Supreme Demon

Chapter 1367: Turns!

The wind stops moving!

The world is suffocating! that

For a moment, the void is gray and everything is exhausted.

At this moment, people noticed and fixed the sky.

A cane was shot down on Lingfeng Dantian, and the sound was not strong enough. But the sound fell in people's ears, but it was like a nine-day fairy sounding. On the spot, the face of Tianzun and Tiandao characters on the scene will be disastrous. positive

The two sides of the fierce battle came to an abrupt end. People looked at the Tianzhou and looked at the crutches and the pale-skinned youth. The sky was discolored, it was going to be gray, and a terrible killing was coming out.

Dantian annihilation!

Power dissipates! also

Is it more terrible?

At this moment, Ling Fengdao disappeared, and the top geniuses who were once in the past could be turned into wastes. There would be no previous prestige. In the space, there is actually a Tianzun, who was able to kill the Tianzun before the Tianzhou, and did not let the Burning Heavens appear in advance.

Needless to say.

This is a world-famous, and the strength is no less than the burning of the law, so that you can do the wind. stone


When the Lingfeng Dantian collapsed, it meant the end of the **** rain, the death roster, the magical forces and the culprit behind it. They broke down not only the dantian of the wind, but also a terrible Alliance. One

Shi Tianjiao is so depraved! "

Oh! ”

Burning the sky, respecting the law, angering and screaming, the head is long and vertical, the cold eyes of the road are like ice, the terrible suffocation is overflowing from his body, and a shocking fire emerges from his body. He flashes forward and slams. The old man, the violent power on the spot let the celestial sorrow, spurting blood, the blood is burning space.

however. only

How can this save the life and death of Ling Feng? burn

Heaven's law is irresistible, and one foot kicks out. The terrible Tianwei swallows up the stars on the void, and then the one foot is on the heavenly body. When the body is shaking, the power is collapsing, and the blood of the red is like a stream. It usually rushes out and hurts the gods.

When the Burning Heavens and Laws are truly crazy, the terrible Tianwei is trembled on the scene. No one can keep the situation, especially the fire, which can burn the law of space. Once it flies, the world will have to The fly is gone. simple

It’s unimaginable. "

go! ”

The celestial face was ugly, and he was seriously injured by just one punch and one foot. The next step was wrong, he was now completely passive. If he persisted, it would be a tragedy. because


He didn't hesitate, lightning fast, leaving here.


Burning the heavens and respecting the Fa, but did not want to let him go like this. This is the culprit that caused the fall of the wind, and must die here.


He pushed his hands forward, and a Taoist taiji appeared, flowing through the sun and the moon, suddenly falling down. The power made the space fly away, and everything was empty in front of the law, which made the face look even more ugly. "

collapse! ”

At this time, the Tian Zun burst out of the sound of the heavens, and swayed the way, and his body appeared. Ten days of trembled Tianwei, a red rule swooped out and cast into a red dragon, suddenly falling down, and That Taoist Taiji showdown.

In an instant. Road

In the collapse, the power is disintegrating, the Taoist Taiji is unparalleled, and the life is stagnation of the redness, and the inch of its disintegration is disintegrated, and then the Taoist Taiji represses forward. The loud noise of the Tao will kill the Tianzun on the spot. The terrible light rain is to tear the flesh and blood, revealing the bones of the forest.

How terrible? but


The Tianzun did not care for serious injuries, and he got up and fled. Because of his distance, his degree was faster. The lightning had already flown three thousand miles and galloped into the distance. "

Today, I want you to die! ”

Burning the heavens and respecting the law to ignite the top momentum, letting itself become gray, and then disappear into this world, and then he evolved a sharp arrow, suddenly shot out, so fast that the heavens are suffocating.

thorn! air

Just trembled, and when the arrow was shot, it would collapse and annihilate. under

A moment. far

Conveniently screaming, the people saw the endless blood rushing out of the sky. The Tianzun half-body was collapsed by a sharp arrow. The road was damaged and almost killed, but at the last moment, he shot a strange light. An ancient flag appeared, and it was against the arrow, and there was no commandment. Connect

With. he

Then he flew thousands of miles and escaped. At this time, the Burning Heavenly Law was completely gray. The previous sharp arrow was the last light rain that came out of it. Through hundreds of millions of stars, he was able to do this step.

not to mention. he

I dare not kill it now, otherwise those murderers are afraid to fight against Ling Feng, and they will be willing to kill them. "

Don't want to leave alive today! ”

The old man was blushing, and he did not expect that Lingfeng would end up like this. The genius of the past was so depraved, and it was a heavy blow to the gods. because


He is also mad, and he will annihilate one by one.


The empty road and the Eastern clan are more insane. This influence is too heavy. It is equivalent to a person who might ask the sky in the future to do so. It also makes Xianli and others dissipate, which is a heavy blow to them.

When one person is mad, and some other gods give birth to the idea of ​​escape, the situation presents a one-sided situation. complete


The target of those culprits is Lingfeng. Although they have not been killed, but the collapse of their dantian is equivalent to destroying the path of Lingfeng. What will happen to Lingfeng without the use of value? What is the value of Ling Feng in the eyes of the empty road and the oriental clan?


They don't have to deal with Ling Feng, knowing that it will pay more blood, and even life, it is not worth it.

"A generation of heavenly pride is falling!"

"Oh, it’s so happy!"

The one who is in confrontation with the old man is sneering, and he is flying fast, and he does not want to be shopping with the old man.

"You are going to die!"

The old man is full of smirk and murderous, and he really wants to kill him.

"I am letting me, I don't have to worry about it?"

Tian Tianzhao smiled and opened his mouth, and then played the sky full of light, and lived in the old man, and then the lightning fell, away from here.

but. on

At this time, his cold hair was upright, and he couldn't help but burst into the air, but it was still a step later. The burning law that was previously guarding the Tianzhou did not know when it appeared behind him, and a sharp arrow suddenly shot.

The thorns rang.

Mixed with the squeaky voice of the god, he was shot through a big hole in his chest, blood rushed out, almost injured Dan Tian, ​​and then killed. but

. he

Did not return, but through the Tianwei, directly smashed away.

"You come to guard the heavens!" Burning the heavens and respecting the law, frowning slightly.

At this moment, the momentum on his body is darker, and it is about to collapse. Obviously, the law must be unsettled.

"it is good!"

The old man was heavy and he came to the front of the Tianzhou. The law of Tianzun was released, and the whole boat was covered, and the eyes were sharply looked around.


Other Tianzun did not dare to retreat, and did not dare to drag on. This situation is too unfavorable for them. Even if the Burning Heavens and Laws can't hold on, the top Tianzun also escapes, facing the two powerful forces, they are true. Some can't afford it. "

My family is coming! ”

At this time, a voice rang in the distance, a top heavenly figure appeared and shouted. "Please be sure to hold on!"

"My family is coming soon, I will wait for the culprit to be killed!"

The Da Zhou Dynasty and the Shangguan clan opened together and showed war, and their Tianzun was flying. As long as the rhythm was dragged, these "culprits" would die.

however. Virtual

The empty road and the oriental clan are cold-eyed and have not been questioned. When the wind is falling, the two clans appear, isn’t the mind enough?

and. This

Is it reminding those "culprits" to escape quickly? fruit

Of course. in

When the voices of the two clan heavenly figures fall, those gods will fight hard, and they will use taboos and treasures. They will leave the battlefield in a short time and gallop in the distance. Who

Do you hesitate?

If a Tianzun really wants to leave, even the two forces Tianzun wants to stop it is extremely difficult, but in the process, Xuankong bursts out the power of the pole, suppresses a Tianzun, and then several other Tianzun presses on it. Hit the gray smoke and smoke.

The sky is falling.

Poured down. Two

The Tiantan is wearing the sky, and it is full of blood. Every Tianzhou has two Tianzuns. They come strong and fall on the battlefield. What they can see is only devastation. They have not seen those. "The culprit." "

How is this going? "its

One of the gods said, "Do you not hold them?"


The empty road, the eastern clan, and even the old man have not taken care of the four heavenly lords. When the blood rain begins, they fly. Is this too clever?

Or do they have been in this battlefield? Yes

Are you on the sidelines, or are you involved? "

I can't help it, we have been delayed! "A Tian Zun said with apologetic apology.

"Ling Feng, you are... very

Fast, the four heavenly lords are now falling in the blood of the poems, and the old man is using the law of heaven, and the law power of Ling Feng is forced out a little bit, but Ling Feng’s injury is too heavy, almost dying. To the point, the blood is exhausted and dying. real

It’s too heavy.


After the fact that the four heavens are now, they are full of pain and lament, and even the eyes are scarlet, and it is only when the virtual star appears to be a genius, but it is so depraved. "

How come back? ”

One of the great dynasties said in a sorrowful day: "I have a top-level sacred drug, and I will send it to the empty road, and it is necessary to save it."

"My family has top resources and will take it to reshape Dantian!" Shangguan clan also expressed his position.

A full two days. day

Zhou emptied, and did not move forward, and the old man was madly consuming the power of law, forced the law power of Ling Feng to force his life, but not optimistic, Ling Feng coughed from time to time, his face pale, like It was just taken out of the water.

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