Supreme Demon

Chapter 1380: Demon star!

The first **** of the sky! from

After the ancient times, there have never been such a person. Gain has never had such a vast confrontation in the starry sky. Although there are many such characters in the starry sky, dare to call the first **** of the sky, it is necessary to bear such blood.

At the beginning. Virtual

A few outs of the airway, the gods of the world, with an imperfect void to suppress the starry sky, they were subjected to many assassinations and almost killed. It is conceivable that "Ye Feng" dared to say how many winds and rains the first day of the sky would face.

This is a double-edged sword. Yan

Zhu Ling’s eyes are cold and look around. Especially the two people who call “Ye Feng” is the big man of the first **** of the sky. I’m afraid that I’m going to push the “Ye Feng” on the fire, and my heart is awkward. Of course

and. Ling

The wind doesn't care. It's not easy to find him. There are many people who dare to start with him, but not many people can kill him.

On the road.

Although Ling Feng is not a **** of wealth, but does not have a temperament, he looked down at the gods, said with a smile. "Who else?"

The sound is not big, but it doesn't show its prestige, but it makes the hearts of the people in the presence, this kind of momentum, and so on, is it only that he dares to shout it out? Want

Before, Ling Feng dared to say that he was afraid of being arrogant, but at the moment it was calm and there was no wave, even if Wang Hao became dull at this moment, the gods such as Guanghan Palace and Xianting did not want to take it. Its shame.

Flying flowers can hurt people!

Deciduous scorpion emptiness!

Now the realm of Ling Feng has reached this level, overlooking the gods, can be called a Wudi, although there is no space rule, but the forbidden soil is his rule, in front of such gods, other gods are chickens. "

If no one challenges, then it will end! Ling

The wind said lazily, waiting for a moment, then flew out of the dojo, and the forbidden soil disappeared at this moment.

however. on

At this time, a top-level semi-imperialist lightning appeared, with a sharp sword in his hand slamming into the wind, violently, the ten channels released a large amount of Tianwei, banned from falling down, to kill the wind, and let the full The field is awkward.

No one would have thought that when Ling Feng suppressed the audience, some people dared to shoot like this, and some clever gods saw the problem. The top half of the emperor did not want to assassinate the wind, but spy on the forbidden soil. Whether it is a treasure or space. to

It is too difficult for Bao to want to be born in a short period of time. It takes a little time and requires a lot of power, and space does not have to be necessary. "

Enough! ”

Ling Feng evil charm smile, the petals flying in the hand, suddenly pointed out, like a lightning, to meet the top half of the emperor. And

A piece of forbidden soil appeared in front of him, and it was pushed forward quickly. The space fluctuated like the sea, all of which hit the top half of the emperor. thorn



The petals disintegrated ten spaces, while the forbidden soil rips the sky, and fell on the top half of the emperor, so that the top half of the emperor could not react, and when the forbidden soil fell on him, he sighed and vomited blood. Dull sighs and regrets. that

It is forbidden! can

It is enough to be called the **** god, and its terrible degree can be imagined, and its true Tianwei lies in the immortal force in the soil. This is the power of shocking the world. Even the chaotic motherhood is not enough to see in front of it. How extraordinary is it, because of the existence of Xianli, the land is made different. it

Can directly penetrate the void, penetrate the space, hurt the **** itself! not


The top-level half-emperor was injured, but his body was not disintegrated, but he was detained by the soil. Among them, the petals and snow trees slammed themselves through their imaginary bodies, letting them scream and scream, and the main body was about to be beaten. . "

I hate assassination, or come straight, I accept any kind of challenge you have or suffer the consequences of the assassination failure! ”

Ling Feng said strongly that the forbidden soil bursts with infinite power, so that the entire dojo is trembled, and the void has a vague shadow. It is a space distortion caused by the horrible power penetrating the void. Ling Feng is going to be the main body through the virtual body. Killing the body. "

Do not! "that

The top half of the emperor had a dull sorrow, disintegrated the shadow on the spot, did not want Ling Feng to suppress it, let him kill, but even so, Xianli is terrible, hurting its origin, I am afraid that it will not recover for a long time. straight

Then take the fierce! Imitation

Buddha is a thunder! Ling

The wind shows not only the strength of comprehensive repression, but also the domineering of who I am. He can accept any challenge, but does not accept any assassination. If you dare to assassinate, you must think about the consequences of the assassination.

When the banned war ended, people were still immersed in the terrible picture. Hundreds of gods also sang the shocking scenes at the same time, like the shadows that could not be undone in people's minds.

but. people

We know that after the fall of Ling Feng, another **** of the gods is born, will continue the record of Ling Feng, push the level of the gods to a higher peak. and


When Ling Feng left the Hongdao Dojo, there were many gods pouring out. I wanted to inquire about the true origins and identity of Ling Feng. Some dojos also acted and wanted to take this character. Only one **** can suppress the gods. If you can get it, you can keep the Taoist field for thousands of years. Of course


Ling Feng did not give them the opportunity to fly directly out of the flooded dojo, and lightning left.

"Find him out!"

"There is still such a **** in the sky, and it never appeared in the war. Who is it?"

"Yan Zhuling? Ask as soon as possible!"


People are crazy, "Ye Feng" is too important, the forbidden earth Tianwei is too terrible, it seems that it is not a treasure, it is space, a space that can crush the world, extremely terrible, if it can create a force, Will reproduce the glory of heaven. people

We value not only the strength of "Ye Feng", but also the soil! can

Unfortunately, it is Yan Zhuling who is not very clear about the origin of "Ye Feng". She is only the person who asked for the person. As for who she is, she did not confide. This

At one point, people are not afraid to persecute. After all, the power behind Yan Zhuling is not simple.

Within a few days after Ling Feng left. whole

The stars are exploding, and the news that "Ye Feng" suppresses the gods and gods is too hot, causing the whole starry sky to attract people. People try their best to find the whereabouts of "Ye Feng", but they all fail, which makes people sigh.

It is the empty roads are crazy, Xuankong, etc. can also be found, the forbidden soil is like Xianli, has an extraordinary role, wants to go further, the power of the road, the soil, the power, etc. are very crucial.

Needless to say. because

The emergence of "Ye Feng", Ling Feng is even more gray, has been ignored by the past, become history, but only occasionally will be mentioned, but only one.

In this regard. Ling

The wind has not been affected. He does not want to bother, so he solves the problem once and for all. Now he just wants to sit down and feel the three kinds of roads. He wants to find a way and go straight to the Emperor Wu, and then asks.


Just a few days later. star

There is a big wave in the air, in the distant stars, a big star on the sky, the sky is full of people, there are thousands of people, there are Kowloon, simple and atmospheric, full of vicissitudes, flowing the lines of the ancient times, almost to the big The star broke open. and


The breath is very horrible, turbulent, smashing a small star, which has a lot of demon power from it.

The illusion of light has not been scattered for a long time, and it lasts for a whole month. Among them, the souls are doing their lives, and the light waves radiated out are the smoldering of the surrounding spirits. The power can't cover up, and the momentum is even worse.

Although separated by hundreds of millions of miles, the star can still get the news, and in the shortest time. "

The demon star appears wave! ”

"That is the demon star field, and it is suspected that it was born out of the ages."

"It may be that a big star is born, otherwise it is very difficult to see such waves!"

"It feels like the sky is coming when the prosperous world is coming!"

Some big people are speculating that there are always some signs of changes in the world, and the waves on the demon star are most likely caused by a big star, like a drop of rain, which leads to violent storms.

This is the sky.

of course. people

We do not rule out that it was born out of the treasure. We must know that some treasures were covered up before the end of the ages, such as the interception of the heavens, the murder of the heavens, and so on. There were some battlefields that were once destroyed. Until now, people have not found them. under

At a moment, there are big people flying in that direction to see the truth.

Soon, the truth will come back.

It is indeed a big star that hits the demon star, appears in the starry sky, causing a big wave, and this big star does not belong to the starry sky, but it does not belong to the world, but from the ages before, it seems that before the endless years, some people will make a big deal This star town was sealed in the star space, and now the seal is decaying, and this star is able to reproduce in the world.

"That is an extraordinary star, no less than the ancient road, there may be buried in endless years to treasure!"

"At present, the big star is in the virtual light, even if it is inaccessible to Tianzun, but if you want to open it, it will spread soon, then you will explore the real thing!"

The Yaozu is acting! "This

It is a great event, and it has a great influence.

How big will it be from a big star from the ages?

What's more, this big star is very likely to be buried with the truth, and it will make people feel fascinated.

Sixteen top forces have attracted attention, and one person, Tian Zun, has come out, that is, those who are not in the world have reappeared in the world, and these heavenly gods are flying to the big star, and other forces are like this.

The anti-God naturally got the news, but it was very depressed. Their Tianzun-level characters were still too few, and they were very difficult to cause fatal damage to the characters on this level. Their wings were far from full.

"I will travel!" Ling

The wind is so open, saying. "Although Ye Feng appeared and attracted a lot of attention, there are still many forces staring at it. I think the ghosts in the empty road are no exception. They still don't believe it."

what do you mean? "Wan Wan Lao, Ming Tian beast and other heavy faces asked."

Gold 蝉 shelling! ”

Ling Feng sneered and said: "In another identity, it appears in the demon star, where the final qualitative change is completed, and it can be tempered, and then they are completely forgotten, so that they can reassure them that their tails are exposed."

good night.

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