Supreme Demon

Chapter 1337: I am a man!

This is a tragedy!

A total of eighteen gods came violently, and they wanted to be born with Lingfeng and oriental poetry, but they did not expect the whole to be destroyed. Only one **** was lucky to escape, even if it was so serious. what

Waiting for the heroic?

I was afraid that when he returned to Tianyu Shenguo, the national woman would have to suffocate a bowl of blood, and it was too miserable to be beaten. As a result of the invitation, twenty gods were killed, which is so great for a country’s gas movement. ?

however. when

When this step was taken, the national woman had no possibility of regretting. The appearance of Ling Feng and the oriental poetry was equivalent to tearing the face of the gods of heaven. If the two characters could not be killed, the day of the gods Will carry a shame on the line.

thus. he

What we have to do is to do our best to kill Ling Feng and the oriental poetry.

of course. day

Yuguo female is not a stupid woman. She is also searching for the origins of Ling Feng and Oriental poetry. It is so terrible, so violent, and there is no such thing as the Tianyu God Kingdom. What kind of character is it? Although the Tianyu Kingdom is very powerful, it is only a "small force" on the virtual star. There are still many giants in front of them. "

Put the news in the East, and check the origins of these two characters! "day

Yuguo female said coldly, the burning pain of the face, the shame suffered must be bloody.


She has not waited for the news of the Oriental family, but she has waited for the 18th tragedy of the gods. The intensity of the tragic is unprecedented, so that Tianyu’s daughter is moving, and she wants to know the origin of the goddess. But the Oriental family does not seem to put this matter in the heart. No news came from it. Display

Of course. day

Yushen is only a subsidiary of the East, like a rivet on a huge wheel, and it is not the king’s personal question. Only a national girl will not let the attention of the Easterners, which makes Tianyu’s female sullen. .

She had to find another way to make a thorough investigation of the dark powers of the Tianyu Kingdom, but there was not much news. complete

actually. east

Fang Shishi is not as extraordinary as his sister, and is banned by the Eastern family. It is not a minority to know that this character, but it is extremely rare to actually see his true content. Shangguan and Da Zhou know it, but the Tianyu Shenguo Can you touch those forces?

not to mention.

The dark power of Tianyu Shenguo is good, but I want to find the characters of the oriental poetry, I am afraid that it is even more difficult, and the Lingfeng is gray. I have not shot it before, which makes people despise him. Never paid attention to it.

and. Ling

The wind is more special to the virtual star. He is quite big. He casts extraordinary achievements in the void. He is more famous in the virtual sky, and his reputation is very loud, but there are fewer people who have seen him. If Zhou Qitian, Shangguan Tiantian, etc. Appeared, I am afraid I will be embarrassed.

Oriental poetry and Ling Feng together to make trouble, I am afraid that the sky will collapse! must

know. when

At the beginning of the lingering wind, the troubles on the ancient roads, the pressure to the world, to break through the nine days, directly let the devils die more than 50,000, the degree of terror can be imagined.

What is even more ridiculous is that the oriental poetry is confronted with its family-owned country. It can be said that as long as the oriental poetry reveals its identity, Tianyu’s daughters must go forward, and the national woman is **** in front of the real goddess.

but. east

Fang Shishi and Ling Feng demand more, they want to force out the person in Tianyu Shenguo.

"Who are they?"

Yuguo’s face is full of frost and killing. The original thing has not been so tricky, but when the 18 gods were killed, the situation became serious. She did not retreat. "

Let Tianyu's top characters be born! ”

She chilled her mouth and was completely stimulated to kill Ling Feng and the poetry of the East.

"But... a few

The old man has a heavy face. Once he uses those characters, it means that Tianyu Shenguo encounters real blood disasters. Their shots are equivalent to the two characters on the entire Tianyu Shenguo.

"What is it?"

Yuguo female said coldly: "The female women are humiliated, they will die!"


Some old people still have to say something, but they touched the cold eyes of Tianyu’s female girl and immediately closed their eyes. he

We know that Tianyu Guofan has used the blood to kill, and it is necessary to kill the two characters.

"Let him be born!"

The Ukrainian woman opened her mouth and immediately let a few old people face upset, just because they knew who the "he" in the mouth of Tianyuguo was, it was even more ugly because of that face, because the figure was too extraordinary. Important is too sensitive.

"National girl, is this something to be told to the king?" An old man said. "

I don't have to say more, I will go to the Lord! ”

Finished. she was

Flying down, stepping to the center of the Tianyu Kingdom, you must personally open to the Tianyu king, please come out of the character, only that person has full confidence. God

The city is full of breath.

Ling Feng looked at the void, greeted the contemptuous eyes, raised his mouth and said with a smile. "In this way, they finally paid attention to it."


The oriental poetry frowned, staring at Ling Feng, and asked for a long while. "You can really pretend that you have deceived us for so many years!"

"I loaded?" Ling Feng asked.

"Is it not?"

Fang Shishi swears. "Previously pretending to be a coward who only knows force, until now, he really reveals his teeth!"

Sister, when will I pretend? Ling

The wind grinned. "I use it when I need it, and I am a very lazy person. I can solve problems with my fists. I don't want to use my brain."


Is this coming? Ling

The wind looks at the sky and feels the slight fluctuations. Unlike the previous ones, this time the Tianyu Kingdom did not come to God immediately, but let Ling Feng sit for a long time.

"The fish have been fishing for so long, I hope they will not let me down!" Ling Feng said with a smile. "

Are you sure he will come? "The oriental poetry asked seriously."

It depends on the energy of the national woman. ”

Ling Feng said with a smile: "I am not very sure, but she is the best person in Tianyu Shenguo."

optimal? ""

First, she has a very high position in the Tianyu Kingdom. She is deeply loved by the country. She is a genius who has been trained by some gods. She loves mountains and rivers. She is more ambitious than anyone else! ”


The oriental poetry does not know what to say. Suddenly, it feels that the wind is terrible. Step by step calculations, the entire Tianyu Kingdom is in its control, and Tianyu Guonv is the live target they carefully selected. because

Only by being loved can you be able to speak Tianyu Guozhu, because Master is a **** to be able to drive the gods, because of the love of mountains and rivers, there is today's "encounter", because of her ambition she can be crazy. because

The "occupation" of the national girl is crazy, because the gods do the work to make the situation bigger, even if the Tianyu owner knows the trick, but also to continue.


What is the face of Tianyu Shenguo? no

then. country

What is the prestige of women? "

However, this is not the reason for its birth. We must know that there are several top gods in Tianyu Shenguo! "The poetry of the East said."

They don't have any retreat! Ling

The wind smiled and said that only a few top gods could not see enough. Time


After a long while, the void appeared, and people’s eyes lit up immediately. After waiting for such a long time, they fell asleep, and now Tianyu Shenguo is finally coming to God. call

! a few

Daoguang has fallen from the sky, and there are not many gods. There are only five, but these five people make the gods in the field discolored, only because the five gods are not weak, especially the three gods. It is the top god, and the other two are also the eight gods. This

The appearance of the five gods, the top gods are in front of them are chickens, not to mention the poetry of the oriental poetry.

"You are the two people who insulted our women?"

An old man, gray robes fluttering, coldly looking at Ling Feng and oriental poetry.

"Exactly!" East

Fang Shishi has not yet opened, Ling Feng has said, with a smile on his face, so that people want to print the soles on his face.

"Be daring!"

The gods sneered and said: "Insulting my country, killing me, Tianyu, the gods of the 20th place, there is still courage to stand here, should I say that you are brave? Or are you idiots?"

Still boast of our bravery! Ling

The wind said with a smile. "This is the site of the Tianyu Kingdom. Even if we leave here, we will find it in a short time. Why bother to waste energy?"

clever! ”

"Of course, I am afraid that you can't find it!"


The five gods were almost suffocated by qi, and the previous sentence still praised them, but the latter sentence would be worthless.

"I will cut your head and feed the dog!"

One of the gods opened his mouth and forced himself to Ling Feng and the oriental poetry. He sneered and said: "Do you think that relying on a goddess can suppress me five?"

"Before, I have this meaning!"

Ling Feng looked at the oriental poetry and really wanted to introduce it to polish.

"What about now?" said a few gods with a sneer. "

Now? Ling

The wind touched the nose, step by step, and said, "I think I am a man!"


Zhou Wuxiu is a bit embarrassed, this is not in line with this style, he should not be squatting? he

It is a stockpile! he

This way forward, brave and unpretentious, to be a woman for the first time, do you know that this setting is very wrong? How do they look at jokes?

and. Ling

The phrase "fathers" in the wind always feels that people can't help but can't help but he didn't have such "grandmen" before. Of course

and. east

Fang Shishi did not say much, like a woman who is so smart, can she not understand the meaning of Ling Feng? Therefore, she rushed directly to the five gods, bursting out of strong strength, banned from the previous eight-level god, to suppress it. she was

I don't know how terrible it is, but it is too difficult to face the five gods. She wants to try her best to share her concerns. but

. she was

Just flew up, it was raised by a top god, and the more surging force appeared. Even if the sacred space was to be in front of this force, the oriental poetry was directly blown back, and the mouth spurted blood. staggering.

Full of buzz, feelings still rely on that god! "

I am a man! ”

Ling Feng came to the front of the oriental poetry and wiped the blood from his mouth. He said with a smile. "They will give it to me. I can do it for you, but I want to die for you!"

Finish. he

Stride forward, like a heroic warrior.

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