Supreme Demon

Chapter 1318: Pick up chaos!

Burning road!

This extraordinary tool comes from the moment when Ling Feng fainted, carrying the giants of Geshiwei, opening the space, tearing the nine gongs, appearing in the Xianli, and the giant force of the Bohai Sea was integrated into the burning lane.

At that time, the burning road violently swayed, killing the sound of the heavens, and the powers climbed heavily, to a point where it could not be speculated, and the vastness of the heavens and the earth ignited the emptiness.

At that time, the ninth ban on the burning lane seemed to be torn apart.

At that time, Xianli blessed him, dispelling the haze, and letting the burning road shine brightly, it was like a fairy.


Four large spaces and confined spaces appear, and Xianli will be blasted in an instant. The power is like being activated, and the smashing shot makes Wan Dao sway. The Xianli is not just a prototype, but a real fairy. .

In that Xianli, you can see that there is a fairy stepping forward, just a flash, it is integrated into Xianli, it becomes a fairy blade. that

It is the soul of the burning road! under

A moment. burn

The road carries the mighty power of the Thunder and meets the chaotic sickle that is flying.

"To be shocked!"

Emperor's face is solemn, he does not know what power there is in Lingfeng, but Xianli should be the first great force in the world. The chaotic motherhood is only the motherhood, which belongs to the first motherhood of the world, but Xianli is different.

It is the power of the world born in the breath of the eternal.

Not in the world!

That is the real off! he

We have thought about the power of this world to restrain the chaotic maternal force. Xianli is one of them. The problem is that the fairy power on Lingfeng is still a prototype, and there is no birth of a fairy. At this moment, it is completely different, and the four major spaces are blessed and integrated. Confined space, Xianli melts everything, ignites the burning lane, and truly scares the fairy. Do not

Need rules!

It is not because Xianli has no rules, but Xianli is the rule!


The burning road fell from the void, shot down on the chaotic sickle, bursting out the low sound of annihilating the storm in the world, without smashing the ancient mountains and rivers, but letting the ancient mountains and rivers annihilate, the knives are extraordinary, and the slamming down , to cut off the burning road. Of course

and. burn

The road is shocked, not bound by the world, and can not be cut off. The chaos of the chaos is born, and the scorpion is shot from it. The creaking sound, the light dances on it, and it is wiped out in Xianli.

The picture is full of power.

when! Imitation

The Buddha is bursting with metal, making a crisp sound, and bursting out of Xianli on the burning road. The strong chaos of the chaos is a heavy knife. Even if the chaotic motherhood is disintegrating in front of Xianli, the essence is more extraordinary.

Chaos mother gas can not evolve Xianli, but Xianli can evolve chaotic motherhood. Two

The strength of the stocks confronted in the void, the voice was fierce, and the battle was more intense. Even if it was at the top of the Emperor Wu, the chaos and the nine spirits changed. At this moment, they wanted to suppress the burning road and Xianli in a short time, but they were restrained.

Full of silence!

People can't believe their own eyes. They know that Ling Feng is terrible. They can survive from the blood of thousands of gods. It must be terrible, but they have not thought that it will be terrible.

Is the four-space blessing so terrible?

"The devil has an enemy!"

The rain demon looks far and wide. The first moment, the cold hair is upside down. That is a big space. One is equivalent to the number of gods and gods. Before the three big spaces of Lingfeng, they feel the powerlessness. At the moment, it is four. Great space.

what does this mean?

In terms of pure power, Ling Feng has the capital to compete with Wudi!

If you add Xianli? Wu

Who would dare to fight against the emperor?

He can be called the first **** of the sky! Once

After the demon, there is also a demon, swaying the magic to the top, step by step to the peak, he sat in the magic road, accept the whole demons of the demon, ten years in the town, ten years later in his heart There is no devil.

He is the first day of the Mozu! he

It is the Lord!

In the past, they felt that there would be no such terrible characters in the sky, such as the horror of the gods and ghosts, until now, and the wind and the stunned Xianli and the four large spaces were once the hunger of the devil, although the devil was on the move. When entering the Emperor, there was also a big space, but Ling Feng was one step ahead. Who would be sure what kind of situation would he ask after he asked?


The evil emperor showed a decisive moment at this moment, directly killing the earth's heart. The blood that belongs to the rain fell directly into his hand, and he was in control. The power was completely different, the blood was overwhelming, and it quickly ignited and cast a hemorrhagic fire. and


The law force used by the Burning Heaven to imprison him and the beast of the beast is also integrated into the blood, bursting out the terrible power that makes the nine days eclipse, tearing open the space on the spot and suppressing forward. Now


The chaotic motherhood is potential, and it is difficult to suppress the situation because of the chaos, and he will use this opportunity to suppress the opponent.


Tianqi followed closely, and a trepidation passed through the sky, shooting nine gods, and the rules were full.

The two top armed emperors took the lead to kill the earth, tearing open the infinite fog, and stunned the gods.

The candle dragon and the falling rain are not behind. The lightning forward, the Dragon Palace and the celestial scorpion see the spiritual fog, while Ling Qing stays, taking care of the lingering past winds, preventing the rain magic and other hurricanes from stunning to kill them.

Bang. Ground

The soul is scattered, and under the horror of the blood, the fog is divided into five parts, and the evil emperor and Tianqi go straight to the center. Here they see the chaos of the shackles and the nine spirits, and the body is covered with blue light. The shackles are holding his limbs and his head, and it is difficult to break free. "

The law is shackled! ”

The evil emperor stunned, the law of shackles is extraordinary, the power is huge, it should belong to a former Tianzun of the ancient times, and the chaos and nine spirits are detained here. he

I don't know the origin of the Tianzun and the chaotic nine-changing spirit. With his mighty power, the chaos can be directly killed, but it is not.

Under the chaotic nine-changing spirit, the first demons, small fish and second demons are recovering, keeping a distance from the chaotic nine-changing spirit, and the chaos has not turned to them.


Under the influence of the evil emperor and Xianli, the chaos and the nine spirits also felt the danger of life and death, and the three emperors could play a role at the crucial moment. but


When the **** suppression is suppressed, the chaos and the nine spirits also show horror, and the Tianzun rule appears. Who can suppress in the world? Want

know. that

But from the ancient days before the ancient times, what age belonged to that time? Ten thousand days of arrogance coexist in the world, picking up the fruit, what kind of blood killing can you experience? and


Burning Tianzun has lived a whole life, and these means are called the world.

Needless to say. but

When the **** suppression is down, the chaos becomes a sorrowful sound, the air is quick to disintegrate, revealing the dry and thin body, and the old face, he really is like a person, just a double horn, can’t see What kind of race. Of course

and. positive

When the evil emperor wants to further kill the chaos and change the spirit, the nine shackles are surprisingly light, forming a gossip figure in the void, the front is the congenital gossip, and the back is the day after tomorrow. law

Then the powers complement each other, even withstood the **** law, and shot the 10,000 roads, let the evil emperor stop, and let Tian Qi, the rain, the candle dragon scream, the Ge Shiwei is too powerful.

"God's Law?" Tianqi frowned, this gossip figure is a bit different, missing a part in the middle.


The emperor was secluded and his face was ugly, saying, "This is the gossip furnace!"

What is the gossip furnace?

The Eight Diagrams of God is used to raise the gods, and the essence of the sky is used to cast the chaos and nine spirits. It is also conducive to the chaos and the nine spirits, and it is also making him. Otherwise, it is impossible for the chaos to become a creature.

"Not bad, not as idiotic as I imagined!"

The chaotic nine became alive and laughed. "Today, you are the essence of my god."

"not necessarily!"

The evil emperor said, "The rules before the ages are old, and the gods want to help you to seal the road, but you can't afford to see him too much. Is there really no heaven in this world that can dispel his laws?"


There is some trepidation in the chaos and nine generations. In his blood, he does sense the breath of the ages. The will is too strong, not as good as the Tianzun who had "buried" him here.

"When I am a god, you are all prey!" Chaos nine times changed into a spirit of anger and screamed. "

Then you can't make it! "candle

The dragon slowly opened, and there was a tower in his hand, which released the vastness of Tianwei. The tower was only nine-fold, showing a void color, and it seemed that each door could open a piece of heaven and earth.

Ancient and terrible.

Supreme imitation! ancient

Wuta! This

It belongs to the ancient Wuzhibao, which belongs to the ancient times. However, due to the annihilation of the ancient martial arts, the ancient Wuta also did not know where to go. Later generations of Guwu cast this tower on the basis of their predecessors, and wanted to reproduce the grand occasion before the ancient times. However, Guwu The tower cannot be copied. although

However, it is not a true ancient martial tower, but this tower is, after all, from the people who ask the heavenly level, so the power is extremely terrible, no less than the top heavens and treasures, and the law is branded after the candle dragon enters the heavenly level and can really activate.

Two treasures are suppressed.嗡

! when

The Dragon Palace floods into it, and the Supreme Imitations burst into a smashing weather, quickly zooming in, the nine doors are fully open, and the world is full of life, horrifying the world, and on the top of the tower, hundreds of millions of mans are released, as if the ancient Wu predecessors were born, one Only one hand can live in the sky.


Supreme imitation on the gossip furnace, let it tear on the spot, the terrible light rain tore the mountains and rivers, let the gods sorrow, and quickly sacrifice the treasure to contain the top strength to contain. "

open! "evil

Emperor ang to heaven, the strength of the body is bursting open, the light and rain are eternal, reproduce the glory of the year, and then those light rains will enter the blood, let the **** enlarge, the power is overwhelming, there seems to be a character in the blood, although It’s not the real body, but the terrible momentum makes the nine heavens all over.

Burning Heaven!


The gossip furnace collapsed on the spot, the force collapsed around, and the chaotic nine-death in the center was a sigh, a big mouth spurting blood, and two treasures carrying the will, a terrible mess. that

It is the power of the top shackles.

"Cry the chaos!"

The evil emperor moved forward, pulling the mountains and rivers, and **** and peaceful. First

Second, it will be late.

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