Supreme Demon

Chapter 1332: Flying fairy!

The light rain is like a curtain, falling down and drowning the entire palace. early

Time. that

The light rain is very thin, like the weather after the rain, misty with a layer of water mist, but the light rain will be thick in a moment, you can't see other people, you can't reach your fingers, and the power of the road is filled with the gods, let them As if you are in the vast sky, you will experience the world.

"It’s raining!"

An Emperor Wu said excitedly that he couldn't believe it. It was so crazy that it could cast a great road.

"The Taoist map has banned these forces!"

It is the two Tianzun and the old man who are very excited. This kind of imposing manner is extraordinary. The raindrops are instantly integrated into the flesh and blood, nourishing their strength, like gold water pouring in, to change their way. and

And. Two

Tianzun also senses the fluctuations in the space of the road. This is to be integrated into the body, to create the power of the law, and it will be powerful. "

open! ”

They tried their best to push the door in the Taoist map completely. In the power of the law, the door was pushed away little by little, nearly half of the door opened, and the two gods looked into it. To the shadow of the mountains and rivers, I saw a vain sky shining, and I saw a vast door standing in the virtual space, releasing the top Tianwei.

Just look at it! he

Their Taoism is like a needle sting, and the power of the law is weakened, and the blood is weak.

"That is... the law of the road?"

One Tian Zun exclaimed, through the massive light rain, I saw that the door was engraved with similar sky patterns, but the pattern was even more different, and every sky pattern shined with suffocating momentum, as if it was gestating A day.

The law is intertwined with power and can cut off mountains and rivers. that

It is the law of the way! This

It means that there is not only this door in the Taoist map, but also a Tianmeng Gate, and even the third door on Tianzun. thing

In fact.

It is only this door that will make the whole oriental house horrified. The massive light and rain can cast a huge amount of terrible gods, and even the Emperor Wu will play a big role.

Bang! Do not

For a long time, the door was pushed open completely, and the light rain poured out like a spring. The light rain lit up the heavens and the earth and sprinkled it on the gods. They let them fall into the heart, and they were crazy. This

It is the most moisturizing!

"The big loss!" Ling

The wind cried, and he did not think that the power of the first door would be violent. If it was opened in the reverse of the gods, how many gods and emperors would be cast? Partial

It is here.

He promised oriental poetry, but this is not the case.

"Grandma's, you have to find a way to get the road to get the hand, or lose bleeding!" Ling Feng gnashed his teeth and said, and then carefully squat, to win more fruit, cast Xianli, otherwise fall in the hands of the East Who is he crying for?


When the perfect void appears, Ling Feng's body is full of the universe, and the massive light rain is coming to him, blending into the flesh and blood, pushing to Dantian, and Xianli is no longer calm at this moment, swallowing with terrible momentum. To the power.


At this moment, a sorrow sounded in the palace, which led people to change color. When looking at the sound, the face could not help but be seen. One

The gods are full of light and rain, and the lightning is sprayed in the flesh and blood. The whole person is like being flooded by the light of the road, but because the light and rain are too dazzling and too heavy, it directly causes his power to collapse and affect the flesh and blood.

The loud noise. he

On the spot, the blood was flesh and blood, and the faces of the oriental gods were disastrous.

"What happened?" Some gods were shocked and were shocked by this scene.

"Don't come!"

Tian Zun’s face suddenly sank and screamed. “When you do what you can, you can’t force too much. This is the power of the road, the power is extraordinary, the extraordinary gods can swallow, and if you are not careful, you will get rid of your own way.”

What is the way to the road? that

It is the supreme road on the heavens. non-

The top genius can't be touched. The oriental poetry and the oriental Yingyu are carefully swallowed up. They worry that the power is too strong and tear them apart. The gods of the oriental family think that they will encounter more unprecedented adventures and they want to win more. fruit. he

Do we think we are Ling Feng?


The Tianzun reminded that it was too late. Several gods were completely out of control because they swallowed too much power. The body was unchecked, disintegrated automatically, and died.

"Stop!" East

The Fangjia old man’s face was completely shocked and heared.

It is necessary to know that the characters who can appear here are the characters of the oriental family. Some of them are hidden talents. Because of the power of today, they don’t want them to be too excited, madly swallowed, and lead to the murder. thing

In fact. in

After being exposed to the power of the road, the old man became excited and crazy, but after the real devouring, the power was too weak, and the effect on the Emperor Wu was not so great, and it was completely aimed at the gods.

God is different from the god!

There is no top talent, no strong willpower, and it is completely empty talk to control the power.

This is a fortune!

The Oriental family is even more afraid that this is a tragedy!

"Do you want to do what you want, and you will be eager to do so!" "

wrong! "One

Wudi’s face was heavy and snorted, spit out a blood, and stepped back a few steps. This said, “I’m swearing!”

The retreat of the decision, the lightning retreat, and the use of space law to suppress the surrounding forces, not to be too close.

"The road is falling!"

An Emperor Wu retired, his face was ugly and became pale, only because he wanted to break his way.

"It is indeed affecting our way!"

The grandfather also has a heavy face. When the power of the Tao has just been integrated into the flesh and blood, he has become more powerful than ever. When the power is increasing, he still has to take his way and dispel his way. Of course

and. in

In the field, not all characters are affected. Oriental poetry, oriental Yingyu, Lingfeng, etc. are not affected. The road is swallowing up to Daoguangyu, blending it into Dantian, pouring into the power, and polishing their way. .

"Non-top talents can't be driven!"

Tianzun solemnly warned that this is the power of the Tao. Even if it appears in the world, ordinary people can swallow it. At least for a while, if you want to win the fruit, it is equivalent to finding death. when

Of course. This

It's not that other people can't devour their temper, but they need a process to sort out the physique and powerful talents. This is the possibility of casting into the space.嗡

! Burst

Awkward, the palace bursts into a dull bang, endless to the light rain actually flew up, and quickly rushed in the direction of Ling Feng, terrible to let Tian Zun frown, this state is very wrong. Are


Ling Feng was surrounded by the sigh of breath, just as the two Tianzun faces were shocked. When they wanted to dispel the light rain, the light rain was disappearing. It was only a moment later integrated into the Lingfeng body, letting his body swell and face. Yin Hong. "

Ling Feng Xiaoyou! ”

The Eastern grandfather stepped forward and wanted to stop the Lingfeng. It was easy to wander the sea drink. If Lingfeng died in the East, the trouble would be too great. Virtual

The forces behind the empty road and Ling Feng are afraid to take them. Of course


Ling Feng is in ecstasy, physically and mentally empty, completely unable to hear the warnings of the old man, swallowing massive forces into the field, and entering the dantian, and Xianli is a thorn and a thorn, let the forces of the road to defend, quickly integrate.

In front of Xianli, even the power of the road is just rain. very

fast. that

The power that once provoked the horror of the Easterners became weak, and Lingfeng’s whale swallowing the sea was still coming to the way of the gods, as if to reach into the Taoist figure to win the fruit, and that horror The phagocytic power is to make the sacred figure of the road. boom

Long. suddenly

However, when the **** figure trembled, the door closed quickly, and the terrible law force broke out, causing the two gods to be frightened and then being beaten.

Do not go to the road! image

It is the spring water that nourishes the earth, and it is quickly integrated into Xianli. Every time a force is reached, Xianli will be strong. When the endless light and rain are integrated into Xianli, the surface of Xianli is cracked. The light rain is emerging.

at the same time. Ling

The wind also has amazing changes, surrounded by a layer of fluorescence, and a virtual shadow appears on the top of the head. When Xianli becomes more and more shining, the virtual shadow becomes clearer. whole

Five days in total.

Ling Feng entered the realm of selflessness and was placed in the fantasy world. Dantian Zhongxianli was struck by a hammer with a handle and became more and more solid. It was more than just a gas form, but a liquid.

It is like a star spring.

Ding! Ling

The wind fingers trembled fiercely, and a ring appeared. From it, a star-shaped spring was poured out into the flesh and blood. It also rushed to Dantian and was swallowed by Xianli. Want

know. Ling

The wind is different from other gods. Even if the oriental Yingyu and the oriental poetry want to be tempered to the power of the road, they must be extremely careful, but the Lingfeng does not need it. The Xianli is extraordinary, despising the power and using it as a nourishment, and Xianli This is the result of the strength and space of the road. After years of polishing, Xianli has long been able to withstand the endless power. but


If you want to create a world-famous force, this is not enough power. Lingfeng needs more power, and Xingquan is a kind of Lingfeng.

Needless to say.

When the star springs came in, the celestial force became more and more transpirational, and the fuzzy wind could not see clearly. It was like a spring, and it was flowing over Dantian. It had a fuzzy charm and belonged to the temperament.

Daddy, people exclaimed.

A gaze fell on the top of Ling Feng, and the vague phantom finally became clear at the moment. It was a fairy, dressed in white, swaying, dancing, and dancing. she was

Petite. she was

Innocent! she was

More elegant!

She is even more shocked! she was

Stepping on a galaxy, slowly moving forward, is it flying on the Xinghe River to the Wonderland?

"Is this flying fairy?" East

Fang Shishi has already woken up at this moment, only because the power of the Tao has been completely swallowed up by Ling Feng, and he can see this scene when he can open his eyes.

good night.

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