Supreme Demon

Chapter 1360: Blood rain begins!

Anti-God space! Unlike ten years ago, a palace stands up, each of which is closed by Qimen. Tianwei has a heavy weight, and Yang and the priest are still casting the Dongfu, moving some top resources to it, using Qimen It’s sprayed thin, and it’s born out of God.

Qidong House.

Although the time is short, the atmosphere in Dongfu is not strong enough, but the effect has already come out. In the next few decades, even in the next hundred years, there will be a true **** in it.

of course.

These caves are not as empty as the empty roads, but this is a great progress, and the anti-God is striding to catch up with the top forces such as the Void.

after all. The anti-God is too shallow, if they have a virtual road, then why is it so weak? However, against the territories that the gods step by step by the tender wings, the temper and temperament obtained, but the characters of the void are not juxtaposed.


Only the wind and rain can polish the stronger wings.

Life and death can only produce a more determined will!

Ten years change. The gods and the tender wings are much stronger. In the past, they were not many of the top gods. The gods are rare. In just ten years, in the ancient road, they gave birth to a god, although the overall strength is not enough, but Also quite


You know, this is ten years, if it is twenty years, or even hundreds of years?

To what extent will the anti-God at that time prosper?

The future can be expected!

now. The line is volleying, a **** is in the ranks, casting and killing Qimen, to restrain the top gods, and even to the heavenly characters, so that they can win more time for Ling Feng, and as long as Ling Feng live Returning to the empty road, against the gods

It is worth paying.

What are you doing? Ling Feng looked at the line and asked.

The wind and rain are approaching, I will wait for the owner to worry! The line said seriously and stubbornly.

Do you think that the gods can cover the storm? Ling Feng sighed and asked.


The line is calm and responsive. But we can use the flesh and blood to hold them for you.


Ling Feng said with some anger, but in his heart, he passed through a warm current. When he was facing life and death, these gods would be willing to die for him.

You are not enough!

Ling Feng said with a smile: You must do your best to polish yourself. When you become the sturdy and savage blade of the anti-God, there will be no such storms, then we will become the storm of other forces!

However, the line is still open.

I know.

Ling Feng interrupted the line and said, "You don't feel at ease, I feel that I am too risky, but have you thought about it, can you shake the characters of heavenly level with your tender wings?"

In this storm, Tianzun is the protagonist, and the Tiandao characters are all chickens and dogs.

At this time, the beast is not here, otherwise Ling Feng can not say so.

When you go, I am afraid that these strange doors will be wiped out in an instant. It is better to grind here, and one day, the top light and heat will be sent instead of being sent to death.

Ling Feng went on to say.. I know that you are not at ease, but you seriously think about it. If you are not sure, I dare to come back like this?

What countermeasures do people have? Go ahead.

Tell the truth.

Previously, the squad had seriously played this storm, even though the empty clan of the Eastern clan did its best, I was afraid that it was very dangerous. After all, there were too many powerful people who wanted the wind and death.

Ghosts within the Ghost Eastern Clan in the Void.

There is also a more unpredictable force. They dare to disturb the pattern of the virtual star. If there is such strength, it is very likely that it is the Shangguan clan or the Da Zhou Dynasty.


These two forces are only afraid that they do not want to be alive and so on.


In the next storm, both forces are likely to appear in the dark forces, to do the wind, just these are enough headaches.

However, the situation is far more complicated than they think.

The roster of death is in this starry sky, and the power of the magic is also here. There are also Xianting and other top forces. We must know that when the wind broke out of the perfect void and Xianli, the Burning Heavenly annihilation of the 18th Tianzun, those forces Can you not hate?

They can't beat the gods, can they still kill the wind?

How many days will this be?

Don't underestimate any power!

Ling Feng solemnly opened his mouth and said, "That is two giants. It’s really crazy. It’s not weaker than burning the sky.

Just what? I am asking for it.

It’s just that if you hear bad news, don’t be serious, don’t be fooled!

Ling Feng warned in an unprecedented and serious attitude that the situation was unclear. Before the real result did not appear, the anti-God should be stabilized. Do not rely on those unfavorable news to go straight to the empty road and confront the entire starry sky.

What do you mean? Asked questions.

You will know when you wait! Ling Feng does not want to say too much.. Moreover, we are now in alliance with the hippocampus, and the candle dragon gets the Dragon Palace. I even integrate the true dragon magical law into the body, and it is not easy to live with those characters. But I want to leave

Open, no one wants to stop.

What is the real dragon magic law? Asked.

next moment.

The line was stunned, and the mouth opened without any sound, only because there was a living beggar in front of her.

This is the real dragon magic law?

This is the real dragon fantasy!

There is not much to say about the behavior. She can see the embarrassment of this method. As long as Ling Feng can change into another character in advance, he can escape, especially the characters of the other party's forces, so that God can not do it.

of course.

What makes her really puzzling is unfavorable news. Normally, with the strength of Ling Feng now, it is easy to want to cross the sea. As long as you escape to the empty road, what other unfavorable news?

Ling Feng did not directly leave the anti-God space, but was dealing with the problems of the anti-God and the hippocampus, and let the scorpion personally go to the hippocampus, and the golden hippocampus to negotiate, truly achieve a common retreat, which is more conducive to the reverse God.

of course.

At present, Lingfeng and the golden hippocampus are not close enough to ignore the degree of life and death. Therefore, this storm has not let the golden seahorse know, otherwise the hippocampus is afraid to think more.

One step in danger!

The old man looked at the distance, sighing and sighing. Every step of the anti-God is full of wind and rain. It is because of this storm that only the present Ling Feng has been created, and there is a forbidden land.

too dangerous!

Ming Tian beast Tian Qi and so on are frowning, have to say that the current Ling Feng is too crazy, and these things dare to do.

If you want to get rid of them, can you easily?

Ling Feng sneered and said. This step is not dangerous, then we are in danger!

Extinguish the potential dangers one by one, so that they can make them all in one place, otherwise the truth will surface, and they will be able to hide forever. These hidden dangers are the most terrible. Ling Feng said murderously.

At the beginning, they should be thinking about me today!

Is it credible?

The candle dragon asked heavily, this situation is too unfavorable for Ling Feng, once it is out of control, it really has to die.

This is a win-win situation, they have no reason not to do it!

Ling Feng said with a smile.. The beginning of the **** rain, the anti-God will borrow this storm, fly to the sky to catch the moon!


The Eastern clan appears calm, without any waves, but Qimen is heavy and banned from the sky, even if Tian Zun would like to see through.


One person was born, and the whole five were. Like the giant clan of the Eastern clan, how many Tianzun can be? It’s just that some characters are not allowed to be known by other forces. It is these characters who are able to keep the situation, and among the five gods, there is an old man of the Eastern clan.


White brows must be, body and body, blood and dry, will be on the wood.

Anyone who dares to swear by this character will have blood. He has been sitting in the oriental clan for thousands of years, and now he is finally born, facing the storm.

Old ancestors, wronged you!

The Eastern Grandpa personally stepped forward and said with respect. If this war is successful, the ancestors are the key.

You guys, it’s really fun. Old antiques grin, teeth are falling, some leaking, snoring.. However, who dares to swear at my oriental house, even if it is three-headed and six-armed, I will pull it out, the doll is good, sinister, such a character Able to do things


The old ancestors said it!

It’s a fart!

The old antiques suddenly changed the style of painting, and they said with anger. You are really poisonous. You are going to take the oriental house to bury it. If you are not careful, it will be ruined!

The old man lost his smile.. This is not the only time to ask the ancestors to go out.

Less flattering!

Old antiques screamed, but after a moment they laughed again and said. However, this strategy is good. Only in this way can they be completely brought out and exhausted. Otherwise, it will be endless, and it will be worthwhile.

The old man didn’t know how to respond. What kind of antiques is this?

Are you coming, I am afraid that the little doll has heard the news? Asked the old antiques.

It is! The old lady responded.

Then uncover this **** rain!


The next moment, the two kings of the Eastern clan came out and banned from going to the sea of ​​heaven. It was full of wind and rain, and people knew that the real wind and rain would come at this moment.

at the same time.

The four celestial celestial beings are born, as if they are going to confront the whole scorpio. The perfect emptiness of fairy power is what they value. Anyone wants to pay for the wind, and they do not allow this to happen.

A whole six Tianzun, this is a big deal.


The Shangguan clan dynasty dynasty also had Tianzun's birth. Every force has only one Tianzun. It is not to participate in this storm, but to be on the wall and to understand the truth of the matter, but people don't think so.

The atmosphere of the virtual star is tense at this moment, and many forces are eye-catching, wanting to know the direction of the situation and the life and death of the characters, especially the Ling Feng that unveiled the beginning of this **** rain. Life and death, all in one moment.

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