Supreme Demon

Chapter 1331: To the light rain!

shameless! This

Almost has become a style of Ling Feng.

The oriental grandfather earnestly and solemnly praised, so Ling Feng accepted this compliment more seriously and solemnly, but every character in the oriental family felt that his mouth was drawn, that is, the old grandfather was defeated by these words.

He opened his mouth and didn't even know how to open it. image

Ling Feng, a young god, should not behave in a humble manner in front of his predecessors.

It’s amazing! old

The generations scrupulously image, but they are squatting. There are not so many taboos like the Oriental Yingyu and the Oriental poetry. On the spot, they can’t stand it, especially the oriental poetry, which has been sprayed for a long time, and it has not been seen for many years. Laughing.


An old man coughed, which made the oriental poetry bow his head and tried to smile. "

There are not many young gods like you in this year! "The oriental grandfather said meaningfully.

The smile on Ling Feng’s face disappeared and became serious and serious. After a moment of indulgence, when the Eastern gods felt that Ling Feng was humble and thinking about this problem, he actually nodded seriously and said, “There is not much.”

"Hey!" East

Fang Yingyu laughed out loud, but it passed away.

The old man and the oriental family are so vocal, they don’t know how to pick up. There are people in this world who can end the topic as soon as they open their mouth. This kind of person is generally called the topic terminator. For the oriental family, Ling Feng is such a person. "

Xiaoyou, please, please. "old

The grandfather said with a smile, intends to let Ling Feng advanced palace. "

Old seniors please! Ling

The wind is light and elegant, he let the old man go first, which makes the oriental poetry and so on can not be forbidden, at least Lingfeng has no problem in etiquette. "

it is good! "old

The grandfather did not push, immediately forward, leading Ling Feng and the Oriental family into the palace, sitting in the hall.

At this time. east

The banquet of the Fang family was opened, and one of the servants pushed the wines up. The wine was a succulent dish. The dish was a rare animal and a beast. It can be called a mountain and a sea scent. The gods push the cup for a change.

After three rounds of wine.

The Tianzun of the Oriental family got up and smiled and looked at Ling Feng. He said, "Small friends, can you remember the things that have promised my oriental family?"

When the words fell, the whole scene was quiet, and people knew that the business was starting. "

remember! Ling

The wind laughed and said, "I know what the Orientals need."

Finished. he

The eyebrows are shining, and they are forbidden to tear apart. From here, a scroll of gods is flying out, and it is slowly spread out in the void. The misty fog will cover up all around, and the top Tianwei will make the audience all discolored, and that is like The power of the slamming down makes the palace roar.

To the **** map! This

It is the power that the East has always wanted to get!

Needless to say.

At the moment when the Taoist figure appeared, several Tianzun directly started to seal the entire palace to prevent any breath from leaking out, causing unnecessary trouble, and the power of the road would be an extremely important thing for the East. Don't let other forces know. "

The power of the road comes from Daoshan, and I want to get it. I am afraid I have to go to Daoshan. However, this is the way I got from the Daoshan Mountain. If I can really reveal it, I should get more. Ling Feng explained. "

really? The oriental grandfather was excited to get up and stared at the gods and eyes.

"This kind of thing, Ling Feng is not afraid to make a joke!" Ling Feng said seriously. "

Xiaoyou, have you ever unveiled this to the gods? ”

The two gods directly came to the front of the gods, and looked at this picture of the gods, and their faces became vigilant. "

Not enough power, never unveiled! Ling

The wind said frankly. "However, my family Tianzun once said that in the Taoist map, three gates are closed, and the future can be watched."

Of course.

He did not completely confess, concealed part, and burned Tianzun once asked him to leave the Taoist map to ask, but until now Lingfeng has not yet thoroughly penetrated the Taoist map, now the Oriental family needs, he promised them, since Take this opportunity to take a look at what is in the map of the gods. "

That god? ""

It is! ”

The two faces of the Oriental family immediately became respectful. The fierce battle of that time had already formed a brand, and the sacred power of the Burning Heavenly Respect was conquered not only by the stars, but also by these gods, which made people suffocate.

And it is possible to make the Burning Heavens attach great importance to it. When you say this, it means that the God of the Road is extremely shocking.

"I will wait until the road map!"

Tian Tian looked to Ling Feng and was seeking his opinion.

"The two predecessors can let go!" Ling Feng spread his hand, indicating that the two Tianzun do not have to worry about this.

Hey! Virtual

When the air trembles, a **** respects forward, and when he raises his hand, he grabs the map of the gods, and the power of the law flows into it, causing a screaming loud noise, as if to explode a heavy sky, and the Taoist map releases an endless stream. Light rain is completely different from Lingfeng.

It must be said that the law is more terrible than the current Xianfeng's Xianli in some respects. under

A moment. to

The Taoist figure spreads further and spreads over the entire palace. From it, there is a huge amount of light and rain, which is overwhelming. The atmosphere is very ethereal, and it is bred to the power of the road. The family is excited.

call! suddenly

However, a blue light flew out from the map of the gods. It was an old tree, directly against the law of heaven, and the loud noise of the sword, so that the law of heaven is grayed out and shocked. God is eclipsed. Boom


A mountain flies out from the map of the gods, directly suppressing it on the law of heaven, and letting the face of Shen Zun sink more, only because the tree of that mountain is full of power, although it is not as powerful as the law, but the power of the road is thrown out. extraordinary.

and. people

We can see that the mountain tree evolved from the power of the road, and it was the true meaning of the Tao. "

open! "No.

The two gods marched forward and directly detained the mountain tree and used the top rule to crush it. Are

Engraved. that

The mountain tree will form a light and rain, and it will fill everyone in the palace, let them be physically and mentally empty, and the power will be on the starting point. They will all bathe to the power of the road, especially the oriental poetry and the oriental Yingyu. "Spot", vast like a star.

“Is this the Daoshan River?” East

Although the Fangjia old man tried to suppress it, he couldn’t help but get excited. When the road was light and rain, how big would the mountain and river be? east

The Fangjia gods are even more heart-warming. "

Still don't know! ”

The two Tianzun faces are heavy, only because they are very clear, and the Taoist map has just been unveiled. The true sacred picture is far from being uncovered, but this corner makes them see the same way. world. that

Like an ancient world, the tree is the way, the mountain is the way, and the land that day is also the way, like the mountain river is bred to the road. Of course

and. Two

The Tianzun is very different soon. There is a door between the mountains and rivers. The vastness of the sky, the natural pattern cast on it, like the Qimen, is more like the rules of heaven. suddenly

Of course.

The two Tianzun faces suddenly changed, and the hands that were being uncovered to the Taoist figure could not help but tremble, so that the presence of the gods would be shocked.

"What's wrong?" asked the old lady. "

The rules of the road! ”

One of the gods opened his mouth and his face was unprecedentedly heavy. The rules on the door were mysterious. They had never been seen before, but the succinct experience can be said to belong to the space rule, and it is branded on the door in a form.

And the only thing that can appear in the Taoist map is the rule of the road. Road

The ultimate, the ultimate rule!

It can be said that by controlling this kind of rule, it is able to control the heavens and the earth, and even let the heavens collapse.

"A door only, even the door is closed by the rules of the road. What is there in the door?"

The two gods became extremely cautious, and the rules of the day were against the sky, and they were used to seal the door. Is this the **** of the gods crazy?

If there is no madness in the way, the things inside are too shocking.

"Push the door open!"

The two exalted excitement openings, and the use of the top rules to hit the door, smashed with the rules of the road, and shot the endless sky, although the rules of the road are not the law, but the power of the explosion is too shocking, It is possible to hold on to the law of heaven. boom

Long. whole

The palace is in a state of turmoil, and the dust is rising, and this fluctuation is swaying from the map of the gods, and people are worried that if the door is really pushed, the whole palace will be destroyed.

but. This

At that time, people are more concerned about the power of the road, which is related to the future of the East.

"I am coming!"

The two gods took the shot, and the law of heavenly sacred, like a sword, squatting on the door, pressing the rules of the road and inciting the door.

The two gods are hands-on, the power is shocking, and the gods are more unfolding. The light and rain are soaring, the sky is soaring, the eternal light is ignited, and the Tianzunqi door is undulating. At this time, the door trembles. Sound, push away a little bit. under

A moment.

Endless light rain emerged from it, and it was overwhelming. The vastness was like Wang and Yang. It was like a meteorite falling, smashing the void, and falling directly into the palace. "

To the light rain! ”

People are screaming and full of excitement. This is a force that can't be met. Now, when a blockbuster appears, it falls in the East. How can they make them not excited? Virtual

Everything is empty.

This light rain is more like a grand event, so that every character in the oriental family has a feeling of being reborn. They keep their minds and want to take this kind of fruit. Lingfeng has a slight frown. He did not move to the road. The rules, I want to know what is in it, I promised to come, but I did not think it was this power. This

It’s a rock-and-roll!


It’s no use now to regret it. What he can do is to keep his mind and learn the appearance of the gods in the East. He has taken this heaven and fruit. The difference is that the gods of the East want to cast the road, and he wants to cast. It is Xianli.

Even the light and rain hammer tempered Xianli, let it go further, push up to the Tao Xianli! p

s.. I didn’t feel well in the heart last night, I didn’t write it, sorry everyone.

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