Supreme Demon

Chapter 1366: The undercurrent is coming!

"French Tianzun, is this reminding us?"

Magic Road Tianzun face ugly, showing a dead gray, quite taboo, encountering the character who will ask the heaven level is equivalent to looking for death, fortunately, it is not burning the true body, but the characters in the room must escape.

No wonder ten years ago, Burning Heaven can kill 18 gods, and he has already reached this point.

"When he asks the day, we will definitely send him a make-up!"

This is the madness of the Magic Road, they are already opponents, then he does not mind doing something more crazy.

"Where do you ask the world?"

Empty and sighing, said: "Since the ages, these characters are not visible, and in this later generation, it is really necessary to give birth to a strong person."

Obviously. This

For the empty road, the Eastern clan is a blessing, and it is a blessing for Ling Feng. As long as the Burning Heaven is successful, there will be no opponent in this world.

"You can go to die!"

The old clan of the eastern clan scorned and said: "When he asks for success, he will fight you back thousands of years!"

I am afraid he can't wait for this opportunity! ”

Magic Road Tianzun said madly. "Now I will annihilate his younger generation, messing with his heart!"

"It's true, but it's just the law, and how can he block us across the miles of the miles of the river?" The two gods of the death list opened, and the dead ducks were hard, and now they can only die. "

I will try my best! ”

At this time, the burning of the law and the law, the opening of the law, quite fierce, more overbearing. "


The Tianzun Taoist trembled and did not dare to oppose the burning of the law. This character is a threat, which will affect their strength. under

A moment. three

Tianzun immediately went forward, playing terrible light and rain, to collapse the Burning Heaven and Law, and burning the heavens and the law, but did not move, and kept the wind and the Tianzhou behind him, and the fire was unparalleled. boom

! huge

The sound blasted in the void, slammed for nine days, and pierced a heavy space. The power of the punch was loud, and the horror was unimaginable. In a moment, the magic road Tianwei was suppressed and hit back. "

Oh! ”

The Magic Road sighs with a sigh, one arm is broken, and the Magic Law is in jeopardy in front of Burning Heaven, which makes him fearful. boom

! burn

Tian Zunfa raised his hand again and hit it behind him. It was powerful enough to make people suffocate. Many Tianzuns changed color. The influence of burning Tianzun was too great.

This punch is even more so that the killing Tianzun is injured, and his chest is broken through a big blood hole, completely unable to contain it. that

It is the violent world of the world! "

Come dead! "burn

Tianzun’s law is unmatched, and he quickly points out a finger, facing the third Tianzun, facing the sharp blade of the sky, and hitting it for nine days of dull sound, the sound of the road roaring, smashing through thirty-three heavens, burning Tianzun does not move Without any influence, and that Tianzun is flying three hundred miles.

Three towns! This

It is the horror of burning heaven.

He is strong in the front, and any storm can't think of penetrating from him. Although it is illusory, the power is not illusory.

"Is this your madness?" asked the indifferent question of burning the sky. "If this is the case, I will be very disappointed, consume endless resources, steal the opportunity, just kill a few fish?"

Miscellaneous fish...

People think of this word can not help but lips, who in this world dare to call Tianzun is a miscellaneous fish? Are you afraid of this character in front of you?

The three celestial faces are red and red, and they are seriously insulted. However, they can't refute them. Just one punch and one finger can suppress them. What is the difference between them and the fish? "

Is it true? ”

The magic road Tianzun said more madly. "The deity is going to die with you today, to see how powerful this law is!"


He let his own power burst, and a heavy law force emerged, like a frenzy, annihilating Tianyu, and swaying toward the burning of heaven and law, and in which there were swords and swords, and the palaces appeared, and they were suppressed together.

call! suddenly

However, those palaces and swords ignited, and there was a strong light rain, which actually burned. he

In the law of the blasting law, let it produce a more intense light rain, although he will be greatly hurt after this, but at this moment, he can’t take it anymore. If he can’t break the law of burning, then they will die here.

"The law of explosion!"

The two goddess of the gods also stand side by side with the magical Taozun, and they burst out together, forcing their own potential, and they are engraved with strange doors, so that the law of heavenly sacs shoots even more horrible light rain. In an instant, the whole power Far before, it is so powerful that I feel so scared.

however. burn

Tian Zunfa did not care about it. He opened his hand and started bloody. The **** rain that had been overwhelming was made out of it. He pushed the road and detained the law of the explosion. He then flew out the three gods. and


Those with different blood and strong laws have the ability to injure the three heavenly lords. "

Oh! "that

The Devil's Road sighs and screams, falls in the void, the body is damaged, a large piece of flesh and blood is torn behind, and the law of the law of burning the heavens and the law comes in, forcing him to push his best out.

The two gods of the list of death gods are better, but the injuries are very heavy, and the power of the law becomes gray.

"Can you kill you?" Burning the sky and arrogant, the eyes are slightly flashing.

The three celestial faces were disastrous, and they dared not go forward. They were very taboo. This blow almost knocked them out. What about the next shot? Say

truth. This

At the moment, they came up with the idea of ​​running away. If you fight this way, there is no problem in burning the law, but they are desperate, not worth it, and it is obviously a pit. It is used by Ling Feng to deal with those culprit.


The small fish standing in the distance suddenly frowns and contemplates. "His situation is different, the power is getting dark, and the law is very terrible, but through the hundreds of millions of stars, the power is so powerful that every punch is hugely consumed. He can't hold on."

Ok? "three

It’s true that there is no such problem. They were all shocked by the Heavenly Law. They didn’t calm down and meditate, but now they look carefully. As the little fish said, Tianzun is not as strong as before, although burning Tianzun is trying to cover up, but there are things that can't be covered. "

Hey, before that, I can get rid of you! ”

There is no concealment in burning the sky, and there is no need to conceal it. He has a kingly heart and a top Tianwei. What is the difficulty of killing three miscellaneous fish? "

Is it? Then try it! "magic

Dao Tianzun said with a smile, taking the Tianzun herb, let the strength recover quickly, and let the wound heal, so that it will kill the gods and burn the law, to kill its power little by little until it collapses. versus

At the same time, the other two Tianzun are also taking herbs, and then attacked the Burning Law. boom

! burn

Tian Zunfa pointed out one by one, directly smashed the magic road Tianzun to fly out, and the blood swelled up, and quickly crushed it down, to kill it, but the magic road Tianzun is not at the moment to be with the law, but to save his life. in

At the moment of life and death, there was an ancient building in front of him. He was **** and smashed, and then he was shot and flew out together with the Magic Road. Although the Magic Road respected the wound, the ancient building blocked the most fierce part, but it would not let it die.

The attack of the two gods of the list of death came, with the gold armor in front of him, and the life and the top of the law.

"Do you really think that I can't kill you?" Burning

Tian Zun was angry and felt that it was really going to exhaust his physical strength. At that time, Ling Feng was really dangerous. Therefore, he had to fight and solve the three Tianzun in front of him. "

Then come over and try! "The magic road Tianzun said arrogantly.


The second burning of the law and the law of the answer is quite simple, people feel that the scalp is numb, and the body is hairy, and this time the burning of the law and the law, the lightning forward, the **** blood formed a **** sword, suddenly assassination. No

There is dodge, no showdown. only

Because the magic road Tianzun completely reacted.

Hey! when

When the blood spurted out of his head, he only sensed the pain, but it was too late, but he was very fast. The soul was directly separated from the body, and he had to walk away, but the Burning Heaven and the Law had already learned, punched and collapsed. soul.

A demon statue!

Heaven is crying, and it rains. small

The two gods of the fish and the death list were discolored on the spot. When they did not expect to burn the heavens and the madness of the law, they even flourished to this extent. How do you face this? positive

At this time, the burning of the law and the law became much illusory, and the power consumed even more.

"You can kill two more gods!"

Burning Tianzun lightning forward, breaking through the extremes of the Tao, blood stasis into a sharp arrow, spurt out, on the spot will be a Tianshou forehead hole, smashed the soul sea, and then he kicked out and killed the god. First

Two heavenly gods are killed! Do not

To say that the **** of death is chilling, that is, other gods are shuddering, and they can solve the two gods with one punch and one foot?


The little fish said in a hurry, did not dare to have any delays, even if it was a lot of gloom, burning the heavens and the law can not be provoked, you need to pay the price of blood, he can hold on, but the list of death can not hold, so has sacrificed a god, Still have to sacrifice the second Tianzun?

At that time, the roster of death will suffer a huge blow.

In fact. Do not

With a small fish opening, the Tianzun will fly back and forth, pulling away from the distance between the burning gods, and heading back to the distance without returning. Do the ghosts know that burning Tianzun can not be faster and more brave? but

. on

At this moment, the burning of the sky is screaming, and the lightning flashes backwards and hits the Tianzhou. Does that mean to destroy the Tianzhou?

Soon, people are not the same thing, but there is a Tianzun on the boat that day, the body is awkward, but the power is extremely powerful. When he smashes the heavens and respects the two gods, he approaches the Tianzhou. It’s too late to wait until the burning of the law.


The hoarse voice spewed out of the throat, and the crutches that had been ashing rushed straight to Lingfeng. At that time, the evil emperor and the Mingtian beast were all killed by this force, and Lingfeng was detained and moved. No, I can only watch the power hit. boom


There is no suspense, no miracle, and the crutches are on the dantian of Lingfeng. In an instant, the dantian is cracked and smashed through a big hole, bloody, and the fairy power and the three major spaces are at this moment. The fly is gone.

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