Supreme Demon

Chapter 1368: Spying on life and death!

Turns! This

It belongs to the misery of Ling Feng. This

At a moment, Ling Feng was lying on the boat, the blood flowing on his body, and his breathing seemed dull and weak. Although the blood hole on Dantian was repaired by the old man, Dan Tian still blew up, even with the terrible degree of Dantian. The old man is helpless.

after all. he

We are not trying to reshape an ordinary Dantian, but to recast the Geshi Dantian, only to be able to withstand three large spaces and Xianli, and the ordinary Dantian will be blown up on the spot, without any effect. Of course

However, the ordinary Dantian means that the Lingfeng should also be ordinary, there is no strong dantian and space of the wind, even if you return to the gods, how can it?

This is the tricky place. Want

I know that Lingfeng’s Dantian is a slap in the face, tempered by various resources, step by step from Nie to the present, and even there is a sense of nourishment. Can this be rebuilt by Tianzun? No

There is Dan Tian, ​​what does Ling Feng rely on to maintain the three big spaces and Xianli? No

There is Dan Tian, ​​where does Ling Feng moisturize the soul and flesh and blood?

The world is full of flesh and blood. only

It is hard to recast Dantian and the soul, especially the soul. Once disintegrated, it is complicated and difficult to recast, and the dantian of Lingfeng is more special. "

I thought it was a killing, but I still took them down! Ling

The wind sighs and sighs, every sentence has to spurt blood, and his face is even gray. of

Indeed. This

The killing of the game is exquisite, step by step to force out the secret culprit, especially the two centuries of the eastern clan, pretending to be the culprit, but behind the sickle, the lethality is quite good, but the price is the dantian and the future of Lingfeng.

Too heavy! people

They looked at the Lingfeng that was bleeding. Suddenly they didn't know what to say. No matter how many words are afraid, it is difficult to comfort his injured heart.

The most poisonous thing in the world is that Tianjiao is ending, and the beauty is late. day

The boat was calm.

Wannian’s face was cold and sullen, and the killings were soaring. The Taoist eyes passed from time to time on the faces of Shangguan and Dazhou, and there were restrained anger on his face. These two forces are too doubtful, and the culprit should be among them.

"Go back first!"

Empty and faintly said, a Tianjiao fell like this, lying on the sky boat, people want to cry. he

I thought that when Ling Feng was born, and he was annoyed, he finally agreed to Ling Feng’s adventure. If time can return to the past, he will not hesitate to use it to prevent him from taking the risk.

Such grief, the empty road does not know how many years to recover.

"Let's go back!"

The old clan of the Eastern clan is also comforting. Now that Lingfeng Dantian collapses, it is necessary to treat it as soon as possible. Even if it is impossible to treat it, it is necessary to curb the deterioration of its injury.

"Then go back, my family will respect and check!"

The old man bites his teeth and gets up and says, "No matter who the opponent is, we have to pay a heavy price!"

It is **** killing! Now

In the "strength" that is displayed in the anti-God, there are such qualifications, an unpredictable Burning Heaven, a worldly old man, and two heavenly stars, no less than any supreme power, if they Hey, the forces on the virtual star must be paralyzed.

after all. burn

Tian Zun’s Tianwei is terrible, and the world is afraid that he will not find a few people who can be with him. day

The boat set sail!

It was just that the Tianzhou was calm, and the needle was audible. Only Lingfeng’s severe coughing and gasping sounds, his face was pale and dying, and he was really unable to hold on, and the old man was doing his best. only

Only two hours, the Tianzhou will come to the empty road. This


The entire empty road is showing a calm, although Ling Feng and so on have not yet returned, the news has spread to the virtual star, people know that a generation of heavenly arrogance, just like the original soup, white jade. Dan

Tian Hao is destroyed, Ling Feng's way is broken.

What is more serious is that Lingfeng is physically overdrawn, and the Jingyuan is about to go out. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is going to die.

"Back to the house!" Wan

The old man did not hesitate, and directly took Ling Feng into the Dongfu, while Mingtian Beast, Tianqi, etc. was the whole face cold face, Lingfeng seriously injured dying, directly affecting the future pattern, especially the candle dragon, the dragon people valued the facts Want to die like this?

Xuankong, Yu Honglin, etc. immediately flew to the center of the Void Road, and took the Tianzun herb, while the Oriental clan was more unambiguous, bringing the source of the Tianzun class, and wanting to moisten the body damaged by Lingfeng and let it recast. hope. Million

The old man is not blocked. At this time, the wind is not worthy of the attention of those characters, and the prohibition is opened, so that the murderers can see that the situation of Ling Feng is less important. "

Ling Feng, you have to hold on, we are thinking of ways. ”

Xuankong looked at Lingfeng, who was coughing up blood, solemnly said: "Tianzuns are going to ask the alchemy division, hope that you can recover!"

"My family alchemy teacher is coming over, can prescribe the right medicine!"

The Fang clan opened up and sent many rare herbs, although Lingfeng Dantian could not be recast, but at least he could save his life. thing

In fact.

It is not only the two major forces that have attached importance to it. The Shangguan and the Da Zhou Dynasty are quite fast. They flew in a short time and brought the alchemy master. It is said that they have just stepped into the alchemy division and can refine the primary emperor. "

come in! "

It was a Tianzun, dressed in grey, with strong blood, and there was a white man standing beside him. He was just a heavenly figure, far less than the Tianzun. can

It is this heavenly figure who came forward.

"Fan Yuan, be sure to save Ling Feng!" Da Zhou Dynasty Tianzun solemnly said. "

I will try my best! Fan

Yuan did not boast of Haikou. He knew that Lingfeng was seriously injured. Dantian blew up. It is easy to recast, but it is too difficult to return to the top state. Unless there is a question of strength, everything is empty talk. he

It is true that it is possible to refine the emperor, but can the emperor recast this Dantian?

The three big spaces and Xianli are too worthless. Fan

Yuan first is to check Ling Feng's injury, and use some medicinal herbs, extremely weak, at least the top Tianshen Dan, and explore the blood of Ling Feng, to further check the state of Ling Feng, so toss a moment. he

Only faintly stopped, sighed. "

Emperor can't be restored! ”

Fan Yuan said heavily. "His situation is too complicated. Even if he can recast Dan Tian, ​​he can't move forward. Previously his fairy power was terrible. It was forbidden in the flesh and bones. Together, it meant that he wanted Stepping forward, letting the road go forward, it is necessary to tear the road, but then cast the power, which is not worth mentioning in the face of those prohibitions."

No hope? ”

The Tianzun of the Great Zhou Dynasty was ugly and said: "Is there no medicine in this world to heal?"

Have! Fan

Yuan Shenxi said for a moment. "But those medicines are the world's rare things, and the world is hard to find."


He tells three kinds of heaven and earth, all of which make the Tianzun characters in the room take a breath of cold, even if they are all shocked by these strange, each can be juxtaposed with Xianli, belonging to the myth, where can the world be found? ten

The six supreme forces are very good, but these three years have not received the three precious herbs.

of course. image

The forces of Shangguan and Da Zhou Dynasty will not be taken out at this time even if they are obtained. "

Is there any other way? ""

and also! Fan

Yuan said heavily. "If you can get regenerative magic, and you reach the top, you should be able to resume recasting. It’s just that these strange things have not been known since ancient times, and in his current state, it is impossible to regenerate the top! ""

Still? ""

Have! Fan

Yuan sighed and said: "If there is a strong question, you should reversibly push the pattern of life and death and save it back."


They are even more sighed, these conditions are too harsh, Qizhen can not find, regenerative surgery is more difficult to find, and ask Tianzhiqiang this world should not be there? Burning the sky is close to asking the sky to be strong, but wanting to cross the threshold does not know how many years it will take.

He can do it, but Ling Feng can't wait.

"I... cough... can live... cough... how long?"

At the time, Ling Feng struggled to sit up and asked quietly. His injury was clearer. Xianli was an extraordinary force. It was also a ban after serious injury. To break this spell, you need to create a more terrible fairy force. .

But he can't do it.

Fan Yuan’s words and stops are obviously not to be mentioned.

"Say it!"

"It's hard to guess!"

Fan Yuan Shen Yan said only a moment. "To moisturize the damaged body with the top herb, you should be able to persist for three or five years. If you recast Dan Tian, ​​although you can't practice it, you should live for ten years!"

The old man’s eyes suddenly became fierce, shooting a shocking light and rain, and let Fan Yuan’s body tremble.

"Wang Hu, what about you?"

The official clan asked an alchemist. "

I have the same speculation as Fan Xiong! "Wang Hu shook his head slightly. Some things can't be returned to the sky. They are also trying their best."


The empty road, the alchemist of the eastern clan flew, the conclusions that can be obtained are the same as Wang Hu and Fan Yuan. The prohibition in Lingfeng is too strong, and it is disintegrating his essence. It is impossible for the top herb to be in a short time. Recovered.

A few days later.

The top alchemy masters such as Xianting, Guanghan Palace and Yaochi also flew. They also came with Ye Witch, Ling Qing, Han Ruyue and others. After getting the same conclusion, Ye Witch, Han Ruyue, Ling Qing When you want to kill, it’s ugly. One

The genius of the day is like a comet. It is only three or five years old. How can it not be embarrassing?

For a time. Eliminate

The news spread throughout the starry sky, against the gods on the spot, crazy, one by one to kill, but was curbed, especially the shackles, she meditated, did not let the wrath of the anti-God, only because she thought of the words of Ling Feng . Do not

Good news! each

The big forces were all visiting. For a whole month, Dongfu’s front door was in the city, and an alchemy teacher appeared, and sent many high-value medicinal herbs to replace Lingfeng. Until one month later, the storm changed. Have to calm down. "

They are spying on the life and death of the wind! "The leaf witch said coldly.

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