Supreme Demon

Chapter 1375: Appear in another identity!

Dead liar!

Chaos has become a roar in the heart, this shameless, who was still reprimanding him before, can turn his face to this face.


He just wanted to find a reason to think that Lin Feng beat him, that he had not hit cool.

however. The gods in the field did not pay attention to him, but looked at Lingfeng with a look of awe. Now this time is too important, they succeeded in swindling, and if other forces, especially those murderers, knew that Lingfeng did not disappear, Then they did it before

Everything is in vain.

What is the charm of Yan Zhuling, worthy of your adventure? Tian Qi asked coldly.

Ling Feng is very good, but his feelings are too much, Ye Witch Ling Qing Han as the moon, etc., and now there is a Yan Zhuling, how much makes her feel that Ling Feng is very passionate.

The road to the ruins of the road! Ling Feng did not notice Tian Qi’s expression and said with meditation. The background of the star in the wild sky is very deep, otherwise it will not be pushed to the position of the Taoist. If you can get the help of the heavenly girl, the wild star’s The situation can be

To expand.

Star universe, anti-God can not be isolated, need some allies.

Ling Feng explained that. To the virtual star, we have the oriental clan, which is more favorable, and if the wild star can get the identity of Yan Zhuling, then the **** can stretch the hands and feet.

You are really black! Tianqi grin, this guy will use women.

Black belly?

Ling Feng straightened his eyes and said. This is an interest alliance! Yan Zhuling's current position is very tricky. Some people are willing to push her up. Some people want to push it down. She needs our strength. I need her position and the best of both worlds. Ling Feng said, "Reverse to control the dark forces, not right.

Is she more beneficial?

However, this is too risky, and one frowns when he is careless.

I know.

Ling Feng, solemnly said: I am swindling, how easy is it to ask Wang Hao? At that time, Yan Zhuling should be grateful to Wang Hao, not me, so this suppression can only be done by the reverse.

What about Bifang?

I am currently asking for a retreat!

Ling Feng responded, looking at the frowning expression of everyone, Ling Feng said with a smile. In fact, I don't have to worry about it, I will not appear in this image, but will appear in another identity.

Real Dragon Magic Day? The candle dragon is bright.

It is!

Ling Feng said with a smile.. Moreover, my Dantian students changed their quality. Xianli and the three major spaces cast earth-free soil. They were not shown before people. Even if they were displayed in the virtual sky, they could not find me.

Who will connect the **** of the gods with the dying?

To know.

Ling Feng will die, but the answers given by many forces, the people will even deny if they suspect.

Row! Tens of years old, Ling Feng just projected in the past with a virtual body, and will not affect the real body, and the real dragon magic sky can be easy to make, let Ling Feng become different, completely another god, when it shows a ban When people are in the soil, people will not feel it.

Three spaces and the atmosphere of Xianli.

Needless to say.

At the moment when the soil is forbidden, the whole starry sky should be eye-catching. Although there is no fairy power, but the forbidden soil can be juxtaposed with Xianli, it will make many forces crazy. At that time, people will not pay attention to Lingfeng, when Lingfeng can do it. More things are going on.

The next day.

Ling Feng directly stepped into the altar, from where he entered the virtual Tianyu, his hand jade bracelet in the light, because of the momentum of this cover, but no one knows, and Wannian Laojiao is here, so Lingfeng has no worries.

He didn't have a head hood, his body was swollen, and there was a curved moon on his forehead. His appearance was not good and he was slightly upright.

He stepped forward, passing through a hundred seas, and stunned the storm, hitting nine days, and at that time, hundreds of seas appeared, and the wind rushed up and stood on the sea, truly smashing the sky. area.


The whole virtual sky was eye-catching. Since Lingfeng left, the hundreds of Tianwei did not appear. People always thought it was Lingfeng, but did not expect another person to appear today.

The sky is full of the gods, and wants to know the truth. Some sharp gods see a bloated figure, which is obviously different from Lingfeng.


Just when they want to chase, but the **** is too fast, it has disappeared in an instant, and the degree of suffocation is not exactly what they can catch up with.

Ok? In the ruins of the ruins, Yan Zhuling's beautiful eyes shine, showing a strange look. I always feel that this is not quite right. At the beginning, she once thought that Ling Feng was the talented person. The performance in the battle of heaven proves this. But did not expect to

Ling Feng was behind, and he was able to see this feat.

Another person?

The old road is also amazed by the rainy morning. If Lingfeng, who understands the power of Xianli and the perfect void, is not the first talent, how extraordinary is the first day of the capital?

There are countless geniuses in the world.

Yan Zhuling said with meditation. I am afraid that we have always misunderstood that the person who was the first in the day was not Ling Feng.

The old road rain morning and other deacons sigh.

Once a **** of the gods has fallen like this, otherwise they can solve the current troubles with their relationship, and it is not so tricky.

At this moment.

A deacon ran in a hurry and said respectfully to Yan Zhuling. The Taoist, there is a **** who asks for it.

Who? Yan Zhuling asked.

do not know.

The deacon shook his head and said: I don’t know people coming, but they came because of him.


Yan Zhuling's eyes are bright, and the grace on his face dissipates a lot. She said: It should be the empty road Wang Hao.

The deacon said that he had to stop and talk, but in the end he had not had time to say it. Yan Zhuling’s old road, the rainy morning, etc., had already flown forward.

In front of the flood road.

A young man with a slightly fat body is standing proudly. His face doesn't have too many expressions. It looks a bit dull and indifferent, but the temperament is different. Standing in front of the dojo, some stand out, and he is carrying his hands and looking at the ruins.

After more than a decade, this ruined dojo became different from before.

In the past, the almost ruinous dojos, now in the city, some of the most talented figures of the top gods are here. I have to say that when Lingfeng waited for suppression in the floodplain, and activated this dojo, many talented figures were attracted. Although the wind is not in the past few years, the vulcanity is not weak, and it belongs to the top genius of the world. The matchup can be flooded

The abandoned road field is pushed to the top.

This is the glory of the wilderness.


Yan Zhuling is very grateful to Lingfeng. It is because of him that the Hongdao Daochang is only today, but because of the Lingfeng, the floods and roads face more wind and rain, the opponent is still the original opponent, but the gods who hit the Hongdao Dojo are no longer the gods. .

Top gods, even half-Emperor characters! Those opponents want to smash the flooded dojos from the top, only because the primary gods of the ruins of the ruins are the trump cards. Throughout the 16 supreme forces, there are no people who can suppress the ruins of the ruins, but the top gods.

Different, the abandoned roads in this area are weak.

Not much time.

Yan Zhuling went out with the old rain and the morning, and came to the young man who was slightly bloated.

you are? Yan Zhuling is stunned. She thought she was Wang Hao, but the **** is not Wang Hao.

Leaf wind!

Ling Feng looked at the beautiful face that was close at hand, light and laughed, and looked very calm. This kind of face is really shocking, but the lack of a little taste will only remind him of the leaf witch, and more miss it.

Needless to say.

Yan Zhuling was in the heart and looked at Ling Feng with some surprises. This is the second person who can keep calm when she first saw her. The first one is Ling Feng.

Such characters are rare in the world.

Either, this **** has long been commonplace. Like the original Ling Feng, the one who loves it is the Ye Witch. Then the temperament of the face and other temperament, etc., is Yan Zhuling comparable?

Either these gods did not put it in their eyes.

Are you coming because of him?

Yan Zhuling did not care about these things, and now she wants to solve the current difficult problems as soon as possible.

Trusted by people, loyal people!

Ling Feng said with a smile.. I came naturally to solve the girl's problem.

But those characters are not easy to deal with, and everyone is reminded by the top **** Yan Zhuling.

If they are the top gods and gods, then it is not me. Ling Feng said with a smile: Vulcan death can solve the problem.

In fact, we also have certain responsibilities. If they are not degraded, who will dare to jump out?

The mad voice, the gas field of the world, stirred the hearts of the people at this moment, let them know that the appearance of this **** is to deal with the top gods, and even the half-empire.


He is more direct and tells the truth. In the past, when Ling Feng was at the time, who would dare to fight the idea of ​​the abandoned Taoist market? Until the fall of Ling Feng, those characters only started to rush to the Hongdao Dojo, so that Yan Zhuling was overwhelmed, and the people who could ask for help were really not much, which also made her have no time to go.

Look at Ling Feng, only let Vulcan bring the top herbs.

He should not fall! Yan Zhuling said with a red heart.

Yeah, he shouldn't fall!

Ling Feng was moved by the heart. There are not many people who can really care about him in this virtual world. At least Yan Zhuling is one of them.

Therefore, this is not only challenging the wasteland, but also provoking him and provoking us!

Ling Feng said coldly.. Even the devil can not be insulted, what are they?


He strode to the flooded dojo and said: he is fascinating 50,000, I can't do that, but I want to blaspheme three thousand!

Just one sentence, let Yan Zhuling and other blood, obviously the **** is very extraordinary, although they did not see it, but dare to say that the three thousand characters, and can be valued by Ling Feng, then there are such qualifications. Just one god, it is like three thousand top gods, passing by, shocking and ridiculous!

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