Supreme Demon

Chapter 1348: Resent the enemy in space!

Flowers everywhere, the fragrance floats five miles!

There is no such thing as a magnificent color, but this small piece of heaven is full of magnificence everywhere, and it belongs to the wonders of the world. One

The snow-covered trees shine with sacred light, and the branches and leaves flourish. They fill the sky above the small heavens. Those flowers are like the leaves and petals of the snow-falling trees. They are scattered around, like a character with a **** of jade is being loved by him. Goddess courtship. This

It’s too beautiful!

I am afraid that any day girl will be immersed in it.

however. Ling

The wind will call it "forbidden soil". Just two words will make this piece of small heaven and earth taste, full of suffocating charm, full of ruining rhyme, here is not a world of wonders, but a real world. Want

I know that this is the third most important thing. by

The first heavy law is empty, the second heavy empty law, you can see that this third is terrible, the eyelids are not necessarily the truth, only the heart can go to the body to feel the extraordinary momentum in the forbidden soil. .

Other people may not feel it, but Ling Feng can clearly understand the Tianwei, and then become extremely excited, only because the piece of soil is out of the air, it is really going to be born, the **** is a chicken.

"The snow tree is cast by Xianli, and the petals are cast in three major spaces, and the soil is covered."

Ling Feng said with a smile, the eyes are full of light, the whole process is very fast, let him not think about it, more importantly, his dantian is changing, the pattern should have collapsed, and a new pattern emerges.

That is forbidden! This

The forbidden soil is cast by the magical power of the leaves and petals of the Taoist tree. Each piece of soil is cast by Xiaoqimen. When they gather together, it is a forbidden soil, and because of the three large spaces, In the confrontation, the space was confined, and the weak space was once incorporated into the forbidden soil to create this unique world together. can

To say. This

The forbidden soil is a territory in which many forces are merged and then created, which is a prohibited space.

Although this banned space is not covered with light and rain, there is no door, it is completely open to the people, but when it really feels the terrible of this forbidden soil, it is even more trembled. No

There is no door to cover, just because it does not need a door! in

In front of the world, but the characters who dare to break into the forbidden soil will be wiped out!

Ling Feng got up and his body flew down in the forbidden soil. This forbidden soil blended with his body, so he was not affected by it, and this is his power. Of course


Just as he flew down the forbidden land, the bustling surrounding was actually flying, and the wind was floating around the center of Lingfeng, but even the petals of the three colors were still distinct, after all, they were evolved from three major spaces, facing each other. . "

This is the real ultimate! ”

Ling Feng realized the rhyme in it, felt more power, and was full of excitement. Although it cost a lot of stars, the power of Enlightenment Tree is really extraordinary. It seems that it is still far from Star Spring, but in the future It will be a ground for the suppression of the world. This

The forbidden soil will be closed to the public, and in the future, I don’t know how many people will talk about it.

and. Ling

Because of this piece of forbidden soil, the realm of the wind has really taken a step toward the limit of the gods. It is different from the half-emperor, but a take-off. It is only half a step away from the Emperor Wu, but I still need more time to temper and ponder.

After all, Ling Feng’s path is too different, so his question will be different from other gods.


With no direction in the way, Ling Feng can only explore the journey, but he is afraid to take a wrong step. But now that the Taoist tree is in hand, there are enough stars in the spring, and he can push the correct way. So he can push it away. The fourth, the fifth, and even the sixth.

"Forbidden soil...

Ling Feng was placed in the forbidden soil, the white clothes fluttering, between the petals of flying, the body was fascinated with holy light rain, like a fairy. he

Leaning on the snow tree, slightly frowning, looking at the petals flying all over the sky, is pondering the real Tianwei of the forbidden soil, want to thoroughly thoroughly.


A petal flies in front of the lingering wind, and there is a small strange door on the petals. It is quite magical. The small singular door is like the door of the starry sky. It reveals the imposing manner, but it is limited to the petals and has not been shown.

Squandering flowers are fascinating!

Ling Feng raised his hand subconsciously and flicked the petal.


At that moment, the petal was like a lightning bolt, directly torn the space, flew out of the forbidden soil, shot down in the distance, stabbed a loud noise, and the distant Dongfu actually smashed a big hole and let the space in front of Lingfeng collapse. , forming a black hole, did not close for a long time.

The terrible Tianwei makes Ling Feng feel the hair, knowing that the cave is very old, rock-solid, difficult to penetrate, although the wind is different, you can consume some of the three big spaces you want to pierce. time.

however. One

Just a piece of petals, you can easily tear the space and pierce the cave house. What kind of Tianwei? Ling

The **** of the wind, looking at the big hole, looking at the petals flying all over the sky, ecstatic, this moment he really sees the forbidden soil, those petals and even the snow tree is Tianwei, here is the forbidden soil, alone belongs to his own Forbidden soil. under

A moment. he

When the bullets came out, a petal rose straight into the sky, penetrated the void, collapsed and smashed through the cave.

call out! Ling

The wind got up from the snow tree, and the bullets came out. A piece of ink like a petal shot out like this, letting Wan Dao with the same dryness, shot down on the door of Tianzunqi, violently swaying, splashing a piece of light, although there is no Tianzunqimen Breakdown, but also caused turmoil in Tianzunqimen. This

Waiting for Tianwei is no less than his previous way, but now it is just a petal. "

The petals are the way! ”

"The snow tree is also the way!"

"The road is here, why do you want to find it?"

The wind and the gods shine, and they directly stunned. He snapped out and flickered. The petals fell out of the forbidden soil because of their fingers. They shot down in all directions, directly causing the surrounding space to collapse and blasting around the forbidden soil. Filled with the entire cave house and roaring, but this did not affect the forbidden soil, and all power was stopped before the soil was banned. This

The five-mile range is forbidden! but

! that

The thunder caused by the petals is too strong, the surrounding space is completely collapsed, and there is a big hole in the Dongfu. The Tianzunqi door is violently turbulent, the light rain is falling, and the Lingfeng is like a child getting new toys, his hands Pushing forward hard, the petals of the sky are violent because of him.

A tremble. full

The petals of the sky flew into the distance, and all fell on the gates of the Tianzun class. The loud noises caused the whole cave to scream, and the Wannian scorpion flew directly in front of the hole. The body was filled with the law of heaven, and the lightning came. In front of Ling Feng, I saw that Ling Feng was fine, and I was relieved.

but. when

When he saw that Ling Feng was in a forbidden soil, he couldn't help but scream, and then his face turned wild and suffocated. Obviously his Taoist eyes were much more poisonous, and he could clearly capture the terrible horror of Lingfeng.

The petals of the tree are all exposed to the weather, and they belong to the banned space. It is really necessary to grow up, the heavens and the roads must be down, and the heavenly lords will bleed.

these years.

He has insight into some of the core messages of the anti-God, especially the message about Ling Feng. He knows that this character has never dared to touch the road before the ancient times. It can be seen from the attention of the Burning Heaven, Ling Feng is the future of their Tao. Take

Waiting for you! Who

Dare to imagine? when

However, Burning Tianzun is more worried about Lingfeng. There is no road ahead of the road. He needs Lingfeng to find his own way. One of the mistakes, the whole road will collapse. Therefore, Lingfeng can’t be wrong in one step, but for so many years, Ling Feng’s road has always been in its infancy and did not dare to move forward. Come

At the time, Burning Tianzun also mentioned this matter, so that the Wannian old man pays more attention and can remind Ling Feng.


What Wannian did not think is that at this moment, the essence of Ling Feng’s Taoism changed, and the road was really moving forward, not the embryonic form, and he cast the prohibition of the earth too extraordinary, just as the candlelight’s blink of an eye was closed and dark. Traditional

The flowers are exhausted! in

It’s not empty talk at the moment!

Just because every petal is flowing with the top Tianwei, no less than a top god, and more than a thousand petals in the forbidden soil? What if these petals are played together? that

What kind of picture will it be?

If the whole piece of the forbidden soil bursts out of the top light, is the snow tree suppressed?

What kind of picture will it be?

The flowers are full of ecstasy!

"Chen Tian Zun can be assured!" Wannian said with a smile, if he was afraid that he would immediately suppress the wind, this road is too enchanting, but now he is excited.

Just because. he

It is also a member of the reverse god. Take

Before, Burning Heaven said that Ling Feng wanted to build a heaven, and he remained skeptical.

Now, he feels that Ling Feng can create a rebellion against the kingdom of heaven, and he is convinced!

"The road is ahead, congratulations to you!" Wannian said. "

Just taking a step, the road is still far away! ”

Ling Feng flew out of the forbidden soil, and his face was flushed. Only when he really realized that the petal Tianwei could know how shocking the forbidden soil was. It can be said that under the heavens, he has no opponents anymore, even if it was the original candle. The dragon, even before asking the demon Lord, bowed in front of the forbidden soil.

"There is a long way to go, I believe in you!"

The old man looked at the forbidden soil that disappeared into the body of Ling Feng, and his face was envious. This kind of road could not be expected, and then his gaze fell on the tree of enlightenment. "

Because of it? He asked.

Because of it! Ling Feng said affirmatively. "When you ask for respect, you can use it!" ""

it is good! Wan

The old man is very excited. Ling Feng can change his nature because of the Taoist tree. What about him?

"I just don't know if they know that I am enlightened by the tree and let the road go forward. Will they be mad?" Ling Feng grinned, and the expression of the two sisters of the Oriental Yingyu was very cool. Of course

and. he

The smile just showed up, and it was going to go dark, only because the beast was appearing in front of him, and a resentful message was made. "

Resent the enemy in space! ”

Mingtian beast has a heavy tone, a heavy expression, and a simple language, but it is more able to explain the seriousness of the problem.

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