Supreme Demon

Chapter 1339: I am coming to an end!

It’s clear!

This should be the moment to enjoy the scenery.


For the poetry of the East at this moment, this is the winter of the twelfth lunar month, the wind around it has become cold and cold, that is, the heavenly sun has become cold at this moment, her clothes are wet by cold sweat, stick to the body, and it is well-proportioned. The body is presented in front of everyone. she was

The jade hand holds the sharp edge, but at this moment there is no courage to sacrifice it. she was

I bit my lip and want to make a sound, but the throat is already dry and there is no sound. she was

The body is tight and the wheezing stops.

Nasen’s killing is penetrating her body, trying to activate the sacred space in her body, and once the sacred space comes out, she will face the storm, and an unpredictable figure. she was

Insist on!

Trying to hold on, I hope that Ling Feng will end the battle as soon as possible, otherwise they will have no chance when the person targets him.

The loud noise! Fives

The gods took the shot together and played the great force of the world. They shot down the belly of Lingfeng and tried to break the Lingfeng Dantian, thus disintegrating his strong flesh and blood. The huge force was forced out by Lingfeng. The flesh and blood on it were cut off and became red. "

It’s really tenacious, but without power you are fish! "Fives

The **** of the gods looked at the cold eyes and despised the wind. It did not regard it as an opponent, but a fish.

"A little pain!"

Ling Feng Li Li, the mouth is rising, he has to wait for someone to come, then there is no need to go through it. Although he is sturdy, he can’t hold the giants of the five gods, especially the sickle, if not him. Concealing the use of the anti-channel space, I am afraid that I have to be opened my head. Now

in. that

Personal appearance means that this layout has reached the last moment.


Ling Feng’s smile, falling into the eyes of the people, is like a tragic smile, as if he has already felt the taste of death, and then he will die madly.

"This is a man of love, should not die like this!" said a beautiful girl.

"This kind of friendship is like the sea, it should not be bad."

"Only because of the shackles, it made such a big move, forcing them to die. Is Tianyu Shenguo too overbearing?" Some powerful gods open their mouths. "

What is this for Tianyu Guonv? "people

Their affection for Tianyu Shenguo collapsed instantly, and it was even more uncomfortable for the country girl. "

He has persisted until now, is there no hope? "A female martial artist said sadly, to tell the truth, Ling Feng only smiled and made many female martial arts move."

Years like a knife!

Let the old age, let the hero be late! "

Still not waiting for it? ”

At this moment, Ling Feng burst into a sound, and his body suddenly flew to Tianyu. The vast space came out at this moment. First, the space was reversed. Then the space of Tiandao flew out at this moment, reversing the nine heavens and shocking the world. when

When the third big space appeared, the vast magic light was shocking, and those who were sighing were stunned and felt like being deceived.

Three big spaces! on

At that moment, the strength of Ling Feng directly dive into the extreme gods, the giant waves like the sea made the nine days tremble, what Tianli space, what Wan Dawei force to be empty in front of these three large spaces.

He is like a king who dominates Wandao! Want

It is the devil who reverses the heavens!


Just as his voice sounded, the void swelled, and the two characters appeared in the void. The vast expanse of Tianwei suppressed the world, and made Tianyu tremble, making people jealous, a beautiful dust, an old Maifeng god. he

They banned the void, banned from a character in the space, and the oriental poetry directly fell to the ground, cold sweat drenched clothes, only because the killing intentions that shrouded in the moment disappeared, she was physically overdrawn.


Her eyes are bright, and she knows that since today, the **** has to open the way to conquer the virtual star. There is no power, and any character can suppress it.

The support of the empty road, the oriental family, the promotion of the power behind him, and his own power of the world, the world can not find a second god, and the starry sky will be born with the same "magic Lord" as the Mozu. step

Step for fishing!

And the fish did not disappoint them, and they were hooked at the moment.

In fact.

When the character in the space senses the change of the atmosphere in Lingfeng, he feels that something is wrong. Just three big spaces are just like the gods. This world is rare, and there is only one in the virtual star.

Nether road gods Lingfeng! that

The character who had been assassinated but survived was only because he went to the next step and let Ling Feng escape. This

In the past few years, he has been hiding in the Tianyu Kingdom, banned the void, and prevented the breath from leaking. Therefore, it is not very clear about the changes to the virtual star. However, he has heard about some of the great things that happened in the sky. I have never seen Lingfeng really.

He is a sharp knife! because

What he should know is only the object of assassination. As for his identity, it is not what he should have asked. It is because of this that there is a situation at the moment. day

The U.S. women personally invited and made a big profit, and the matter was not complicated, just suppressing the two gods.

He thought it was a very simple thing, but he didn't think it was a layout!

The layout that comes entirely from him! when

After he thought about the origins of Ling Feng, he immediately wanted to fly. Just because this character came out, it was definitely not the past. It was feared that there were top figures sitting in the town, but he was still a late step. When the whole void was banned, He only felt the hair. Two

Top heaven!

Undoubtedly, it is Tianqi and evil emperor!

"It’s not easy to hide for so long? Don’t dodge now?” Tian Qi smiled lightly, tearing a heavy space and forcing one of the characters wrapped in the light.

"I don't understand what you are talking about!" the character said with vigilance. "

You don't need to understand, we all need to know! "evil

Before the emperor came forward, the power directly sacrificed and suppressed all the heavens. There was no chance for the heavenly figure to rebel, and Tianqi was closer to the sky. he

We seal Tianyu! he

We quickly reduced the scope until the heavenly character did not have the space to dodge. She could only bite the scalp and compete with the two top martial artists, but his strength was far less terrible than the two characters, so he was suppressed in a short time. "

seal! "evil

The Emperor and Tianqi stepped forward and feared that the other party would collapse. Therefore, they were detained and used a heavy ban to seal them up, and then they disappeared in front of people.


People look at Tianyu, and there is no sound.

Feelings is a scam! that

The character is not empty and has a strong flesh and blood, but is strong enough to make people suffocate, but has been sympathetic, and there are two top martial arts beside him. This Nima is the real arrogant figure.

"What the **** are you?"

The five gods have changed their face until the problem is so big. These two characters have extraordinary origins. They have such strength at this age. Even if they are not able to find a few stars, each one is dedicated to the entire heavenly kingdom. People who can't afford it.

"I just want to ask now?" Ling

The wind whispered. "You guys, once you can't beat it, you have to ask questions about the origins. Are you worried that Tianyu Shenguo can't hold back the forces behind us?"


The gods felt insulted, and one of the gods took a long time to shout. "Someone has asked before!"

"Is it?"

Ling Feng thought for a moment and said: "At that time, I was too lazy to take care of you!"


If it weren’t for the two top martial arts beside the Ling Feng and his side, now the five gods want to suppress Ling Feng on the ground and use their feet to squat on Ling Feng’s face.

"Before you were shooting, is it right now?" Ling

The wind is light and elegant, and the character is at hand. He doesn't have to hide now. How good the previous five gods played, now let them know how painful it is.


He stepped forward, and the three large spaces released the top Tianwei, so that the three top gods felt the huge pressure and could not help but retire backward.

call! Burst

In the meantime, the Lingfeng flash disappeared, and a punch collapsed. The three big space lightnings were integrated into the punch, not on the fist, but in front of the fist, condensing the endless power at one point.

In an instant. that

The punching light spewed out, bursting out of the glazed light, the three forces blending together, and smashing out the temperament and strength of the confined space, disintegrating the million roads and smashing the Qiankun. "

kill! ”

The five gods know that they can't hide, they will do their best to explode a heavy space, integrate into the sword, and meet the Ling Feng fist, even if Ling Feng is very genius, even if the three big spaces are very special, but want to live Five gods are not easy.

This is the idea of ​​five gods!

But only for ideas!

next moment. that

The punching light reversed the road and penetrated a heavy space. It appeared in front of an eight-level god. He couldn't help it. He directly penetrated his body and collapsed his dantian. The road collapsed on the spot.

"This is because of you, but you have no ability to end, then let me end!"

After Ling Feng killed a god, his performance was extremely calm. When he stepped forward, he punched out the second punch and pierced the 10,000 roads, letting the second eight-level gods kill.

For a moment.

The two gods were killed and shocked the audience. Until now, people were so terrible to the extent that the wind was so terrible. The gods and the calm temperament of the chill were like a **** of war. he

In the power of interpretation!

He is writing a legend!

Handsome to the sky!

At this moment, people's eyes are bright, especially the female martial arts are conquered by the unique charm of Ling Feng, and the coat of smashing goods is removed. Ling Feng is like a wild horse rumbling into their hearts.

however. This

It is not the most shocking. When a Xianli flies out from the Lingfeng body, there is a fairy flying in Xianli. In an instant, the whole void becomes boiling. People staring at the fairy fairy have long been obsessed. "

That is Xianli! "People exclaimed.

In the next moment, they fluttered and the gods fell on Ling Feng, only because they already knew the identity and origin of the god. late


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