Supreme Demon

Chapter 1382: Heaven falls justice!

The sky is vast.

The Terran is just a race in the starry sky. There are other races in the billions of miles of the Milky Way and beyond. It is only because they are too far apart. Even if Tianzun borrows a canoe, it is difficult to cross, unless it reaches the level of the question, it can be crossed. After a long time, flying in the sky.

thus. This

The starry sky is divided into many star fields. The human race is called the human domain, and the star field of the Yaozu is called the demon domain. It is separated by hundreds of millions of miles and it takes a long time to cross, and the human race and The Yaozu are not harmonious, they are all taboo, but different from the Terran and the Mozu. Demon

Although the family is wild and barbaric, it is not as **** as the Mozu. In these years, it has not taken the initiative to cause trouble, and some of the demon people have been recognized by the human race, are not excluded, and can live in the human race. and


Most of the creatures in the beasts of the beasts belong to the demon family. Because of the different cultivations, the whole is different. They are listed as the people's forces. Only because the real demon people cultivated the demon, they once gave birth to a level in the demon. Wicked beast. Of course

and. on

At this time, a big star collapsed a demon star, unveiled the prelude of the universe, and attracted endless celestial respects, that is, those characters that were invisible for thousands of years appeared in this day, and the target was the big star.

All beings!

It’s just that these two words are horrifying. Just like the original Wan Dao Xing Xing, how great is it to be self-proclaimed? but

People don't understand the meaning of all the stars, and they can only realize the difference if they really go in. Demon

In the starry field, a singer came out, and a celestial **** came out, and broke into the stars of all sentient beings. He faced more than two hundred celestial beings of the human race, and the celestial beings of the celestial beings were born at this moment. To seize the resources of the mortal stars, the human race is not backward. Soaring.


A Tianzhou appeared in the sky above the Yaozu, and it was coming fast. The Qimen carved on it was releasing the top skylight, annihilating the light rain on the demon star field, and then coming in, which made the demon life very It’s not good, these people are too barbaric, they are forced to come in and take the resources that belong to them. This

Is it necessary to break the balance of the ages?

"Deceive people too much!" Some of the demon people are resentful, and these people are too serious about themselves, always doing such shameless things. but


At the same time, they are also very helpless. Now the Terran is strong, and the strength of the Yaozu is indeed unmovable. When the Yaozu was strong, it once suppressed the Terran and directly forced the past. The Terran was tragic and lost many stars until the Yaozu killed. A god.

That Tianzun is not very loud in the sky, it is a preliminary question, naturally not the opponent of the Yaozu, but it is because of this Tianzun commandment that led to the misery of the entire Yaozu. only


After the death of the gods, the entire Terran star field seems to have calmed down, a terrible undercurrent is surging, and at that time the demon gods have not realized the danger until a heavenly country flies, a world When the characters appeared, they then knew what the demon people had killed.

That is a tragedy! Demon

The top patriarch of the family is a chicken and a dog in front of the kingdom of heaven. Even if the character of the heavenly level chooses to retire when facing the heavens, he will not dare to invade the human domain again. However, the kingdom of heaven did not stop here. It is horizontally pushed forward and directly hits the center of the demon family. When the blood flows into the river, the corpse is everywhere, and the demon family is killed more than 20 times, causing the demon to be seriously injured. Want

It is not that the kingdom of heaven has no pain to kill, but I am afraid that the current Yaozu has already vanished.

The calmness of the Yaozu in these years has not provoked the human race, and there is also a grateful heart in it. Therefore, the Terran sages have come in, but they have nothing to say, who let them invade the Terran? Moreover, the Terran is not directed at them, but because of the stars. more

What's more. that

The stars are related to the ages, and they are very likely to belong to the human race stars, but they do not know why they came to the demon star field.

"It really comes from the ages!"

Qi looked at the distance, could feel the same fluctuations, and the scent of the wild was still there, and it was not completely exhausted, almost reappearing the golden age before the ages. "

Why is it here? ”

The evil emperor is also full of excitement. Since he met again in the ages, the feeling is something that no one else can understand.

"There is my dragon imprint!"

The candle dragon looked at the front and felt the fluctuations in it. The eyes were flying. It seems that on the star there was a dragon who was soaring and fighting, and unveiled a brilliant page. "

Was the kingdom of heaven really destroyed? ”

Ling Feng's eyes are faint, like looking through the ages. On this star, he also senses the breath of heaven, but always feels a little bit wrong.

"The stars are very different, we must be careful when we break in!"

The wind solemnly said: "If we spread out, don't be impulsive, eager to find each other, but step by step, not to brand, to prevent Tianzun from seeing through the strength, and then find it."


Everyone is unknown, and they have never heard of it before, but from the point of view of it, it is not as prosperous as the surface sees, which may hide the murder.


They think that it is not unreasonable for Lingfeng to have such doubts. To know that the celestial light and rain can hinder the gods, it is not necessary to say that this colorful star may have little influence, but they are different. in

All the stars are fish, always worry about life and death. "

Let's go, we will have a demon family for a while, and look at the scenery before the ages! ”

Ling Feng took a step forward and let the three heavenly characters push the Tianzhou and rushed to the stars.

quickly. he

They are close to the stars, attracted by this magnificent star, the extraordinary charm, the cloud steaming Xia Wei, there is a head of true dragon halo to fly from this star, there is a head of phoenix stretching wings.

There are more palaces, and a book is opening. strong


Like a gorgeous chapter!


When Lingfeng’s Tianzhou appeared in front of the big star, a vast wave of volatility appeared, which was terrible to the point of suffocation. The law force blew in it, making the Tianzhou unstable, and the three heavenly characters used it. Full force, let the Tianzhou out of the sky, the same handle, the sword to tear the law force, into the halo on the stars. boom

Rumble... day

The ground is exploding, and the light rain is like a waterfall. in

There are more light rains in the halo, and the power of the law is constantly appearing, suppressing the Tianzhou, and destroying the strange doors on the Tianzhou, thus affecting the three heavenly creatures. "

Oh! ”

The evil emperor screamed and was directly hit by the light rain, flying out with the corner of the heavenly boat, and appeared in an ancient tower at the moment of life and death, protecting him in it, tearing the halo on the stars, toward the gorgeous Big star.


The Tianzhou is like a collision on a mountain. It is on the spot, even if the law of burning the sky is not able to stand up at this moment, it is so damaged, and Lingfeng, Candle Dragon and Tianqi are separated instantly.

The candle dragon flew out of a dragon palace on the forehead, held the world, held her to fly into the distance, through the halo, and Tian Qi gave birth to a hundred rainbows on the top of her head, shrouded her, sinking, like a meteorite. . most

The sad reminder is Ling Feng, he does not have the strength of the three characters, and the treasure that the Tian Zun sent is too important, he does not want to waste at this moment. but

. on

At that moment, the ancient Wuta appeared automatically, and Ling Feng was hit in, and appeared in the eight-door, but it was very sinking and tearing halo. Although it was shaken by the bomb, it was not damaged.

The wind is screaming, the stars are shaking!

Ling Feng only felt that he was in a bumpy carriage. The indestructible gods and flesh and bones seemed to be scattered at this moment. The pain spread on the body, which made his face twisted, but he insisted.


A huge explosion circulated in the ancient Wuta, let Ling Feng fainted on the spot, just shocks, there is such a power, can imagine how terrible this sentient star is, and the sinking giant Wei actually was able to stun a top god, and it was even more shocking under the protection of the ancient Wuta. Do not

Know when.

Ling Feng was faintly awakened, only to feel the eyes of Venus, the footsteps of vain, cold sweat and direct current, even if it has fallen, but still have a lingering fear, if it is not extraordinary, but I am afraid that he may be beaten away.

and. day

The boat was torn up, which made him worry about the way back. in

In the eight-door gate of Guwu Tower, the interest rate was completely reduced. When the breath of Ling Feng was completely restored, Ling Feng suddenly flew out of the ancient Wuta.

The old trees are tall and not like the world. each

The leaves of an old tree all show an irregular shape, extremely strong, and the scent of scent flows in it, and the atmosphere is long. Here, Lingfeng feels that his own path has become different. Although it has been suppressed by the flood, there is more Further possibilities.

This kind of scent can create extraordinary power and has a great impact on his future.

however. Ling

The wind has not yet had time to appreciate the scenery of the ancient times, but the cold hair is upside down, and the sky is falling backwards. The gods look into the distance, where there are a pair of eyes that are staring at him coldly, revealing a faint blue light. Sen

Cold bloodthirsty!

It is a mountain... No, it is a living being. he

The first two-horned, wolf-like body, the fur is bright, like a hard metal, each hair is like a steel needle, and its body is too big, it is a mountain, covering a radius of fifty miles, the eyes are like two In the cave, blue light emerges.

Yaozu! Let

Lingfeng vomiting blood is that Guwuta is right and right in front of this Yaozu, and kneeling on his left forelimb, the heavy stalwart makes his flesh and blood fly, savage.

"Paralysis, it is not heaven and justice!"

The face of the Yaozu was distorted by the pain. Previously it was thought to be the change of the heavens and the earth of this sentient being, so it did not move. I wanted to observe the ancient Wuta first. I didn’t think that Guwuta did not see any doorway, but I saw it. Go to a guy like the gods and people to fly out in a very aggressive posture.

The Yaozu is very angry! dog

The fart is falling to justice, this is a man-made disaster! late


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