Supreme Demon

Chapter 1371: Nine regeneration!

"Void Road"!

Only this kind of heavenly power has such a meteorological effect, which can shock the world and explode unimaginable power. true

Long Yuxiang appeared in the form of void.

Wanzhonglou is violently stirring, releasing endless shackles, igniting the entire sky, rushing for nine days, releasing the magnificent colors, and dispelling the long-distance smoke, and stunned the whole to the virtual star. Of course


The real wave is not the change of the sky, but the "empty road." This

The resurgence of Tian Tiangong at this moment means that the empty road solves the problem, and it is necessary to return to the prosperous age of three thousand years. The problem that can be solved should come from Ling Feng, which makes many forces very headaches and full of grace, especially Xianting. Now

In the face of their ability to support the situation, but when the "Void Road" is fully occupied, then Xianting will be pushed down the first throne. thing

In fact. This

For more than two decades, the changes in the virtual road have been too great. First, Ling Feng has come out strong, and then the vain genius has come forth in large numbers. All other forces have been suppressed, and the four gods are confronted as battles within the forces. Other forces have no face. Ok?

Restarting the "empty road", this effect is not generally serious. "

The empty road can't live, they have to reproduce the dynasty of three thousand years! ""

Xianting wants to be suppressed! ""

Although Ling Feng will be killed, it does not affect his truth of the perfect void, knowing that this is more terrible than three thousand years. "Some characters sigh. Three years ago, "Void Road" was not perfect. There were many loopholes, but this world is different. "Void Road" is truly perfect and powerful.

At the beginning. Fairy

How powerful the six of the courts are, but they are still not tempered by the perfect void, and Xianting is therefore more on the empty road. After that, he is afraid to have more blood.

Needless to say.

In this year's Nether Road, the three clan is still strong, but the light is not as strong as it was 20 years ago. It is because of the appearance of the mountain village god, it is the constant stars and the gods, and it is not in the talents. Avatar, shallow and so on. Do not

Do not say. inverse

The gods have made rapid progress in these years, especially the gods. In the Star Road and the Heavenly Road, their talents have grown. Once they ask the gods, they will be different, and they will be resolute and resilience. and

And. inverse

God God is suffering from a field of life and death, so their heavenly power is more deadly, not dead or wounded, which makes the anti-God gods more terrible. when

The seven heavens and the earth, the "empty road" and so on are fully contained, and the overall progress of the anti-God is not the same as other forces.

It can be said. Now

The virtual road in the sky belongs to the anti-god. When Lingfeng moves to the top, when the anti-god goes forward, the whole empty road should be like a rebellious god, but the anti-sense is not here, and therefore will not plot the empty road.

For them, the empty road is just a passing passenger on their journey. "

"Void Road" came out, and the empty road will return to the peak and cannot be suppressed. "Some people are sighing, the appearance of Ling Feng is really a blessing of the empty road. When

Of course. in

In the dark, some people hate and say, "I knew that I should have killed it in the first place. In this way, "Void Road" will not be filled."

"Unfortunately, the character’s blow should fall on Ling Feng’s head and explode his soul!”

"It’s better to be on the spot!"

Of course.

They don't want to let the "Void Road" flourish, which is not good for them. If Lingfeng is directly killed, the truth of Xianli and Perfect Nether will be buried forever. At that time, the empty road is still the former empty road. "

The Void Road comes out!

Light rains all over the sky, let the stars and stars oscillate, one by one, people think of Ling Feng, but they can only report sighs, and many forces have begun to ignore Ling Feng, what really deserves attention is the future of "Void Road". Heaven, God, etc. year old

The moon is arrogant! no

On how glaring the Ling Feng was before, this world is destined to have no stage for him, just like the original soup wine, Bai Yuheng, how dazzling in the virtual star? Second only to the three geniuses, but now it has already become a crowd.

This is the time!

More poisonous than any poison!


From the previous door to the present, if the city is now, it will fall out of the way, and it will not be taken seriously. Even if the empty road is getting the "empty road", there are not many people paying attention to the wind. Only when it is difficult to understand, will it come over.

Oriental Yingyu and Oriental poetry have been here, and have asked some things.

"You are really poisonous!"

The oriental poetry says so. although

However, I did not get the news beforehand, but I was able to figure out later that the character appeared too embarrassed, and the power behind Ling Feng did not seem to burst out of full force, which was completely different from the beginning of the virtual sky. because

and. east

Although Fang Shishi did not understand all the things, she guessed that Ling Feng was "deceitful". She did not know how Ling Feng made such a realistic life, deceived those top figures, and did not know how Ling Feng should recover. But she has this instinct.

A person who dares to be so embarrassed to himself, does not hesitate to seduce the culprit with his own death, is it not poisonous?


The oriental clan is also very chaotic at present. It is said that a big man in the family has a life and death problem, almost collapsed, and the old man is doing all his efforts, which makes the oriental poetry and poetry together. when

However, these messages are limited to a very small number of people, such as the two poets of Oriental poetry and Oriental Yingyu, while others are only known to the old master and several Tianzun. "

Daoxiao, is this poison? ”

Ling Feng sighed and said sadly. "I want time back."


Oriental Yingyu and Oriental poetry looked at Lingfeng. I really couldn’t see the clues. Finally I asked: "When is Dantian disintegrated?"


Self-defeating? "The face of Oriental Yingyu has become difficult to look.

"My way is too different. Tiandao wants to suppress it. It comes from the heavens. It also comes from man-made disasters. If you count, you can still take a step." Ling Feng said quietly. "Maybe it is God."

God willing? ”

The poetry of the oriental poetry said with a playful expression: "Would you like to gamble?"

"What do you mean?" Ling Feng asked a little "incomprehensible". "

I bet you will be shocked in five years, will not be abolished, if I lose to be a cow, if you lose, how about entering my oriental clan? "The poetry of the East poetry laughs and says, it is like a little fox.


The mouth of the wind was slightly undetectable, and sometimes he felt that the oriental poetry was his nemesis. he

Dare to gamble?

He is indeed "deceitful death". It is very likely that he will be born in five years. If something goes out of control, he will have to be born, and he will not be able to control it. Instead, he must seriously enter the Eastern clan. "

Sister, you must not remember me, but I am a master! "Ling Feng grinned." "And, I have no interest in Loli. ”

"Loli... East

Fang Shishi’s mouth is straight, and I can’t wait to put my chest on Lingfeng’s face. Let him see who is Loli? Do not

Over. This

It is to miss this beautiful misunderstanding, otherwise Ling Feng really wants to come in, who are they married? sheet

After the engraving. east

Fang Yingyu’s sister left, and Ling Feng’s eyes looked cold and cold. "

I hope you don't let me wait too long! "Say


Ling Feng closed his eyes, and the spirits spurted out. Because of the different ways of serving, the three martial arts blended together. As long as one force is not extinguished, it can be recovered. It is difficult to recast the congenital Dantian, but with the current connotation of Lingfeng. And strength can be done. but


Ling Feng is not only to restore Dantian, but also to perform the nine-regeneration technique, which is the top of the ancient **** regeneration. Once successful, a drop of blood can recast the body, a bone can be recast, and the soul and flesh and blood blend together. To achieve complete unity. only

If you have not been smashed into slag, you will be able to survive stubbornly.

This is the true meaning of the nine-fold regeneration! many

Juvenile, I don’t know how many martial arts are so eager to pursue. Renewable surgery is hard to find. It’s not that no one can push it to the Nine, but many Tianjiao can’t get these wonderful skills, and it’s not necessarily the top Tianjiao that gets this magic. . Now

In the regenerative technique, he is in the hands of him, and he is bound to let him release the top light. "

come on! ”

When the voice falls, the illusory gossip figure appears in the body of Lingfeng, running in the body, appearing quickly, and then flowing into the blood, activates the flesh and bones, and ignites the whole body.

call! that

It is a terrible flame, swallowing the sky, different from the Nirvana fire and the road fire, flowing with a different kind of atmosphere, in which there seems to be life and death in the rogue, in the gossip **** map, the road is hidden, and then pushed to the center.

Ling Feng closed his eyes and used Xingquan to ignite the tree of enlightenment, let it fall into the light rain, and bloom in a short time. The endless petals fell on his body and merged into his flesh and blood. Wonderful feelings appear in the heart of the sea.

The soul of the gods is like a spring flowing.

now. Ling

There is no Dantian in the wind, but the soul sea is like another Dantian. It is spraying in endless Huaguang. The Eight Diagrams of God is first and then evolved into two. This

It is the essence! and

When these gossip gods appear in any corner of Lingfeng flesh and blood, Ling Feng's body shoots a strange light, but this is only an eight-fold. It is not easy to push open the nine-door, just because there is no ancient person! Ling

The wind has to go and experience it. "

Get out of life! ”

The fire on Ling Feng is getting stronger and stronger, and then he is completely swallowed up. What he can see is that his flesh and blood is dying, turning into a gray fly and dissipating in the world.

Just three days. Ling

The wind turns into a pile of dust, which makes the tens of thousands of years old and the beasts of the beasts stunned. This situation is too tricky. They have never encountered it. What kind of things can happen in the process of enlightenment. Want

It is Ling Feng who realizes the life and death of Jiuzhong, that is, playing with fire and burning, it is really going to fall. Of course

and. This

The process lasted for five days. When the old man was so anxious, the dust appeared in the dust, and it was enlarged and turned into a gossip **** figure shining in the void.嗡

! drama

The trembling sounds resounding between heaven and earth, and the picture of the gossip is made up of two generations, and then two generations, and then blooms like a flower. p

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Just get it right today, wait for the fragrance to be updated tomorrow. deep

Apologize, good night.

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