Supreme Demon

Chapter 1359: Real Dragon Sky!

Seahorse space.

The dragon is flying, the space is turbulent.

The candle dragon volleyed, and the red body released the space rule. It was a real dragon. It was a real dragon's lair, flowing with a huge number of rainbows, igniting the void.

There is a counter-scale in her eyebrows, which is the brand of the Dragon Palace. It is not clear, but it gives the candle dragon an extra charm.

Her body smothered, so that Tianqi evil spirits were shocked, although the candle dragon did not step into the sky, but the space rules went further, like the goddess of the world from the ages, the momentum is empty, as if to tear open Tianyu.

She closed her eyes slightly, and there was a heavy light on her body. The power of the monks broke the space.

Needless to say.

She has made extraordinary achievements in the Dragon Palace, the road is moving forward, the power is unpredictable, the future will be even more shocking, and the Dragon Palace is integrated into its body, casting its more extraordinary temperament, which will be her heritage, and she will shine the dragon Let it reappear in the world.


She opened her eyes and shot two shocking light rains, breaking the nine-fold space and making people surprised, only because it was the display of space, the rules were in it, and the head of the dragon carried the dragon nest.

The sky is low, and the road is depressed.

This is the candle dragon!


Her body changed and was getting smaller, and she evolved into a beautiful female emperor, who appeared in front of people.


The candle dragon was shining, standing in the air, and said to Ling Feng.


Ling Feng was rejoicing for the candle dragon. At this time, the candle dragon opened, but he did not respond. Until the candle dragon repeated, he flew to the candle dragon inexplicably, carrying all the doubts, but others did not understand.

What happened? Ling Feng came to the candle dragon and asked. Why did you want me to come over?

The candle dragon looked at the wind, the sea of ​​souls stirred up, the eyes flew, she saw some truth in the Dragon Palace, the **** battles of the world before the ages, miserable to the sky, and the dragons are heading for the wind and rain.

They cast a flesh and blood on their bodies, and although they did not withstand the wind and rain, they were weakening the wind and rain.

At that moment of life and death, the kingdom of heaven brought the characters of the world to face, and withstood the storms of the sky, they created this world with blood and bones.

The dragons are arrogant and can bow in front of the kingdom of heaven.

however. It is like this that they are still commanding, and they have not annihilated the storm. Now that the afterlife is born, the dragons will also be recast. At that time they will have to face the wind and rain, and in this storm, the kingdom of heaven is the core, only they can stand up. wind



This is the will of the people who come to the world for the ages, and they will do their utmost to cast the momentum for the heavens, and they will stand up to the storm.

Different in the world.

The annihilation of the kingdom of heaven, only the advent of the gods.


The candle dragon inherits the will of the real dragon, and it is necessary to cast the tide against the gods and let the gods turn into the real winds.

May you be alive!

The candle dragon is secluded and the road is moist. It seems to see the darkness of the future. This character carries the sorrowful spirit and forwards to the sky and winds and succumbs to the darkness.

At this moment, she hopes that Ling Feng will live forever.


Her jade hand appeared in front of Ling Feng, and the faint point was in Ling Feng's eyebrows.

There is no sound, no waves, only a faint ray of light rushes to Lingfeng, letting its souls stir, and a real dragon swoops in, soaring in its soul sea, and then into its body.

Real Dragon Sky!

Ling Feng's eyes are clear, this is not a law of heaven, etc., but just a law, a variable illusion, a ghost, and even if Tian Zun wants to see the doorway is extremely difficult.


This method is very straightforward. It is not too complicated. It is a bit that is transparent. When it is blended with flesh and blood, Ling Feng clearly knows any operation, and then changes the appearance and appearance.

Even the color and temperament of power will change.

The world is full of life!

Needless to say.

This method comes from the dragon, extraordinary and terrible. In an instant, it can change the character of any character. Lingfeng can be sealed, and the dragon body can be cast. Even the cockroach is vivid, and its color and nature are changing.

of course.

This change is nothing but a virtual image, not real, but it can save lives at important moments.

If Lingfeng is facing the wind and rain, it will change the shape of a small fish, and it will pass through the sea and escape. It will change into a thousand years old and deterred many gods, and even burns Tianzun.

Transgender cross-ethnic.

of course.

Wanting to change the appearance of Tianzun, you need extremely terrible control, you need to push the real dragon magic law to the top, so it is not easy to be seen by the Wudi Tianzun figures, otherwise there are no loopholes, no meaning.

For a moment.

Ling Feng will completely integrate this method into the body, flesh and blood are trembled, and power is turbulent. As long as the perfect void is activated and the body is running, he can change anything.

Ling Feng looked at the candle dragon, and his mouth rose. This is a big creation.


People only think that the gods are flashing, there are two candle dragons in front of them, the same jade, the same temperament, the same color, that is, the cold and the same strength.


That power is just a virtual image, there is no attack power, but the gas field and the power are there.

If you don't know that Ling Feng is changing, I am afraid that the gods will be deceived.

Change the appearance?

The golden seahorse is surprised. Although they can change the human body, it is difficult to change the appearance. Even if the appearance is changed by the rules of the law, the temperament gas field is still easy to distinguish, unlike Lingfeng.

next moment.

The eyes of the people are shining, and there is a dragonfly in front of them. The chaotic breath is flowing, the fur is strong, and the eyes are slanting. The gas field on that day is so that the golden hippocampus can not be distinguished.


Ling Feng's appearance changed, appeared in front of Wannian Laojiao, evolved into a thousand years old, with the same temperament and the same strength, and it was full of storms.

Really going against the world!

The golden seahorse is envious, and this kind of easy-to-capacity is too bad, the true dragon is immortal, the appearance is unchanged, the face and the bones are all qualitatively changed, even if they are torn and unaffected.

It can be said.

This is the top illusion. If the butterfly has this ban, what news is there in the world?

If the hidden gods have this method, what other characters can't be killed in this world?


The real dragon is not available to the top talents, and it needs to be recognized by this method. Even if it is placed in the dragon, there are not many real dragons that can get this method, let alone other characters.


There are many bans on this law, and the perfect void in Xianfeng and Xianli are the terrible powers of tearing the ban, so they are not banned. If other gods and gods want to get this law, they will be banned.

This means that only a few people in the world can get this method.

Dragon King blessing!

The envy of the old man, the current candle dragon gets the Dragon Palace, it is the king of the world, every new dragon king can bless, but the candle dragon chooses the wind.


The candle dragon pondered over, Tiangong and other Lingfeng do not need, and this true dragon magic law, other characters may not be able to get recognition, but she believes that Ling Feng can.


This is extremely beneficial to the next wind and rain, and Ling Feng can completely leave with the real dragon, no need to face life and death.

Not perfect enough, a lot of loopholes!

Wannian Lao said to Ling Feng that it is not easy to imitate a person. Ling Feng is only in appearance, but the control of power has to be improved.


Ling Feng smiles, changes the original appearance, the mood is quite good, which is equivalent to giving him the second identity, so that he can do more things.

for example.

Change the shape of the fish, mix it into the roster of death.

for example.

Change the magical character, break into the magic space.

for example.

Become a beggar, seduce it!

I used to think that this was too risky, and now I feel worthy of madness! Wannian said with gratitude, these younger generations are better than he imagined. Every step seems to be risky, but it can always be dangerous.

Seeking for wealth!

Ling Feng said with a smile. Sometimes I have to take risks!

It makes sense!

Wannian plaque, said. But, are you ready?

Obviously. When they leave the empty road, it is brewing all over the sky. When they leave the sea of ​​heaven, the storm will really fall. At that time, the old man may not be able to survive, let alone Ling Fengming. beast

These characters.

Only war!

Ling Feng’s eyes are firm, this is a battle of destiny, either returning to the empty road or lying down.


Life is so wonderful.

The candle dragon flew down, not much to say, but to the golden hippocampus, the Dragon Palace can be maintained until now, the hippocampus contributed.

of course.

She did not say anything moving, only because she knew that Ling Feng had already given a promise, and the alliance with the hippocampus, the future of the hippocampus bathed a lot of storms, but more will be obtained, they are worth the effort.

Not much time.

The candlestick sat down and sipped with the gods, pushed the cup for change, and after eliminating the mustard, the hippocampus became very enthusiastic, especially those who had once fought with Lingfeng, and they were still in awe.

They sat beside Ling Feng and asked some questions about monasticism. They wanted to know how Lingfeng’s forbidden soil was cast, what it was, and so on.

The next day. Ling Feng and so on flew out of the hippocampus, because there will be a **** battle, so did not invite the golden seahorse, but the alliance between the anti-God and the hippocampus did not make the golden hippocampus doubt, only because they know the wind and the space News,

As long as the release of Ling Feng and so on is extremely unfavorable.

As long as Ling Feng does not want to face the opponents of the sky, then he does not dare to tear up the alliance.

The sky boat passed by and returned to the anti-god space in a short time. At this moment, the space in the anti-God space was dull, people did not cheer, just because they knew that the people came back like this, they will face the sky. wind and rain.

The anti-God elites are flying, and they must fight for the wind, even if they die. Because more than fifty gods are trapped, the Lord is risking life and death, what are they terrible?

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