Supreme Demon

Chapter 1340: The situation is out of control!


The world is rare, looking at the ages, how many characters can cast these forces?璀

For example, the kingdom of heaven, how many ancient martial arts talents were born, in the golden age, ancient Wu proud world, but at that time Xianli also did not come out, people are seeking immortal, seeking longevity, but where is the world come from? Fairy

Can't let the world go, and where is the fairy force?


In the age of the world, there was once a character who cast Xianli and looked down on the ancient world in a worldly attitude. A Xianli can despise Wandao, and a Xianli can suppress the gods. Want

In the past, people wanted to recognize that Xianli was afraid that it would take some time and pondering. But now Xianli is different. There are Feixian on it. Is there a second force in the world that has Feixian pictures? No


That is Xianli!

In the world, this fairy has appeared in the void, and it has appeared in the battle of heaven. It belongs to the glory of the virtual star. It is only because Xianli was born on this star. What makes them feel glorified is that Xianli used to The celestial stars and the stars on the ancient road.

A full 50,000-day demon, buried in Xianli, died in the **** of the casting of Xianli.

Although people have not seen the wind, but they have heard such a legend, they have been crazy, they are eager to see the real person, but the threshold of the empty road is too high, not any character can take a step .

Have to say that this is a pity!

however. on

At this moment, they don’t need regrets, just because the fairy force is in front of them, carrying the top frenzy, carrying the arrogant style, setting off the god, igniting the void behind the body, and reflecting a touch Xiandao temperament. world

Only one person!

He is Ling Feng!

The amazing goddess of the ages and the world, the first wizard who wants the gods to marry!

"He is a man!"

People exclaimed, unable to contain the excitement of the heart and the frenzy in the eyes of God, have been eager to achieve at this moment, always look forward to seeing at this moment, like through the ages. male

Wu Xiu was thrilled and his body was tremble. Such a man is a real man. It is worthy of their madness. Only because Ling Feng’s every thing is what they want to do but they have not done, the devil is 50,000.

Female martial arts are even more crazy, and they are so sturdy. Only because a beautiful person in Lingfeng resolutely breaks into the celestial stars and writes magnificent poems, they cast a record. he

It is a handsome and beautiful person. he

It is a geepy **** that is hard to find.

He is a passionate man, the real man!

Such a character is worthy of worship, and he is almost perfect. she was

They are insane, and those who were still very embarrassed, when they really show it, are so shocking. It’s just that Xianli. Today, I don’t know how many characters and forces have to sleep all night, just because he is Lingfeng! "

The king is born! "people

They looked at Lingfeng, and they wanted to rush to the front and sip with the king. when

early. in

Ling Feng took the crown of the heavens and was crowned as the "King of the Kings". After so many years, only one such person has let people remember, and as time goes by, the "King of the People" is even more dawning.

He is the king of man!


When the three top gods saw Xianli, their faces changed instantly and their bodies could not help but pick them up. How could they think that the characters of Tianyu’s women’s casual conversation were actually Wang Lingfeng?

In their eyes, the wind is more like a demon!

The sturdy flesh and blood is baptized by the blood, more than 50,000 days of demon, two heavenly characters, he lived in the entire ancient road, even the first day of the demon, the small fish, the two emperors were severely injured and forced to retreat, this character is powerful It's not just force, but also terrible intelligence and personal charm.

It is reported.

There were five emperors next to Ling Feng, who had been born before the ages. The chaos and nine spirits were born into a glimpse. These anecdotes may not be acceptable to martial arts, but they are Know some.

Just because I know it is more chilling!

Ling Feng dare to swear 50,000, then even more dare to blaspheme the three, and even the top half of the emperor has been killed, Tianyu Shenguo that the heavenly character was born in a short time, I want to be the top heavenly hands next to Ling Feng This is a more serious problem.

He is telling the truth, it is directed at the man.

"Was the beautiful girl next to him is Ye Witch or Ling Qing?" People stared at the oriental poetry and looked straight, knowing that when Ling Feng was angry, how many characters were flying, they also wanted to know Ling Qing and Ye The witch is really. thing

In fact. that

The three top gods pay more attention to it, Tianyu Shenguo annoyed the wind, almost to the empty road, and if you want to kill any of the witches, Ling Qingzhong, it is equivalent to the Shangguang Palace and Yaochi. "

No! "One

The top **** said, "It is said that Ling Qing asked for success, it should be an emperor, and the Ye witch is extraordinary, it should be more terrible. If she meets her, it is estimated that we are going to be tragedy before."

"What? Are you very curious about her?"

Ling Feng stood idly by, and Xianli released the top Tianwei, which was already a life-saving sickle hanging on the top of the three top gods. "

Who is she? ”

The three gods are full of awe, and can make Ling Feng pay attention to reminding people to think extraordinary, especially the seven-level gods and sacred space, can cultivate the power of these gods can not be underestimated.

"I am surnamed the East!" East

Fang Shishi is proud of laughing. She knows the intent of Ling Feng. Things have already reached this point. Naturally, it is necessary to completely make it big. As for how to end it, it is not their problem. and


Now she has a source of identity, which is more beneficial to the East.


The gods were so scared that they were pale and almost smothered their tongues. The hairs were directly blown up and provoked the wind. The Tianyu Kingdom may not be so tragic. After all, there is a strong East behind it. Can it be the characters of the East?

Notice. on

It is the poetry of the East that they want to kill.

This is too fatal! four

Zhou completely calmed down, people were wide-eyed, unbelievable, Zhang Zhangzui did not know how to open, the beautiful woman is not a leaf witch, not Lingqing, but the characters of the East, and can with Ling Feng Standing side by side, even in the East, there are only two characters. east

Fang Yingyu's reputation is loud, many martial arts have seen it, obviously not the one in front of him, then there is only the mysterious Oriental Miss II.

She is an oriental poetry!

When the truth appeared in people's hearts, they even laughed and laughed. The two top geniuses of the virtual roads came here to enjoy the scenery, but accidentally kicked half a heavenly kingdom?

What makes people laugh is that Tianyu Shenguo actually wants to win the son-in-law of the Oriental family?

How much courage does this have to be?

thump! three

The top gods are directly on the ground, scaring the dead souls, this effect is too big, dare to move the knife to the second lady of the East, which is equivalent to challenging the entire Oriental family, not to mention that they are top gods, that is, the top Wudi is here. Want to be jealous

Tianyu Shenguo is only a subsidiary of the Oriental family. Such a dependent country has more than 20 neighboring countries. Even if the Oriental family does not open it, other affiliated countries can tear them apart.

not to mention. he

What we are now on is the Lingfeng with Xianli. At this time, the Lingfeng is equivalent to the top half of the emperor. Their ambitions are disintegrated at this moment. How can they fight? "

Miss Two, I don’t know if it’s you...

The voices of the three gods are shaking, oh, trying to forgive the oriental poetry, and now only the opening of the oriental poetry can save them.

"So, if you are the other women, can you?"

The poetry of the oriental poetry is cold, and the Tianyu national woman is indeed excessive. Although the matter is provoked by Lingfeng, the Tianyu Kingdom is indeed awkward. They are killing the heavenly level, and Tianyu’s female is more responsible for this. Do your best to destroy them.


The face of God is more ugly, cold and sweaty, but at the moment it can't speak. "

Let's go back! "The poetry of the oriental poetry is said to be sorrowful."

"The next thing will be handed over to you to deal with it!" she said to Ling Feng. "

it is good! ”

Ling Feng did not postpone it. In fact, things have been completely out of control, at least for other forces, and the initiative is entirely in their hands.


The force disappeared, Ling Feng did not kill the killer at the end. He knew that it would be more uncomfortable not to kill than to kill. It is not necessarily good to return to the three gods of Tianyu Shenguo. When the Orientals ask, these three gods will be the "culprits". . Nai

As for the Tianyu national women, they have to take the top package! can

Is Tianyu Guoyuan enough? afraid

It is only a drop of water in the Tianyu Kingdom, and Lingfeng wants a downpour.

The three top gods looked at the oriental poetry and Ling Feng with disappointment, and their faces were ugly. Even if they were stupid, they could imagine how miserable they would be at the end. Just because the oriental poetry only let them go back, they did not say that they would not kill. and

And. he

We don't know the seriousness of the situation. If it is a common thing, the oriental poetry may have to be punished for them to remember forever, but now it is not necessary. No

Disciplinary punishment is sometimes more terrible than disciplinary action! very


Ling Feng and the poetry of the East disappeared in front of the people. This made the martial arts who were so excited that they were very lost. These two are their idols, but they can only be seen from afar. Of course

and. he

However, we do not know that due to the emergence of Ling Feng and the poetry of the East, the whole to the virtual star has become dull, and a storm is brewing, even the top four forces of the East, Da Zhou, Shangguan, and Void are getting There was no movement in the news. No

There is movement, which means it will be a big move!

of course.

Some people who don’t know the truth are concerned that Tianyu’s female provokes Lingfeng and oriental poetry, and even wants to take away the “female girl” of the oriental family. The talents who know the truth feel the terrible moment, one careless and the whole star It will collapse.

What is important is not the Lingfeng, the oriental poetry, but the heavenly character they gave birth to! day

In the Yushen Kingdom, there was a sorrow. After knowing the origins of Ling Feng and the poetry of the East, Tianyu Guonian was frightened and fainted, and passed away on the spot.

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