Supreme Demon

Chapter 1342: The horror is banned!

Tianyu Guozhu is desperate! this


This is not a big thing in the virtual star, and it does not attract the attention of the top forces. After all, there are too many **** countries like the virtual star, and the Tianyu Shenguo is a weak country in the many kingdoms of the East. .


It is the commandment of the country's lord, but the top forces are eye-catching, that is, the empty roads are all out of sight, and I want to know how the East is handled.

after all.

Ling Feng only gave birth to the heavenly figure, and Tian Yuguo immediately killed himself. This is too time for people to think more.

"Is it a fear of Tianyu Shenguo?"

Some people are speculating, saying: "While Ling Feng is behind the empty road, but still not let a country owner do it?"

What should really be scared of him is the Oriental family? ”

These characters are not clear about the truth. Who would have thought that this was a killing? Who can think that the impact of the assassination of Ling Feng will be so serious?

however. Let

The top forces of the Void Road and the Great Week did not think that after the Tiandao characters were oystered, the Orientals did not have the first time to detain the Tianyu Lord, so that they could get more truth. and

And. he

They speculated that Tianyu’s commander was desperately afraid of being a director of the Oriental family. They were worried that Lingfeng would find their heads, and then they would kill the killer and cut off the Tianyu Lord. The truth would be annihilated together.

now. east

One of the squares of Tianzun’s face was heavy and gloomy, and they did not think that the situation would evolve so quickly. The wind was too bad for them. If the poetry of the East was involved, I was afraid that the blame of the empty road would come. . "

Tianyu Shenguo! ”

The Eastern grandfather looked at his face and asked with anger. "I have a tiger in the East, and this knife is really deadly!"

Old man...

The Tiandao characters below did not dare to speak, and they were trembled, especially the few heavenly figures who had strongly advocated casting the Tianyu Kingdom. They even dared not speak, fearing that they would be burned and pushed out by the Oriental family. this

The matter has been brewing for so long, and the Void Road is involved. The forces behind Ling Feng are staring. Once who will let it go?

Not to mention the fact that it is now an oriental home!

Can Da Zhou and Shangguanyi let go of this great opportunity? he

We haven't moved yet, only because the fire is not enough. Once Lingfeng has a message that is not conducive to the Oriental family, then Shangguan and Da Zhou will have to take a bite.


The grandfather said coldly. "Through all efforts to thoroughly investigate the truth, those characters want to drag my family into the water, let them know what it will pay!"

"This is

One day, the real power of the Oriental family came out and flew to the Tianyu Kingdom. However, all the information must be thoroughly investigated, and Tianyu Guofan and Tianyu Wangchen are all focused on the investigation, but they appear too late, which makes people feel Want to cover up.

"What can I find at this time?" Da Zhou is ridiculing.

"Check is to check, this is an attitude problem!"

Shangguan said with a cold mockery. "But the truth is that only the face of Lingfeng will be checked?"

Obviously. he

They performed more directly. They never thought that the Eastern family could thoroughly investigate the truth. Like such a hidden thing, Tianyu Wangchen and the national woman were afraid of being qualified to know the truth. Only Tianyu Guozhu knew it. thing

In fact. east

Fangjia really did not find out the truth. They overturned Tianyu Shenguo and found the place where the heavenly character lived. It had already been destroyed, and the soul sea of ​​Tianyu was completely annihilated, and there was no fluctuation of the spirit. "

The truth is not here! "east

One of the Fang family’s Tianzun spoke and said, “We are jealous, so we have to find out, the truth!”


At this time, the martial arts on the virtual star felt that the wind was not right. The two gods in the district were bullied and did not suffer. The Tianyu Guozhu was "self-sufficient". Normally, things could have ended, but the East was not thought of. The family's Tianzun actually came out. "

the truth? ""

What is the truth? ”

People are puzzled, but feel that things are not as simple as they think, at least there should be insiders they can't see. "

I am afraid that you can't find it! "Big

Someone is ridiculing in the week, and at this time, there is only Tianzun who dares to speak.

"How do you check it?" This is the question of the Shangguan clan.

"We want a truth!"

It is the voice of Xuankong. The boring empty road at this moment is a questioning voice. It refers to the oriental family and seeks the truth. If there are two heavenly figures next to Ling Feng, I am afraid that it may be killed on the spot. Session


Perfect Void and Xianli will be annihilated at the same time, and the Void will be devastated. This will affect the future. Where will the Void be willing to let go?

"We will find out the truth as soon as possible!"

The disappearance of Tianzun, using the law of the world, to penetrate the void, reshape the time, as far as possible to derive the things that Tianyu Shenguo had previously born. Of course

And, just the next day.

The whole to the virtual star became dull, only because Ling Feng was born, said openly. "I will wait for the soul to search for nine bans!"


The top forces are all eye-catching, that is, the Oriental family has become calm, Tian Zun said and said: "My Oriental family is willing to sit down in person, waiting for you to search for souls and we are innocent!"

No need to! ”

This is a more direct response from Ling Feng, which makes the Eastern family more difficult. Obviously, Ling Feng can still believe them at this time.

"My family is willing to sit down!"

I am waiting for the villain, I am willing to sit for you! ”

The Shangguan clan and the Da Zhou dynasty expressed their attitudes. At this time, who would not like to be more intimate with Ling Feng’s performance? This

However, it is an excellent time to smash the oriental home.

"Do not bother with the forces, the empty road will do its best to sit down!"

When the world comes out, I have to sit down in person, and in Honglin’s voice, let other forces participate in it. Now no power can be trusted. Sometimes it’s not the truth that you see it, you have to understand it. not

Undoubtedly. This

One day, the entire empty road was banned, especially the cave house centered on Lingfeng. It was covered by a gate and was cast by the empty road Tianzun, while the center was cast by Wannian Laojiao. To prevent the ghosts in the empty channel from coming in at important moments. many

Tian Tianzun personally sits in the town and pushes the whole atmosphere to the top in an instant. Don’t say that the oriental family is nervous, that is, other top forces also feel nervous. Once the heavenly Taoist soul is branded by their forces, then waiting for them is a devastating blow. . "

Can they really open the ban? ”

On the top of the mountain, two big men sat down, one of them asked. "They are so cautious, afraid that they really need to tear them apart."

I don't think about it! "another

A big man sneered at the opening and said, "Unless they want the heavenly character to collapse and annihilate!"

"Is it sure?"

"I have teamed up with the two gods and I have not been able to unveil the ban!"

"It's different from the wind, he has a fairy power!"

Unfortunately, that is not the real fairy! ”

Obviously. he

I don't think that Lingfeng can disintegrate the prohibition that they planted by hand. Even if it is Xianli, it is not because Xianfeng's fairy power is not really a fairy force, but it is in the shape of a prototype, otherwise it is prohibited in the face of true fairy power. They are all chickens and dogs. Of course


Just as they talked about it, the sign on the top of the mountain suddenly appeared to be turbulent. The card was very simple, there was no bright light, only the red blood in the center and the nine ban on the blood.

no doubt. that

The card is the soul card of the heavenly character. The blood of the center is the soul of the soul, and the soul of the soul is the nine ban.

but. on

At this moment, the first ban was actually wavering, and it was going to go dark. After a while, it actually broke down. It disappeared bit by bit from the soul card, but the soul card did not have much influence, just a moment of fibrillation. Only. "

The first prohibition collapsed! ”

The faces of the two big men suddenly became cold, and the degree of disintegration was too fast, so they could not react, which made them feel trembled. that

The nine bans are extraordinary, but they are not indiscriminate. In particular, the first ban, it is not too difficult to dispel the horrible desire of Xianli. What really arouses them is the degree, too fast. Want


Even if it takes a while for him to join hands with the two big men to break down, what does this mean?

It means that they can't move the eighth and ninth ban, can Lingfeng also collapse? call

! Do not

For a long time, the second ban was extinguished, and the soul card was shocked and violently many, but there was no crack. There was no first ban to disintegrate, but it was enough to make people scream. Two

The big man lost his voice.

They are nervously watching the changes in the soul card and want to know which step Ling Feng can do.

and. This

Related to their life and death. thorn

La! sheet

After the engraving, the third prohibition was disintegrated. There was not much noise. Except for the violently turbulent soul card, there was no other movement. This made the two big men look more and more ugly, and the wind seemed to be very unfavorable to them.

Silently and silently, the fourth ban was collapsed, and the magnitude of the soul turbulence at this time was actually smaller than before, which made the two big men feel more trembled. Imitation

Buddha. first

The former Lingfeng did not know enough how to dismantle the prohibition, so the first three prohibitions fluctuated greatly, and here he was a little handy and disintegrated more calmly.

Not much time.

The fifth and sixth bans are also disintegrated. There is a faint blood light that escapes from the soul card. This means that some souls have already fallen into the hands of Ling Feng, but the two big men are not worried, if Ling The wind stopped, and the situation was really bad for the East. but

! on

When they showed a smile, the seventh ban was disintegrated. Although the soul card was turbulent, it was not enough. This made the two big men’s hearts jump, because there were only two bans on the soul card. Once they were completely torn, the whole The situation to the virtual star will collapse immediately.


Suddenly, the eighth ban broke out, the soul card was violently turbulent, some souls flew out, and the lightning disappeared, apparently falling into the hands of Ling Feng, which made the two big men get up directly, and their postures were tight and staring. With the face of the soul, the face is to drop water.

A full eight ban!

Can you be shocked? to

At the moment, they feel that they are squeezing their hair. If the last ban is not protected, can it be prevented?

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