Supreme Demon

Chapter 1381: All beings!

Inside the cave.

Ling Feng’s eyes shine and kill, and the eyes of “Lei Feng” appear in Ling Feng here. I feel that it is difficult to find the second **** of the world, especially the forbidden soil, which is even more shocking. The big man is afraid that he can see the problem.

They are guessing the relationship between Ling Feng and Ye Feng, and even think that Ye Feng is a Ling Feng.


On this cusp, Ling Feng will leave the empty road, go to the demon star, Jin Hao shelling, use his own disappearance, let those forces relax their vigilance, and then let the eastern clan find out the culprit, if the leaf wind can appear in the demon star, and Ling Feng appears in the void Road, then it is more perfect.


Wannian 蛟, Mingtian beast and so on, his face was amazed, and the look of Ling Feng’s face was completely different. He almost bleeds. This problem is too serious. Lingfeng is in the void, at least for the sky, but if it appears in the demon star, That moment will kill.

To know.

Now the demon stars are surrounded by the great figures of the heavenly level. The heavenly characters are like grass mustards, not to mention the gods. Lingfeng is very good. At this age, they will step on the top of the gods and cast the forbidden soil. It can be called extraordinary, and can be used with ordinary heavenly characters. Duel.


On the demon star, he is a fish, grass mustard, not enough for the gods to sew.

"I disagree!"

The Mingtian beast said solemnly: "I don't want to agree with the gods!"

"Ling Feng, the demon star is too dangerous, one will be killed if you are not careful, we can swindle, but can not really die!" Wannian Laos persuaded.

If it is the ancient road, they are assured that there are people in the heavens, and there are characters such as Bi Fang and Candle Dragon, but the demon stars are different, and the waves of the Tianzun level, even if they are separated by a very distant void, can make Ling Feng lively and shocked.

“Not as dangerous as you think!”

Ling Feng said confidently. "Tian Zun wants to hurt me easily. It is not easy to kill me."

Forbidden soil, the world's cliffs are not weak, and the sky leaves are terrible, can explode, and more importantly, the real dragon magical law, can make him easy, essentially transform into another person, as long as it is not If you see it, he can go anywhere.

"And, only in this way can we force the culprit as soon as possible!" Ling Feng said seriously.

"You Xianli Feixian, can't you open the ninth ban?" Tian Qi asked.


Ling Feng’s amount, but frowning said: “It’s not yet time, we have to wait.”

"What do you mean?" Tian Qi asked inexplicably.

Now Ling Feng could have torn the ninth ban in the soul of the day, and then get the truth and find out the culprit. However, Ling Feng has to venture to the demon star. Although it is indeed a golden hustle, it always makes her feel a bit upside down.

"When the ninth ban is torn, the murderer will surely know."

Ling Feng sighed and sighed. He felt that Tian Qi was too poor in front of these characters, not the force, but the IQ. If Ye Witch and others did not need him to explain so much, he would do it.

"Insight of our intentions, there are too many things that the culprits can do."

"whats the matter?"

"If you hide some of the strength in advance, such as directly squatting down, such as launching some of these characters, etc., we can't do it all, and those living culprits are the real culprit."

Ling Feng said with amazement: "Either pretend to know nothing.

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Or you have to kill them all, or you will endless trouble! ”

"Opening the ninth ban is equivalent to screaming at the grass?"


"And you are smashing the shell, is it for you?"


Ling Fengsen smiled coldly. "When we are in the dark, they can enter and retreat, then when they are in the drums?"

Tian Qi understands!

What Ling Feng wants is not to disturb the pattern on the virtual star, but to smother the culprits with a knife and a knife. When they are pulled out, the truth is released in a timely manner. At that time, the culprit did not have any retreat.

Only death!

"But this is not the reason for your trip to the demon star. It may take more time here, but it can be done as well." Wannian said bluntly.

"But we can't wait!"

Ling Feng sighs and sighs, there are too many things against the gods, every step is very important, and he needs to ask earlier, so the demon star is very important.

The faces of Wannian and Mingtian beasts are serious and heavy. They know that it is difficult for Lingfeng to change his mind. At least they are not the ones who can make Lingfeng change his mind.


When they sent the news to Hengtianxing, they got different responses. Burning Tianzun personally spoke and agreed to Lingfeng. Although he did not say much, people felt different, fearing that the big star and the ancient world The kingdom of heaven is related.

of course.

Ling Feng is not eager to move forward, but in the preparation for fuller, the demon star is dangerous, that is, the old man is not quite right, the big star appears too embarrassing, there is no scary person in it, just like virtual The stars are in general, and there is a person who asks the heaven level.

What about this big star?

Since the ages, is the seal broken?


During this time, the scene of the demon star came from time to time. Some people saw the unique scenery on the big star. There was a shadow of the Kowloon Ang, an old tree hit the sky, and more The Thunder broke through the palace.

The light rain is getting dark, and several big people are spying. Once they can penetrate the light rain, they will descend directly to the demon star and pick up the fruit.

To know.

Now the big star appears on the demon star, through the atmosphere, directly to the surface, causing the demon star to change its quality, the light rain is like a waterfall, scattered and sprinkled, very gorgeous, and there is a flood of ancient gas, which affects the demon on the demon star. Family.

It is reported.

Some demon people are affected, and they cross a large realm in a short period of time. Some demon people see through the world, and they all have steps in all kinds of paths. It is sacred and unparalleled. Can you make people not be moved? However, the great star also has a terrible force that rushes out and annihilates the surrounding spirits.

Until now, the big man is still speculating on the terrible material on the big star, which can affect this seriousness.

A hurry is a month.

In the process, the big star light rain was more scattered, not as strong as before, like cracking and disintegrating, which made many big people excited, looking forward, waiting for the light rain to be completely dark.

at the same time.

The big devils are also watching, they don't want the big people to be beautiful.

The next day.

There were waves in the empty road. Several big people couldn’t sit still and went to the demon star in person. There were only two Tianzuns sitting in the empty road. Although the power was thin, it was enough.

at dusk.

Oriental Yingyu and

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The poetry of the East enters the empty road. This is not a matter of concern. However, the treasures they sent are extraordinary. They are the top treasures that the Tianzun personally refines and can withstand the characters of the Tianzun class.

It would be necessary to attract people's attention if they were against the gods, but the two sisters of the East Yingyu had no influence. Moreover, they stayed in the empty road for a long time, and then they fled to the Dongfu where Lingfeng was located.

"What are you going to do?" asked the oriental poetry.

The anti-God was sent to the treasure, but did not mention the whereabouts and things of Ling Feng, which made the Eastern clan more difficult.

"Demon Star!"

Ling Feng did not hide.

"This is really too risky!" Oriental Yingyu frowned, that is the battlefield of Tianzun level.

"No!" said the poem of the East poetry coldly. "You are not going to take risks, but to die!"

"Not to mention, your injury has not recovered yet.

The oriental poetry can't go on, but because Ling Feng is not very good, but the hidden fluctuations on his body are shocking.

"It's you!" Oriental Yingyu looked directly at Lingfeng's eyes.

"What?" Ling Feng asked with a smile.

"It's you!"

Oriental Yingyu said in an incomparable affirmation that others may only be suspicious, but they are different. They know that Lingfeng Lingfeng has not fallen. This is simply a game. The purpose is to hide people's eyes and ears, and to cross the sea, and then force the culprit.

Among the top 16 powers, one can despise the gods, and to that extent, only one **** of the wind!

Forbidden soil!

I am afraid that Lingfeng will go further after recovery.

"Ye Feng Ye is happy, Ling Feng?" Oriental poetry said with a smile.

Ling Feng straightened his eyes and felt that sometimes the woman’s intuition was really terrible. The name was just taken with the heart. I didn’t expect it to be full of loopholes in the eyes of the oriental poetry.

Of course, Ling Feng will not be stupid.

The two poems of the Oriental poetry and the oriental Yingyu have not said much. Some things do not need to be said too clearly. They are clear in their hearts.

Two days later.

The light rain on the demon star finally dissipated, and a big man broke into the big star. For a time, the sky was full of clouds, and a big man broke into the big star, bursting out like a wave, breaking the whole piece of Tianyu.

All beings!

This star has an extraordinary name, can be called "all beings" to see the extraordinary of this star, and the great figures have confirmed that this star is indeed from the ages, belongs to a brilliant era, but why it appears here, but let People are curious.

Needless to say.

When the light and rain on the stars of the sentient beings are exhausted, the characters of the Tianzun class will surge in. However, the stars of the people are too vast, and they have passed the Supreme Star, which is magnificent and exciting, and it is not a deserted star, but a The star-studded star is like a chaotic star born out of chaos.

"On the road!"

At the same time, Ling Feng on the road, Wannian Laojiao did not accompany, otherwise it will let other forces appear, but the characters such as Mingtian Beast, Tianqi, and Candle Dragon will not be affected, and will go along with Lingfeng and enter the demon star.

Of course, Ling Feng did not appear in the original appearance, but a living spirit, two corners on the head, similar to the real dragon, but very different.


In the place away from the empty road, a canoe crosses the sky and crosses the billion-mile river and appears in the colorful star.

End of this chapter

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