Supreme Demon

Chapter 1347: The flowers are out of the ground!

Enlighten the flowers! This

It was a top event when it was not born in the world.

Although the oriental clan is extraordinary, they don't have the gods such as Xingquan. Therefore, it is not easy to realize that it is not easy to understand. Moreover, they do not break the limit of thinking, and feel that the tree is the limit.

but. Ling

The wind is different. He uses Xingquan to let the Enlightenment Tree break the limit.

It’s not a hobby, but a real hold. And

. each

The bunches of flowers are different, the rhythm of the petals is flowing, and the Qimen is carved. When it is completely filled, the strange doors are connected, and a vast strange door is cast like this, so that the Lingfeng Shenchi is flying, even if it is enlightenment. Really. he

Engraved with heart, branded the strange door in the heart, and wait until the study is thorough, then carved into the flesh and blood. more

What surprised Ling Feng was that the odd door on the petal was connected with the strange door on the blade, and the more extraordinary Qimen was cast. It was everywhere, and it was more chaotic, as if to open up the earth.

“Is this true enlightenment?”

Ling Feng was shocked and full of desire for the Taoist tree. If it was carved in the body, how magnificent would it be?

And is this the source of enlightenment in the Taoist tree? Want

Is it necessary to engrave it in the body without enlightening the tree, or to succeed in a short time?


Ling Feng didn't know, but he still carefully observed the odd door on each piece of petals, and waited until the future to "fill" in the body.

The consumption of Xingquan is getting faster and faster, reaching a level of "horror". It consumes a bowl of Xingquan almost every two quarters of time. Even if there are many Lingfeng Xingquan, there is not much squandering.

"True!" Ling

The wind looked at the Taoist tree and screamed. He didn't know what would happen to the Taoist tree, but if it was too long, it would take a while to estimate that Xingquan would be clean.

but. Enlightenment

The road tree is not a bottomless pit. When the tree of enlightenment is more and more eye-catching, and the leaves and petals are completely released, the degree of taking the star spring will immediately slow down. After a while, it will stop and no longer take the star spring. This makes Ling Feng loose. and

After that, he stared at the Enlightenment Tree and wondered what it would be amazed. more

What is important is that every petal of the Tao Dao Tree and the Qimen on the blade are releasing strange light. For a moment, it is completely opened, and the vastness of the door is made, so that the whole cave is shining and releasing Wan Daguang.

In this light rain, Ling Feng’s perception of the Tao is getting deeper and deeper, especially in the way of serving, as if to push a door. and

And. he

I am carving the small gates in my heart, which is used to cast the Daqimen, even the space. It is just that Ling Feng feels that the leaves and petals are not created by space, but not by real. . "

what exactly is it? ”

Ling Feng deduced in his heart and wanted to thoroughly study the power of that scorpion.

Hey! suddenly

However, between. Enlightenment

The turbulent turmoil of the Tao Shu, a faint force is spurting, and in a short time it is like a galaxy. Every leaf and petals are trembled, and the sound is very weak, but there is a sword. Time

There was a moment of cessation, and then the petals on the tree of Enlightenment flared out and flew down from the branches. full

Smallpox rain!

This is the enlightenment flower rain! a few

Just when the rain of the sky appeared, the whole cave was changed, and the rhythm of the road shone in the air. The wind seemed to be in an ancient world. No need to think, the rhythm of the road turned to He came in his body.

that moment. he

All kinds of ways in the body are taking steps, but when they are working, they are the heavens, and sometimes they are the magic roads. The three major spaces are even more shocking. They are filled with material and seem to fill the space. flower

The petals fell on Ling Feng, letting the flesh and bones tremble, especially Dantian, that is, Xianli is stirring, a female fairy appears on top of his head, releasing the top light, it seems to cover this piece of heaven.

This is a big creation! positive

With this moment. Ling

The wind and the sea are empty, feel the special rhyme, the perfect void in the body runs wildly, and instantly pushes the power of Lingfeng to the top. The road in the body of Lingfeng appears first, then the law is empty, and then it is the void. This

It is the appearance of the Tao.

Ling Feng's way is different. It is unusual to talk to the Tao. However, when Ling Feng is in the ancient road, he has further knowledge of his own way, and he will be divided into several parts. First

One weight is all the way. First

The second is the void! This

It is distinguished by Tiangong. Although it is a bit vague, it can really interpret it as a way of life. If you want to know how to evolve into the ultimate, you will be born with a kind of heavenly power, which is distinguished by Tiangong. to

Ling Feng has been pondering the third thing he has been working on, but it is difficult to comprehend. This

It is not a matter of genius, but a matter of time. Because of the different ways of serving, Ling Feng needs more time to realize, and in these years he has encountered too many things and has no time to realize the third priority. Of course

and. on

At this moment, he felt the vibration of his own way, the unconstrained expansion of the law and the empty space, and the deduction of the law. He pushed forward a little bit, and Ling Feng’s eyes were closed, and his mind was all enlightened. The petals are submerged, as if they are in the ocean where they are in the air, surrounded by the road, and they are more. and


Three large spaces appeared, and the guards were around his body. They were moved by the way of the body. As a whole, they were also part of the body.

Initial time. Million

The road is empty and thin, and it is extremely eye-catching. It almost covers the Tianyu Dongfu. The terrible light column passes through the sky. It seems that the cave house will be opened, and then the void will appear without any sound, but it will destroy the surrounding breath and life. and

To the end.

The two kinds of heavenly powers are alternately appearing, becoming blurred, only because the Lingfeng pushes too fast, and the terrible frenzy goes one by one, completely breaking through the space and swearing, covering up the radiance of the sun and the moon.


Enlightenment of the petals fell to Ling Feng, drowning in it, like a flower man wrapped in petals, do not know the situation that Ling Feng is a flower idiot.

Needless to say. This

These petals have the magical ability to increase the understanding of the wind in the wind, and they can see through a kind of road in a short time. Nowadays, the petals are numerous and fast and flesh and blood, so Lingfeng has more experience for the body. The road is ahead.

Just two quarters of an hour. Million

The law is empty and the void is gray, and the blur is not clear, but the breath of the Tao is getting stronger and stronger. Ling Feng’s body shoots a bongo, blends with the enlightenment petals, and blends with the heavens and the earth. .

There is no road ahead! can

! Ling

The wind is going to open up a way at this moment.

Boom! suddenly

However, all the law and the void are dying, and they do not appear in front of Ling Feng. However, Ling Feng still keeps his eyes closed, his hands are deduced, he is portrayed in the void, and he is branded in the body. Enlighten the magical power seen on the tree. he

In the emptiness of the emptiness, the flesh and blood will spray more power, to blend it. Connect

With. inverse

The Taoist space, the Heavenly Space and the Magic Road space also flew in, and the suppression was around. Xianli was at the center and maintained balance. It was because of this that the power of Lingfeng was pushed to the top, and the Enlightenment Tree sensed the terrible power. .


Enlightenment tree trembles, thousands of petals fall from the tree body, drowning Ling Feng more powerful, almost can not see the body, and when those petals are integrated into the Ling Feng body, his heart is full of the road. "

It’s different, it’s different! ”

Ling Feng slightly opened his mouth and said, "When the law is different from the void, then the third is more different, not step by step, but off it!"

Everything can be empty, and the void can be a town! ”

"What about the third?" Ling

The wind became dull, the road was squatting, and the hands were pushed forward, letting the magical power drawn at that moment become paralyzed and disappeared into the sea of ​​flowers. Connect

With. he

Also disappeared in it, only the petals of the sky are flying, only the power of the road is trembled, only the unyielding fighting spirit of Ling Feng is in full swing.

Flowers are beautiful. Ling

The wind is more like a scene!嗡


Tea 盏 Kung Fu, the flower sea trembles, the large pieces of withering, from which there seems to be a tree growing.啵

! Two

After an hour, the flower sea was violently swaying, and there was a piece of land that appeared, not very clear, but it seemed to have a tree.

Time is passing.

The petals are dark and gray, and the rain is falling at this moment, while the Lingfeng at the center appears from time to time, sometimes disappears, and in front of him, there is a tree, a young sprout, a tree The body is short and only one foot high. that

The tree grows on a sea of ​​flowers, under the tree, covered with petals, which is different from the flower of the enlightenment. The flower is in three colors.

Some are empty colors, some are golden, some are black, and the old tree is white as snow. when

Of course. This

It is only the picture that can be presented when the Huanhua Sea is cracked. The real picture is still not clear, but obviously this is the third thing that Lingfeng wants to deduct, and let his way really move forward. not


If this step is successful, Ling Feng will take a big step on the road to open a new chapter. boom

Long! when

Ling Feng will enlighten the magical power of the flower sea into the body, and then through the Dantian, when appearing on the piece of land, the whole piece of God is a smoldering, misty, flying petals on it, covering the void. "

This is the way I want! "end

Yu, when the Enlightenment Flower Sea began to spread, Ling Feng opened his eyes, with a smile, revealing the weather quality and momentum.

Enlightenment Tree did not disappoint him, let him push a big step in the short-term, and take the emptiness of the law, let this heavenly power and the road show the top power, no longer the chicken power, but Ling The wind is "a murderous knife." Traditional

When the flowers fall, the tree of enlightenment becomes dark, the power is consumed, and the petals are withered from the branches and leaves. Traditional

The flowers are gone! Of course

However, when the flower sea dissipated, a piece of godland appeared in the void, and a tall white snow tree stood in the center of the earth, surrounded by bustling, three colors, all around, surrounded by the white trees, the void There is no light curtain and enchantment in it, and the godland is more like a peaceful little world.

"The flowers are out of the ground!" Ling Feng said.

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