoot with the help of the road. Top light, turning on real awakening. he

Sitting calmly, I hope to recover as soon as possible, only because he sensed the waves above the stars.

Forty-eight days.

Ling Feng in his own body, smelt life and death, the same as Nirvana, but the sky in the sky is a few days of meditation, become deeper, releasing the breath of the gods and the heavens. although

However, people do not know what is going on here, but they are still flying out of the stars for the first time, fearing that they will be killed by the horrible virtual sky. he

They are not far away, but they are watching from afar. Do you want to know what the star is doing? complete

actually. This

It is the ancient road, and any change will affect them.


Nine days of tremors, the wind is full of stars, the momentum on the whole star is suppressed very low, and the thin and emptiness of the sky becomes thick and unparalleled at this moment, the creatures and thunders inside are more conspicuous, and the metal rubbing the ground The sound is clearer, as if it is in people's ears.


The piece of imaginary sky is falling down. At the beginning, they appeared around the stars, and then they oppressed in the same direction and merged into a sea of ​​heaven. painting

The face is too spectacular and daunting.

Obviously. that

The direction is the origin of the matter. When people look at it seriously, they only sense a few subtle scent. On the contrary, the emptiness of the virtual sky is stronger, and it is difficult to see through. only

Only a few days of effort. that

The virtual sky is thicker and more crushed. The Bohai Sea is squeezing, and the power of the last million stars is disintegrated. Let the endless sky appear on the Wandao Star, and go to the space where Ling Feng is located.哗

La la la. gold

The sound that rubbed the ground was stronger. There seemed to be a figure in the hand that dragged something forward, and the boundless darkness swallowed people's horizons. At this time, the whole million stars were dark.

People are hoping that a real disaster will come. "

There are taboos on Wan Dao Xing, let the sky cut! ”

"What is this slashing, it feels like someone has to ask the Emperor Wu."

In terms of momentum, it should not be caused by the devil. ""

The demon had previously broken the sky, I don’t think so. ”

Some gods are arguing, and those who are injured are the devils. They used to do it. They think, but now they have nothing to do with them. end

to. that

The endless sky is pressed to the space above Lingfeng, the pressure is over the mountains and rivers, the space is automatically disintegrated, black holes appear around it, the frenzy is generally squeezed, and the wind in the space is in front of people. only


There was a smog in the fog, and people couldn’t see the wind and the truth, only a blurry figure. "

I rub, will not really be a million people? "Some gods and gods are chilling."

You think too much, there is no such thing as this star, and it will not be born. Otherwise, it will be nine days of slashing, and it is not just the picture. ""

I think this is an amazing figure. Although it is not a million, it is at least a thousand, or even thousands. ”

"This is all about challenging the majesty of heaven and earth. If it is successful, is it necessary to give birth to the second day?"

This pressure is too terrible, has reached the level of Emperor Wu, that person is only afraid of danger..."

People are excited and sigh, and feel that Ling Feng cannot survive. boom


Suddenly, the thunder is like a rain, appearing in the sky, and pressing down to Ling Feng. What space and power will be empty in front of the nine days of thunder, and the terrible light rain is more restrained, and there is a kind of the meaning of.

This is a thunder storm. This

It is a life and death! late



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