Supreme Demon

Chapter 1377: Forbidden soil Tianwei!

Three days later.

The ruins of the flooded roads are turbulent and turbulent. This small dojo in the virtual sky field has caused great turmoil in the entire starry sky. The major forces are eye-catching, that is, Tianzun and Tiandao are all looking at each other. They want to know where Yan Zhuling will save the situation. Want

It is Yan Zhuling who is only aimless, that is too disappointing. In the face of big problems, she will lose square inches. Such people often have no prospects.


If Yan Zhuling really has the ability to turn the tide, it is a stunning one, with a gorgeous attitude to stabilize the situation of the wilderness, when the characters behind it will be strong, and those who make the little tricks are afraid to die.

This is not only a game between the dojos, but also a contest between forces. not


Due to the arrival of this storm, the flooded roads were crowded all over the place. People almost smashed the flooded roads. There were too many people coming here, and there was a lot of black pressure. The sky was full of people. Some people knew that it was too crowded, so it was convenient to use other dojos. Projection.

Even some people named the storm "the banned war"!

of course.

Among these crowds, it is worth mentioning the top gods and half emperors from various avenues. "

Qiu Yun is here! ”

One of the gods exclaimed, let many of the gods present in the field, Qiu Yun is the top three in the previous days of the battle, from the Guanghan Palace, its power can not be underestimated, but also in the ancient road to get rid of, become more terrible .

It is now a half-level figure, just one step away from the top half. and

And. Qiu

The strength of the cloud can be compared with the top half-master wrench, which is a tricky figure, and people did not expect him to appear here.

"Zhao Xian is born!"

Looking into the distance, we saw a tall **** flying down from the sky and falling in front of the dojo. The gods released a faint aura, without a strong momentum, but with a top-notch gas field, which is daunting.

"He is the top half emperor!" Someone exclaimed.

Different from Qiu Yun, Zhao Xian is the main force on the ancient road, and can be juxtaposed with Wang Hao. They are the top two figures of a major force. Such characters appear on the scene, showing a greater wave of banned bans.

"The door is here!"

They did not exclaim, but they cast a respectful eye. Although the doorwork was not as good as the first two, the sensational effect he caused in the flooded dojo was not comparable to that of the other two and a half.

Ten wins!

This is the face of the red fruit! flood

The ruins of the ruins were almost stepped on his feet. The tyrannical posture could overlook the audience. If Yan Zhuling did not move to the semi-emperor, the door could be pushed across the road. he

Not tricky, but very dazzling. and

Moreover, people think that the Hong Kong Dojo wants to challenge the Starry Sky, and it is necessary to step through the door. very


The semi-imperialist figures of all major forces have appeared, and people are exclaimed. I thought that the Hongtian Dojo challenged the Star Gods to get the Gods to respond, but they didn't want to be completely different. They were not only responding, but also many important people. "

what's the situation? "old

There was some panic in the rainy morning, and such a big scene was only unprecedented. "So many people want to see our jokes?"

I am afraid not! ”

Yan Zhuling’s eyes are cold and frosty. “They want to see his attitude, his joke!”

"What do you mean?" asked the old road in the rainy morning.

"Ling Feng has fallen, but the forces behind him are still there. We want to use this virtual ban to solve the current difficult problems, and they want to use this ban to pray for the attitude of Ling Feng and its behind-the-scenes forces. ""

"What attitude?"

"I value or despise!"

Yan Zhuling said with a sound. "The flooded road is dazzling because of the wind. Now the road is difficult. If Lingfeng is silent, it means that he has lost his function. If the forces behind him are strong, then any forces must pay attention to it." "

So complicated? "The old road is raining in the morning."

Yes! Yan

Zhu Ling sighed and said: "Now it is not a game between the dojos, but a contest between those forces. Even if he falls, his influence is still there!"

What if we win? ""

Then we will win the floodplain and the wind will be re-evaluated. ”

"If you lose?"

"A defeat!"

As a result, people's faces have become difficult to look at. This is a terrible war, the winners are all-in-one, and the canyons can't afford to lose. "

Taoist, do you think we can win? "The old road rains in the morning and asks."


Yan Zhuling bit his red lips and said, "Because we can't lose, we must win!"

I will appreciate your strength! ”

Suddenly, in the space of the Hongdao Daochang, a **** appeared, and the slightly bloated body was not commensurate with the burning god, but it had a different temperament.

"Ye Feng" is light and laughs and walks forward.

"The Taoist, I want to talk to you about business."

what business? "Yan Zhuling frowned, don't know the meaning of "Ye Feng", is this **** wanting to rob the fire?"

Is it not convenient to be afraid here? ""

Then change places! Yan

Zhu Ling is in the front, "Ye Feng" is behind, the two gods enter the elegant room, let the old road rain and morning and other face to face, do not know "Ye Feng" at this time to talk about business.

Half awkward. Yan

Zhu Ling and "Ye Feng" came out side by side. The difference is that "Ye Feng" still has an elegant smile on his face, while Yan Zhuling has a meditation on his face, and his heart rises like a storm.

This is a business!

An earth-shattering business!


She also knows something more terrible and unpredictable, terrible to let Yan Zhu Ling fall. "

Taoist! "old

Dao Yuchen shouted at the side and worried about Yan Zhuling.


After engraving, Yan Zhuling returned to God and looked at the old road in the rainy morning, and then looked to the side, but now "Ye Feng" has disappeared. "What about others?"

"If you ask Ye Feng, then he has already entered." The old road responded in the rainy morning.

"Go in!"

Yan Zhuling did not hesitate, he said. "

Taoist, what business did you talk about earlier? Is it related to the ban on the virtual sky? Asked the old road in the rainy morning.

Yes, no! Yan Zhuling said ambiguously.

"Is it right?"

"we won!"

Yan Zhuling’s eyes burst into two bright lights, and he said coldly. “This battle is a wasteland, and no one wants to take it away!”

Finish. she was

Then enter the dojo, to witness a banned war!

now. Road

Inside the stadium, people are crowded with people, and the crowds have already filled the space. People are looking forward to it, and those top gods and semi-emperors are looking cold in front and waiting for the gods.

Suddenly. people

The tide appeared, and a **** was out of the crowd, banned from the magnificent dojo in the center, and instantly attracted the attention of the gods. Display

Of course. This

At that time, dare to appear, and the gods on the dojo should be the masters of the Hongdao Daochang. It is disappointing that the master is too ordinary, and his body is weak, completely unlike a god.

But it was his ordinaryness that made the people in the presence alert.

"I am Ye Feng!" Ling

The wind came to the middle of the dojo, looking at the crowds of people, smiling and said. "I wish to challenge the stars and gods!"

In an instant. that

The dull calm was broken, and people were cold-eyed and angered. "Ye Feng, I have never heard of it, do you want to challenge the gods of the entire starry sky?"

Not self-reliant! ""

Go down, you are not qualified enough! ”

"I will ask you if you are the top god?" Some people directly scorned and said: "Don't aim at it, trying to attract people's attention in this way, it will pay a very bad price."

"Do you think I am crazy and empty talk?"

Is not it? ”

"That will be the end!" Ling Feng elegant and laughing, carrying his hands, cold temperament and vicissitudes of temperament, as if through the eternal age. "

If you want to represent the Hongdao Dojo, then let me pass this level! ”

The doorman went straight to the scene and came to Lingfeng. The powerful gas field pushed the road and rolled it to Lingfeng. However, people were shut up because Lingfeng was not affected, but the clouds patted the clothes lightly. Asked doubtfully.. "I feel too hot here, give me a haircut?"

The doorman looked at it and finally realized the difference of the character. The powerful gas field could not affect the person in front of him. under

A moment. he

Step by step, banned from the face of Ling Feng, a punch will come out, to suppress the explosion of Ling Feng.

however. on

At this moment, the difference changed, Ling Feng disappeared from the front of the door, and then a peaceful holy land appeared in front of the people, full of flowers, a snow tree flourished, Ling Feng stood in the peaceful holy land. he

Backed by the snow trees, there is a jade table in front of it, covered with wine and delicious, as well as a variety of fruits. "

Break the forbidden soil, you are qualified to fight with me! ”

Ling Feng lazily relied on the snow tree, holding a jug of wine in his hand, sipping a sip, saying, "The wine is wonderful and beautiful!"

"Looking for death!"

Diligently felt insulted, and the district was banned from the ground.

He punched out, and it was so fast that powerful power exploded at this moment, like a lightning bolt, directly on the forbidden soil, and the terrible light rain suddenly provoked, and collapsed into the heavens and the earth, cracking the land of the Tianhe River.

Bang! huge

The sound of the sound rang between his fist and the forbidden soil, which provoked a terrible sonic boom. On the spot, he picked up a heavy smash and shredded the space. but

. At

The Lingfeng in the forbidden soil was completely unaffected, and the beautiful wine sipped the wine, and looked at the door with a squint. "Do you use your strength, when you are a three-year-old?"


The doorwork almost broke the internal injuries, and the "three-year-old child" was really hurting. to


He burst out his full strength, and even sacrificed the top heavenly soldiers, carrying the mighty power of the Thunder, and hitting the forbidden soil, to completely tear it, to capture the Lingfeng oysters, and then use his neck to feel his palm. Strong. three

Older children? letter

Do not believe that three-year-old children live to kill you? Road

On the field, there was a big explosion, and Wan Wandao pushed all the way to the sky, but when the light rain spread, Ling Feng still leaned on the snow trees, sipping beautiful wine while not forgetting the door. Said: "You can't do it? Can't you change people?"

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