Supreme Demon

Chapter 1370: Restart the empty channel

Inside the cave.

Ling Feng leaned against Dongfu, his face was pale, like he had just fished out of the water, his body was bloated because of too much bleeding, and the pain made him look a little distorted.

Burning Tianzun, Wannian Laojiao, etc. all looked worriedly at Lingfeng, and did not want the empty gods to disturb him at this time.

“What is perfect void?”

Ling Feng looked at the alcoholic heaven, and the eyes were full of sorrow.

"I don't know, this is exactly what I want to know." The alcoholic man shook his head. He knew that he would not be here at this moment.

"I know you don't know."

Ling Feng said indifferently. "There is no problem in the early stage of the virtual road. There is no problem with Tiangong. The problem lies with you."

"What is the solution?" asked the alcoholic heavenly question, that other characters can be puzzling.

"In the early days of the empty road, Tiangong is in your hands. It should have already been seen through it. It is extraordinary to cast a body, but it changes in the later period, which directly leads to the disintegration of the road. What is more serious is that it is ruined."


"Where can the problem be?" It is that Yu Honglin has become more serious than ever. This is a problem that the empty road has not solved for thousands of years.

"In fact, the real void is the empty world, in a sea of ​​enclaves."

Ling Feng grinned, spit out the red blood, which makes the Burning Heaven and other frowning, looking to the empty road, the eyes of the gods become even worse.

Xuankong and Yu Honglin couldn't bear it, but the alcoholic heavenly road seemed to be insane, and did not notice at all.

Although people have long guessed that Ling Feng is the person who activated the airspace, but still can not help but horror, more puzzling, how did Ling Feng activate the airspace at that time?

At that time.

Has he got the "Void Road"?

The core of the virtual airway has been lost in the world. This is a terrible problem. If you were afraid that the wind would be caught and forced to ask, but who is now forced to ask? The situation is different, and now they can only accept this fact.


It is precisely because Ling Feng got the "Void Road" that there is a perfect void, they can not complain, otherwise the perfect void does not know how many years to bury, let alone Ling Feng is a member of the empty road, it is justified.

"Indeed, we all know that the truth is in the air, and the empty world has long since disappeared. Only the empty blood can activate it."

Xuan Kong sighed and said: "We have worked hard, but in the end it was not successful."

"You are the only person in the world who can activate the airspace!"

"Void blood!"

Ling Feng said something sorrowful and sad. "It was born from the void, but the way I was born is different from yours."

"What method?" the alcoholic hurriedly asked.

"My path is different, so it is not the object of your imitation, but I really want to know how you practiced the "empty road."

"Sculpt the road with refining, step by step forward, follow the heart, and cast the king." The alcoholic heaven said.

"Where has the problem been deduced?" Ling Feng looked at Xuankong.

"I have been deducted, but I can't find a problem, and I have to follow the path. I should have no problem." Yu Honglin frowned and said.


Ling Feng barely smiled and said, "Why is there no problem with other celestial works, only the problem of "Void Road"?"


People's mouths are straight, if Lingfeng is seriously injured and dying, they have to beat people?

This is exactly what they want, not by Ling Feng. "Three thousand years ago, the emptiness of the emptiness of the emptiness of the dynasty, the emptiness of the emptiness of the emptiness, his path is different, I do not know what happened in the end, "Void Road" actually has problems." Ling Feng said seriously: "The year should be Give birth to something

Love, let them not have time to tell the real problem of "Void Road". ”

"What is the problem?"

"Accompanied by the wrong way, it is right to follow this heart!"

Ling Feng solemnly said: "The "empty road" is not to follow the path of heaven, to follow the heavenly merits, follow the path of Wu Xiu, and this will be able to reverse the way."

"Accompanied by this heart?" The drunkard Tiandao frowned and meditated, and he said slowly, "I have adapted to my heart."

"No, you are going to heaven, and the heart that I am talking about is pushing against heaven!"


Everyone is eclipsed, did not expect this kind of thing?

Reverse the heavens?

Contrary to the road, how much wind and rain will it be?

However, Ling Feng said that it is true. Something happened in 3,000 years ago. At that time, there was a problem with "Void Road". People always felt that it was caused by changes in the world. The world was not suitable for "Void Road", but did not seriously think about it.

At the beginning.

The top figures in the Void do not tell the truth. They don’t want to tell, but they don’t want to. They need to understand themselves and let their hearts reverse, instead of being forced to rebel, and they will fall. Subordinate.


They did not think that they would fall into this field today, not their fault, but the people in the world did make them somewhat disappointed, did not have a bad attitude, and dared not face the storm.

They respect

Excellent, they are blunt.

"The "empty road" is the opposite of the road, but the road is dead." Ling Feng solemnly said: "This is the heart of the heart, there is no courage to reverse the road, there is no "empty road" top light, no ambition to reverse the road, How to become the first blood in the world?"

"Accompanied by the heavens, it is in the Tao, and it is off the road!"

This is the morning bell and drum!

This is Huang Luzhong! In an instant, a new day is opened up in the hearts of the gods. It is not the problem of the "empty road" but the problem of their mentality and courage. They used to be bathed by the "empty road". How much wind and rain is true

I was asking?

And what about them?

Because of the ignorance of the fire, the "Void Road" will be banned. This is the state of mind.

"After the road, you will die?"

The drunkard Tiandao glared at this sentence in his heart, and the order became brighter and brighter. After a moment he asked. "How do you sculpt the perfect void in the body?"

"Upstream, you will see the dawn, all blood will change, white and long night, the stars and rivers, and then the universe, and that is the perfect void." Ling Feng did not hide.

Some things can be seen by Tianzun, and concealment is even more unnecessary.


Even if you know the truth, how many characters have been able to create perfect voids since ancient times? Only one of him, not everyone else can't create a perfect void, but the process is too torturous, there are too many things to be rid of, and a little carelessness is a commandment.

What's more important is that Perfect Void is a kind of heavenly power that is tailored to the body. If you don't take this step, you never want to make a perfect void.

of course.

He still has no idiots to tell the truth about his way, and the wind and rain will be even greater.

"Founding the universe?"

People are ecstatic, but this is something that the characters of the three thousand years have not done. They are full of desire.

“How can I reverse the problem?” the alcoholic Tiandao then asked.

This has made many Tianzuns somewhat disappointed. Some questions can be asked. Some questions are idiots.


It was Ling Feng who had some smiles and was defeated by the drunkard Tiandao. He explained: "Everyone has different paths, so the process of rebellion will be different. For example, my way is to use the strength of heaven to temper and then suppress the power of heaven. ”

"The direction of Heaven is your opposite direction!"

Ling Feng did not explain too much. Some things just need to point out the direction. If they still can't understand it, it is a matter of talent.

Xuan Kong sighs, compared with Ling Feng, the drunk is really too far, whether in the mentality or IQ, Ling Feng suffered a huge creation, life is dying, can it be decadent? And what about alcoholics?

The fallen **** of the wind on the IQ is actually pointing at a heavenly road. This is the failure of heaven.

"That will start from this moment, restart "Void Road"!" Xuankong said excitedly, as long as the reverse cultivation can be reversed, let the "Void Road" contain the world's light rain.


This will make many people die, but the perfect void can be born from them.


When Xuankong and Yu Honglin wanted to leave, the singer asked: "Don't ask how Xianli was made?"

moment. Time has a momentary stop, don't say that Ling Feng and so on, that is, Xuankong, Yu Honglin, etc. are slightly stunned, this is a rather taboo topic, Ling Feng never mentioned, and this is not the power of the void, so Xuan Kong, Yu Honglin

Choose to avoid talking.

However, I did not expect that it would be provoked at this time.

"You want to cast Xianli?" Ling Feng asked with a smile.

"This kind of power against the sky, if it can reproduce the world is a beautiful talk, what do you say?" Yan Xian said with a smile.

"It makes sense!"

Ling Feng amount, smiled and said. "When you go against the road, to a certain extent, you can go to Daoshan, there should be something you want."

“Xian Li is in the Daoshan Mountain?” Both rumors and swearing are ecstasy.

It was Xuankong and Yu Honglin all showed different colors. They did not expect that the character was really a singular wind. How many shocking things did the goods do?


Ling Feng shook his head and said: "To the mountain is hope and possibility, everything depends on you to understand, each person's path is different, so the process of wanting to cast Xianli is different."

"Understood, thank you!"

The rumor said, this is the exit of Dongfu.

Xuankong, Yu Honglin, etc. can also withdraw one after another. They want to restart the "Void Road" and let the Tiangong, which has been sealed for more than 3,000 years, reappear in the world.

Burning Tianzun wanted to bring Lingfeng back, but there are still many problems in the empty road that need to restart "Void Road". Therefore, Lingfeng decided to stay, and now he is about to fall, no one should target him.

"When I ask for the day!"

Burning Tianzun to leave, to ask the sky, only this can save the wind.

Bang. In the evening, a head of real dragons soared in the world, stunned from the imaginary empty road, hit nine days, cracked nine secluded, horrible unimaginable, and in which light rain, an ancient scroll from Wanzhong Building Flying in the air, sprinkling the empty road, it is a

The piece is empty. good night.

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