Supreme Demon

Chapter 1346: Enlighten the flowers!

Inside the cave.

Ling Feng's eyes shine, looking at the Taoist tree, speculating and thinking, this is his understanding of life, more accurately, the realization of the refining.

Whenever he feels that it is the limit, as long as he persists, he can break this limit and climb to the higher limit.

just now.

He wants to know the limits of the Taoist tree. he

Knowing that the Enlightenment Tree can draw a large amount of fine elements, but if this fine element is overwhelming, reach a terrible limit? At that time, will the tree of knowledge be changed? This

It's a pretty crazy idea.

Even the Eastern clan does not dare to consume the Taoist tree as much as Lingfeng. After all, every resource is very important to them, and Lingfeng is different. He has received many resources in the heavens and the virtual world. And in Xinggudao, there were more than 50,000 devils, and there were quite a lot of resources.

It can be said.

Now Lingfeng's resources are no less than a big clan, although it can't be tied with the top forces such as the East, Shangguan, and Void Road, but only personal "wealth", Lingfeng is equivalent to a Tian Zun accumulation.

Most of these resources are reserved for the anti-God, but there are important resources that need to be used on themselves. example

Such as Tianzun herb, such as the emperor medicine, such as Xingquan. when

Of course. image

Tianzun herb and emperor medicine, Lingfeng does not intend to consume. In the future, he wants to refine the heavenly-level medicinal herbs. These herbs are very important, and the herb in the world is too difficult to find, and it is rare. If it is wasted. Ling Feng does not know where to look.

In that case, it is even more impossible for him to step into the emperor.


Different from Xingquan, Xingquan’s mysterious origins are horrible. It seems that there is a universe buried in it. Until now, Lingfeng has not completely ridiculed the secret of Xingquan, but only knows that Xingquan can activate the world.

But what if you integrate Star Spring into the Tree of Enlightenment?

Is the mystery of Xingquan to let the Taoist tree shoot the top light rain? very

fast. Ling

The wind disk sits under the tree of enlightenment, self-depleting the spirit beads, taking out the springs and various herbs, smashing them into the springs of the gods, and then rooting the tree of enlightenment in the spring of the gods, letting them take the material in the spring.

In an instant.

Enlightenment trees are surprisingly light, light and rainy, and each leaf is emitting a virtual light, shining a little bit, and there is a faint medicinal fragrance, especially the Qimen on the leaves of the Taoist tree, each of which is clearly visible. It seems like it really wants to appear.

Short time.

The massive gods are so emptied, and the material is integrated into the tree of enlightenment, and only the dark matter shines under the roots. fine

Yuan lost, Shenquan will lose its effect. because

Lingfeng took out the Shenquan as much as before, so the Taoist tree returned to its prosperous state, and it covered the sky with light and rain, which benefited Lingfeng. However, Lingfeng did not satisfy the current state. He always felt that this was not a Taoist tree. The limit. under

A moment.

He took out more of the Shenquan, and even the source of the gods, injecting it into the roots of the enlightenment, forcing them to extract more elements, and then releasing more magnificent light rain.

indeed. this

Engraving is not the limit of enlightenment trees. It is still drawing on the vast number of gods. Every leaf is making a sound, and the sound of the singer is shining, the singularity of the door is shining, the scent of the years is flowing, and those strange doors are actually from the blade. Appeared, like to fly out. only

Only tea martial arts, those gods, Shenquan will be consumed, and the light rain on the tree of enlightenment is more eye-catching, falling down, covering up the radius of the circle, the light rain falls on Ling Feng, let his physical changes in subtle changes .

"It's really a headache!" Ling

The wind is a little bit of hair, and the Taoist tree is like a bottomless pit. After so many gods and gods, there is no change in quality, but the light rain is more eye-catching. can

To say.

This massive source of God and Shenquan can cast one or two gods. This is wasteful and has not been correspondingly improved. Lingfeng feels that he is too crazy. If he is alone, he can be wasted, but he still has a rebellious **** to support. . but


Now the arrow is on the string and has to.

When more sources of God emerge, the tree of enlightenment trembles fiercely, the strange sounds ring on the leaves, and Qimen really wants to emerge. At least there is a virtual shadow, so when it appears completely, there seems to be a vast and strange door. It is bred in these small gates and cast from them.

Light rain, cover your eyes! Let

Surprisingly, these light rains have been in the range of five miles, and they have not flown out of this range. The wind and blood are slick and eye-catching. Those light rains are blending with their power, and they are shining brightly and extremely dazzling. "

not enough! Ling

The wind and the gods become serious, a little red, and have consumed so many sources of God. If you don’t get what he wants, it’s too wasteful, so you’ll have to work hard to see the limits of the tree. what.

Not much time. he

Use the emperor medicine, let the medicine drop into it, let the enlightenment tree out of the sky, the dazzling light will dispel the haze of the whole cave house, if there is no Tianzhuang Qimen suppression, fear that this moment will be to alarm the big people of the empty road.


Enlightenment trees still do not reach the limit, the light rain is more dazzling, and the film falls, and the light rain turns into blade rain. Those blades are cast by light rain and are eye-catching. And

Every leaf in the tree of Enlightenment is stirring, and a strange door releases the top light, which becomes clear from the blur. It is really necessary to create a vast gate in front of Ling Feng, and it is probably that people always want to find Enlightenment power.

Ling Feng eye-catching, it seems a little excited, if it can be successful, then he will create a precedent.


When this thought appeared, it immediately annihilated. He thought of the oriental clan. Can he see the problem, the oriental clan would not see it?

With the heritage of the Eastern clan, this kind of consumption is just a slap in the face?

They are consuming!

But until now, the Eastern clan has not eaten and understood the tree, is this not enough proof? "

Not necessarily not! Ling

The wind and the gods are gloomy, and the things that the Eastern clan can't do, he may not be able to do it, at least not really hard, he is not sure.

Half awkward. emperor

The light and rain of the medicine dissipated, and the light of the Taoist tree was more obvious. The rain of the leaves drifted between the heavens and the earth, so Ling Feng benefited more, but he was still not satisfied.

At last.

He used the leaves of the Tianzun herb to shoot it out and blended it into the tree of the Tao. In that time, the entire Dongfu was trembled. The leaves on the tree were creaking, like metal, releasing a heavy light, especially It is a strange door, it becomes mysterious, and it is covered with a heavy fog.

That is, the blade rain has become smashed, and it is full of fog, mysterious temperament is full, and after falling on Ling Feng, let Ling Feng temper better, power is more roaring, it seems that there is a small Qi brand imprinted in three big In terms of space, it is integrated into it.

Boom! suddenly

However, the Enlightenment Tree made a loud noise, and the whole Dongfu House was trembled. The Enlightenment Tree, which is drawing on the Tianzun-level herb essence, came to an abrupt end, completely saturated, and it was difficult to draw more elements to achieve balance. "

Is this complete? Ling

The **** of the wind, I was still worried that the Taoist tree is a bottomless pit. After the appearance of the Tianzun herb, it will be completed immediately. Do not

Needless to say, the potency of Tianzun's herb is too terrible, far from being able to juxtapose the medicine, the source of God, etc., but this consumption makes Lingfeng feel distressed, knowing that every leaf of Tianzun herb can refine the emperor, and He now consumes five leaves in total, so that the consumption is only fearful of the oriental clan. simple

It’s unimaginable.


Just because the Enlightenment Tree is complete, Ling Feng is even more troublesome. Even the Tianzun herb has no effect on the Enlightenment Tree, and the Enlightenment Tree has no qualitative changes. It is just that the light rain is even more shocking, so that he can benefit more, the road is progressing, and the realization is progressing. .

But this is just too disappointing.

“Is this the limit of the Taoist tree?” Ling

The wind looked at the Taoist tree, and the expression on his face became more and more exciting. He thought of his own body, and as long as he broke the limit, he could see the new world.

next moment.

He sacrificed the star spring, this material can be harder to find than the Tianzun herb, more precious and unpredictable, from the ancient Galaxy, shaped like Huangquan, can make magic, he wants to know whether the Taoist tree can capture the star spring, and the star spring Can you let the Enlightenment Tree break the limit?


A large number of stars and springs rushed to the roots of the tree, and made a slight noise. early


Enlightenment Tree did not have any movements, which made Ling Feng quite disappointed, but suddenly realized that the tree was stirring, every leaf was trembled, the roots were light, and the limit was broken, and the strong springs were taken, but the extraction was far behind. Previously, it was like taking water, not too much.

Obviously. star

The spring is extraordinary, and the power is even more shocking. Even the Enlightenment Tree does not dare to draw a lot, fearing that it will be directly exploded. Time

Between the passage. Enlightenment

Although the road tree broke the limit, it did not have much shock. However, when Lingfeng felt that it was suffering, the tree of enlightenment appeared to be amazed, and a flower, bud, and nail were growing between the branches and leaves, but it was not obvious. Let Ling Feng stunned. very

fast. Enlightenment

There are more changes in the tree, and there are more and more flowers and buds between the branches and leaves. The whole tree is covered, and even flowers and buds grow on the trees. At this time, the degree of the tree is very fast. And the disappearance of the star spring, let Ling Feng mouth straight, if the Enlightenment Tree has not had any big movements, then the loss is too heavy.

Flowers, buds full of trees. table

The face is gray, with a bit of red, like a sprout on the dead branches.


When the time was deducted, when the flowers and buds were tens of thousands of times, the enlightenment tree passed through the sky and quickly rushed into the tree. The star spring was more turbulent at this moment, and several bowls were taken in a short time, while the enlightenment tree was It is a dazzling light, and the whole image is like a light.

Karaoke! Step

However, a flower and bud split open on the tree, and a petal stretched out from the flower and buds. It was like a child waking up and stretching his arm. The faint medicinal fragrance filled the whole house, and it was like this. At the beginning, it attracts more effects, which directly leads to thousands of flowers and buds “stretching the body” when the petals are unfolding.

Full of flowers! medicine

It is full of fragrance and is full of people. through

The ancient tree of enlightenment, at this moment, blooms as if to squander the world, and its singular door shines, really opening a vast space.

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