Supreme Demon

Chapter 1379: Finger pointing to the sky!

It’s full of wind!

Stars and gods have surged from dozens to hundreds of places. The momentum is soaring, crushing the whole audience, almost filling the entire dojo. If they do their best, don't say that the top half of the emperor, that is, the heavenly characters must be shocked. This

For a moment, don't say that the old road is raining, etc., that is, Yan Zhuling is frowning. although

However, she is very confident in "Ye Feng", but she does not know how to suppress so many gods. It is the extraordinary candle dragon and Bi Fang. It is necessary to suppress so many gods. It is estimated that they must live and die.

Simply unimaginable! when

Of course.

The gods who come here are not just hundreds, but many gods have not started, like the empty road, who dares to force the wind and those terrible characters? wide

Many gods in the Han Palace are also taboo, especially in Yaochi. Only a few top-level emperors dare to do it, while other characters are watching. Anyone knows that there is an Emperor in Yaochi, and he is examining the ban.

At that time, Ling Feng was a direct imaginary star, and successfully rescued it. Even if the wind is now falling, who dares to ignore the influence of Ling Feng at this moment?

but. on

It is this hundreds of gods, and it is also very terrible. It is not easy for Ye Feng to use the forbidden soil to live in these treasures. "

Dozens are not enough, are there hundreds of gods? ”

The door sneered and said, "You can't do it, you can't change it!"

The previous poisonous words of Ling Feng will be beaten back at this moment, so that Ling Feng himself can appreciate the feeling of being despised.

"Hundreds of gods, not bad!" Ling

The wind smiled and said, the door is directly ignored. "But are these people only? I want to challenge the starry sky god!"

"That counts us!"

The top gods flew out, completely forced by the words of the contempt of Ling Feng.

"It's really crazy, we have to see how crazy you can be!"

Five and a half emperors came out juxtaposed, from the two major forces, not the Guanghan Palace and Yaochi, but the Xianting. They had long been stunned by the floodplain, and when the flooded dojos rose because of Lingfeng, they were even more unhappy.

Previously, they were somewhat jealous and therefore did not shoot, but now that hundreds of gods are born, what else can they be jealous? "

And us! ”

I have to say that in the past few decades, Ling Feng has not many friends, but the opponents are really enough. "

However, do you still have to stay in the soil forbidden? ”

Zhao Xian smiled lightly and said, "Even if you are afraid of this!"

Oh, you want a real showdown, I will really fight against you! ”

Ling Feng is cold and laughable, full of strong self-confidence. Although more than one hundred gods are really not enough to watch, they can indeed do it once and for all, so that those gods who dare not do it will never dare to do it.

He doesn't want to be in trouble! that

Let these gods dare not bring trouble! "

Hands-on! Zhao

Yin and cold drink, banned from the rush to the wind, to end this crazy guy. "

kill! ”

Qiu Yun did not let more, let a knife fall down, banned from coming to the forbidden soil, and more toward the imperial wind in the forbidden soil.

next moment. One

More than a hundred gods flew together, packed the dojo, and tried their best to do it. The power of the dojo was overturned on the spot. The terrible light rain rushed in all directions, allowing many gods to use the top space to suppress and prevent this power from being hurt. To.

"The situation is wrong!"

The road was ugly in the morning, and I couldn’t help but retire backwards. The fear was directly annihilated by the terrible light rain.

Yan Zhuling did not retreat, but Yu Yan is also very gray, this fluctuation is the Tiandao figure came, afraid to be treated seriously, with the current strength of "Ye Feng" can be passed over? suddenly

However, the sky is full of wind. that

In the forbidden soil, the three colors of the petals fluttered, carrying the color of the prosperous world, carrying the direction of the wind, dancing in a secluded manner, while Ling Feng was placed between the petals, the face is not old, a smile, you can pour the country.

He is the fairy in the petals! on

At that moment, his mouth raised and showed a charming arc. He leaned on the snow tree, with a faint smile, and pointed out. Without any strength, he fell on a petal and let the petals that were dancing dance. And then, spurt out, toward the sky full of gods, toward the half of the emperor. call out

! One

Daoguang pierced the space, like a sharp arrow, shot out, and the power of the anti-theft released a terrible light rain in it, annihilating the road, and it was like a broken bamboo. "

Oh! ”

One and a half of the emperor had a dull sorrow, and his body stopped in the air. He couldn’t help but look at his chest. I don’t know when, there was a blood hole in his chest, and the blood of the red blood was pouring out of it. It collapsed at this moment.

Ding! Ling

The wind is indifferent and laughs, pointing out and falling on a piece of petals, so the entire soil-free space changes, from ordinary to stalwart, from calm to violent, smashing Wei Li, piercing the thirty-three space, Tearing a heavy day.

It’s terrible to make people suffocate.

Initial time.

People didn't react. They only thought that the petals were beautiful. Until the petals penetrated the body of the gods and shot a god, they really felt the danger, but it was too late. when

The dance of the sky is the moment of life and death!

"Hundreds of gods, I want to challenge the full moon god!"

Ling Feng said madly, his hands danced with the petals, the fingers were the petals, and the fingers were life and death. when

When the three color petals are crowded into the void, the whole piece of forbidden soil is trembled, and the snow trees are faintly silvery, reflecting the heavens and the sky, and those petals are more than a hundred pieces?


In an instant, the entire dojo is packed with petals, and the annihilation of Tianwei bursts at this moment. It can disintegrate thousands of ways and annihilate the space. In front of the petals, the space of the gods is like a paper paste, which is purely a joke. under

A moment. that

Hundreds of gods who dive in the air will come to an abrupt end. Even if the characters of the semi-empire are eclipsed at this moment, the Tianwei of the petals bursts open, even if their space is disintegrating, they can cope with two pieces. But when the body is crowded with petals? that

It is an annihilation! flutter


A half-Emperor character is kneeling on the dojo, his body is bleeding, his will is falling, his face is tearful, his heart is filled with hate, and he is so desperate. This

Like a sign! Connect

Down, a **** is squatting in front of the forbidden soil, and the body is covered with holes. Not only is the space of the gods collapsed, but the soul is pierced, even if the hands of the gods are not able to contain this momentum. Yin

The red **** god blood paved the dojo, and a **** was squatting around the forbidden soil, and the arched guard set off to make Ling Feng become temperament like a fairy. that

It is the monument of the blood!

How powerful is the strength of more than one hundred gods, especially the half-emperor characters such as Qiu Yun and Zhao Xian, whose names in the starry sky are extremely loud, but at this moment, they are all staggered before the forbidden soil, and they are facing the forbidden soil. Worship." that

The scene is really gorgeous!

That picture is too shocking!

At this moment, the ancient times are eternal!

Even if the time is in a hurry, when people think of the virtual sky, the heart can not help but emerge the "Ye Feng" figure, a **** suppresses the stars and gods. bomb

Refers to the sky!

When the petals of the sky disappear, the whole picture is like a fixed picture. People don't make any sounds. When they see such a magnificent picture, a **** is a thin body and a **** of heaven. Although this is not the whole starry sky god, but when it is top When the half emperor fell in the rain of petals, people could not help but groan.

Not that they are not strong enough, but that the opponent is too terrible.

In the face of the petal rain, how about more gods? One

The petals can suppress a god, how many thousands? One

The forbidden soil can suppress the starry sky, who is standing in the forbidden soil? One

All the dojos are stunned and feel that breathing is difficult. What abnormal metamorphosis do they encounter? Where did Yan Zhuling move from this god?

One problem is in my heart.

They can't find the answer, but they know that since then, there is no longer any **** who dares to challenge the wilderness dojo. There are people sitting in the town, and other gods are just slag. old

Dao Yuchen was so excited that he was about to drop his tears. This is definitely the most magnificent picture of the year. Yan

Zhu Ling did not scream, but forced her to clench her fists. Some people are destined to let others look up. It is not today or tomorrow, and what she has to do is to push the boat and make her wings more full.

Is it only forbidden? "

It is a special space for the forbidden soil! ”

Finally, a big man spoke, although he came from the body of the gods, but his eyes were not comparable to the gods, seeing the essence of the problem. moment


Panic all over the sky, the gods can't stop the inner trembling, the soil is not the treasure, but the space? that

What space is this?

With a space to suppress the space of the heavens, this was what Ling Feng did not do at the beginning. "

After Ling Feng, the second **** of the world was born! ”

Another big man opened his mouth and juxtaposed it directly with Ling Feng, which showed how terrible the original Ling Feng was.

what does this mean?

It means that Lingfeng can also suppress the starry sky gods.

of course. "

"Ye Feng" is not a Ling Feng. In the backwardness of it, "Ye Feng" is even more eye-catching. It is just that many of the dojos vomit blood. Why do "Ye Feng" and "Ling Feng" both choose the wilderness dojos instead of their dojos? "

Unfortunately, this character appears too late, otherwise I really want to see the scene of the two winds! Someone shouted.

"Why do you have to fight?"

The man sighed. "The wind is really good, but the leaf wind is even more terrible. Can you do it with a few gods?"

Such a **** is qualified to be the first **** in history! ”

"Dare to seal the first **** of the sky!"

This is the sound of the ruins of the Taoist Temple. The power of Ye Feng will ignite them with enthusiasm. The gods will sit in the town, and the ruins of the ruins will point to the first field. Do not

clothes? that

Just hit the sky! Now

In the Lingfeng suppression of the audience, there is really no **** to dare to fight, even if it is the top half of the 16 supreme powers, they look more thorough than other characters, "Ye Feng" has long been the top half of the emperor Emperor, can be called the first person under the Emperor Wu, fear that only the original Ling Feng can be with his wrench wrist. One

The wind and rain ended with unexpected surprises.

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