Supreme Demon

Chapter 1365: Law Xiangzun!

Three heavens! magic

The alliance of the forces and the list of death gods, in the case of Wannian Laos, Void Road, and Oriental Clan Tianzun are all in the blood, the appearance of these three Tianzun is really deadly. Display

Of course. Ling

The wind is still too small for the roster of death and the power of the magic. They are far more terrible than imagined. They are almost the top forces of the seventeenth and eighteenth, while the anti-god is very imaginary, and their gods are borrowed.


Xuan Kong's face is ugly, I didn't think that Lingfeng's opponent would be so much, and I didn't even think of people who wanted Ling Feng to die. "

You are awkward! ”

Wannian is screaming, but his opponent is really terrible. It is difficult for him to get out of his body in a short time. The other party is evenly matched. It should be the culprit to single out and deal with his Tianzun. and


They knew in advance that Burning Heaven did not appear, otherwise they would not directly do it. "

I am afraid that you do not have this opportunity! "three

Tian Tian said faintly, there is no threat to put the threat of the old man in his eyes. At this time, the old man wants to leave. "

You will pay for it! ”

The Eastern clan said, "We will find you one by one, and then annihilate!"

"Then you can find it!"

Just kidding, it’s really easy to find out, the roster of death and the power of the magic will not exist for so long, that is, against the gods, the eastern clan, the empty road can be found?

They are not afraid! and


The more crazy these three forces are, the more resentful they are, the more they can prove their guilty conscience, the cards are full, and the end of the mountain is exhausted, and the feeling of victory is really refreshing. At least when they burned Tianzun to suppress them, they felt very pain.

"You have thought about that Tianzun, this is his descendants. If you are killed here, will that Heavenly Zun will let you go?" Xuankong threatened. "

The premise is to let him find it! "three

Tian Zun sneered and said: "Not to mention the ability to kill Ling Feng, you guys are the culprit, I think he should find you first."


Some of the goddess who are fighting in the battle have a glimpse of it, but this time they have been scrupulously not so much, Lingfeng’s death is more valuable, let alone burning Tianzun to find out that they are really easy?

"The brother of the Shangguan clan, please take a shot!"

The Oriental clan spoke and said, "My family is willing to owe you great affection!"

"Can the Great Zhou Dynasty be in? I owe you a great feeling in the empty road." Xuankong solemnly said. "

I am not waiting for the real body, but borrowing from the virtual, watching from the air, there is no real combat power. "A Tianzun spoke up and said. "But I am waiting for the moment I am flying, as long as you stick to it for a while. ""

The Great Zhou Dynasty is willing to shoot and is flying! "Two

The big clan expressed their position, but they are not here, but they are watching from the virtual body. The true body is far away in the hundreds of millions of miles, and the distance is far away. Therefore, the strength of the virtual body is weak, even if there is no practical ability.


Fang clan, the empty road, the heavens are ugly, really when they are idiots?

However, the two clan only need an excuse. "

In this way, are you still not prepared enough? "The demon statue said with a smile." "What a pity!" ”

The fish did not open, but looked at Ling Feng seriously. She wanted to see the problem. She knew that this was an intellectual group. It should not have no cards, but Ling Feng’s face was heavy at the moment.

“Don't you really have a card?” said the fish in his heart.

"Do it, don't talk nonsense!" someone shouted.

"Long night dreams!" Someone is urging. "

Don't need you to say more! ”

The demon statue is very uncomfortable and arrogant, but still choose to do it, do not want to delay, if the two clan really want to help the wind, then the problem will become very serious. boom


The next moment, the boat was violently turbulent, and even if there were four heavens to maintain, they could not hold on.

After all, nowadays, three more powerful Tianzun are bombarding Qimen. On the spot, the evil emperor and the Mingtian beast are blasted out, and the blood is covered with blood, and it is going to go dark. "

There are some doorways, which should have been blessed by the god! ”

The demon statue opened with a faint smile on his face. The initial spying did not open the door, but it was in his understanding.

but. positive

Because of the initial spying, he was able to feel the degree of solidity, and with the strength of the three heavenly deities, it was indeed able to open. boom


When the second force was suppressed, the boat was more turbulent and the power was weakened. The Mingtian beast and the evil emperor were spurting blood, their faces were flushed, and their bodies were shaking. They really could not hold on.

"Boom it up!"

Respecting the opening, the momentum collapsed, and the small fish exploded backwards at this moment, knowing that Qimen had to collapse, and the splashing cockroaches could seriously hurt her. and


She felt that if there was any shock, it was the moment when this strange door was torn. Card


When the third force was suppressed, the Dodge Gate finally collapsed, and it could not stand the terrible pressure. The entire Tianzhou was exposed to the three heavenly lords, and the Lingfeng was standing on the deck and was alive. Take off the target. this

Engraved, they are fish. Of course


Ling Feng and so on did not panic, but stared coldly at the three Tianzun, the terrible killing is spreading.


The little fish is almost instinctively shouting. Ling Feng is a textbook-like smile. Whenever this smile appears, it is the most dangerous moment, just because it is the performance of Ling Feng.

It is like the conjecture of the small fish.

Ling Feng held up his hands, and a portrait appeared in his hand, releasing the vast expanse of Tianwei. When a ray of light came in, it was suddenly released, and the nine-fold seal was ruined and annihilated.嗡


The emptiness suddenly trembled, and the whispering of the heavenly sound almost broke the sky, and the **** blood that was in the hands of the beast was swaying, and it flew from its hands, rushed to Lingfeng, and fell there. Portraits are in the light rain. under

A moment. that

The portrait disappeared. What appeared in front of the people was a cold middle age. The momentum collapsed and the world was shocked. His body was tall and full of feet. It was not a real body. It looked illusory, but the Tianwei made the presence of Tianzun. It is eclipsed. he

Unparalleled in spirit.

He looks cold like a sky!

He is proud of the nine days and eight years of history, overlooking all living beings.

When the Tianzun appeared, the three Tianzun faces suddenly changed, that is, other gods were suffocating at this moment, who can think of Lingfeng actually have a card?

Who can think that this last appearance will actually be him? Who

Have you forgotten the fierce battle of ten years ago?

Who can forget the demeanour of his 18th Heavenly Zun? ten

Years are in a hurry, but some characters are indelible! "

It is him, really the god! ”

Xuankong couldn't help but be excited. It was only because of the appearance of Tianzun that it was able to cause such a big reaction.

Unparalleled in the world.

There is only one person in the world!

However, what surprises people is that burning Tianzun does not appear in the real body. It is illusory, and its power is not as strong as it used to be, but it is cold in the air. "

Oh, isn't it true, is it a brand? ”

The magic road Tianzun was first stunned, and then sneered and said: "I want to town, I want to wait for three heavenly lords?"

"wishful thinking!"

"Ten years ago, you were blown by the mystery, but today I want to blow you up!" This is the voice of the Magic Road. Of course


What made him frown was that many Tianzuns actually stopped at the scene. The eyes flashed and panicked and looked at the illusory body of Tian Zun. He was different from the virtual body. The virtual body was not so tall, and even more so, the whole portrait was Zoomed in. can

It is because of this difference that people are frowning. "

Too wrong! "positive

The goddess who confronted the old man was watching his eyebrows, looking at the illusory body of the gods, and his face became more and more heavy. He was chilled until he confirmed the facts in his heart. His face was distorted and his lips were shaking. "

Not a virtual body, not a brand! "Xuankong said this way." Only idiots feel this way. "to

Yes, many Tianzun lay in the middle of the gun, and the magic road Tianzun is even more squirting, almost to fight with Xuankong, but this reminds him, let him calm down to observe. "

Not really flesh and blood, but an illusory projection! ”

The old clan of the Eastern clan opened his mouth, and the more he saw it, the more he was shocked, until he could not stop the ecstasy and excitement of his heart, and even mad worship.

"Really are?"


Therefore, Tianzuns look at each other, some Tianzun is ecstatic, and some Tianzun is tremble.

"Faith Heaven!"

Xuankong said the truth at this time. This is not a branding. It is a space that is projected into the hands of Lingfeng through a space of hundreds of millions of miles. The statue of the Burning Heaven in the distance will truly participate in this confrontation. See it.


Across the hundreds of millions of miles of space, the power will be weakened, but the burning of the heavens can still show such strong strength, how terrible is he himself? and

And. law

Xiangtianzun is to penetrate space and time, which means that the devotion and deduction of Burning Heaven in this respect has reached an unimaginable level. Normally, only one step into the Tianmeng who can ask Tianmen can be able to play the law. This

It is a **** who will ask the sky!

Think of it, can they not tremble? in

In the field, the Wannian Laojiao and his opponents are the most powerful, but even these two characters are not worth mentioning in front of Burning Heaven. At least they want to reach the standard of the Japanese, and do not know how many years it will take. hit

Wear time and space to burn the sky, you can kill them with your fingers.

Needless to say. he

If we are going to get rid of the wind, we will face the question of asking the characters of the day, but we may not be able to find it now, but what if we ask the days? It is an unassailable state. It can be used to deduct time and push the time forward. Although there are limitations, as long as he can deduct this time, he can find their whereabouts.

Too deadly! can

Now they still have room for choice?

Even if they are leaving in a hurry and are no longer targeting Ling Feng, can Burning Zun be able to let them go? Do not


thus. he

They bite their teeth and face the law with respect to the heavens. They must go against the sky and kill the wind. As for the burning of the gods, when they ask the sky, they will collapse. late


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