Supreme Demon

Chapter 1372: Source chaos!

The sky shines!

Breath is like a wave!

The picture of the gossip has become three-dimensional from the plane, like a small gate, lit and lit up in the void, forming a large fireworks, very eye-catching.


Each of the gossip gods opens the eight-door door, and the ninth weights are looming, such as the extraordinary creatures who want to fly from them, the illusory light, the glory, and the weather.


Suddenly, the gossip **** showed a fierce tremor, and a vast turbulent wave swayed out of it. The closed nine-door door was slowly opened at this moment, revealing a fierce momentum, almost to this The cave house was broken.


This is not a gossip **** figure in the "full", but the thousands of gods in the same "song", the picture is amazing and shocking, this is the world is full of glory, magnificent.

Nine vain light ignites the vast starry sky, casts the universe, and the hustle and bustle, the scope is not large, but it is quite a situation. This universe is very similar to the perfect emptiness, but it is different, only because there is a material in it.

That is the eternal life of the ancients!

That is the time to stop the weather.

Suddenly, a cluster of fire ignited the entire "universe", letting them slowly burn, and endlessly, like the essence of life is blooming.

The mysterious light rain, from time to time, flickers from the void, the ninth door transmits a heavy space, revealing the soul of the soul, and even the fairy power is sprayed, it is the three major spaces and fairy force.

At the moment, they were born in the ninth door, and they are endless. Wannian Laosong and Mingtian Beast are seriously studying. They also get "Regeneration". They are studying. Because of the late time, they have not made a big step, but this does not prevent them from studying the ninth weight. This regenerative technique is Most extraordinary, and this

The magical picture appears, I am afraid that Lingfeng really wants to take the ninth weight.


I don’t know where the wind came from, suddenly blown through, and let the endless fire go out, the dust is full of space, and the space is empty. The whole space is empty, and they feel that Lingfeng is really killed. .

"what happened?"

Wannian old man frowns, in which he can't feel the breath of Lingfeng, like the Jingyuan fire is the last life of Lingfeng.


Just at the moment when they frowned, the void appeared ripples, and a bitter red fire jumped out of the air, very gray, that is a drop of blood from Lingfeng's eyebrows, and it was not completely destroyed by the burning of the fine fire.


It is this drop of blood that makes the whole void welcome the space of the world.

It is this drop of blood, but it ushers in the endless blood!

It enlarges in the void, breeds the bleeding veins and bones, and then a character flies out of it. The silk is black and inky, straight down to the shoulders, looks handsome, Fengshen is like jade, and the knife-like body reveals a fierce temperament.

The two gods released the top gas field, and at first glance it was the Thunder, and at first glance it was lightning!

The skin is cast like bronze, and the bones and bones are more like casts and are indestructible.

What is more important is the blood flowing in his body. It is like a sea of ​​the sea. The stars are located in the acupuncture points. A star river flows between his blood and then flows into Dantian.


That is a complete and dazzling dantian!

What is different from the past is that this dantian has no boundaries. Only a faint ray of light is scattered around. There is no flesh and blood, no matter, and it is more like two kinds of gas flowing through each other. In the middle of Dantian, a forbidden soil appears quietly.

The snow trees are flowing, and the clouds are like clouds.

The petals of the three colors are like fallen autumn leaves, covered with forbidden soil.


In the forbidden soil, it seems that there is a faint fire that is igniting, life is endless, the knife is not extinguished, and the water is pouring, as if it were eternal.


The character faintly opened, and the eyes of the gods burst into two lights, and the fiercely let the beasts of the beasts feel glaring.. "The ninth heavy ancient!"


This is the ninth regenerative technique, which can be called the ancient times. It can be seen that this ancient technique is terrible. As long as it is not a smog, it can be reborn, and it is almost to cross the three realms.

Needless to say.

It was Ling Feng who was born in the void. He was not burned by the smoldering fire. Instead, he realized the true "old" in the petals, and reborn with regeneration, and recast Dantian without boundaries.

People who don't wear underwear often don't have a bottom line!

Dan Tian, ​​who has no boundaries, often has no boundaries!

It can be said that Dantian now has more potential and is more suitable for the universe and forbidden soil.


Look carefully, the current forbidden soil is more shining than before, the light and rain are shining, the petals are a little bigger, that is, the flesh and blood of Ling Feng and the perfect void have become more powerful, which is equivalent to taking a small step at the level of the ultimate god. .

Xianli is also somewhat different, with more light rain, and the female fairy on it seems to fly.

“Is it reborn from nine?”

The Wannian Laos and Mingtian beasts were excited one by one. They only saw a drop of blood before.


Ling Feng did not hide it. The characters in the room were credible. He took out his robes and put them on his body. He was not allowed to expose himself for too long. He was a very image-oriented person, especially in front of several men.


"Do you really understand it?"


Ling Feng smiled and said: "A drop of blood can be regenerated, a silk can be regenerated, as long as you can die without dying!"

"It’s hard to die!"

It is too cool for the gods to suppress the ecstasy of the heart.

"Nine weights and gossips open up new days, branded in flesh and blood, every drop of blood, every bit of meat, even bones are branded with ninefold and gossip, and it is this nine-fold gossip that breeds spirit and strength, spirits, etc., as long as there is a nine-fold gossip enough!"

"It's like a starry sky. Although it's too small and inconspicuous, it's all over the mountains!"

"How do you want to do this?" The excitement of the gods is that the characters of Tianqi and the evil emperor are also very heart-rending. Who is not paying attention to this stranger?

What is even more amazing is that the cockroach even squeezed over and wanted to get this magic.

"Pushing open the nine-door, and then fission, carving on the flesh-and-blood spirit, igniting the essence, letting it penetrate into the body step by step, annihilating oneself and giving birth to another one!" Ling Feng said.

The gods contemplate each other and want to experience the meaning of it.

It was the **** that was numb, and the previous lingering wind made people feel scared. When it fell, it was still secretly secretly.


It has not been a "good day" for a few days, Lingfeng has been reborn, and Dantian is unprecedentedly strong, Xianli, almost flying, there is no degeneration, but another way to bloom, it is in the pit of those culprit.

just now.

Mingtian beast, Tianqi, evil emperor, etc. are all experiencing this magical skill. Once they are allowed to regenerate nine times, how can they fight?

It is very fry.

What's more, Wannian is here, and a top Tianzun wants to put some blood, it is really not a difficult thing.

of course.

It is more eager for "Regeneration". If it can understand the nine-regeneration of this ancient technique, it can be directly changed into eight changes, as long as there is a drop of blood to recast the body, where is it easy to die?


It also knows a lot of news these days. Ling Feng is behind a huge force and resources are endless. Tianqi, evil emperor, candle dragon, and Wannian Laojiao are all relying on it, and now the treatment is dazzling.

Ling Feng’s attitude towards these creatures is really very good, and they have never been called as creatures.

"That... Ling Feng, how do we exchange?" He slammed into the wind and said with his tail.

"What do you want to exchange?" Ling Feng blinked.

"How about exchanging "Regeneration" with my chaotic blood?" he said.

"Chaotic blood?"

Ling Feng grinned.. "You only changed seven, there is no real chaotic blood, so I want to change "Regeneration"? And now the situation is different, I want your blood is nothing but a word."

"You can't force me to Lingfeng, or I will do anything." Some said that the hair was fried.

"What are you going to do?" Ling Feng said with a smile.

"Unveil you!"

"That will seal you directly, the millennium is still a million years, do you choose one?" Ling Feng said with a smile.


"It's also a living being, why is the treatment gap so big?" I thought about the tragedy, but it knows that the situation is too passive now, Lingfeng wants to be too easy to target it, and the initiative is always better than passive.

"When I recover from qi and blood, I can become your arm. I think you should not lack a living creature who will ask for respect?"

"I can't refuse to hear it."

"Then don't refuse!"

"But I still refused!" Ling Feng said with a smile.

"..." I want to beat people.

"I can't believe you!" Ling Feng looked straight at the blind eye.

"Then how can you believe it?" Some headaches, this is a terrible problem.

"Wait until you can believe in your day!" Ling Feng said with a smile. "However, I need you to be sincere."

"What do you mean?" asked a little vigilantly, because Ling Feng laughed too treacherously.

"Your blood!"

"Ah, I know that you are still playing my blood." The one who said slyly said: "When you want blood, you don't want to give me "Regeneration", you liar."

"Without your blood, how do I know how pure your blood is?" Ling Feng snorted.

Do not say, stare at Ling Feng.

It was not until a long while that I made up my mind to say: "If I can let you fly, I can exchange "Regeneration"?"

"Speak to listen!" Ling Feng eyes brightened.

"The source chaos!"

I didn’t say much, it knows that Lingfeng can understand.

Sure enough, the Lingfeng gods are completely shiny, and the power is very good, but it is still a little bit in front of the chaos. Although there are not many chaos in the source, it is possible to light up Xianli with only one point.

"The deal!" Ling Feng did not hesitate, the nine-fold regeneration is not easy to realize, even if the cockroach gets time, and he believes that this cockroach will be raised in the back garden sooner or later, and as long as the regeneration is done properly, the future is against the gods. Can use chaos, who

Let it die? Right?

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