Supreme Demon

Chapter 1350: The first knife of fright!

The turmoil hidden by the virtual star is due to one person. Virtual

The empty road is extremely important. It should have let the two gods personally follow each other to prevent the change, but it was rejected by Ling Feng. Just because his destination is Tianhai, if those murderers dare to appear in Tianhai, they will be directly killed. in

He is the king of the sea!

but. in

When he returns, he needs the Void Heavenly Respects to prevent the murderers from taking the opportunity to kill him. He needs to know that Lingfeng needs to “grind” in the sky, and those culprits have more time to prepare.

Of course, Ling Feng is willing to give them time to prepare, just to see if they have the courage to kill him. east

The Fang clan is the same as the Void Road. There is a certain amount of preparation, at least to ensure that the two Tianzun will move forward, and cover the stormy winds for Lingfeng. As a result, their strength cannot be underestimated.

and. This

It is on the virtual star, the empty road is still quite unpredictable, but if there is any wind and grass, they will be able to know immediately, especially the characters of the Tianzun class, once it comes out, the waves are not small, it is difficult to escape the empty road. because


They are able to control the message more precisely and respond correctly, instead of being in the dark sky, they are completely passive, if it is not burning, it is impossible to be killed.

not to mention.

There are still a lot of Wudi in the Void Road. The strength is unpredictable. If you want to be really embarrassed, many Wudi will be killed together, and you will be able to withstand one or two Tianzun and delay the time.

The two forces of the virtual star must do their best to help each other. Even the other two forces must do their best, but in this way, the culprits must rise to the surface, so even if one of the two forces is the culprit, they I dare not do my best.

not to mention.

This is a very obvious bureau, with Lingfeng's life and death as the game, Tianzun as the chess, and a round of life and death in the future. Now, see if the culprit has such timidity. After all, once it comes, it is the situation of death.

It takes courage to face the empty road and the Eastern clan. when

Of course. east

The Fang clan is the Tibetan brand of Ling Feng. They were previously "pitted" by Ling Feng. How many forces will believe that they are doing their best? "

Taking life and death as a game, and tempting those murderers to be born, Ling Feng is really bold enough. "Big

Zhou Wangchao made a voice and expressed surprise. "I want to see if this really fierce comes from."

"It is this truth!"

The official clan opened his voice and said coldly. "Dan’s intention to the virtual star, this is really fierce. The deity is very much like knowing that he is three-headed and six-armed?"

The two major forces said that Tianzun will be born, "look at" the appearance of the real fierce, but did not say that they want to participate in this level of fighting, their relationship with Ling Feng has not been close to that extent.


They are all fine, afraid of being stared by the empty road and Ling Feng, so they will be born in advance, and even if the two forces are shocked, the empty road and Ling Feng can't speak.

"My family will have a **** admiring, willing to help Ling Fengsheng culprits!"

It is the voice of the oriental clan, cold and sinister.. "We really want to know which forces dare to marry me!"

This can be too much directly.

A Tian Zun came out to help, it is already a big face for Ling Feng, but people also see that the Oriental clan is uncomfortable with Ling Feng, this has been pitted, they have to try their best, not only to find out the real fierce for Ling Feng More importantly, it is the embarrassment of the oriental clan.

If it was before. he

We may have many Tianzuns born, but now they are one, they are expressing their disappointment to Ling Feng. "

The empty road will do its best, dare to move the future of my door, it is necessary to shed blood! "mysterious

Empty and murderous, they should be inclined to Lingfeng, even if it is the empty road, Tianzun will maintain the wind, this is not only to get the perfect void, but more importantly to maintain the face of the empty road. to

The evil star forces are also making a statement that there will be strong characters born to understand the true face of the real murderer. "

Is this pressure too heavy? "east

Fang Yingyu frowned and asked, many forces expressed their stance, although they did not express their participation in the war, but so many characters have been born together because of the wind, when the scene is extremely terrible, the real fierce fear is not dare to appear? "

Heavy? "east

Fang Laotai said with a smile. "It is really heavy!"

"Then they dare to appear?"

Don't dare! ”

"Then we have to set up a bureau?"

"The bureau is going to set up." The oriental grandfather said with a smile. "In case they came?"

Then they are idiots! "Oriental Ying Yu said with a white eye, it looks very playful."

They must come! ”

Oriental poetry is different from Oriental Yingyu, and the problem is more thorough, but I have to say that Ling Feng’s plan is really poisonous.


Looking at the oriental poetry, the oriental grandfather raised his mouth slightly and smiled and said: "Why does poetry think so?"

“This is an excellent time!”

The poetry of the oriental poetry calmly analyzes: "We are clear, they are dark, we can't analyze their power, but they can estimate our strength and thus be able to make more careful preparations. In fact, the situation is very beneficial to them. of.""

Secondly, the Shangguan clan, the Da Zhou dynasty and other forces will not really help each other, and even secretly will be under the black hand, taking the opportunity to get rid of my family and the empty road, and have to guard against it, and they are very likely to be the culprit. ”

"They can also lay out on the way back from Ling Feng, we can only passively fight!"

"The situation is good for them?" Dongfang Yingyu asked a little embarrassed.

"Unfavorable!" East

Fang Shishi shook his head and explained: "In this game, they may not have an advantage in the terrain and strength, but as long as they are well hidden, there may not be a chance."


They will still be stupid to kill. "The oriental poetry is infinitely affirmative.

"Why is this?" Dongfang Yingyu asked dumbly, isn't this an idiot? "

This is the most frightening knife of Ling Feng! ”

The oriental poetry said with a smile: "I am not as good as him!"

"What does it mean to be a shock?"

The oriental grandfather glanced at the oriental poetry and sighed. This slowly explained: "In the past, Ling Feng had unveiled the eight-fold ban, but left the ninth ban on the ban, and threatened to wait until Feixian. Only the ninth ban will be solved."


Now that he is born and flies to the sea of ​​heaven, he is telling the true murderers that they will cast Feixian Xianli in the sky and sea, and then unlock the ninth ban, and this will be their last chance. "old

The grandfather said loudly and full of killing. "Lingfeng is warning those who are murderers, either come and die, or wait for the truth to come out!"

This is the last moment, they have no choice! ”

Dongfang Yingyu opened his mouth, but did not know what to say. Ling Feng is indeed very sinister, forcing those murderers to come to the world, otherwise it will be even more unfortunate. "

Then why not directly uncover the ninth ban? ""

In that way, the real murderer will have more time to prepare, and there will be a stronger response, and Ling Feng wants to use this opportunity to get rid of their top strength, and it is easier to clean up the other. ""

But their opponents are only Lingfeng, and they must be killed by the wind...

"This is what we have to do, is to try to make Ling Feng alive!" The Eastern Grandpa said solemnly and seriously. "In fact, we don't have much time. If we don't solve this scourge, the virtual star will be weakened." Once the chaos began, the imaginary star at that time was a charcoal."

"Take the best and fight for the future!"

Fang Shishi looked at the oriental grandfather, and she always felt that this thing was so embarrassing that it was not as simple as what they saw on the surface. It seems that there are still deeper things, but they have not seen it yet. .

Anti-God space!

Standing on the building, Yu Yan is not showing grace, but the temperament of chilling. She has been the butterfly for many years, so that she can raise the momentum of the superiors.

Although the situation is not optimistic, the distant people are asking for help, but he knows that before the people return, if they dare to be born, they will only be attacked by the Thunder, so they have to wait, and the people can panic, she can’t .

suddenly. Virtual

A flash of light, several characters appeared in front of her.


The sacred eyes flashed, and the smothering scent on Yu Yan immediately dissipated, and she couldn’t help but sigh. She knew that the presence of the lord would mean that it would be an unprecedented hard battle, and the eternal singer and the singer will face the celestial figure on the virtual star.

but! he

They are still determined to come, this is the emphasis on the anti-God. "

Ok. "Ling Feng amount, ask." "What happened in the end?" ""

More than 50 gods in the anti-God tempered in the sky, inadvertently let a family stare, now trapped in the sea, where the terrain is special, trapping them, and easy to defend, it is not easy to attack the Tianhai race. . ""

anything else? "Ling Feng frowns, the region's Tianhai race, should not be slashed by more than 50 gods, there are other reasons.

"They should have been eyeing us for a long time, have been checking, and want to know our whereabouts." The murderous murderous said.

"Reverse God space?" Ling Feng asked. "

Yes! ”

The amount of money, cold channel.. "Reverse God is still very weak, impossible to defend the impeccable, inevitably let the Tianhai race now, and we have a breath of anti-god space, ordinary Wushu is difficult to smell, but the Tianhai race The gods of heaven are different."

So to say that I am destitute more than fifty gods, is it the day of the sea race? ""

Yes! ”

"What race?"


Ling Feng's eyes have become fierce. The problem is not as simple as saying. With the strength of Tianzun, even if the sea is easy to defend and difficult to attack, it is only a sneak peek. However, until now he has not yet started, there is only one possibility.

That day, the gods are fishing! he

I want to wait for the strong characters in the anti-God space to appear, and then suppress, and ask the whereabouts of the anti-God space from the reverse of the mouth. If the top characters of the anti-God appear, they occupy a favorable position and do not suffer, but if there is no top character in the anti-God It is even better to prove that there is no strong person in the anti-God, and they will have no worries.

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