Supreme Demon

Chapter 1374: Yan Zhuling ask for help!

Flying fairy!

The feat of the prosperous world that never appeared before the ages has appeared at this moment.


There aren't many people who can really see it. It's just a few of them. Even though it's not so magnificent, it has a different kind of beauty. A petal is fascinating, let alone the fairy.

The female fairy is like a living being, vivid and magnificent. It was carried by the petals to the void, disappearing into the sea of ​​the comet, and the light rain on the snow trees did not go out. It opened up a little bit and pushed into the distance, letting the snow trees have a touch of flying temperament, although there is no fairy. But this is what Xianli should have.


How does Xianli need to fly? Ling Feng didn't know if there were other levels after Feixian, but at the moment he felt proud of the world, as if he could see a thousand years at a glance, one finger could kill a god, and influenced by Feixian, there are more petals in three colors. a touch of light

That is the temperament of immortality.

Bang. At this time, the roar of the gods in the road, the door closed suddenly, I don’t know how long it will take to open it again, but Lingfeng got unprecedented, the power of Feixian is stronger than the shadow of the fairy Force, a petal can be awkward

God is arrogant.

Holy and awkward!

Extraordinary and moving!

There is no imposing manner, only because Xianli does not need this momentum to set off.

Really enchanting! The sly singularly said that the power of Feixian is very taboo, although the space is separated, but the force of Feixian makes it fry. It is undoubted that this kind of Xianli can open its body, chaotic motherhood is only part of it. This means Xianli Nai

To take off.

It should be the highest level that can be achieved now!

In a short while, Ling Feng opened his eyes and shone brightly. This should not be the limit of Xianli. At least it is not the highest power, but it is the limit that the gods can reach. I want to ask further. . However, Ling Feng is very satisfied, this level of Xianli can despise any way, chaotic maternal is not enough to see in front of him, unless the chaos nine changes in the spirit can be changed out, the chaotic beast, then the chaotic maternal is To the highest level, it should be

He is beautiful.

have to say.

After recasting his body, he made great progress. He took a big step at the level of the gods. He was closer to the Emperor Wu, and he could cover the sky with his hands. If he used the world, he might not be able to fight with the Emperor Wu. There are only space rules.

However, this is the problem of Ling Feng.

There are too many three ways to reverse the Taoist Taoism. You can't get along. If you want to ask, you have to choose one of them. This will definitely affect the pattern of serving the way. If the three kinds of words are asked together, it is even more Arabian Nights. .

What's more, there is also the power of Fei Xian, which is even more complicated.

Therefore, Ling Feng wants to ask, first of all to solve the problem of the direction, after all, the way to serve is too special, step by step, then it must be broken.

something wrong?

Several characters first succumbed to the extraordinary picture cast by Ling Feng, and then noticed that Ling Feng's tight eyebrows could not help but ask. But is there a problem with Fei Xian's power?


Ling Feng shook his head and said: I am currently at the top of the gods, there should be very few people who can be with me, and then I ask, but my path is too much, quite complicated and tricky, ask one of them, still ask Road?

Everyone was shocked and didn't even know how to respond.

The situation of Ling Feng is indeed very complicated. The average person really does not dare to open the mouth. Any kind of road can be awkward. There are many kinds of things in the wind, and any kind of road fall will have terrible effects on the current cosmic pattern of Ling Feng.

More importantly, they don't know how to do it.


At this time, Wannian’s old man kicked on the cockroach and said: Don’t pretend, Ling Feng is now born with the power of Feixian, will not hit your idea, don’t twitch.

Oh! So, the ramie climbed up and hid far away, although the face was gray, but it was not convulsed, and the feelings were completely pre-installed, which made the singer beast not to fight one place, if Lingfeng No flying fairy success, this goods can be loaded

Old days?

It is really tricky!

Ming Tian beast looked at Ling Feng and said. When he returned to the anti-God, he could ask the burning god.

Do you have any idea? Tian Qi asked.

The gods are very cautious, in the end what is the way to serve, they still do not fully understand, that is, Ling Feng himself does not understand, need to explore.

I haven't thought about it yet! Ling Feng sighed and said.

Oh, you are really idle!

The cockroach snorted in the distance and rolled his eyes and said. What can be thought of? Normal people will make choices. Naturally, choose one of them. Can you still ask three kinds of words together?

Normal gods do!

The evil emperor smiled and said. But his way is different!

Oh, what is the reason for this hanging? Said to scare me. That pouting, it feels that Lingfeng is a snake swallowing elephant, too greedy.

Take care of yourself!

The mouth was straight and his face was distorted. He stared at Ling Feng like he was looking at metamorphosis. This was a state that was pre-evented in the ancient world. It can only be done by the top Tianjiao of heaven. It is just a myth.

However, mythology was born in this world.

It’s the self that I am trying to repair, the self-evolving universe, the various ways, the unpredictable, the incomprehensible, the opposite of the Tao, and the more mellow, this kind of Tao is indeed different, if it is really difficult to say.

Didn't scare you? Mingtian beast asked with a smile.

Okay! The corner of the mouth is twitching.

You feel easy, then come out with your ideas. The old man squatted on the cockroach, a faint question asked.


The cockroach smashed directly, and the bones rolled away. There was no meaning at all. If the road next to it was to choose one of them, it would be difficult to say that it was hard to say by the way of the body.

If he made a mistake, then waiting for him is a spike in the face.

The old man is already terrible, and the person who had previously appeared in the sky is suffocating, and the person who can ask the day is always shuddering.

Don't you understand that? Mingtian beast examines the chaos and changes the spirit.


Chaos has become a dead body like a dead object. It is completely lying, and it is completely open, but the heart is even more shocked. Ling Feng is a metamorphosis. Not only does Xianli come out, but even more terrible is to serve. .

Later generations of Guwu gave birth to miracles, this is to take off the ancient rhythm.

Now it knows why the old-fashioned singer, the beast, the goddess, and so on, are willing to take risks and are willing to pay. This Nima is the future kingdom of heaven, and it is necessary to override the starry sky. At this time, do not hold thighs, but when?

Needless to say.

The problem with Ling Feng is inconclusive. It is that Burning Heaven does not give a reasonable direction here. It is only by Ling Feng to find it himself, to go with the heart, or to get the truth.

The next few days.

Ling Feng sat on the tree under the path of enlightenment, and realized that he would continue to strengthen Xianli, etc., while the old-fashioned beast and other beasts were sitting under the tree of enlightenment, deducting "Regeneration", from time to time to ask Ling Feng, Reach the nine weights as soon as possible.

of course.

These days, for the chaos and nine generations of life, it can be called the most tragic years.

Just because.

After Ling Feng reached the level of Feixian, he often looked for chaos and nine spirits, and wanted to know how fierce the force of Feixian was, and the solid and chaotic nine-year-old creature was an excellent object.


When Lingfeng Xianli played, the flying fairy appeared, and the next knives fell down. The chaos of the chaos became fierce and sorrowful, the skin of the body was torn, the blood of Yinhong was pouring from it, and Lingfeng was unceremonious. The land is fully collected.

This kind of picture will be staged every day, and the chaos will change when it sees Lingfeng.

Flying fairy, still not enough!

Ling Feng looked at the chaos and changed his spirits. He sighed that the power of Fei Xian did not directly open the chaos and nine spirits, but only the fur.

Chaos has changed to aura, but it is even more helpless.

Come again! Ling Feng said.


The cockroach smashed directly into Ling Feng, and said with a snot of tears.. Brother, please let go!

The top heavens and the spirits are so skeptical about life, I feel that this day can't be over.

Brother, there is no old mother, there is no child, lonely and bitter, do you have the heart? I said with tears in my eyes.

You played well. Ling Feng said with a smile.


Ok, I won’t beat you for the time being. Ling Feng said.


Chaos nine changes in life, such as relief, can suddenly think, what is temporary?

It has become sad again.


Suddenly, Ling Feng’s eyes flashed, his eyes fell on his wrist, and there was a little bit of light and rain flashing, slowly squirting out, showing a fire fox.

is her?

Ling Feng was amazed. Since his war, this fire fox has not appeared. He has forgotten it until now, but he did not expect to shine at this time.

Is she looking for death?

Ling Feng sinks and his finger is on his wrist. Now the news has completely spread. I want to know that Yan Zhuling should know the truth of his fall. Normally, Yan Zhuling should not look for him again, but he is still coming.

It’s just that this fire fox is separated from the virtual sky, and can’t pass the news, only the light.

Let Vulcan pass! Ling Feng commanded.


Vulcan appeared in the Dongfu, put all kinds of magical herbs in front of Lingfeng, and brought the care and help of Yan Zhuling. At present, there are problems in the floodplain. I hope Lingfeng can ask Wang Hao to suppress the situation.

Brother, this is a great opportunity to show your power of flying fairy! The cockroach immediately came over, and sometimes he really hated this kind of conditioning.


Ling Feng rewarded him with a violent, angry and angered. Do you know how dangerous this is?

Shrinking back, but the words of Ling Feng let him directly turn his eyes to the ground.. But playing a frame should be no problem. good night.

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