Supreme Demon

Chapter 1345: Eat phase!

The next day! Virtual

The empty road has become lively, especially in front of the Lingfeng Dongfu. A **** is flying to and from the east. It is the oriental Yingyu and the oriental poetry. It has made many gods look and admire.

Obviously. east

The Fang clan is here to fulfill their promises. They have said that they have to make up for their mistakes, and they have given many treasures, even to the Kingdom of God. Among them, it is the Taoist tree and the Tianzun herb, which are rare gods in the world. Things.

Hula! when

When the space jade bracelet is unfolded, an old tree appears in front of the people, the branches and leaves are luxuriant, the roots are thick and strong, and the sky is strong, and the faint tea leaves are released, and the leaves are different. Each leaf is different. Branded on the top, not artificially carved, but naturally cast, flowing rhyme.

Enlighten the tree!

Its value is immeasurable, and in the eyes of real people, its value is better than the Tianzun herb. must


In the tree of enlightenment, the rhythm of the Tao is pushed to the top and the influence is far-reaching. This is more valuable than any herb. After all, the herb will kill in the years, and the road will be more and more bright. and

And. Enlightenment

The more extraordinary thing about Taoism is that each piece is different, and more roads are born. If it is cooked, tea is a kind of enlightenment. Of course, the more important thing about Enlightenment Tree is that it is a kind of Tao. Enlightenment

The way! Want

It is the brand of this kind of Tao in the heart, and the creation of the Qimen, you do not need to enlighten the tree can quickly realize the way, the future of the impact, can experience various ways in a short period of time, progress God, how terrible?


Since the Enlightenment Tree has been enlightened, the Oriental clan has tried its best to cultivate it and let it bloom. After so many years, the Oriental clan has produced many talented characters, but no one can truly understand the extraordinary way of enlightenment trees.

Enlightenment trees are the origin of the Eastern clan, so they attach great importance to it. Let

What people didn't think of was that they were now willing to give a tree of enlightenment, which is equivalent to taking one-eighth of the power of the Eastern clan, enough to make people crazy. only

It is the temperament of the Eastern clan Tianzun that this guy has been eyeing this tree of enlightenment trees since he entered the Eastern clan, and a layout forced the Oriental clan to hand over it, which feels like eating a dead child.

"Ling Feng, I don't know what your intentions are, but you have to light up my family's forces, I will not die with you!"

Dongfang Yingyu came to Dongfu and looked at Lingfeng coldly. After getting the truth, she felt extremely uncomfortable. Once the killing came to an end, the Oriental clan did not know how many gods to kill.

When I think of the family, I passed away like this, and I think that the glory of the Eastern clan is broken. The two sisters of the Oriental Yingyu and the Oriental poetry are bleeding. "

I can choose, but you have no choice! Ling

The wind solemnly said: "Either your family faces the terrible culprit, I can withdraw and retreat. After all, I am only a small person, and the real intention of the culprit is this virtual star, even if your family is with me, The culprit finds out to kill."

Do you want to face the culprit alone, or do you need me to help? "This is a question of screaming."


Oriental Yingyu is speechless. "

You have to know that I am not looking for your family, but the murderers are looking for your family, only because they have killed me, so we are now a natural alliance! Ling

The wind sighed and got up and said. "I help your family find the culprit, calm down to the virtual star chaos, and your family helps me to cast extraordinary power. Do you think this is not your family's advantage?"


The oriental Ying Yu was indulged for a moment, and said faintly. "I always feel that you are very pit!"

That is your misunderstanding of me! ”

Ling Feng said with a sigh of relief. "I am upright, why have you ever been to someone else?"

You have passed us in the void. ""


You have been in Xiantian in the battle of heaven! ”


"You have been in the Star Trails!"


"What do you want to say?" asked Dongfeng Yingyu, who was looking for words and stops. "

I am just thinking about when your IQ is online? ""

Ling Feng, you are looking for death! ”

...... Ling

The wind kept smiling and sent the Eastern clan gods out of Dongfu. They were very excited about the arrival of Oriental Yingyu and Oriental poetry, but they did not hesitate to send them out to Dongfu. "

Ling Feng! ”

Just as Ling Feng was about to turn and leave, the oriental poetry was open at this moment.

"Sister, what do you want to say to me?"

Do you know how ugly you are? "Say

At the end, the poetry of the East poetry drifted away, leaving only the lingering wind.

He was indulging for a long while, looking at the back of the oriental poetry, and then grinning. "I don't care!"

Rear. he

The fart turned into the Dongfu, and sorted out the precious treasures that the Oriental clan gave. The Tianzun herb didn’t care much. At present, with his strength, this herb is still not used, and it really makes Lingfeng’s heart beat. Enlighten the tree. call

La! when

When Ling Feng began to devouring the spirit beads, a tree of enlightenment appeared in front of him.

At this moment, the ancient trees of the towering sky are much smaller, only three feet high, rooted in the Dongfu, while Lingfeng is sitting in the shade of the tree, feeling the rhyme, understanding the true meaning, the rhyme of the road flowing in its body, as if To open a universe. he

The mind is empty and full of charm.

His treasure is solemn and his temperament is extraordinary. inverse

The power of the Tao is like a river in the Bohai Sea. The power of the heavens is like a cosmic starry sky. The magic light shines on the magical road, and it is reflected on him. Let its power make a more direct change and move forward.

Hula! Enlightenment

Every blade of the road tree is making a sound, the strange door is running, the shade of the trees is falling, the wind is diffused on the body of the wind, the flesh and bones are ignited, and the three large spaces are being cast. For a moment, the ones are small. The door appears in the space of the reverse, allowing the space of the reverse to appear in the flesh and blood, and further advances to serve.

Ling Feng sat in the Enlightenment Tree for eight days, and the body's road was even more imposing. Especially the fairy in Xianli, like to really fly out, hitting nine days, the momentum is extraordinary.

however. To

In the next few days, his way came to an abrupt end. The light on the tree of the Taoist tree was extinguished, and it was not spilled. Ling Feng was only able to experience the heavenly power in it, pushing the void to the top, and then derived the third. can

Progress is not fast, far from the gods of the past. "

Why is this? Ling

The wind was a bit puzzling. When he entered the Eastern clan, Enlightenment Tree did not have such a strange light. It was because Lingfeng did not show top power and concealed many. He was afraid that the Oriental clan knew too much secret. because


When he showed his strength, Enlightenment Tree released the top light and benefited him. Can it be limited to the second? also

Is it that the Taoist tree can release such light rain every once in a while?

"It's grayed out!" Ling

The wind got up and looked at the tree. Now every leaf has become dark, not as bright as before, especially the strange door on the blade, losing its original color, and the leaves are more yellowish around, which makes Ling Fengyi Oh, suddenly the hole is the secret of the tree. true

The positive enlightenment will consume the essence of the Taoist tree, especially the strange door on the blade, and once the essence is exhausted, the enlightenment tree will die.

"The two little sisters seem to be angry with me."

Ling Feng grinned and smiled, such an important thing, I want to come to the Eastern clan should mention that the Oriental Ying Yu, the Oriental poetry sister who can be responsible for the gift to the treasure, deliberately ignore this point, this is to let him eat the rhythm of 瘪. Do not


Ling Feng is from the middle of the Eastern clan, why not use the Taoist tree is not much, Gain will consume a lot of fine elements for every use of the Tao, and this will take a long time to cultivate, and even need a lot of resources to let it "fill".

thus. Do not

It is an important moment, and the characters of the Eastern clan do not want to use the Taoist tree too much. It is too horrible to consume.

"If you are in a huge amount of resources, you should be able to make it shine!"

Ling Feng guessed this, directly hands-on, took out a lot of resources, especially Shenquan, etc., so that the Enlightenment Tree took root.

In an instant. Enlightenment

Daoshu lightning, light and rain, the roots and eyelashes stretched open, penetrated the spring, captured the massive essence, and integrated into the tree body, and the leaves will unfold in an instant, and the light, misty and misty, looks sacred and extraordinary. Of course

and. Let

Ling Feng’s distress is that this enlightenment tree has exhausted a large amount of springs in a short period of time, but it has not yet climbed to its peak, which makes him frown.

Notice. This

These massive springs can make recovery and progress. Although the effect is different from that of the Taoist tree, it may get more, but now it is so wasteful, and what he can get in the Taoist tree is only the perception of the Tao, and it is not yet many. Got

Not worth the loss!

Not much time.汲

The Enlightenment Tree, which took the massive amount of Shenquan Jingyuan, released a massive amount of light, and drowned the Lingfeng. When the light rain was exhausted, Lingfeng stepped forward on the road, but the effect was not ideal, but at this moment the Taoist tree was gray. The leaves are slightly yellow and the gates are dull.

"Do you want to be so embarrassed?"

Ling Feng is crying, and the feelings of the tree are more than lost. This is not the Taoist tree, it is simply the enlightenment of the ancestors. although

However, Lingfeng has many resources, but it does not dare to consume it.

In fact.

It is the oriental clan who can't afford it, let alone the current Lingfeng. "

It is reported that the leaves can be tea, the same can be bred! Ling

The wind looked at the leaves of the tree, and it was coveted, but in the end it was not willing to start. Every leaf here is different. One less piece is less one kind, and it is extremely precious. "

The two younger sisters are afraid to see me out? Ling

The wind is even more angry. If they say it early, how can Lingfeng know the Tao? I plan to go to the Oriental clan to sit down.

"You are really ugly!"

Thinking of this sentence, Ling Feng was angry with it. suddenly

However, his eyes flashed, and a quirky thought appeared in his heart. He looked at the tree, and the light in his eyes sparkled with excitement. people

There are limits!

What about the Taoist tree?

Where is its limit? This

For a moment, Ling Feng urgently wanted to know the limits of the Taoist tree.

First set a small goal, such as 1 second to remember.. Mobile version of the reading URL.. (

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