Supreme Demon

Chapter 1343: Marriage!

Eight prohibitions collapse!

This is really fatal for the two big men, because in every ban, Ling Feng can get some souls. It’s not a problem with Xianli’s horror. Now what they really worry about is the ninth ban. . If the ninth ban is disintegrated, the heavenly Taoist soul will be completely uncovered, and the truth will come to the surface. Although the heavenly characters do not know much, but as long as they have directions, they will know their origins and wait until they What will be


They are very clear about this and are even more shocked.


They are staring at the soul card. Once the ninth ban is gray, they will leave immediately, fly to the distance, and recruit strong forces to keep the situation.

"It's too small to marry him!"

A big man opened his mouth and couldn't see the truth, but the gloomy voice and the cold temperament showed his mentality at the moment.

"I knew that I should kill it after it was born!"

Another big man said bloody. When the Tiandao figure returned empty-handed, they still didn't realize the seriousness of the problem. When Ling Feng took the crown and the perfect void came out, they felt a headache.

just. At that time, the characters of Tiandao were deeply hidden. Even if they were not found in the empty roads and the oriental homes, they would be relieved. But who would have thought that Lingfeng would directly find the heavenly character when he came back, and he would do it fiercely. Bureau, oysters,

They were caught off guard.

in spite of.

They have been doing the game for years, and they are not willing to take the Tianyu Kingdom as a bureau. They want to blame the Easterners, but how can the rough tricks fool the wise man like Lingfeng?

Hey! At this moment, the face of the soul card violently swayed, the ninth road banned the gray blood, and struck the bright red soul, there was a crack on it, it seems that there is a sharp blade on it, but because of that power, Let the soul of the road come out

The crack is now like to tear it up.

next moment.

The soul card is more violent, and the ninth banned light is more dazzling. It seems that there is an infinite amount of force that is squeezing the ban, but the ban is in harmony with the soul, and it is necessary to break the ban. Soul. After a while, the huge force of the squeezing disappeared, and when the two big men were slightly relieved, the soul card appeared more terrible, and even the soul was gray, and the ban was more intense, and the color became Gloomy, let the two big hearts

The dirt must be violently jumped out, and the cold sweat on the body will wet the clothes.


When the ninth banned the crack, there was a slight crack, and the two big men followed them, and the tight expression became paler, and one of the characters left without any hesitation.

"Immediately recruit powerful people and strength!"

He is disappearing, and the ninth ban has problems. It must be disintegrated. At that time, other forces can be much faster than them.


The ninth ban is violently turbulent, and the light on it is disintegrating. It seems that there are terrible fires that are roasting. The souls that are roasted together are also seen. The blood of the red around the soul is dying.

"What is this fire?"

The big man’s face was ugly, his hands were cold and his heartbeat stopped.


The fire only appeared for a moment, then slowly dispersed, the violent turbulent soul became calm, and then the more sacred power appeared, slamming the ninth ban, letting the cracks more, and the soul is also facing disintegration .

"That's as soon as possible!"

The big man was full of faces, and he hoped that Ling Feng could work harder and directly disintegrate his soul.


The divine power disappeared, and the ninth prohibition was grayed out together with the soul. Like the black stone that was grilled, it could be cracked in the next moment, which made the big man sigh, only a little worse.

The power came to an abrupt end.

There was no wave in the face brand, which made the big man frown slightly. I don’t know how much truth the Lingfeng knows. After all, Xianli is different and can catch the message at the moment when the soul is gone.


There are still cracks in the ninth ban, and how much information can Lingfeng get from the crack?

Indulge in a moment.

He was suddenly shocked and looked up into the distance.

"No, the situation is not right!"

After that, he immediately presented a colorful stone to inform the big man in the distance, let him stop the enlistment immediately. This time is too sensitive, and a little movement will attract people's attention and expose them. He is worried that this is Ling Feng's spying. He can't open the ninth ban, but he can use it to spy on the reaction of major forces. Only because Ling Feng knows that a heavenly character like this must have a soul card, as long as he shakes the ninth road. Prohibition, the hand-held soul card

The forces are afraid to sit still.

This is even more deadly.

What makes them slightly relieved is that they don’t have many people, and they are at the highest level. With the current strength of Lingfeng, they should not be aware of it, while other forces are paying attention to the empty road. They should not notice this hidden. Waves.

at dusk.

Qimen, who had been sealed in Dongfu, was slowly dispersed at this time.

Stars are paying attention and want to know how much news Ling Feng has on the character.

"Nine bans I opened eight!"

This is the first sentence after Ling Feng was born. On the spot, many forces were eclipsed, and the hearts of the Easterners were mad.

"I got some news!"

Ling Feng said solemnly and fiercely. "This heavenly figure is Pan Ming, a character who was a thousand years ago. He has been hiding in the Tianyu Kingdom for centuries and has assassinated many wizards."


He disappeared directly, did not mention the Eastern clan, and did not explain to them, nor did he mention that Pan Ming had assassinated himself.


These two words, but the Eastern family pushed the cusp of the waves, Tianyu Shenguo raised a heavenly killer, had assassinated a number of Wizards, the Eastern clan is ignorant? Still pretending not to know?

To be studied!

"Oriental clan, I need an explanation for the empty road!"

If Ling Feng did not say it, the empty road would be said, but although Ling Feng opened the door for the East, he did not even point out that they were the "culprits". Before the ninth prohibition was unraveled, everything was still uncertain.

"I don't know!"

In a short time, the Eastern clan sent out a voice and tried his best to explain it. "My family rarely intervenes in the kingdom of God. I don't know that Tianyu has even raised such a heavenly killer. If it is known, it will already be born!"

"I have been killed by the Wizards. Do you explain this?" asked the material of the empty channel.

"Too virtual!"

The big men of the Great Zhou Dynasty opened their mouths and sneered directly.

"This can explain, what is the truth in this world?" The Shangguan clan made a sound.

"The ninth ban has not yet been solved. Is it too early to judge whether it is too early?" The Oriental clan expressed his strong position and said: "My family is willing to wait until the day when the truth is solved. My family and Lingfeng have never been friends. I have been accustomed to the evil, I have been invited before, my family is regarded as a guest, and Lingfeng’s friends have also enlightened in my family.

, push Xianli to a higher peak. ”

A stone shocked a thousand waves!

Ling Feng Xian Li goes further!

What a shocking mega event?

Is the real fairy power coming out? "When my family returned to the empty road, Lingfeng had thoroughly investigated the matter, but until now, she has not found out the truth. It is really embarrassing, and now the culprit is actually from the Tianyu Kingdom, and my family is hard to blame. My family is willing to help Lingfeng Xiaoyou cast

Fan Xianli. ”

This is the apology of the Oriental clan!

But they are even more assertive, hoping to get the understanding of Ling Feng, and then the alliance.

"The current Xianli can't open, but as long as the extraordinary force is created, it is bound to open the ninth prohibition!"

The Eastern clan has a strong voice, wants to help Lingfeng open the ninth ban, and the Oriental clan is innocent. As for the celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial sin, the Oriental clan will be sincere enough to satisfy Ling Feng.

This has caused major forces to express headaches. The Eastern clan is too strong, avoiding heavy weight, and making a fuss about the ninth ban, and Tianyu Shenguo does not have anything to do with them, but they can't escape the responsibility, so they have to pay the price.

"I am waiting for you to make me happy!"

At this time, Ling Feng opened his mouth and said to the oriental clan, and said: "The eighth ban was uncovered, and there was indeed a message against the eastern clan. Now I ask, wait for the ninth ban to be opened!"

This is even more shocking!

Ling Feng and the Tianzun method were extraordinary. Even when the ban was not completely uncovered, some memories were taken, and there was news about the Oriental clan.

"My family is willing to give Tianyu God Country to Xiaoyou!"

"My family will give a plant of tea to Xiaoyou!"

"My family will send Tianzun herb and many emperors."

"If a small friend is willing, my family is willing to marry!"

When the news came, people were stunned. The Eastern clan was sincere and the Tianyu Kingdom was nothing. In the eyes of the top forces, there is no meaning in the area of ​​a god, but the tea tree is completely different. Top

The gods can be cast into extraordinary ways, and the way in which they truly realize will also be shocked.

What others can't do does not mean that Ling Feng can't do it.

The Tianzun herb is hard to find, the oriental clan is very strong, and the foundation is full, but there are not many estimates, but it is really powerful.


Is there more direct than this?

of course.

Many forces are discolored on the spot, which is the toothache of the empty road. This is a marriage. It is clearly a robbing person. If the genius of Lingfeng is the son-in-law of the Oriental family, the influence will be completely different.

In the early days, Lingfeng benefited, and the eastern family will take off.

This is a very delicate card. If it is really good, the Oriental clan will be the first force on the virtual star. You must know that there is a more unpredictable force behind Ling Feng.

"Shameless!" Some of the forces screamed and felt that the Eastern clan was taking advantage of the sin. If Ling Feng really agreed, the Eastern clan would be too dangerous.

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