Supreme Demon

Chapter 1336: One force town gods!

The mountains and rivers are beautiful, the waters are flowing, and the wonders are endless.


A martial artist stood in volley and released a light breath, watching it coldly. Although they were very upset about the 18 gods, they were even more uncomfortable with the face of the wind, and the eight-footed man pushed the woman to the front and covered him. Wind and rain. In particular, some female martial arts, but also full of contempt, while looking at the man next to him, I feel that this life is just like this, at least they will not push a woman to the sword like Ling Feng, they ask for not much, Just seeking to be in danger

When the time was right, the man was able to stand up and cover the storm.

"Little white face, the same man, I despise him!"

Some men said with a grin, and they expressed disdain for Ling Feng. This kind of person is too scum.

"Nothing, I am a woman, I am not worth it for her!"

Some female martial arts are more direct, they can bleed, but do not want to shed tears, and this kind of tears and bloodshed, they will not do it.


What makes many men sigh and admire is that the poetry of the East is extraordinary, and they are willing to cover the wind and rain, and there is no complaint. Is it difficult to find such people in this world?

"This year, good cabbage has been arched by pigs!"

Some single men said sadly that they are good-natured, but they are just a little different. Why are there no such beautiful women?

They are jealous!


When the 18 gods came to kill, they were even more distressed by the oriental poetry. Is it really worthwhile for such a man to fight?

however. There is not much thought in the oriental poetry. This is a killing. If someone is a cannon fodder, someone must be a general, and some people must be handsome. She knows that when Ling Feng is not yet in action, only those secret characters will be forced. Come out, this kills only


So, she took a step forward and blocked Ling Feng behind her.

"People are I am playing, you should be looking for me!" The poetry of the East is cold and open, just the three six-level gods.

to be frank.

The eighteen gods are envious and jealous. The figure is so able to hide behind the goddess, and the goddess is willing to take the lead. How many years can it be repaired?

One of the gods is really angry, looking at Ling Feng's disdainful saying: "You are still not a man, even let a woman go out?"

"I am not a man who should not prove it to you?"

Ling Feng said with a smile. "Besides, people are not me, this is even more true!"


There was a buzz around, people were very shameless and despised the act of Ling Feng, and his woman was bullied, he actually said this.

"Brother, do you want to face?" Some martial arts can't stand it.

"Face, it's here."

Ling Feng patted his face and said seriously. "Don't believe you touch it!"


Hundreds of martial arts were defeated by Ling Feng on the spot, and they were very sure that this was a deadly dead.

"Why do you always look down on women?"

Ling Feng evil charm laughs. "Women can also be top-level half-day."

"It's a good thing, but it still can't change the fact that you are a scum." Some female martial arts sneered.

"Not much nonsense!"

The three gods who came for it came forward and said, "Let these two oysters, the mother of the country to live, we will live to suppress you!"

"I can rest assured that you said so!"

Ling Feng patted his chest and said with a sigh of relief. "I am really afraid that you will die."


People almost squirted old blood, this shameless face is so direct to fear death?

What is the bloodiness of a man?

What is the courage of a man?

What about the face of a man?

"You can rest assured that we must take special care of you!" The three gods were still bleeding from the wind. They had seen shameless, but they had never seen such a shameless.


They don't want to listen to Lingfeng's nonsense, and they are forbidden from moving forward. The butcher's knife in the hand is open to the void, carrying the top light to Lingfeng and the oriental poetry, and wants to suppress them and then simmer.

A full 18 gods!

This is a rather terrible picture. The entire sky is covered by Tianli space, especially the three six-level gods, which are powerful and suffocating, forcing some martial arts to fly backwards, fearing to be swayed.


Although the oriental poetry Yu Yan murdered, although she did not break into the celestial stars, the tempering of the past ten years is no less than that of the celestial stars, not to mention that she is still understanding the world and progressing God under the tree of enlightenment.

Today, ten years later, Dongfang Yingyu asked for the eight-level god, while the oriental poetry asked the seven-level god.

When the sword flies out of its hands, the top Tianli space is also filled at this moment, and a whole seven sacred spaces cover the sky, and at this level, the sacred space of the sacred space is also completely filled, the power of the explosion It is suffocating.


The sword in her hand is changing, and a virtual shadow appears in the surrounding area. She and Ling Feng are completely sealed, and then she moves forward, a sword stabbed, and nine days of tremble, eight swords light came from eight directions. The same moment appears in the virtual

On the film.

In an instant.

Jianguang tore the void, a heavy space collapsed, and the Jianguang drove straight into, directly opened a space power of a god, and slammed on his body with a sigh of sorrow, letting him scream on the spot.

It was a four-level god, and there was no ability to compete in front of the seven-level god, and it was torn on the spot.


He screamed and vomited blood.

The confrontation between the gods does not have the imaginary embarrassment, but it has more terrible blood. Only one light will let a **** kill, this is spike!


After the end of the life of the fourth-level god, the oriental poetry quickly turned around, and there was another sword in the jade hand. It was quickly assassinated. From a completely different angle, the lightning appeared in front of a five-level god, and the sacred space was completely suppressed. And out.


There is only a sword in the void, and the five-level **** wants to live in the oriental poetry, but the situation is much more terrible than he imagined. The light actually tears his space directly, forbidding his body and Dantian. Stabbed him in the air.

Direct, more rude!

Strong, more overbearing!

In an instant, the two gods were killed, which made the martial arts around them move. The strength of the oriental poetry made them very scared and heartbroken. These talents would look at the goods.

"How good if you look at your brother!" Many men sighed in their hearts.


At this time, the four-week attack had arrived, and it was completely smashed around the shadows. It was against the sword, but it did not open for the first time. The Lingfeng in the middle was naturally unaffected. He just looked down and his mouth slanted.

"court death!"

The poetry of the East poetry quickly fell, and a sword broke out. It actually flew out of the sky. It contained sacred material, which could break the 10,000 roads and disintegrate the space, which could weaken the top space.

This is the horror of the sacred space.


A **** is terrible, falling down directly from the void, and there is a blood hole in the eyebrow, which was actually stabbed in the eye of the oriental poetry.


The blood is full of flowers, and another **** is **** in the sky, his body is cut off by the sword, and the internal organs are flowing.

"Let's come to town, and the others will give me the waste!"

The three gods are red, and the situation is so bad. In a short time, they have lost five gods. There is no serious injury, only a commandment. What does this mean?

This goddess is not an ordinary goddess, but a goddess of the world who has been killed from the land of the earth. She is grinding a crit of killing, not fighting.

This is completely different from the gods they have raised in the kingdom of God.

Not an order of magnitude!


They must stop the poetry of the East as soon as possible, and then smash the wind and end the "slapstick."

however. The strength of the oriental poetry is too eye-catching. She is fast, and she directly flees the three six-level gods. It appears in front of the four or five gods. The force is pressed out. On the spot, the two gods are seriously injured. When they fall, they



There is more sacred light in the oriental poetry. There seems to be a round of holy sun to fly out on the top of the head. But the holy sun is very illusory, and it flashes away. It appears on the sword of the oriental poetry, and it rushes out.


Shengyang is eye-catching, hitting the world with the momentum of the world, and piercing the two gods to worry about killing them alive.

Nine gods are killed!

This is a fierce battlefield, and the rest of the nine gods are trembled. At this moment, the oriental poetry is like a human king. It is hard to imagine the horror of the gods.

It is the gods around them who have lost their voices at this moment. They are the first to see such a rude and wild goddess. It is like swearing at the head of the gods. What kind of blood disasters have to be experienced before they can sharpen these forces. , is this kind of heart?


The oriental poetry did not give them reaction time, the lightning disappeared, and then the hands clasped together, from which a beam of light was shot and pushed around, and a bang banged, causing the six gods to be injured.

next moment.

She took one step at a time, the two gods in the town, she swung out and punched the two gods.

She opened her mouth and squirted a sigh of relief, wearing a god. The tyrannical posture and the down-to-earth style of play made every martial artist in the room feel trembled. The oriental poetry was really powerful, and in a short time, more than a dozen gods were killed, and only a few gods were left. Also seriously injured, including the three six

Heavenly god.

"Is she grinding ants?" some martial arts exclaimed.

"It’s terrible, this is a day when the goddess is alive, no wonder that the dear friend wants to be so embarrassed!" Some men can’t help but sympathize with each other. When they meet these goddesses, they are expected to be embarrassed. Over time, this state will be formed.

“Women can also be top-notch and half-sky!” Some women’s martial arts eyes are bright, cheering for oriental poetry, and hope that one day they will be more exciting and magnificent than men’s.

"Strategic transfer!"

Only the three remaining gods are afraid to wait. The powerful oriental poetry is not something they can shake. The task is far less important than life, so they run straight.

but. The oriental poetry is more cold, straight ahead, lightning strikes the two gods, and only one **** is alive to leave.

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