Supreme Demon

Chapter 1319: Start with chaos and return to nothingness!

Nine days with the same trembling. Million

Road sorrow! can

The fear of the light rain swallowed the sky, and the blood of the fire in the world burned Tian Zun with a fist, and shot down on the gossip furnace, let it blast, split and split, and the Wei Shili force hit the chaos and nine souls.


The chaotic nine-changing spirit is embarrassing, and the situation is more severe than he imagined. The evil emperor and the candle dragon are really too fierce, and they bring such heavy treasures, and there are also heavenly deities, which are ruined and ruined, and he can now compete.


He didn't panic. He shot a strange light on his chest and flew out of a furnace. The chaos and the flames swallowed the earth. Although it was thin but quite terrible, it could burn everything in the world. that

The mouth of the furnace is vast, and it seems to have a day.

The congenital gossip shines above the **** furnace, and the day after tomorrow the gossip is sprayed under the **** furnace.

Eternal eternal!

It used to be the sacred treasure of the heavens. At this moment, the two great heavens are the treasures. It is only the initial smashing and tearing the ground, which directly leads to the annihilation of this piece of earth, forming a raging space. It has been a terrible forbidden zone for many years.

however. on

It is that the gossip furnace is gray at this moment, and the sharp blade is flying out of the supreme imitation. It is completely cast from the ancient rules. The power is shocking, and the rules of the world can be opened, and it is powerful to destroy.

In the era of ancient glory, there is no law that can be juxtaposed with ancient Wu. in

Later generations, the ancient Wu Guanghui continued.

"You belong to ancient Wu?"

Chaos has become a scary straight-haired murderer. It has not been noticed before. It is only until this moment that it is clearly felt that the will of the ancient martial arts is very different, and there is a kind of emperor temperament in the gestures. In that era, they were the emperors of the world.

For the gods of the heavens, these two words are no strangers, but they are even less familiar. Guwu belonged to the ages before the ancient times. This world is not obvious. People don’t even feel the terrible side of the ancient martial arts. Therefore, although surprised, they do not feel How arrogant. but

. Mixed

The chaotic nine-changing spirit is different. He belonged to the age of ancient times, and he was in the era of ancient Wuxi. He also felt the end of the glorious ancient Wu, and in that era, his family must be in the plate, and the real dragon must be hidden. in

Only two words in that era can hold the top figures. Who

Dare to be male? and


It is because the ancient Wu is too horrible, and the whole starry sky is pushed. This is the top blood disaster. The heavens are slashing and the people are in trouble. But Guwu is taking the pace of the world, step by step, in that dark age, Gu Wushi The character is in the power of the heavens.

Although the end of the ancient martial arts ended, but what a magnificent picture? that

What a tragic battle? but

Who was born in that era, who was not surprised by the glory of the ancient Wu? Who has never shed tears for the end of Guwu?

The years have buried the arrogance, the former Wizards characters disappeared on the battlefield, together with the ancient Wu.


Just today, the chaos and the nine spirits have sensed the ancient Wu momentum, coming from the blood, from the supreme imitation, that is the ancient Wu rules are shining, the world is suppressed, so that the chaos and nine souls feel that Guwu has not Annihilation.


When the Witch and the Wrinkle frowned, the chaos and the nine spirits began to speak. "You are not an ancient martial art, but you only get the ancient Wu Zhibao."


He did not see the ancient martial forces in the evil emperor, Tianqi, and the candle dragon. The three forces merged into one, and the dynasty of the dynasty was not like this, but it was the ancient imitation and **** Wu Wei potential, let the chaos nine become suffocating.

Gainna is a great force. "

town! ”

The evil emperor can not ask more words, hold bloody, and play a heavy force. Burning Tianzun seems to fly out of the blood, and the ancient Wu forces push back the world, let the furnaces tremble, and the gray is dark. . "

Boom! ”

Supreme imitation light, the nine-door door shines together, from which nine brands are printed, and the town is Wandao.

A loud noise.

Chaos has become a fascinating sorrow, and the furnace is directly stunned. It is difficult to sway the top power. The law is being annihilated, the chaotic light becomes scattered, and it is scattered in all directions. At this time, the evil emperor opens his mouth. Take those powers to the fullest.

next moment.

Tianqi started, quickly suppressed, and a trench punctured the nine heavens.


The chaos has changed into a sorrowful sorrow, and the flesh and blood are pierced by the shackles. The nine shackles have made him a tragedy, and even the dodge is a luxury. boom


At this time, the Supreme Imitation was suppressed, hitting the furnace, and smashing it into the chaotic nine-changing spirit, letting it sorrow and sorrow, and flowing out of the void-like blood, the body can not move, let its depressed want to die. "

Hands-on! ”

At this moment, the first Emperor, the Second Emperor, and the Little Fish, the three Emperor Wudi, were serious and swiftly rushed forward, banned from the candle and the rain, and wanted to contain them.


Tianqi first appeared in one step, punched out, and the second demon emperor shot backwards like a sharp arrow, slamming in the heart of the earth, wearing a humanoid hole. day

Qi kicked out and banned from penetrating the polar space, flying the small fish out of ten miles and buried it in the center of the earth. Connect

With. she was

Flying a sword at the top of his head, he suddenly pierced the shoulder of the first emperor, and nailed it to the center of the earth. light

Describe the three emperors. that

The tyrannical strength and the violent storm made the devils grieve. The two invincible emperors were beaten to this miserable level, only to fear that the devil would cry here. "

Pick up chaos! "evil

The emperor was quite overbearing, and he lived in the furnace with blood, opened his mouth and swallowed the chaotic motherhood, and made the chaos nine people become almost crying. This

Monica is a beast.

at the same time. day

Qi Fei fell down, strongly detained the chaotic motherhood, and wanted to evacuate the power in the furnace. These are the essences of the Eight Diagrams furnace, which are extremely precious and can help them to be honored and not to be wasted.

quickly. that

The gossip furnace will be grayed out, the chaotic motherhood will be evacuated, and the power of the gossip law will be annihilated by the supreme imitation and the blood of the sky, losing the power of the law, and the chaos will become the fish on the knife. Do not

However, their efforts are not small, the laws in **** are blurred, they are about to dissipate, and the power of the law in the Supreme Imitation is disappearing. It is different from the ancient Wuta, in which the power of the imprinted law cannot be regenerated once it is destroyed. . "

Put some blood! ”

The evil emperor turned, and his eyes fell on the chaos and nine souls. After tempering for so long, the blood of the chaotic nine-changing creatures is estimated to become chaotic blood, no less than the emperor. "

it is good! ”

Tianqi, candle dragons, falling rain, etc. are staring at the chaos and changing their spirits. To divide them, the chaotic blood can make them.

"You can't think about it!"

The chaos and nine spirits are full of coldness and chills. I really want these Wudi to succeed. Then he will abolish this life practice. He would rather blew himself up, nor would he be cheaper.

"I am afraid that you are not allowed!"

The evil emperor is cold and open, and the chaos is a feast. "

Suppress him! ”

Tianqi stepped forward, quite fierce, no less than the evil emperor, said: "Package the chaotic blood!"


Chaos has changed into a living and wants to marry a mother. When he is a fish? Say packaging is packaged?

"Then fight for you to die and die!"

Chaos changed into a scorpion, the sound was like a metal vibrato, and the Tao became sharper. Then, his eyes flashed, and the chaotic sickle that was being held back suddenly returned, getting rid of the burning road and entanglement. Now in front of him. Lost

Going to chaotic sickle, the Burning Way and Xianli became violent, the weakened force burst, and swooped toward Lingfeng. "

Broken! ”

Ling Qing's face is heavy, and it has long been seen that this force is out of control. Once it rushes into Lingfeng Dantian, it is necessary to destroy the smog that Lingfeng hits. Therefore, when it returns, Lingqing directly uses the eyebrows to suppress it. boom

Long loud noise. Ling

A sigh of sighs, backwards, and serious injuries. The power is completely out of control, how terrible is the power? Otherwise, it will not hold back the chaotic sickle.


When Tian Qi saw the problem, he decided to turn around and smashed the ground. He suddenly shot down on the burning road, forced out the fourth big space, and then broke the magic light space. Then Xianli dominated and separated the space and heaven space. . call


When the three-way space and Xianli rushed into Lingfeng Dantian, the wind screamed in an instant, and opened his eyes, his face was twisted and he was unhappy.


He was fierce and fierce, his flesh and blood was expanding rapidly, and he almost burst. In the end, he relied on his strong willpower and control over the three-way space to suppress the three spaces, and did not collapse Dantian.

"Taking chaos to drink blood!" Ling

The wind licks your mouth, but you don’t forget that the chaos has changed into a living, and you have to eat it. "

Drink your sister! Mixed

The chaotic nine became angry and angry, and he was really sad. The figure at the top of the Emperor Wudi had no way to take a **** in the district, but also let him live in front of him, and Yaowu Yangwei would eat his own blood.

"The oysters he raised in the back garden, and then slaughtered when they step into the chaos of life!" Ling Feng opened again. "

I am dying you! Mixed

The chaotic nine changed into a spirit and glared at Ling Feng. I really wanted to kill him. This person is poisonous. "

Start with chaos and return to nothingness! "One

The sound of the Tao Qing Lang blasted in the void, the chaos and the nine spirits became solemn, and Zhangkou swallowed the chaotic motherhood into the body. The body was magnificent and bursting with the mighty power of the world, and the frenzy was constantly The ground swayed around.哗

La! nine

The turn of the cymbal creaked, the power on it was gray, and the gossip furnace released the top Tianwei, the congenital gossip collapsed in the first time, forming a violent force, and then the day after the gossip collapsed, snarling, full of chaos and nine changes.

氤氲 Wandao, cover up everything in the world.

The vast expanse of Tianwei was formed at that moment, and it was pushed in all directions. Even the law was gray in the face of such power, only because a subtle chaotic law was born in the chaotic motherhood, which was scattered by the chaos and nine generations. Toward the evil emperor, Tianqi and so on.

In that chaos, there seems to be a world of heaven, cast by the Eight Diagrams furnace, but in just a moment of effort, the ground will collapse, disintegrate into chaotic maternal, cast the Bohai Tianwei, drown this piece of earth. One

In the same disintegration, there are nine shackles and chaos.

There was something to delay today, and I finally couldn’t finish the three more. Let’s leave the code word tomorrow. late


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