Supreme Demon

Chapter 1376: Challenge the stars and gods!

Hongdao Daochang! This

In the past few days, the scenes have been boiling for a few times. The top gods and semi-emperor characters from other dojos have appeared. They will come over and force the flooded dojos to make them suffer a lot. Especially the top gods and semi-emperors in the wild roads, some The injuries are heavy, while others are unwilling to be born. Display

Of course.

Yan Zhuling not only has to face other dojos to suppress, but also faces the spoiler from the family forces, especially the last lord who is competing with her. There are too many hands who want to push her down from this position. Milli

Undoubtedly, those top-ranking gods and semi-imperialists who are unwilling to be born tend to be a master. I am afraid that they will be divided into many interests to confuse them. Therefore, the situation of Yan Zhuling is very embarrassing and it is almost impossible to open the pot.

In this way, she was forced to ask for help from Ling Feng, and the arrival of "Ye Feng" was like a timely rain. people

Mountains and seas.

The current ruins are more vast, like a vast wasteland, and add many different topography, such as the wilderness, the mountains, the Bohai Sea, etc. Although these have little influence on the gods, they are more pleasing to the eye. Virtual

In the air, there are a lot of gods, some are in the open space, some are projections, from other dojos, watching the battle. versus

The past is different from the past. The current ruins are the top three dojos. Each match is called a wonderful show. Therefore, the gods who come to watch the battle will be more crowded, packed with space and crowded with the dojo. only


Different from the previous cheers, there are a lot of buzzing sounds. In the primary and intermediate Tianshen confrontation, the Hongdao Daochang is almost unbeaten and casts a prestige. On the top dojo, the Hongdao Dojo is now quite weak and is being suppressed.

It can be said that the top-ranking gods and semi-imperial figures who are truly strong are attracted by the last Taoist. The remaining gods who are not tempted are not worthy of being attracted because of their necessity.

This is the reason why Yan Zhuling has a headache.

now. flood

On the absurd field, a matchup is unfolding, and the gods show the top Tianwei, which is eye-catching, and the most eye-catching of them is the two gods of the central dojo. One

The beautiful and dusty, the show is white and snowy, and the beautiful jade shines in the blue space.

A gray robe is not obvious, but the body has a strong momentum, as if overlooking all beings.

It’s raining.


The two top gods played in a life-and-death match, playing quite fiercely, letting the flooded fields have a roar, the momentum is bursting, the pressure is eight, the top space is shining, and the whole battle process is pushed to the top. that

The beautiful woman with a handle of a jade ruler opened a heavy rain, appeared in the middle of the gray robe, and the extraordinary power, the power is even more heavy.

"You are still too young!"

The gray robe middle-aged smiled and said: "Grandfather is just playing with you!"

Finished. he

Did not cover up the momentum of the body, directly stepped into the semi-emperor, a mountain in his hand magnified, and fell down, directly collapsed the handle of the jade ruler, the wolf smashed by the beautiful girl, and then his power madly poured out, comprehensively suppressed On the body of Li Tian, ​​she crushed her life into fly ash. One

The top-level goddess was sighed with sighs. "

Descent, the door! ”

Yan Zhuling looked at the middle-aged gray robes and explained to Ling Feng: "In the top three figures in the fairy tales."

Time is changing, people are changing! Ling

The wind smiled and said. "In the beginning of the sky, this one should not be called the top three?"

Years to death! pour

The top forces such as Xiandao and Void Road have suffered heavy losses on the celestial stars. Especially the semi-emperor characters have suffered devastating blows from the eight "magic emperors". Those who can survive are the top figures, and those who can survive the virtual days. The top **** of the stars, after returning to the power, can also enter the semi-impedance level in a short time. Display

Of course. door

Qin belongs to the latecomer, and has more potential in the virtual sky. Only one person who survived the top three in the fairy tales survived. The half-emperor character died and injured more, and he was able to break into the top three. "

Yes! "Yan Zhu Ling, said." "Are you sure?" ""

grasp? Ling

The wind is stunned. If it is in the sky, the door will see that he is afraid to scatter the scorpion? "

You should ask him if he is sure! Ling

The wind is light and elegant, and he said, "But just a door, it is really annoying!"

Very annoying!

Just one door-to-door will make the current ruinous dojos helpless. If there are more doormen? He can suppress this door, what about the other "doors"? He can't wait here all the time? This

Still not annoying? "

bother? "Yan Zhuling is somewhat embarrassed and more puzzling."

bother! ”

Ling Feng frowned and said: "A challenge, I have to challenge those top-level half-emperors, top gods, sixteen supreme forces can fight!"


Don't say Yan Zhuling, that is, the old road, the rainy morning, etc. are all shocked and stunned. One person challenges the top gods and semi-emperor figures of the top forces? Is it that the winds of the peak period have never done such crazy things? which is

It is the top-level half-Emperor, and it is unrealistic to face so many gods and semi-empire.

"Are you kidding?" The old road frowned and said that the character that Ling Feng had found was not reliable. "

Three days! ”

Ling Feng did not respond, but smiled and looked at Yan Zhuling, saying, "Dare you still dare? I will set the time, you set people, this is a gamble, need some courage!"

Really? Yan Zhuling frowned.

"Do you think I am joking?" Ling Feng said with a smile. "

why? "Yan Zhuling asked with a burning heart."

Once and for all! ”

This is Ling Feng's response. He doesn't want to be so annoying. He has to solve problems quickly and solve problems in a short period of time. As long as all the characters are suppressed, there is no God who dares to challenge the majesty of the abandoned road.


Zhu Ling did not ask much. She knew the meaning of "Ye Feng". She believed that this person, but she believed in Lingfeng. Ling

The wind did not say much, and it was forbidden to leave. he

I only need to play a hearty battle. As for how to do it is Yan Zhuling's problem. If she can't solve this problem, then she doesn't know that Ling Feng pays so much attention.

really. in

After Ling Feng left, the entire virtual Tianyu was fried. "

what? ""

Yan Zhuling is this woman crazy? ""

Do you want to challenge the top gods and half-emperors? Any forces? ""

The flooded dojos were forced to rush to the whole starry sky. If they had such strength before, but now the wind is falling, what qualifications do they have? ”

"Manic, so miserable, even dare to release rants!"


Some old people sneered and said: "I would like to see how this yellow-haired girl will end up!"

"It’s really a big gamble!"

People are sighing and saying: "When you win, the ruins of the ruins will be in full swing, and no gods will dare to challenge and lose. That Yan Zhuling will lose everything, and even the prosperous world that was established in the ruins of the ruins will collapse. ""

If Yan Zhuling is not crazy, it is a terrible person! "wind

Bo Hao!

Because of the arrogance of Yan Zhuling, the boring starry sky, one by one, the top gods and the half-emperor characters were born. Although they are not entirely directed at Yan Zhuling, they want to know which top level Yan Zhuling has moved. Half emperor. dare

Facing the entire starry sky, these characters are worth seeing. "

It’s a mess! ”

"The situation is not so pessimistic, don't you give up on yourself?"

There are voices of opposition inside the floodplain. Some deacons feel that Yan Zhuling is too crazy, and this will bury the entire wasteland.

however. Yan

Zhu Ling has suppressed many disputes with the atmosphere and has made a strong debut. It is to play this game.

She bet on the youth and the future! "

Oh, you have contributed, Yan Zhuling, the goddess is still driven by us, now let go. ”

"A life and death will not have much impact on us, we can afford to lose, but she can't afford to lose!"

Is this the last dying struggle? ”

Other Dojo characters sneered at it, feeling that Yan Zhuling's opponent was too tight, causing Yan Zhuling to have a life and death, but how can it be so easy to turn over?

"She wants to play big, how can we be a small family?"

A Taoist road leader said, "Hey, let the top gods in the dojo come out, and in the past, the past few emperors, to beat her down, she can safely marry."

"That is, what does a woman fight to fight?"

In the past two top-level semi-emperors, I want to beat her without face, honestly marry! "This is the voice of another Taoist."

Kill it directly before it rises! "This is the third leader."


Now the rise of the Hongdao Taoist Temple is too fast, and the emergence of the anti-God gives too much help. If the Vulcan and the Death God enter the ranks of the top gods, it is really dangerous. Now it is the moment of the weak road. fatal. "

Suppress her! "One

The voice of the main voice, Yan Zhuling to play the big, then they only accompany the end, and the top characters in the dojo appeared, to go to the Hongdao Dojo in three days, the Yan Zhuling thoroughly suppressed. Session

Time. This

The virgin heroine is about to withdraw from the stage of the ruins of the ruins. The one who is replaced is the old opponent. It is only a matter of time before I want to play. versus

At the same time.

Yan Zhuling is also working hard, and wants to invite more top-level emperors. I am afraid that "Ye Feng" can't keep up with the situation, but those top gods are all refusing. At this time, who dares to face the glory of the stars?

Three days, like a torment. which is

It is Yan Zhuling who has a feeling of heart and soul. She does not know how unpredictable "Ye Feng" is, but now she only believes, because she has no choice but to die in the end.

good night.

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