Supreme Demon

Chapter 157: Tears and rain!

This is a dramatic change!

It is too good for the anti-God. many

The elite characters are almost equal to the eight-level gods. Their true strength is not comparable to that of the eight-level gods. This makes them improve too much. Now they are moving towards the "magic blade", although it is not enough at the top level, but as long as they step forward to the nineth level God, "Magic Blade" is not their opponent.

however. Now

In the situation of the big difference, the six "magic emperors" are looking for their whereabouts, especially the two winds, the leaf witch, if not the sixteen supreme forces in front, fear that they have no chance to ask Road. Do not


Now the first half of the Supreme Forces are aware that the first and second "magic emperors" are asking the emperors, and in the absence of their whereabouts, they have to ask the emperor as soon as possible. because


With the current strength of the gods, they are even more unprecedented. They want to conceal the momentum of the "magic blade" on the celestial stars, find their intentions, wait for the leaf witch, Lingfeng to be born.

After a moment of discussion. cold

If the moon disappears with a butterfly, and the gods and gods lead the ghost to the virtual sky, it is necessary to ask the squad to suppress the "magic blade". After all, the sun is now facing the whole "magic blade". "And the six "magic emperors" seem to get news, blood is killing Zhou Tian.

"I am waiting here!"

Clearing the mouth, the anti-God has been concealing some things. She is not against the gods in the gods. Therefore, it is most suitable for her to wait for Lingfeng and Yew. "

it is good! ”

Yunxi amount, Zhou Tian's blood, the situation is one thousand, although she has been born, but she still feels unreliable. under

A moment.

Reversing the gods to the full force, now not only is the life and death of Zhou Tian important, Ling Qing is where the world is more important, just relying on Yang can not hold it. ...


God space.

It is completely isolated here, in the sea of ​​heaven, and since the disappearance of the gods, there is a lot of low-key here, and it is more cautious than the gods. Unless there is an urgent matter, they would rather not be born.

after all.

Their overall strength is too weak now, Yang master takes away the real elite, only a few true gods can suppress the situation, but in this sea, what is the true God?

However, because Yang and others are carrying blood debts, they are all sighing in the hearts of every **** and martial **** of the gods. They are doing their best to make progress. and

And. Virtual

There was no news from the starry side of the sky, and they were even more worried. They felt that the Lord and the Lord were in trouble, but they could only hide here. What did it feel like?

They would rather break into the stars of the sky and use the body to spread the **** avenue. can

They can't! because

and. he

We can only torture ourselves and make the road go further. It is completely mad. This leads to the empty space of the whole anti-God space, and the only depressing thing in the space of anti-God is the rain.

"Brother, when will you be back?"

The rain fell like a kitten-like cat on a wicker chair, and looked at the distance with a double-eyed blush. At the moment she got the news, the sadness almost went to the virtual sky with Yang.

Ling Qing’s sister is gone... How much does he want to be sad?

Rain only feels heartache. can


She feels weaker, and the gods are working hard to fight with life and blood, but she can only cat here, she has tried hard, but the top resources of the gods are useless to her, and her Dantian has never been Static, like dead water.

She can only cat on the wicker chair, wash her face with tears, and wait for Ling Feng to come back. Of course

and. when

One of the rebellious people retreats, one bit disappears, she feels more sad, those big brothers and sisters who love her, lose their smiles, lose their bodies, and some people go out of the space of anti-God, they never come back. that

It is even more painful! "

Brother, do you know that it is raining and want to die for you! "drop

The rain sobbed, but she could not fall into tears, only to blush her eyes.

"Brother, do you know how falling rain miss you!"

The rain looked at the empty space of anti-God, sorrowful from the heart, I do not know when to start, the anti-God was forced to this point, I do not know when to start, they can only use life to fill this tragedy. she was

It is so powerless!

How much can they pay for them to come back?

Suddenly. drop

The rain only felt that the blood was getting cold, and the body was boiling. The tears that had never fallen were falling, like a pearl, but they did not fall into the mud, but flew in the air. early

Time. drop

The rain didn't notice, until she felt that the line of sight was getting blurred, and she noticed the dramatic change.


A drop of tears flew out of the smoke, but it was only rain and fog in front of the rain, and when that drop of tears, large pieces of gray smoke disappeared, the rain and fog will be submerged and the real capacity will not be seen.


Those rain and fog are gestating a huge amount of power, and they are coming to the rain slowly, and the Dantian, which has always been like stagnant water, has become unprecedentedly boiling at this moment. The terrible power is like a storm, and it is amazed in it. Tens of thousands. "

what! "drop

The rain hurts, and the power comes too fast, too suddenly, so she can't wait for her defense. When the power is propping up flesh and blood, and turbulent Dantian, she reacts. Of course


The power was too majestic, and I thought about control just before the rain, but it was futile at a later moment. The power was completely out of control, turbulent in the rain, and tearing her flesh and blood.

"Brother, it’s going to find you in the rain!"

It was the last sound of the rain, and the next moment her whole body was integrated into the rain and fog...

The mountains and rivers are magnificent. This

It is the eighth star. Unlike the previous stars, this star is not so vast. It should be equivalent to Hengtianxing. The difference is that the terrain here is too extraordinary. huge

Re-emerged to hundreds of millions, under these huge weights, it is that Ling Feng seems to be struggling, and has to use Tianli space to disintegrate this huge weight. but

. day

The force space can be far from enough. The huge weight comes from this star, and it can penetrate into the Tianli space, so that Lingfeng is suppressed, and the overall strength is greatly weakened, which is equivalent to a second-level god. Of course


This is only the beginning. When Ling Feng went to the center of this star, the huge weight turned out to be qualitatively changing. It went directly to 200 million, 300 million to the end of the horror of 2 billion, causing his realm to "disintegrate". It is like a true god.

To know.

Ling Feng is a golden god, can only contain the figure of 2 billion jin? he

Can bear more, but that heavy weight also with weakening power, so that he can not afford real strength, then other gods?

have to say. This

It is an excellent place to sculpt flesh and blood, but the flesh and blood of Ling Feng is extremely terrifying in the fairy sound. It is difficult to take another step in a short time, and he also has the breath of the character of the Death List on this star.

They appear here!

Because Ling Feng used Xianli and the four celestial sounds to annihilate the breath, so the character of the list of death gods has not found his whereabouts, so the gods of death list are a bit unusual here. "

It’s really a narrow road! ”

Ling Feng concealed a flash, stepped into the space, with a cold face on his face.

Death list! This

The forces are too unpredictable, and half of the emperors are not in a minority. At present, there are more than a dozen for him. Although the top half of the emperor has not yet appeared, Ling Feng feels that this will be a terrible force that can confront these forces.

More importantly, Ling Feng suffered from too many blood kills in the death list, especially in the ice world, which really angered Ling Feng. that

It is the situation of the dead party. Now


In this star, Ling Feng wants to know what these characters want to do, and wants to kill them one by one.

Blood anger! when

Use blood to return! under

At one moment, Ling Feng disappeared and flew into the distance, and the gods fully unfolded, while the **** figure released the top momentum and captured the breath of the characters on the roster of death.

"Just ahead!"

Flying for three days, Ling Feng felt that the atmosphere became clear, not vague, which meant that he had approached the gods of the Death List, and the terrain of the mountains and rivers here became different. One

The seat stands in the void, and every vastness is like a sea, covering almost half of the stars. yellow

Kim Min!

I don't know why every time I see the color of gold, Ling Feng feels that the hair is fried. The golden enamel that I met in the imaginary sky has given him a deep impression. This makes him feel that the cockroaches here are more extraordinary, if they are buried. The figure estimated that the star would be blown up.

but. he

There is no retreat, but I really want to know what the gods of the **** of death are doing.

After a while. he

There was a squat on the squat, and the momentum was felt in it, but there was no melody and no smell of the show. This made Ling Feng feel relieved. This should not belong to the character. very


He appeared in the center of the hustle and bustle, and here he saw more than 30 gods, all of which belonged to the list of death gods. One of them was particularly eye-catching, with a mountain top and a river, where the dragon snake was entrenched, full of **** breath, which is almost the standard of the death list. Match. "

right here? ”

At this time, the half-Emperor of the top of the mountain and river asked.


Then I will seal the surrounding area to prevent the sudden change. I will wait to uncover this star. Once the treasure comes out, I can suppress the entire ancient road! "The five and a half emperors are full of ecstasy.

Obviously. in

It is very beneficial to them to bury the treasures here. Once they get it, it will be unprecedentedly scary. "

Yes! ”

A **** flies out, and a flag shines in his hand. He quickly hits the surrounding area and falls between the mountains and rivers. The space of five thousand miles is completely sealed, and the star is to be uncovered here. "

Stars? ”

Ling Feng looked at the one god, and couldn't help but frown. I don't know exactly what the death roster is coming to, so he is here to wait for the benefit of the fisherman. "

let's start! "in

After being completely sealed around, the five-and-a-half-thousand characters became crazy, striding forward, and came to the middle of the star, and there was a knive in the hand, releasing a frenzy. Weili, quickly fell to the star.

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