Supreme Demon

Chapter 158: Star Spring!

The sky shines. gray

The dark airflow is flowing in this void, making the whole void become dull and gloomy. The stars are vacant and stand out. The momentum is extraordinary, and people feel embarrassed, like the horrible creatures buried here.

now. dead

The five and a half emperors in the roster of God are in front, and the space of the heavens is exploding, and the same shape is swaying around, but the overall momentum is not too strong, and the five-level true **** is only manifested.


This star is extraordinary, that is not only the Lingfeng, but even the semi-emperor characters are subject to suppression, but their power is more powerful, so the overall performance is far from the wind.

And this is where Ling Feng is jealous. complete

actually. he

Although they are in a real state of God, the gap between them is the same as that of the gods. Even if it is in the heavens and the gods, there is no good end to the upper half of the emperor, not to mention the fact that there are more than one person in the list of the dead gods at this moment. choke


The handle of a handle is trembled, bursting with a strong momentum, and quickly slamming downwards. The power at the top of the five-level true **** bursts open at this moment, like a mad stream flooding the star. boom

Long! huge

The sound blew open, and the star-studded turbulent turbulence, and the road swooped into the sky, showing that it was a strange door, its power actually reached the level of the gods, quite terrible. to

Less on this star, there are no characters who can play the power of the gods. positive

Because of this.

The handle was blocked, and it was stopped by the students. It was not able to open the door of the door. The star was only swaying out of the way, and did not tear it apart. This made the five and a half emperors frown. "

It is more difficult to deal with than we think! "its

One of the semi-emperor characters speaks, but it doesn't mean too heavy.. "But, this is not enough!"

"God level!"

One half of the emperor opened his mouth and did not put Naqimen in his eyes. In the eyes of the list of death, any strange door was used to overcome it. "

Then I will try to open it! ”

The third half of the emperor was full of chills, and even more mad, any character knows what the treasure is buried in this star, I am afraid to be crazy.

"Come on!"

The semi-emperor took a step forward, while the other twenty gods stood behind the five and a half emperors. The momentum of the body was mad, and the half-emperor who flocked to the same creaked, and when that When the Tiantianli space blew out, carrying the powerful force of Thunder and Wanhao, the half-emperor opened his chest and there was a vast space in his chest. that

Space is swallowing up other spaces, making the whole space more violent, and the unpredictable momentum is so heavy that it dive to the sky. positive

At that moment.

For the hand of the semi-emperor, the knives of the knives smashed out the tens of thousands of stalwarts, and immediately pushed the power to the level of the gods. Of course


Just as Ling Feng pouted, I felt that this knife was not enough to open the door on the star, the half of the emperor flew out a treasure, like a fan, the whole expansion, like a peacock. thing

In fact.

The handle fan is really made of peacock wings, and it is a peacock of the Emperor Wu, which is the real beast, how powerful is the power? The lupin fan made of its wings has the Tianwei, which is tearing the ground, and the non-qimen can suppress it. thorn

La! that

The handle knife smashed out for the first time, shot down on Qimen, splashed like a sky, and the world was torn on the spot, and the void collapsed, but the Qimen was only gray, and there was no crack. Connect


The lupin fan made from the peacock's wings fell at this moment. At first it was only a lupin, and it suddenly exploded when it appeared on Qimen.

It is like a peacock opening! This

How much power in the world can suppress this process? that

It is the power of the beast to exert power, that is the magical power of the instinct of the beast!


Just as the fan unfolded, a root wing was rooted on the Qimen, and the same handle knives were sharpened. The Qimen door was opened little by little and bursting around. In a short time, a big hole appeared in them. before. This

Surprising the distant Lingfeng, the handle fan is extraordinary, the power is only to the top of the heavens and treasures, only in this way can it be opened and restrained. "

Stars belong to us! "Fives

The semi-emperor face is ecstatic, and the cracking of the singularity of the singularity means that they can drive straight in, and then they can get the best of them.


They did not hesitate and broke into the stars for the first time.


With five and a half emperors as characters, the power madly spewed down, and fell on the star plaque, forming a knife with the same handle, and smashing the stars, and dusty for a time, blurring the figure of the gods of death. only

Yes, the stars are different, like the gods of the gods, they are quite strong, and they want to open them with their strength. How easy is it?

but. Fives

Half of the emperor holds the heavens and treasures, and can tear the space. It is not that the stars in the area can be compared with the stars. Therefore, the mountains and rivers that have become strong due to the heavy weight are tearing at the moment, but they are only affected.

and. This

The star is vast and broken, like the stars here collapsed, mottled with ancient traces, like the formation of swords.

"It's a bit wrong!"

Ling Feng’s coming, very difficult things for the five and a half emperors, is another thing for him. Xianli and the burning roads are restrained by this strange door, and they are restrained by the gods of death. Qimen Town Seal. he

It did not fall, but hid in the space, overlooking the miles of stars, always felt that there are ancient gods, from the stars and the universe, will be an extraordinary creation.

Sting! boom


The five and a half emperors were quite brave, and they were pushing the mountains and rivers. The lightning was pushing forward. Only a moment of effort broke open more than ten miles of mountains and rivers. This made Ling Feng look more and more alert.

"It's too slow!"

The half-empire frowning, for their current degree, wants to completely open the star, at least one or two months, and then there will be other gods and half-empire, then they want to get the best, then they can Not so easy.

"Open the road with peacock feathers!"


His body slowly flew into the air, and the handle of the hand to the Baoyu fan unfolded, and a root wing was rooted on the starburst, suddenly unfolding. During the time, the rock collapsed and the terrain subsided and was torn apart. only

With only one blow, the star was torn to a radius of fifty miles. This terrible handwriting made Ling Feng breathe a chill. Milli

No doubt.

Because the power of the peacock feathers is quite overbearing, the faces of other half-old emperors also overflowed with smiles, and then they used the heavens to the treasure to blast to the stars, and the peacock feathers made the whole process smoother.

When the gods joined forces, the stars collapsed faster.

Just two days. whole

All the stars have been opened, but the five and a half emperors are not satisfied, only because the real treasure has not yet appeared, it should still be inside, so they continue to dig into the heart.嗡


Suddenly, a strange sound swayed out like a breeze across the lake, the little ripples that swayed out, more like the dull momentum before the storm.

Initial time. dead

The gods of the gods have a slight glimpse, and then they are ecstatic.


Stars are not empty, there is really a breath of breath, just below this. "

Excavate as soon as possible, we don't have much time! ”

Five and a half emperors are not idiots. Naturally, once they are born, it is impossible for Qimen to suppress. It will fall into the eyes of other gods and gods. If they arrive in time, it is a **** battle. he

We want to get the treasures with ease, and in the shortest possible time, we are not in front of other gods. "

Yes! ”

One of the gods immediately excited and tried their best to dig.


Finally, on the third day, the star was completely collapsed, and a force of scorpion spurted out of it. The vastness is like the nine-day star river. The starry sky is starburst, flying from the void, but not It is the real rain, and it will be destroyed before it falls.

At this time.

People pay attention to it, that is, Ling Feng has to pay attention to it, and wants to know what is the treasure in the star.

Oh... imaginary

The light slowly spread out, showing a thin fog in the starburst, they are shrouded in it, and below it is a stream, the spring is clear, with a faint star color, the faint people seem to see the sky in it The stars are shining.

The spring flow only has the thickness of the arm, and the turbulent flow, flowing out in the void, flows to the void, and belongs to the rootless spring. can

! positive

It was the appearance of this spring, but the gods of the gods of death and the winds were completely demented. The springs did not have any breath, but they felt the terrible momentum and strength.

This is not a star treasure, but it is more extraordinary than a star treasure. "

Star Spring! "that

For the half-Emperor, the eyes suddenly became red, and others did not know it, but how could he not know? he

It is the star spring that is to be found.

Only in the thousands of stars can the magical springs be born, and I hope that the whole age will be tempered. The roster of death has been calculated. In this star, only this oldest star can be born. Things.

"Really is the star spring!"

Ling Feng screamed in the space, his face suddenly changed. Although he did not know much about Xingquan, only one point was enough.

Casting magic! it

Can cast extraordinary flesh and blood, it can cast extraordinary space, and if this star spring falls in the hands of the top half of the emperor, it can help it to ask in a shorter time, can curb the punishment of the day. This

It’s just a part of Star Springs, and the real magic is far more than that. positive

As the core of the star he got at the beginning, it can be cast into the world, and although this star is different from the star, but where can it go? "

Don't let it get! Ling

The wind and the gods suddenly became sharp, and if this treasure is in the hands of the **** of death, it is a disaster for the anti-God.

however. on

When he wanted to start, he was chilling, and before the Xingquan he sensed an unprecedented scent, like an ancient creature woke up.

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