Supreme Demon

Chapter 1344: To the virtual star of life and death!


This made many forces directly dumbfounded, thinking that this is the most exquisite card played by the Oriental clan this year.

to be frank.

If twenty years ago, the Eastern clan would be married, many forces would be surprised. They felt that Lingfeng was a step in the sky, but the time was different and the results were different.

The current Lingfeng is in the midst of the virtual star, and it is the object of any power.

Is the Oriental clan only interested in Ling Feng?


There are also forces that guard the wind and seal the road, the empty road, the power of Ling Feng and the two worlds.


The Da Zhou dynasty several Tianzeng faces are heavy and very jealous. They don’t want Lingfeng to be tied to the oriental clan. It’s generally true that the virtual star will really change, and the strong oriental clan will not be able to contain it.

Otherwise, they will marry the Shangguan clan, so that they can be balanced.


Who wants to be on the current Lingfeng? To know that there is still an unpredictable empty road behind him, this influence is unprecedented, and Lingfeng will be shocked sooner or later, and Xianli and Perfect Nether will push the starry sky and become a magical character.

Is it good for such a person?

"Think too much, think too beautiful!"

This is the voice of the Shangguan clan. He is the same as the Da Zhou Dynasty, and he is very jealous of the future.

of course. This is only the voice of some people, like the empty road, etc., but it is calm, but Zhou Qitian was born, said with a smile. "Ling Feng is a hero, once angered the crown as a red face, is a figure of heavy feelings, now the feelings are not achieved, I will care about it.

What other beauty? ”

"The anger of 50,000 days of magic, the red face is not old, this is a model of my generation!" Shangguan asked the day to open. They didn't talk about marriage, but they were jealous. First, they pushed Ling Feng to the top of morality, talked about their feelings, talked about their anger and crown, and they were true men, but now the feelings have not yet settled. Where is he coming? The mood to water other "Jiaohua


have to say.

These two are human fine, and their means are much more toxic than other characters. They are forced to refuse. Otherwise, they are betrayed and not emotional.

Moral kidnapping!

They can't move the oriental clan, and they know that the oriental clan wants to marry the two, namely the oriental Yingyu and the oriental poetry. They are more inclined to the oriental poetry and the oriental poetry to the feeling of Lingfeng, fearing that it is possible to promise. Come down.

thus. They are going to "poison" Ling Feng, and they also let people spread the news, which mentions Ling Qing and Ye Witch, and even Qing Qi, Du Gu Yuyue, etc., also have a ambiguous relationship with Ling Feng, more Ling Feng and the Heavenly Girl’s **** battle on the ancient road

Celebrate and praise.

in a few days.

The whole to the virtual star are talking about Ling Feng’s “emotional problems”. Many people praised them as true men and sentiments, not those who were ungrateful and negative.

The next day.

Ling Feng appeared in front of the world and bluntly said: "I have love!"

The simple four words, without redundant explanations, let the Shangguan, the Great Zhou Dynasty and other forces can not help but sigh. This is a euphemistic rejection, not wanting to make the Eastern clan too embarrassed, but also expressing his true love for the people. .

"It's a bit lost!"

The oriental grandfather sat on the chair made by Daomu, and it was a pity that he sighed regretfully. The two poems of the Oriental poetry and the oriental Yingyu turned their eyes and looked speechless.


The oriental grandfather did not notice the expressions of the two sisters. He said with a smile: "I accidentally missed a good story!"

"Old ancestors!"

Oriental Yingyu frowned and said, shy blush, she only appreciates Ling Feng, and has no feelings, so it is very absurd for the marriage of the old man.

"The ancestors, where are the stories?"

The oriental poetry also said with a delicate voice, slightly glaring at the eyebrows, beautiful as a delicate flower.

"As soon as the road comes out, even if there are no men, I can shine in the East!" said Dongfang Yingyu.

"Cough, I mean, just say it!"

The old grandfather smiled and laughed, but he still hoped that the marriage would be successful. The oriental Yingyu and the oriental poetry were all wizards. If you marry Lingfeng, you are afraid to make a good story. But these two wizards seem to Not satisfied.


The attitude of the two sisters made him quite a headache. Ling Feng’s talents were arrogant and temperamental. These son-in-law could not see them. How many characters in the world can enter their eyes?

Do they still have to marry?

"Emotion is based on feelings, not persecution!" The poetry of the East sighs.


After a while.

The old man calmed down and the Taoist eyes became murderous. He looked at the two sisters of the East Yingyu. "There are only two sisters in the family who know the truth. This is a big picture. I am going to make a knife with Ling Feng. The other party is fish!"

"What can you find out?" asked the oriental poetry.

"They are very cunning!"

The old man said dullly. "Before we have sensed a weak sway, it can be fleeting, but the time-honored character."

"There is not much power to have Tianzun on the virtual star."


Nbsp;Oriental Ying Yu frowns.. "Void Road, Shangguan Clan, Da Zhou Dynasty, etc."


The old man said, "There are not many to the virtual star, but it is easy to find out what it is?"

“There is a eyebrow at the moment?” asked the poet of the oriental poetry.

"What do you think of poetry?" asked the old man with a smile.

"Dare to target this family, there is not much power on the virtual star, and it is bound to be on an equal footing with my family." The oriental poetry does not conceal, calmly said: "Void, Shangguan clan, Da Zhou Dynasty!"


The old man praised. "Only these three forces have this strength, and even more of this ambition!"

"The empty road Tianzun does not say that it is almost the same, although there are ghosts inside, but the real characters should not target my family." Oriental poetry continued.

"This is a truth!"

"Therefore, the power that wants to deal with my family is not the Shangguan clan, but the Great Zhou Dynasty!"

"This is exactly what I want to say." The smile on the old lady's face disappeared and became more gloomy.

"What did the ancestors find?" asked Dongfang Yingyu.

"The faint waves come from the direction of the Great Zhou Dynasty!"

"It's them?"

The oriental Yingyu **** suddenly cooled down and thought of Zhou Qitian’s sullen face, she would not fight one place.

"Is it they?" asked the oriental poetry.

"do not know!"

The old man said with meditation: "On the surface, it is the Great Zhou Dynasty, but this time is often the most dangerous moment. If we die in the Great Zhou Dynasty, who benefits?"

"The ancestors suspected to be the Shangguan clan?" asked Dongfang Yingyu.

"When the truth does not surface, everyone is doubtful!"

"Is even the Great Zhou Dynasty and the Shangguan clan join hands?" said the Oriental poetry.



"What should we do now?" Dongfang Yingyu asked a little headache.


The old man said with a smile. "This is just the beginning of this murder. The real killings are far from being presented. We are waiting, I believe that the secret characters will soon be unable to sit still."

“Real Feixian Xianli?”


The old man said with a sneer. "We are not sure, but the characters in the dark are more uncertain. They are worried that the ninth ban will really tear. Therefore, Lingfeng is the key target. If they dare to come, let them die!"

Fishing law enforcement!

"Is it really a family?" The oriental poetry thinks more. The three clans have been juxtaposed for many years, and their forces are balanced. They want to pay a heavy price for any family.


Now that Ling Feng is thoroughly investigating the matter, is this meant to be contested?

Once you find out the truth, it’s just a matter of one or two people. It’s easier, but what if the family means?

Really dead?

The old man’s face is heavy and he hasn’t spoken for a long time. Obviously, there are some things that are not in the poetry of the East.

"Is it dead?"

The cold poetry of the oriental poetry asked.

The old man opened his mouth, but only a dull sigh. "Lingfeng's power is not in the virtual star, then it will be my family, with my family as the pioneer, how much will this pay?" The oriental poetry is blushing, wanting to annihilate the family, even if the oriental clan is more Awesome, afraid of being seriously injured, how many years

Can't recover.

Really worth it?

to be frank.

When things come to an end, it is an excellent choice. Now Lingfeng will make things big, forcing the Eastern clan to express his position, forcing the empty channel to express his position, and even forcing the secret culprit to appear, but the truth has surfaced?

Ling Feng can pull back, but they have to face the storm.

"This is a **** rain!"

The old man seems to be a lot older, and he said with his body. "I know how much blood will be paid by my family, but now that the culprit is eyeing my family, should we not move the knife?"

"More than not, the virtual star is changing. Even if we don't move the knife, they will have to move the knife sooner or later. This **** rain can't hide, then we will firmly grasp it in our hands. We will take the initiative. , at least better than being forced to move the knife?"

The oriental poetry sighed for a moment, and sighed without words.

"Do you really think that I am confused?"

The old man’s tone became fierce and said: “The situation is more serious than you think. Why do I have a fight with Ling Feng, only your two sisters know?”


Oriental Yingyu and Oriental poetry are full of horror and incredulously said: "Is there a ghost inside?"

"Someone has put their hands in my family. Do I have to sit back and ignore?"

The Eastern Grandpa killed and said, "There are ghosts in the empty road, and there are ghosts in my family. What about other forces?"

"I don't know if they are from a force, but they intend to shock the world. They want to devour the whole to the virtual star. How can I let them succeed?" he said eagerly. "This game and the virtual star are the chessboard. Take the sentient beings as the chess, take my family as the pioneer, and bet on the future of the whole to the virtual star, fight!"

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