Supreme Demon

Chapter 1338: Wait for it!

There are three thousand blood in the ancient times for the red face!

Today, there is a poetic poem!

The thin body is proud and forward, the tragic and temperament is full, the obsessive **** ignites the void, and the death ambiguity is trembled. He moves forward step by step, keeping the oriental poetry behind him, in front of it is full of wind and rain, and behind it is like the whole world. he

His face was chilling, and his eyes were sad.

He didn't return, so that at first glance seemed to penetrate the ancient times.

That is the kind of weakness, but it is so majestic!

The temperament and gas field are full!

this moment.

This mountain and river drop can be heard, people look at the lonely back, looking at the gentle and graceful Ling Feng, suddenly it is a little moist, the characters previously despised by them, now standing on the beautiful woman In front of you, cover it all over the storm. that

How can a thin body be covered?

can. he

However, there is no reconciliation, just standing in front of the oriental poetry, as if to provoke the mountains and rivers, only wish to die for the red!

This is the real man, the real man!

He does not have the body of the stalwart, and there is no extraordinary strength, but when this day collapses, he is still willing to cover the weather with his **** body.

this moment. in

The men in the field felt that the blood in the body was spurting, and the daughters were in tears. There was no previous gaze, and some were sympathetic, as if the "fathers" would die in the next moment.

"I don't care for the millennium and not old, just for the red dust to die for you!" A mad woman opened her mouth and said, "He is the real man!"

He is very embarrassed, but he can only squat in front of his woman. When he encounters real wind and rain, he is willing to stand up. Why has he ever smashed? ”

"Only in the red dust, you fall in love!"

These women's martial arts empathy, this moment they seem to be the oriental poetry, feel the true feelings of Ling Feng, no sorrow and sadness, only the touch of the sky.

love you!

I am willing to die for you! Of course


At the moment before the poetry of the East poetry, there was some disappointment, and the heart was stirring. The warmth of that moment made her all infatuated. But the next moment, she would come back to God and look at the straight bite of Ling Feng. This dead face is still thinking about the full applause at this time. I also want to tease her.

If you don't know that Ye Witch, Ling Qing, etc. are willing to die for her, if you don't know that this **** has plunged into the celestial stars in the billions of dollars, and hand-sucked 50,000 days of magic, she almost wrote a letter.

"It’s a curse!" She

Some blushing shreds of words, trembled, although knowing that Ling Feng is terrible, but that moment has really been heartbroken.

He is a beautiful woman!

He covers the world! he

Extraordinary intelligence! he

Casting a miraculous record, he is more infatuated with dreams, willing to go to her for hundreds of millions of miles, such a man deserves more rewards.

I am so moved by the moment, so I am so excited! example

Such a whole piece of mountain river is dull because of him! when

When he came out, the oriental poetry really felt peace of mind. He had conquered the gods of the heavens, and how could he not conquer the five gods in front of him?

"Oh, it’s really a child infatuation!"

That **** said with a sneer. "Before you die, do you want to be infatuated?"

"You don't understand single!" Ling Feng grinned. "I rely on strength and infatuation, and you rely on strength to be single, we are different!"

"You are paralyzed!"

The sigh of the heavens is straight, and they are crazy about martial arts. However, there is really no feeling, but they can’t beat people. Is it really good to expose the scars?

"I will make you die very rhythm!"

The **** of the gods did not put the poetry of the East in the eye. The strength of the goddess was thoroughly understood and there was no threat. Now, what they really want to kill is Ling Feng. This person is very poisonous.

So, they want Ling Feng to close his mouth forever, let this crazy love dying. most

Annoying this kind of love!

Do you know that Xiu En loves to die fast? "

I am coming to marry you! "One

The eight-level **** is a step forward. At this time, let the top gods come to the wind and the wind is too small to make a big mistake. Too Lingfeng’s long face, so he will kill Ling Feng for the first time, let him know that he is offended by Tianyu Shenguo. .

He despised Ling Feng, and did not feel a particularly strong breath in Ling Feng, so he raised his hand and hit a space for Ling Feng.

! Ling

The wind did not seem to react, let the blow fall on the body, the whole person fell backwards, the clothes on the chest burst, revealing a piece of strong muscles, and that blow seemed to make Ling Feng's chest become red. However, it did not kill Ling Feng.

"Is this yours?" Ling Feng said with a smile. "Are you a pig, or are they pigs?"


The eight-level **** of heaven, did not expect Lingfeng to hold on to this blow. In his eyes, the oriental poetry should be fully confronted, otherwise it would be seriously injured, but Lingfeng would be fine. This

It is very wrong!

"A bit of a hand!"

The gods of the heavens are stunned, looking at the Lingfeng, the eyes of the gods shine with the astounding light, as if they want to see the wind in the general.. "Refining the gods, the body is no less than an eight-level god!"

The sound falls. full

The scenes are quiet, people are stunned. They have always felt that Lingfeng is too ordinary. At this moment, the top gods tell the truth. They can't stop tears, but they feel cheated inside. The feeling is that they are playing pigs and eating tigers.

He is embarrassed, just because he is more terrible than the oriental poetry! "

Refining the gods, the world is really rare! ”

The eight-level **** became colder. He took a few steps forward and looked straight into Lingfeng’s eyes. He said, “I will let you know today, even if you are a refining god, you must kneel in front of me today!”


There was a squadron in his hand, and the power of the turmoil appeared on his body. He rushed to the sword of the sacred sword. The six-pointed star blazed, and the stars burst into a star. Each star was a space, mixed with a little emperor. Gas, killing Ling Feng.


Ling Feng flew backwards, his clothes further burst, his face flushed, his flesh and blood even sag, as if to be shredded, but what surprised people was that the flesh and blood did not tear, and even stubbornly came over. Strong


This is the refining god!

Wu Xiu was even more shocked. He didn't expect Ling Feng to be so tenacious. He could only confront the eight-level **** with flesh and blood, but soon they showed a sad fact that Ling Feng did not start, but Passively withstand the eight-level **** crit. This

What does it mean? he

There is no shock in the world, but there is no world-famous force! no


The eight-level **** is so arrogant to him, why did he not fight back now?

"Not dead yet?"

The gods are all eye-catching, horrified, the emperor sword fell down, the heavens are vast, that is, the gods of gold must be disintegrated at this moment, and Ling Feng can survive, how strong is his flesh and blood? "

Is there a strong flesh? ”

The eight-level **** seems to see the problem, grinning, and despising Lingfeng. Is this the reason why Lingfeng didn't do it before? Say

Finish. he

A step in front of Ling Feng, the hands of the soldiers in the hands of the Wan Dao Hao Mang, carrying eight spaces together to suppress down, all fallen on the Ling Feng body, are different parts, to find the fragile place. Of course

and. Ling

The flesh and blood is strong, and he has been stunned by the tens of thousands of people. Although he was shot and flew out, he did not have any injuries, but his flesh and blood became blue and red.

His current state is like the original cockroach, the shell is strong, so that several Emperors are not guilty.


The eight-level **** is quite brave. A sword is cut on the head of Ling Feng, and the metal vibrato is out. Even the emperor can't open the head of Ling Feng, just let his flesh and blood crack open, and the red blood is only red. "

So tricky? "Eight

The **** of the heavens retreats, and does not want to collide with Lingfeng flesh and blood. Otherwise, it will be shot by Lingfeng, or it will be very sad. He has no indestructible flesh and blood.

"Do you want to lick the flesh and blood?"

A top **** flew down and came to Ling Feng. There was a sickle in his hand, which was zoomed in and appeared on top of Ling Feng. Card

Rub the loud noise.

The slashing knife used Ling Feng’s head as a firewood, and it fell down directly. The sharp momentum and the power of the world screamed in it, making people suffocate. Of course


What exclaimed people was that Ling Feng’s head was strong and he was holding the sickle. Although it was bleeding, it was not broken. "

Work hard together and open it! ”

The five gods moved forward, exerting pressure on the gods of the gods, and completely fell on the sickle, letting them shoot out the Tianwei, which was trembled for nine days, five times superimposed, and its power made Lingfeng very headache. However, the ultimate **** is more extraordinary, with extraordinary blood and blood to hold this blood. that

The squeaking of the mouth knife made the poetry of the East worry that Ling Feng would die at any time, and she was moving forward, trying to kill an eight-level **** at the moment. but


At that moment, she suddenly felt creepy, and a chill appeared in her heart, letting her settle in place, she did not dare to move half a point, only because she felt a sigh in the void, firmly locked her, as long as she With a moment of distraction and change, it will immediately be devastated.

Life and death! Time

A stalemate. east

Fang Shishi cold sweat DC, cold hair upright, that Senran's killing almost wants to run through her, terrible to the extreme, in front of the killing, the seven heavenly gods lost their hearts, which made her feel awkward.

"wait until!"

The oriental poetry is heavy and does not dare to return. It is because the temperament is too terrible, like holding her throat. She feels that as soon as she moves a little, she will immediately die. This

It is the intuition that has been honed in the dead.

Needless to say. which is

It is the top gods who do not have such strength. Only the character who has to wait for Ling Feng has such a Tianwei. For this reason, Ling Feng will only escape from the wolf. top

Level assassination! This

It is the character that Tian Yuguo’s daughter wants to ask the leader to move.

"Is it finally?"

Lingfeng mouth is rising, his face is filled with a smile, unlike the oriental poetry, this kind of chill on the gas field has no effect on him, even if it is a heavenly character, he insists that he is just waiting for it. Just because he shot, he will be shocked to the character.

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