Supreme Demon

Chapter 1335: Cruel truth!

Wanyu City, picturesque! Ling

The wind and the gods are fierce, looking at the distance, the mouth is faintly smiling, not leaving, not even looking to the oriental poetry.

This is a killing! in

When the butterfly found the Tianyu Kingdom, the killing of the game began. It was not a problem to use the power of their forces to fight against a god. but

! inverse

The terrible thing about God is that they can let the gods abandon and have no courage to leave. Some things are far more terrible than death. when

After Ling Feng knew the truth, he personally sat down in the town. The director said that even if Yunlan did not take the initiative to provoke him, he would also take the initiative to cause trouble, and this **** is a fierce knife, the first time to make things big, until There is no room for recovery until the oriental poetry comes forward.

He wants to force the Tianyu Kingdom! he

Let those characters in the dark appear one by one! positive

Because of this.

The oriental poetry only felt the difference of Ling Feng. She used to think that Ling Feng invited her to come to enjoy the wind. When the **** was shot, she realized that the problem was not right. You don't have to care about the goddess of the country, as long as he shows the jade bracelet on his wrist, he can disintegrate it. can

He did not. that

What is the intention of Ling Feng? Display

Of course.

The country’s goddess of the country is still not seen by Ling Feng. Even if it is the Tianyu Kingdom, it is not enough to see it. As long as he speaks, the Oriental family will be willing to suppress this country. Of course

and. he

I still believe that the Oriental family chooses this extreme way and directly hits the door. It is necessary to die with the Heavenly Kingdom and the death of the East. "

Is his intention to be an oriental family? ”

The poetry of the East poetry asks the heart, the heart beats wildly, the situation is worse than she imagined. Before Ling Feng also sacrificed to the Taoist map, they benefited a lot, and at this moment they moved to the **** country under the oriental family. . This

Even the oriental poetry can not be seen.

He knows that Tianyu Shenguo participated in the original things, so why should he agree to the request of the Oriental family? "

What is it? ”

The oriental poetry asked solemnly: "When did Tianyu Shenguo sin you?"

"you guess!"

Ling Feng smiled and said, but there was no previous warmth in the eyes, and it became murdered. "There is some truth in this world that you can't help, as long as you are patient enough."

The poetry of the oriental poetry is ugly. At this moment, she determined that Ling Feng is really going to move the knife, but she does not know whether this is Ling Feng’s attitude and will, or the attitude and will of the empty road and the power behind Ling Feng.

"Because that thing?" the oriental poetry asked heavily. "

Still need to check thoroughly! ”

Ling Feng said with a smile. "But I think Tianyu is very interesting!"

What do you mean? "The poetry of the oriental poetry is cold, and this killing has already begun, which means that Ling Feng has taken control of some evidence. Now he is coming to prove it.

If the Tianyu Kingdom is really involved?

At that time, what should the Orientals do? top

The huge pressure of the empty road? Or is it to face the big forces and the Shangguan two major forces? Area

Can a district of the kingdom of God cover up the truth and make it impossible to find the empty road? he

We can explain this, but other forces may not be so convinced, and once the Eastern family is erected as the target of criticism, it is the moment when other forces divide their "blood flesh". Who can understand this knife?

"Ling Feng, you know what you are doing, what will the Oriental family pay?" asked the poetry of the oriental poetry. "

I need the truth! ”

Ling Feng said coldly, saying, "Then you know what they will pay if I am killed?"

It’s a colder question! Want

Is it that Ling Feng was killed at the beginning, how much blood should he reverse? How many people are crazy?

"Then why do you want to appear in my family?" asked the oriental poetry frowning. "Why didn't you just be a little earlier?"

Ling Feng looked at the oriental poetry and smiled lightly. He did not explain it. He believed that the wisdom of oriental poetry should be able to figure it out. fruit

Of course.

Only a moment, the oriental poetry and poetry trembled fiercely, looking at the Lingfeng, the gods released the cold mang, and felt that the cold hair was upright, and Yu Yan became pale and unbelievable. "

You... borrow a knife? ”

The poetry of the oriental poetry trembled, only the scalp was numb and the mentality exploded.

How is Tianyu Shenguo in the district? How can you assassinate the Void Heaven God? They don't have the courage, and there is no need for it. Therefore, the Tianyu Kingdom is nothing but a minion. The real murderer is still secret.


The real intention of the culprit is the whole to the virtual star. There are only three clan and virtual roads with such strength. Once the Eastern family has problems, other forces will have to come to divide them. Session


Ling Feng and so on can sit on the eating power of those forces, and can present some problems from it, only because he feels that he wants to counter the power of the virtual star, it should be the power of the problem.

Borrow a knife! borrow

The knife of other forces, to divide the oriental home, and then find out the real murderer.

can! This

If a knife falls, what will the Oriental family look like? Oriental poetry can't imagine. Ling

The wind did not respond, but looked at the void. "

Ling Feng! "east

Fang Shishi’s eyes are more red, and he asks: “I have never targeted you in the East, and you should not be on us.”

"I am not going to marry you!"

Ling Feng sighed and said, the **** turned to the oriental poetry and said: "I have a fairy power, there is a perfect void, some people worry that you get too much in me, more worried that we are too close, so I am not going to swear You have a knife, but they want to marry you!"

"This is your reason?" asked the poem of the oriental poetry.

"If you want to find out the real murderer, this knife will be down!"

"You!" East

The poetry of Fang Shi’s poetry is not the Lingfeng and the forces behind him. He knows that once this knife begins, it will be difficult to turn back. The Oriental family will face the three forces and even more forces.

Just because of the truth? "

This knife is flying, you have no retreat, or bravely move forward, take the knife, or just wait for death! ”

Ling Feng said fiercely. "With your intelligence, shouldn't it be hard to figure it out?"


Fang Shishi suffocated, she did know that this knife was very popular, quite majestic, only because of the emergence of Ling Feng, the Eastern family has the ability to fly, the secret characters are worried, to disintegrate this situation. Now

In the search for the truth is Ling Feng, can you find the truth next? Big

Zhou, Shangguan, or a void?

By then.

The East will be more passive, just as Ling Feng said, they have no retreat, or they can take risks with Lingfeng, or they can only wait to die.

This is the cruel truth!

"They are damn!" said the oriental poetry, clenching his fist and hating.


If she is in the position of Ling Feng, she is afraid to follow the script of the secret person. Only by grasping this kind of psychology can they find out the real murderer. and


Taking the initiative to provoke chaos and passively accept chaos are two different things.

"Sometimes you don't have to get more!" Ling Feng said solemnly. "

Is this what you mean? "The poetry of the oriental poetry is sad, but the mood is not as pessimistic as before.

"This is what I mean, it is the meaning of burning Tianzun!" Ling

The wind sank for a moment, then said: "The empty road will also enter!"

"What else do you want to say?" The oriental poetry said with some anger, the Eastern Oriental is their chip. "

We have been in contact with the old man! ”

Ling Feng hesitated for a moment, then said.

Of course, it is not him who touches the old man, but the beast.


Fang Shi poetry, and then sighed, apparently she was kept in the drums, and the Oriental grandfather is an insider, not so much Ling Feng in the layout, it is better to say that Ling Feng and the old man in the layout. This

It is a living tomb. Take

The Eastern family is the tomb, and the true murderers who are ill-intentioned are buried. can


This also means that the East will pay a lot, to face those forces, and Ling Feng is the party that benefits the most. She does not know why the old man should agree, but he has to admit that the killing is going to work, the blood flowing by the East. Will be compensated.

However, it is still too bloody! she was

Looking at Ling Feng, Zhang Zhangzui did not know how to open it. Before, she felt that she could not see the man, but now she is even more incomprehensible. The layout of the whole finger to the virtual star seems to be its pawn. This

What is the means?


Just as she wanted to speak, the smile on Ling Feng’s face suddenly exploded, and said with a smile. “I’m afraid it’s time for you to save the hero!”

Empty burst. One

The **** of heaven flies from afar, there is no fresh clothes, no horses, and no rides of the gods, but the momentum is more intense. In the blink of an eye, it comes to Lingfeng and the poetry of the East, and the words are arranged in a row. Eight.

In particular, the three gods that are the ones are actually six-level gods, and they should not be underestimated. Display

Of course.

Yunlan moved the real anger, let the masters of the kingdom of the country come, to slay Lingfeng and the oriental poetry, to completely abolish them and insult them. The losses she had eaten must be recovered from these two people, and, She knows that the poetry of the East is so powerful that it is the top masters.

Not only are the three gods that are not to be underestimated, but the gods behind them are not to be underestimated.

The four-and-five-level gods of the Qing Dynasty belong to the elite of Tianyu Shenguo. It is a figure defending a country. At this moment, it comes from Yunlan. It can be seen that Yunlan’s position in the Kingdom of God is extraordinary. "

Bullying the national girl, when killing! "One

The old **** god opened his mouth and the sound of chilling wears a golden cracked stone. "

How do you want to die? "The second **** opened. And

And. he

They came forward and forced them to trap Ling Feng and the poetry of the East, and became the "fish" in their mouths.

"This seems to have nothing to do with me?" Ling Feng stepped back, and the hand said: "Tianyu Guoshen invited, although I did not agree, but did not beat people, people are her, you are looking for her."


The eighteen gods were smashed by this one, and they were wide-eyed and felt that the sky was falling. This

A shameless, even the beautiful people next to them are coming out? This

Picking up goods, this negative heart, this shameless scum! p

s.. Tonight, there are more things, too late to write, just one more, there will be something tomorrow, the day after tomorrow will be normal.

Sorry everyone, good night.

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