Supreme Demon

Chapter 1351: Is there only one heaven?

fishing! Take

Before Ling Feng was fishing, and now others are fishing for his fish, which makes Ling Feng feel very fresh. and

And. This

Still a supreme fishing, want to find out the whereabouts of the anti-God space, which makes Ling Feng very unhappy, a Tianzun is so no moral exercise, even more than fifty gods trapped in the sea, but also shameless ?

"Several gods?"

The sound of the beasts is open, this is a problem they are more concerned about. If the hippocampus has two celestial respects, then the problem will become tricky.

"The message I got is a Tianzun!" said the sergeant.

"That's no problem!" Mingtian beggar breathed a sigh of relief. "

A sacred person in the district, even the two lords must be killed! "When the old man is not worried about the beast, in this world, there is only one **** who really leans down, that is, burning heaven, other heavens are not in their eyes."


His current strength really makes Tian Zun tremble, although he can't even burn the 18th Tianzun, but killing the two Tianzun can still be done.

"Then I will move forward immediately. I really want to know what the hippocampus want to pull out!"

Ling Feng said coldly, this family wants to fight against the idea of ​​the space of God, this is unforgivable.

"The previous anti-God gods sent the sea heart position."

When you finish, you will be hit by a branding to Lingfeng, branded in the soul of the sea. "

go! Ling

The wind didn't want to delay. He wanted to know how terrible the hippocampus are dare to fight against God's ideas. Let's let the other party know how powerful the anti-God is, and the anti-God should open the scene in the sky. he

They are not the forces of bullying!

call! Million

The old man flew up in the first place, like a lightning galloping into the distance, while Lingfeng, Mingtian beast, etc., sacrificed the Tianzhou, and took the wind and the waves, and went straight to the sea. sea

heart! This

It is not the center of the sea of ​​heaven, but a heart-shaped area. The surrounding corals stand up and have many races, while the sea heart is in all directions, and the exits and entrances are small, like the blood connecting the heart. This

The sea water is red in color, really like a heart, but the heart is not flesh and blood, but the stone is cast. this


More than 50 gods in the anti-God are hiding in the heart of the sea. By the special nature of the heart, they have not been madly killed by the hippocampus. After all, the sea is too strong, and there is no strength of the heavenly level. It is difficult to open, and the hippocampus Tianzun did not attack them, but other hippocampus did not press forward, giving them great pressure. sea

It’s true that the heart is well-connected. There are so many hippocampus. It’s the possibility of sealing every exit and not allowing them to escape. Now

In, they are the beasts. "

Still in the future? ”

Around the sea, a golden creature is looking into the distance, through the sea, as if to see the distant sky.

"Tianzun, dozens of gods in the district, why do you have to work hard?"

A silvery creature appeared in front of the golden soul, and said respectfully. "I can kill them and ask for the whereabouts of the space."

"Ask the whereabouts?"

The golden spirit asked lightly.

"Get into the space and pick it up!" said the silver creature.

"If you encounter a lot of heavenly characters and heavenly respects?" asked the golden spirit. "


The silver creature glimpsed, and some incredulously asked. "Does the gods feel that there are such people in the space?"

"Previously appeared!"

The golden spirit said solemnly: "There was a heavenly way to ask in that space, and it was suppressed by many heavens and seas. At the moment of life and death, a **** worships the world, suppresses all the heavens, and kills many heavens."

Then we? "The silver creature asked some trepidation."

"Why do you want to suppress it here, wait for the space character to arrive, is it?"


I'm waiting! "that

The golden spirit said with a smile: "If there is only one Heavenly person in the space, then this space will let them let it out!"

Sometimes deterrence is more useful than annihilation! "he

The Taoist glory, said: "And, we just trapped these more than 50 gods, did not move the knife, even if the space is really extraordinary, the power is unpredictable, it will not kill us, I am spying! ”

"Spying the virtual reality of the space?"



Oh! sea

Water turbulence, Ling Feng and other subductions from the virtual air, tearing the sea, appeared in the sea of ​​heaven.

"Yulong predecessors, you live in the void!" Ling Feng commanded. "

no problem! ”

"Mingtian beast, candle dragon, you live in the surrounding!"

"no problem!"

The three characters flew directly, the lightning disappeared in front of the people, and the Lingfeng and the rain fell forward. He wanted to completely seal the surrounding, and did not let the Haima people have any hippocampus to escape. The Haima people wanted to ban the ban. God is more than fifty gods, and Ling Feng will let them feel this feeling.

next moment. he

They are moving forward, tearing the sea, going straight to the bottom of the sea, and moving towards the sea. very


They saw a vast mountain, in the shape of a heart, appearing on the bottom of the sea, surrounded by red water, like a blood flowing from the sky, reddening the sea, where they can sense the counter The breath of the gods. "

Just ahead! Ling

Feng Feng said, and at this time he saw the hippocampus. It was a majestic figure. When he arrived at the spiritual realm, he could naturally evolve into a human appearance. It is different from human beings. These hippocampus also exhibit the characteristics of the sea. There are some crow's feet on it. and

And. he

The color of our body did not dissipate, like the sea-colored hippocampus around the sea, and there is a golden seahorse and a number of silver seahorses in the distant sea.

Needless to say. that

The golden seahorse is Tianzun, while the silver seahorse is a heavenly level creature. Virtual

When the light flashed, the wind and the falling rain appeared near the sea and came towards the sea.

"Is it finally?"

The golden seahorse was in the first place and the rain was falling. The color of the disappointment in the Taoist eyes was obvious. He did not expect that the space was just a heavenly character and a god.

Is this too small for his hippocampus? "

Is there only one heaven? "One

The silver seahorse looked at the wind and the rain, and the corner of the mouth rose. It was quite contemptuous. He could see that the rain had just been asked. It was too much to see in the sea, not to mention Tianzun, that is, he could suppress it.

"For a few days of fishing, I came up with so many fish!"

Another silver seahorse is a lot of cold, blunt, completely defying the wind and falling rain, not putting them in the eye.


The sea is turbulent, and the wind and the falling rain appear on the sea. In the process, the hippocampus are not suppressed, which is equivalent to letting them in. "

Hippocampus? ”

Ling Feng looked around, his face heavy, said: "But you ban my god?"

It is the grandfather of your hippocampus! ”

A strong hippocampus God said with a smile, really did not put Ling Feng in his eyes. "

Are you looking for death? ”

The raindrops are desperate, staring coldly at the seahorse god, the hippocampus in the bronze light is really not in their eyes, but the hippocampus is too fierce, the mouth is more poisonous, and they want to take advantage of them. "

Oh, just a heavenly character, is it so crazy? Where is the courage to come? "A silver seahorse appeared and forced to move forward."

What kind of strength does it take to be as crazy as you are? "Ling Feng asked."

you! "that

The hippocampus gods stunned God for a while, and did not know how to answer the words. "

Let me release my god, this thing will be revealed, my family will not embarrass you! Ling Feng said strongly that he can clearly see that the hippocampus is not weak. There is not only one Tianzun seahorse, but also eight heavenly seahorses. In this sea, you can't be underestimated.

but. only

Only this kind of strength is not enough to see. It is necessary to know that the heavenly horses and horses are only stronger than the rain. To the beasts and the candle dragons, they are the chickens and dogs, not to mention the beasts and candles. The two heavenly characters of the dragon.

"Is it by you?"

A heavenly question that I just asked? ”

Some hippocampus laughed loudly and looked at Lingfeng contemptuously. Is this crazy?

"Do you use a heavenly character to scare us?"

I am so scared! "Eight

The silver seahorse appeared together, looking at the rain and the wind, like watching a joke. "Do you know that you are also our fish?"

"Is it?"

Ling Feng blinked and smiled. "Do you think a heavenly person is not enough?"

Of course not enough! ”

"Then two!" Ling

The wind sighed and said with a smile, immediately when he smashed the spirit beads, Tian Qi appeared in the sea, her jade did not change, and Ling Feng had informed her earlier.

"Two?" The sea

The horse gods were also a bit surprised. I didn’t expect Ling Feng to bring more than one person, but what about just two?

"Two are enough?"

"Oh, the two gods in the district... Ling

The wind did not let the silver seahorse say it, but directly attacked the evil emperor. When the vastness of the heavens was filled, the gods of the hippocampus were also moved, because they were able to sense it. The power of the evil emperor was extraordinary and quite terrible. This

A kind of heaven can make them eat and completely suppress. "

Still not enough? Ling Feng looked at the gradually solidified smile on the hippocampus' face and said, "That's five!" ”

When the voice falls, the Mingtian beast and the candle dragon come from two directions. There is no shocking power, but there is a terrifying temperament, especially the candle dragon, the opening and closing of the Tao, it seems that there is a day. Collapse. "

Five heavens are enough? Ling Feng said with a smile.

"Not enough!"

The silvery seahorse said coldly. "In front of my family, more heavenly characters are just chickens and dogs!"

"Do you need a Tianzun to say this?" Ling Feng asked with a smile. "


The horse immediately shut up, a little bit of hair, only when the previous Ling Feng asked so laughing, there appeared a heavenly character, and now he asked this so laughing, and they responded to this. "

What is needed? Still not needed? Ling Feng asked.

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